Топик Социальные сети рассказывает о сайтах, разработанных с целью познакомить и собрать людей с общими интересами, дать им возможность общаться на различные темы, выкладывать и обсуждать фото и видео, добавлять друг друга в друзья или недруги, загружать и слушать музыку и т.д. Одним из плюсов социальных сетей является возможность найти давно потерянных друзей, родственников и одноклассников. Первые социальные сети появились на западе и самые популярные из них – Facebook, MySpace и др. Социальная сеть сегодня – это, в первую очередь, инструмент для общения оn-line, который нам предлагает Интернет, и у каждого есть выбор, пользоваться им или нет. Более 80% компаний по всему миру используют социальные сети в работе, и около 78% людей доверяют информации из социальных сетей. В последнее время сети все больше открываются внешнему миру, а многие личные данные пользователей уже доступны для всех желающих. Социальные сети стали самым центром современного Интернета и так плотно слились с общественной жизнью человека, что нельзя уже и представить, как он без них будет существовать.
We don`t imagine our lives without Internet. We can find all necessary information there. We use popular services and sources every day. One of the most popular sources is social nets. A social network is a very useful invention of the 21st century. Nowadays millions of people use social networks. It is an Internet site that gives us a chance to support various contacts, keep friendly relationships with classmates, acquaintances. More functional social nets allow watching photos and video films, to listen to music and so on. There is a possibility to enter different interesting groups. There exist social nets connecting people according to a general interest, for example, computer games players are combined into a social net.
People got used to surfing on the Internet because it is quick and very easy to discover any wish. You don`t need to think of suggestions and ideas. At least what you need is to be able to type correctly. I think social networks help disabled and lonely people very much. They can create an account and start communicating with other identical partners. Most of social networks are used by people to meet friends with similar interests and hobbies. Very often close-minded persons find each other on the Internet. Although people live far away from one another, any network can unite them. However, why are social networks so widespread and widely used? As we live in an era where technology is at its peak and is in constant development, things like reading books on the internet, shopping online and communication with contacts around the globe, which were impossible a hundred years ago, are now part of everyday life. The most vital part of today’s world is speed – the speed of acquiring information.
The appeal of social networks lies firstly in their accessibility – the registration on most of the popular social networks is free of charge. Accessibility and ease of use is what makes sites such as Facebook and MySpace appealing. Secondly social networks create the possibility to connect with friends, acquaintances or even strangers across the world, which is vital in the modern world. While during the pre-internet era communication required countless amounts of time, energy and money then today it is only a click away. In addition social networks allow people to monitor the social developments of their ‘friend list’. Finally, in addition to fulfilling the task of a social network, sites such as Facebook provide entertainment for their users. Take for instance the Facebook applications, which feature all kinds of quizzes and games for the users. And so numbers of users of Facebook are millions.
Writing and receiving correspondence with the help of post is a long process. It takes time and money. More over a letter can be lost. But e-mail can`t be lost and doesn`t take much time. A social network is a very useful invention of the 21st century. Thanks to modern technologies people can not only write different kinds of letters to their partners all over the world, but talk and see them by means of a web camera. But on the other hand, social networks are a great trouble. They made people forget traditional heart-to-heart talk. Sometimes you can`t see the eyes of your partners and feel their emotions. Besides, social networks are full of aggressive, cruel, violent and dangerous videos for children.
Many uncertain persons try to raise their self-confidence using social networks. It can be said that on the internet, namely on social networking sites, you can never be certain of who is “listening”. I believe networks can be used by adult people and children at the age of fourteen and up. As for me, I use social networks with great pleasure as they give me a helping hand with my self-education and communication.
Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our
According to the
Oxford Dictionary, a «social network» is a dedicated website or
other application which enables users to communicate with each
other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc.
There are several types of social networks. Some of them are
primarily for socializing with existing friends; others can help
you to find specific information.
The most basic feature of these websites is a profile with a
list of «friends» who are also users of the site. A profile is
generated from answers to questions, such as age, location,
interests, etc. Some sites allow users to upload pictures, add
multimedia content or modify the look of the profile. User
profiles often have a section dedicated to comments from friends
and other users. To protect user privacy, social networks
typically have controls that allow users to choose who can view
their profile, contact them, add them to their list of contacts,
and so on. Apart from chatting with your friends and meeting new
people who share your interests, social networks allow you to
follow pages of celebrities you are interested in or groups that
post information you need.
Today social networking sites spread any information faster than
any other media. Over 50% of people learn about breaking news on
social media. At the same time, not all the information spread
in the social media is trustworthy. There were several cases
when rumors spread in a social network caused panic in Mexico
City in 2012.
Many users complain about lack of privacy but, on the other
hand, there are cases when posts in social networks helped
police to catch criminals.
Whereas in general Internet helps students to do better at
school and they often use social networks to discuss educational
topics and school assignments, the researches show 20% decline
in test results of students who used social networking sites
while studying.
Social networks seem to have improved our communication a lot.
They help not only to keep in touch with friends and relatives
who live far away but also to improve relationship with old
friends and make new ones. At the same time some adults and
especially teenagers have experienced problems with face-to-face
communication after spending too much time in online dialogues.
Although social networks help employers to find employees and
job-seekers to find a job, overuse of them can harm job
stability. Researches prove that 40% of 8 to 18 year olds spend
54 minutes a day on social media sites. When alerted to a new
social networking site activity, users take 20 to 25 minutes on
average to return to the original task.
To sum up, all these fact show us that we should be careful
while using social networks. They are great source of
information and give us new opportunities for communication, but
we should be aware that some information may be false and
misleading. And what is more, we should not waste or precious
time and forget about face-to-face communication in real life. Хороши ли сайты социальных сетей
для нашего общества?
Согласно Оксфордскому словарю,
«социальная сеть» – это посвященный чему-либо веб-сайт или
другое приложение, которое позволяет пользователям общаться друг
с другом путем размещения информации, комментариев, сообщений,
изображений и т.д.
Существует несколько типов соцсетей. Некоторые из них главным
образом для общения с вашими друзьями, другие могут помочь вам
найти конкретную информацию.
Основная черта всех этих сайтов – наличие профиля со списком
«друзей», которые также являются пользователями данного сайта.
Профиль создается из ответов на вопросы о возрасте, месте
жительства, интересах и пр. Некоторые сайты позволяют
пользователям загружать изображения, добавлять мультимедийное
содержание или изменять внешний вид профиля. В пользовательских
профилях часто есть раздел, посвященный комментариям друзей и
других пользователей. Обычно, чтобы защитить конфиденциальную
информацию пользователей соц.сети устанавливают средства
управления, которые позволяют пользователям выбирать, кто может
просматривать их профиль, общаться с ними, добавлять их в свой
список контактов и т.д. Помимо общения с друзьями и знакомства с
людьми, разделяющими ваши интересы, соцсети позволяют следить за
страницами интересных вам знаменитостей или группами, где
размещают необходимую вам информацию.
Сегодня соц.сети распространяют любую информацию быстрее, чем
любые другие СМИ. Более 50% человек узнает об основных новостях
из соцсетей. В то же время, не вся информация, распространяемая
социальными СМИ, является достоверной. Было несколько случаев,
когда слухи из соц.сетей приводили к панике в Мехико в 2012
Многие пользователи жалуются на несоблюдение секретности, но с
другой стороны, есть случаи, когда публикации в соц.сетях
помогали полиции поймать преступников.
Тогда как в целом Интернет помогает учащимся лучше учиться в
школе, и они часто используют соцсети для обсуждения проблем
образования или домашних заданий, исследования показывают, что
результаты учащихся, которые пользовались соцсетями во время
учебы ниже на 20%.
Похоже, что соц.сети значительно улучшили общение. Они помогают
не только поддерживать связь с друзьями и родственниками,
которые живут далеко, но и улучшают отношения между старыми
друзьями, помогают завести новых. В то же время некоторые
взрослые, а особенно подростки испытали проблемы в живом общении
после того, как провели много времени в диалогах в интернете.
Хотя соцсети помогают работодателям найти работников, а тем, кто
ищет работу, найти ее, чрезмерное их использование может нанести
вред стабильности работы. Исследования доказывают, что 40% людей
в возрасте от 8 до 18 лет проводят в среднем 54 минуты на сайтах
соцсетей. А после получения сигнала о новом действии на сайте
социальной сети, у пользователей уходит в среднем 20-25 минут,
чтобы вернуться к изначальному заданию.
В целом, все эти факты показывают, что мы должны быть
осторожными, когда пользуемся соцсетями. Они являются отличным
источником информации и приносят новые возможности для общения,
но мы должны понимать, что некоторая информация может быть
ложной и ввести в заблуждение. Более того, мы не должны терять
впустую драгоценное время и забывать о живом общении в реальной
жизни. Vocabulary: assignment –
controls – средства управления
breaking news – срочная \главная новость
decline – снижение
dedicate – посвящать
face-to-face communication – живое общение
improve – улучшать
media – средства массовой информации, сми
research – исследование
social network – социальная сеть, соцсеть
trustworthy – достоверный
to be in touch with – находиться в контакте\на связи с…
Answer the questions
1. What is the definition of «social network»?
2. What types of social networks do you know? What is the
difference between them?
3. What are the main features of most social networks?
4. Translate the underlined expressions. Use them in your own
sentences about social networks.
5. Explain what these numbers from the text mean: 20, 50,20-25,
54, 2012
Everyone knows that the Internet has become very important in our life, and now we can’t imagine our life without visiting our pages in social networks at least once a week. On the one hand, it is good because we can chat with a cousin that runs practice in another country, or former classmates with whom we can’t find time to meet…
And all it we can do without leaving home. However, the effect of social networks on the person worries scientists from around the world more and more. The results of their scientific research are quite disappointing. Let’s try to understand what is good and what is bad concerning social networks. As for me, I think that social networks are a great danger for modern society.
Let me introduce my arguments. Firstly, people have a certain dependence on online social networks. They need to constantly check: whether they have increased their rating, who has rated their photos, and who has added as his new virtual friend. Secondly, people wean off live communication and get more adapted to the virtual one. They express their emotions through “smiles”, and that is the most terrible, they allow themselves too much greater freedom and irresponsibility for their words. Thirdly, people sitting in front of screens or using their devices to talk “online” waste much time which could be spent with much use. They could go out with their friends, walk in fresh air, and not spoil their eyesight in front of computer monitors. They might work, and, in fact, it isn’t so difficult to start a new acquaintance jogging in the park…
But other people have their own opinion on this problem. They believe that social networks are useful and even necessary for some segments of society. People with disabilities have an opportunity to communicate with other people and express their points of view while in real life they are deprived of the freedom of action. They can’t meet with someone in the park or share phones with the same fan of the music group met at their concert as healthy people do. For most of these people communicating in a social network is the only way not be alone in this world, have buddies and associates, even in the Internet and hundreds of miles away.
I can’t completely disagree with this point of view, but when it comes to healthy people, who is caught in non-existent images and lost amongst the fictional friends? They certainly need to be rescued…
In conclusion, I would like to stress that social networks really occupy an important place in the life of most modern people, but the question is: how many times a day does a person communicate virtually and doesn’t it replace real communication? If you read and respond to these questions with “yes”, then you have nothing to worry about, but if otherwise… I personally advise you: disconnect from all chats at least for a couple of hours and go for a walk… It will be great! Listen to birds singing, feel the spring!
Всем известно, что Интернет прочно вошел в нашу жизнь, и теперь мы уже не можем представить её без посещения своих страничек в социальных сетях, по крайней мере, несколько раз в неделю. С одной стороны, это хорошо, потому что мы можем общаться с двоюродным братом, который проходит практику в другой стране, или бывшими одноклассниками, с которыми мы не можем найти время, чтобы встретиться в будничной жизни… И самое главное все это мы можем сделать, не выходя из дома! Тем не менее, эффект производимый социальными сетями на человека беспокоит ученых со всего мира все больше и больше.
Результаты научных исследований являются довольно неутешительными. Давайте попробуем разобраться, что хорошее и что плохое таят в себе социальные сети. Что касается меня, я считаю, что социальные сети представляют большую опасность для современного общества.
Позвольте мне представить свои аргументы. Во-первых, люди имеют определенную зависимость от социальных сетей. Они должны постоянно проверять: увеличился ли их рейтинг, кто оценил фотографии и добавил в качестве своего нового виртуального друга. Во-вторых, люди отвыкли от живого общения и более приспособились к виртуальному. Они выражают свои эмоции через «смайлы». А что самое страшное, так это то, что они позволяют себе слишком большую свободу и не несут никакой ответственности за свои слова. В-третьих, люди просиживая за экранами девайсов много часов и общаясь в режиме “онлайн” могли бы с гораздо большей пользой провести потраченные в пустую часы. Они могли бы пойти погулять на улицу, подышать свежим воздухом, а не ухудшать свое зрение перед монитором компьютера; могли бы заняться спортом, а ведь не так уж и сложно завести новое знакомство, совершая пробежку по парку…
Но другие люди имеют свое мнение по поводу затрагиваемой проблемы. Они считают, что социальные сети полезны и даже необходимы для некоторых слоев общества. Благодаря им, люди-инвалиды имеют возможность общаться и выражать свою позицию. В реальной жизни они, к сожалению, лишены такой свободы действий. Они не могут встретиться с кем-то в парке или обменяться номерами телефонов с одним из фанатов музыкальной группы, встретившись на их концерте, так как это могут здоровые люди. Для большинства таких людей общение в социальных сетях является единственным способом не остаться одному в этом мире, иметь собеседников и единомышленников, даже по интернету, не смотря на разделяющие их сотни километров.
Я не могу не согласиться с этой точкой зрения, но если речь идет о здоровых людях, которые запутываются в несуществующих образах и теряются среди вымышленных друзей, то их непременно надо спасать…
В заключение я хотела бы подчеркнуть, что социальные сети действительно занимают важное место в жизни большинства современных людей, но вопрос в том: сколько раз в день человек общается виртуально и не заменяет ли это ему реальное общение? Если вы прочитали и ответили на эти вопросы «да», то вам не о чем беспокоиться, но если иначе … Лично я советую вам: отключитесь от всех чатов, по крайней мере, на несколько часов, и выйдите на прогулку… Это будет здорово! Послушайте пение птиц, почувствуйте весну!
In recent years social media has become deeply integrated in our everyday lives. The concept of social media itself includes several categories: blogs, live journals, forums, chats, dating sites and, of course, social networking sites or SNS. Essentially, they all are platforms for people’s remote communication, i.e. exchange of different types of information: text messages, music, photo and video content. The most popular with the young people are social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vkontakte and so on. On the one hand, a social network is a very convenient tool for a quick message exchange, searching for old friends and making new acquaintances, keeping important information and discussing pressing issues in groups, right in the comfort of one’s home. On the other hand, psychologists and psychiatrists of the world ring alarm bells: social networking addiction too often becomes the cause of serious mental and nervous disorders, such as depression, social isolation, autism, and even suicide attempts of teenagers and young people. To my mind, social networking sites can be both useful and dangerous depending on who and how uses them. And I want to try to analyze their advantages and disadvantages.
We don`t imagine our lives without Internet. We can find all necessary information there. We use popular services and sources every day. One of the most popular sources is social nets. A social network is a very useful invention of the 21st century. Nowadays millions of people use social networks. It is an Internet site that gives us a chance to support various contacts, keep friendly relationships with classmates, acquaintances. More functional social nets allow watching photos and video films, to listen to music and so on. There is a possibility to enter different interesting groups. There exist social nets connecting people according to a general interest, for example, computer games players are combined into a social net.
People got used to surfing on the Internet because it is quick and very easy to discover any wish. You don`t need to think of suggestions and ideas. At least what you need is to be able to type correctly. I think social networks help disabled and lonely people very much. They can create an account and start communicating with other identical partners. Most of social networks are used by people to meet friends with similar interests and hobbies. Very often close – minded persons find each other on the Internet. Although people live far away from one another any network can unite them. However why are social networks so widespread and widely used? As we live in an era where technology is at its peak and is in constant development, things like reading books on the internet, shopping online and communication with contacts around the globe, which were impossible a hundred years ago, are now part of everyday life. The most vital part of today’s world is speed – the speed of acquiring information.
The appeal of social networks lies firstly in their accessibility – the registration on most of the popular social networks is free of charge. Accessibility and ease of use is what makes sites such as Facebook and MySpace appealing. Secondly social networks create the possibility to connect with friends, acquaintances or even strangers across the world, which is vital in the modern world. While during the pre-internet era communication required countless amounts of time, energy and money then today it is only a click away. In addition social networks allow people to monitor the social developments of their ‘friend list’. Finally, in addition to fulfilling the task of a social network, sites such as Facebook, provide entertainment for their users. Take for instance the Facebook applications, which feature all kinds of quizzes and games for the users. And so numbers of users of Facebook are millions.
Writing and receiving correspondence with the help of post is a long process. It takes time and money. More over a letter can be lost. But e-mail can`t be lost and doesn`t take much time. A social network is a very useful invention of the 21st century. Thanks to modern technologies people can not only write different kinds of letters to their partners all over the world, but talk and see them by means of a web camera. But on the other hand, social networks are a great trouble. They made people forget traditional heart-to-heart talk. Sometimes you can`t see the eyes of your partners and feel their emotions. Besides, social networks are full of aggressive, cruel, violent and dangerous videos for children.
Many uncertain persons try to raise their self-confidence using social networks.
Nowadays there are different ways of interpersonal communication. We communicate to each other by means of personal meetings (direct way of communication) as well as using Internet resources. They are e-mail letters, online chatting in ICQ, social networking sites (SNS). Which ways of interpersonal communication are the best in the 21 century? Why SNS often become the cause of conflicts between parents and their children?
Teens prefer SNS to personal meetings today. First, we save time communicating in online… Second, Skype, for example, lets us communicate with those ones who live in remote cities. Third, we save money. These are reasons in favour of VKontakte and Skype. They’re chosen more often by my classmates for exchanging information with their relatives and friends, for sending virtual gifts. Plus, we needn’t go somewhere to discuss something. Moreover, when my parents are in business trips, we communicate through Skype. We don’t miss each other!
In contrast to all advantages, communication in SNS forces out «face to face» communication. SNS are not censored at all. It may influence badly on teen’s psychology. Besides, social networks are addictive. Furthermore, spending too much time using SNS leads to conflicts between teens and their parents.
Unfortunately, nowadays we sometimes face interpersonal conflicts. For instance, parents and their children share neither their interests nor their way of thinking. To my mind, we should be afraid of not conflicts but inability and unwillingness to solve them. I believe everybody should respect wishes of others. Everyone should be tolerant to another people’s tastes and choice. People can choose the ways of communicating.
Милинис Алисия
7 «а» класс
школа №94
ул. Даргомыжского, 22а (Ленинский район)
учитель: Смирнова Ирина Рафаиловна, 89159308904 irsmir@bk.ru
My Social Network: family and friends.
We live in a changeable world. Nowadays we have a big diversity of modern devices. For examle, computer, which provides an access to the Internet. The Internet is convinient for search information. Also there are many social networks. What impact has social network on our life?
In my opinion, the social network negative influence. Firstly, people can lose a contact with a real life. They get used to be in cyberspace where they are not real and hiding behind the mask. Consequently, people cannot make friends in reality. Secondly, it addictive and now many children have this addictive. People check their mail every day, update their profile photo too often so others people evaluated their appearance. People’s oponions become importand for them and they realy sad, when his photo is not liked. As a result, it is no matter how they look in real life and what they do. The only what excites them is their “second” life.
On the other hand, some people believe that social network is very useful and have positive impact. They say that people can find other people who share their interests there and that is more easy that in reality. Besides, they confirm that it is good for some people because it is hard fore them make friends and comunicate face to face. So, she people can be more opened in soial network. I strongly desagree with their points of view because if people are sociable they able find friends without help of the Internert. But shy people should learn to communicate in real life. If they continue sitting in social network and do nothing for success, their shyness will be with them infinitely.
Dispite others people’s opinion I still believe that social network cannot substitute real-life communication and I think that is incredible to communicate face to face.
Время выполнения 45 минут. 258 слов
Everyone knows that the Internet has become very important in our life, and now we can’t imagine our life without visiting our pages in social networks at least once a week. On the one hand, it is good because we can chat with a cousin that runs practice in another country, or former classmates with whom we can’t find time to meet…
And all it we can do without leaving home. However, the effect of social networks on the person worries scientists from around the world more and more. The results of their scientific research are quite disappointing. Let’s try to understand what is good and what is bad concerning social networks. As for me, I think that social networks are a great danger for modern society.
Let me introduce my arguments. Firstly, people have a certain dependence on online social networks. They need to constantly check: whether they have increased their rating, who has rated their photos, and who has added as his new virtual friend. Secondly, people wean off live communication and get more adapted to the virtual one. They express their emotions through “smiles”, and that is the most terrible, they allow themselves too much greater freedom and irresponsibility for their words. Thirdly, people sitting in front of screens or using their devices to talk “online” waste much time which could be spent with much use. They could go out with their friends, walk in fresh air, and not spoil their eyesight in front of computer monitors. They might work, and, in fact, it isn’t so difficult to start a new acquaintance jogging in the park …
But other people have their own opinion on this problem. They believe that social networks are useful and even necessary for some segments of society. People with disabilities have an opportunity to communicate with other people and express their points of view while in real life they are deprived of the freedom of action. They can’t meet with someone in the park or share phones with the same fan of the music group met at their concert as healthy people do. For most of these people communicating in a social network is the only way not be alone in this world, have buddies and associates, even in the Internet and hundreds of miles away.
I can’t completely disagree with this point of view, but when it comes to healthy people, who is caught in non-existent images and lost amongst the fictional friends? They certainly need to be rescued …
In conclusion, I would like to stress that social networks really occupy an important place in the life of most modern people, but the question is: how many times a day does a person communicate virtually and doesn’t it replace real communication? If you read and respond to these questions with “yes”, then you have nothing to worry about, but if otherwise… I personally advise you: disconnect from all chats at least for a couple of hours and go for a walk… It will be great! Listen to birds singing, feel the spring!
Nowadays millions of people use social networks. They got used to surfing on the Internet because it is quick and very easy to discover any wish. You don`t need to think of suggestions and ideas. At least what you need is to be able to type correctly.
I think social networks help disabled and lonely people very much. They can create an account and start communicating with other identical partners. Most of social networks are used by people to meet friends with similar interests and hobbies. Very often close – minded persons find each other on the Internet. Although people live far away from one another any network can unite them. Writing and receiving correspondence with the help of post is a long process. It takes time and money. More over a letter can be lost. But e-mail can`t be lost and doesn`t take much time. Social networks is a very useful invention of the 21st century. Thanks to modern technologies people can not only write different kinds of letters to their partners all over the world, but talk and see them by means of a web camera.
But on the other hand, social networks are a great trouble. They made people forget traditional heart-to-heart talk. Sometimes you can`t see the eyes of your partners and feel their emotions. Besides, social networks are full of aggressive, cruel, violent and dangerous videos for children. Many uncertain persons try to raise their self confidence using social networks.
I believe networks can be used by adult people and children at the age of fourteen and up. As for me, I use social networks with great pleasure as they give me a helping hand with my self-education and communication.
Сегодня миллионы людей пользуются социальными сетями. Они привыкли гулять по Интернету, так как легко и просто найти всё что хочешь. Тебе не нужно думать о предложениях и идеях. Минимум, что нужно, уметь -печатать правильно.
Я думаю, социальные сети очень помогают одиноким и больным людям. Они могут просто создать свой пароль и начать общаться с такими же партнерами. Большинство социальных сетей используются для того, чтобы завести друзей с аналогичными интересами и увлечениями. Очень часто близкие по духу люди находят друг друга в Интернете. Хотя они живут далеко друг от друга, любая сеть может объединить их. Написание и получение корреспонденции с помощью почты это долгий процесс. Он требует времени и денег. Более того, письмо может потеряться.
А электронная почта не теряется и не занимает много времени. Социальные сети -это очень полезное изобретение 21 века. Благодаря современным технологиям, люди имеют возможность не только писать различные виды писем своим партнерам по всему миру, но и разговаривать и видеть друг друга при помощи вебкамеры.
Но с другой стороны, социальные сети являются большой проблемой. Они заставили людей забыть традиционные душевные беседы. Иногда ты не видишь глаза собеседников и не чувствуешь их эмоций. Кроме того, социальные сети забиты жестокими, агрессивными и опасными для детей роликами. Многие неуверенные в себе люди пытаются повысить самооценку, используя сети.
Я полагаю, что пользоваться социальными сетями могут взрослые люди и дети в возрасте от четырнадцати лет и старше. Что касается меня, я с большим удовольствием пользуюсь сетями, так как они помогают мне в самообразовании и общении.
Copyright © Russian centres of City and Guilds, 2011-2012
Топик Социальные сети рассказывает о сайтах, разработанных с целью познакомить и собрать людей с общими интересами, дать им возможность общаться на различные темы, выкладывать и обсуждать фото и видео, добавлять друг друга в друзья или недруги, загружать и слушать музыку и т.д. Одним из плюсов социальных сетей является возможность найти давно потерянных друзей, родственников и одноклассников. Первые социальные сети появились на западе и самые популярные из них – Facebook, MySpace и др. Социальная сеть сегодня – это, в первую очередь, инструмент для общения оn-line, который нам предлагает Интернет, и у каждого есть выбор, пользоваться им или нет. Более 80% компаний по всему миру используют социальные сети в работе, и около 78% людей доверяют информации из социальных сетей. В последнее время сети все больше открываются внешнему миру, а многие личные данные пользователей уже доступны для всех желающих. Социальные сети стали самым центром современного Интернета и так плотно слились с общественной жизнью человека, что нельзя уже и представить, как он без них будет существовать.
We don`t imagine our lives without Internet. We can find all necessary information there. We use popular services and sources every day. One of the most popular sources is social nets. A social network is a very useful invention of the 21st century. Nowadays millions of people use social networks. It is an Internet site that gives us a chance to support various contacts, keep friendly relationships with classmates, acquaintances. More functional social nets allow watching photos and video films, to listen to music and so on. There is a possibility to enter different interesting groups. There exist social nets connecting people according to a general interest, for example, computer games players are combined into a social net.
People got used to surfing on the Internet because it is quick and very easy to discover any wish. You don`t need to think of suggestions and ideas. At least what you need is to be able to type correctly. I think social networks help disabled and lonely people very much. They can create an account and start communicating with other identical partners. Most of social networks are used by people to meet friends with similar interests and hobbies. Very often close-minded persons find each other on the Internet. Although people live far away from one another, any network can unite them. However, why are social networks so widespread and widely used? As we live in an era where technology is at its peak and is in constant development, things like reading books on the internet, shopping online and communication with contacts around the globe, which were impossible a hundred years ago, are now part of everyday life. The most vital part of today’s world is speed – the speed of acquiring information.
The appeal of social networks lies firstly in their accessibility – the registration on most of the popular social networks is free of charge. Accessibility and ease of use is what makes sites such as Facebook and MySpace appealing. Secondly social networks create the possibility to connect with friends, acquaintances or even strangers across the world, which is vital in the modern world. While during the pre-internet era communication required countless amounts of time, energy and money then today it is only a click away. In addition social networks allow people to monitor the social developments of their ‘friend list’. Finally, in addition to fulfilling the task of a social network, sites such as Facebook provide entertainment for their users. Take for instance the Facebook applications, which feature all kinds of quizzes and games for the users. And so numbers of users of Facebook are millions.
Writing and receiving correspondence with the help of post is a long process. It takes time and money. More over a letter can be lost. But e-mail can`t be lost and doesn`t take much time. A social network is a very useful invention of the 21st century. Thanks to modern technologies people can not only write different kinds of letters to their partners all over the world, but talk and see them by means of a web camera. But on the other hand, social networks are a great trouble. They made people forget traditional heart-to-heart talk. Sometimes you can`t see the eyes of your partners and feel their emotions. Besides, social networks are full of aggressive, cruel, violent and dangerous videos for children.
Many uncertain persons try to raise their self-confidence using social networks. It can be said that on the internet, namely on social networking sites, you can never be certain of who is “listening”. I believe networks can be used by adult people and children at the age of fourteen and up. As for me, I use social networks with great pleasure as they give me a helping hand with my self-education and communication.
Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our
According to the
Oxford Dictionary, a «social network» is a dedicated website or
other application which enables users to communicate with each
other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc.
There are several types of social networks. Some of them are
primarily for socializing with existing friends; others can help
you to find specific information.
The most basic feature of these websites is a profile with a
list of «friends» who are also users of the site. A profile is
generated from answers to questions, such as age, location,
interests, etc. Some sites allow users to upload pictures, add
multimedia content or modify the look of the profile. User
profiles often have a section dedicated to comments from friends
and other users. To protect user privacy, social networks
typically have controls that allow users to choose who can view
their profile, contact them, add them to their list of contacts,
and so on. Apart from chatting with your friends and meeting new
people who share your interests, social networks allow you to
follow pages of celebrities you are interested in or groups that
post information you need.
Today social networking sites spread any information faster than
any other media. Over 50% of people learn about breaking news on
social media. At the same time, not all the information spread
in the social media is trustworthy. There were several cases
when rumors spread in a social network caused panic in Mexico
City in 2012.
Many users complain about lack of privacy but, on the other
hand, there are cases when posts in social networks helped
police to catch criminals.
Whereas in general Internet helps students to do better at
school and they often use social networks to discuss educational
topics and school assignments, the researches show 20% decline
in test results of students who used social networking sites
while studying.
Social networks seem to have improved our communication a lot.
They help not only to keep in touch with friends and relatives
who live far away but also to improve relationship with old
friends and make new ones. At the same time some adults and
especially teenagers have experienced problems with face-to-face
communication after spending too much time in online dialogues.
Although social networks help employers to find employees and
job-seekers to find a job, overuse of them can harm job
stability. Researches prove that 40% of 8 to 18 year olds spend
54 minutes a day on social media sites. When alerted to a new
social networking site activity, users take 20 to 25 minutes on
average to return to the original task.
To sum up, all these fact show us that we should be careful
while using social networks. They are great source of
information and give us new opportunities for communication, but
we should be aware that some information may be false and
misleading. And what is more, we should not waste or precious
time and forget about face-to-face communication in real life.
Хороши ли сайты социальных сетей
для нашего общества?
Согласно Оксфордскому словарю,
«социальная сеть» – это посвященный чему-либо веб-сайт или
другое приложение, которое позволяет пользователям общаться друг
с другом путем размещения информации, комментариев, сообщений,
изображений и т.д.
Существует несколько типов соцсетей. Некоторые из них главным
образом для общения с вашими друзьями, другие могут помочь вам
найти конкретную информацию.
Основная черта всех этих сайтов – наличие профиля со списком
«друзей», которые также являются пользователями данного сайта.
Профиль создается из ответов на вопросы о возрасте, месте
жительства, интересах и пр. Некоторые сайты позволяют
пользователям загружать изображения, добавлять мультимедийное
содержание или изменять внешний вид профиля. В пользовательских
профилях часто есть раздел, посвященный комментариям друзей и
других пользователей. Обычно, чтобы защитить конфиденциальную
информацию пользователей соц.сети устанавливают средства
управления, которые позволяют пользователям выбирать, кто может
просматривать их профиль, общаться с ними, добавлять их в свой
список контактов и т.д. Помимо общения с друзьями и знакомства с
людьми, разделяющими ваши интересы, соцсети позволяют следить за
страницами интересных вам знаменитостей или группами, где
размещают необходимую вам информацию.
Сегодня соц.сети распространяют любую информацию быстрее, чем
любые другие СМИ. Более 50% человек узнает об основных новостях
из соцсетей. В то же время, не вся информация, распространяемая
социальными СМИ, является достоверной. Было несколько случаев,
когда слухи из соц.сетей приводили к панике в Мехико в 2012
Многие пользователи жалуются на несоблюдение секретности, но с
другой стороны, есть случаи, когда публикации в соц.сетях
помогали полиции поймать преступников.
Тогда как в целом Интернет помогает учащимся лучше учиться в
школе, и они часто используют соцсети для обсуждения проблем
образования или домашних заданий, исследования показывают, что
результаты учащихся, которые пользовались соцсетями во время
учебы ниже на 20%.
Похоже, что соц.сети значительно улучшили общение. Они помогают
не только поддерживать связь с друзьями и родственниками,
которые живут далеко, но и улучшают отношения между старыми
друзьями, помогают завести новых. В то же время некоторые
взрослые, а особенно подростки испытали проблемы в живом общении
после того, как провели много времени в диалогах в интернете.
Хотя соцсети помогают работодателям найти работников, а тем, кто
ищет работу, найти ее, чрезмерное их использование может нанести
вред стабильности работы. Исследования доказывают, что 40% людей
в возрасте от 8 до 18 лет проводят в среднем 54 минуты на сайтах
соцсетей. А после получения сигнала о новом действии на сайте
социальной сети, у пользователей уходит в среднем 20-25 минут,
чтобы вернуться к изначальному заданию.
В целом, все эти факты показывают, что мы должны быть
осторожными, когда пользуемся соцсетями. Они являются отличным
источником информации и приносят новые возможности для общения,
но мы должны понимать, что некоторая информация может быть
ложной и ввести в заблуждение. Более того, мы не должны терять
впустую драгоценное время и забывать о живом общении в реальной
assignment –
controls – средства управления
breaking news – срочная \главная новость
decline – снижение
dedicate – посвящать
face-to-face communication – живое общение
improve – улучшать
media – средства массовой информации, сми
research – исследование
social network – социальная сеть, соцсеть
trustworthy – достоверный
to be in touch with – находиться в контакте\на связи с…
Answer the questions
1. What is the definition of «social network»?
2. What types of social networks do you know? What is the
difference between them?
3. What are the main features of most social networks?
4. Translate the underlined expressions. Use them in your own
sentences about social networks.
5. Explain what these numbers from the text mean: 20, 50,20-25,
54, 2012
Everyone knows that the Internet has become very important in our life, and now we can’t imagine our life without visiting our pages in social networks at least once a week. On the one hand, it is good because we can chat with a cousin that runs practice in another country, or former classmates with whom we can’t find time to meet…
And all it we can do without leaving home. However, the effect of social networks on the person worries scientists from around the world more and more. The results of their scientific research are quite disappointing. Let’s try to understand what is good and what is bad concerning social networks. As for me, I think that social networks are a great danger for modern society.
Let me introduce my arguments. Firstly, people have a certain dependence on online social networks. They need to constantly check: whether they have increased their rating, who has rated their photos, and who has added as his new virtual friend. Secondly, people wean off live communication and get more adapted to the virtual one. They express their emotions through “smiles”, and that is the most terrible, they allow themselves too much greater freedom and irresponsibility for their words. Thirdly, people sitting in front of screens or using their devices to talk “online” waste much time which could be spent with much use. They could go out with their friends, walk in fresh air, and not spoil their eyesight in front of computer monitors. They might work, and, in fact, it isn’t so difficult to start a new acquaintance jogging in the park…
But other people have their own opinion on this problem. They believe that social networks are useful and even necessary for some segments of society. People with disabilities have an opportunity to communicate with other people and express their points of view while in real life they are deprived of the freedom of action. They can’t meet with someone in the park or share phones with the same fan of the music group met at their concert as healthy people do. For most of these people communicating in a social network is the only way not be alone in this world, have buddies and associates, even in the Internet and hundreds of miles away.
I can’t completely disagree with this point of view, but when it comes to healthy people, who is caught in non-existent images and lost amongst the fictional friends? They certainly need to be rescued…
In conclusion, I would like to stress that social networks really occupy an important place in the life of most modern people, but the question is: how many times a day does a person communicate virtually and doesn’t it replace real communication? If you read and respond to these questions with “yes”, then you have nothing to worry about, but if otherwise… I personally advise you: disconnect from all chats at least for a couple of hours and go for a walk… It will be great! Listen to birds singing, feel the spring!
Всем известно, что Интернет прочно вошел в нашу жизнь, и теперь мы уже не можем представить её без посещения своих страничек в социальных сетях, по крайней мере, несколько раз в неделю. С одной стороны, это хорошо, потому что мы можем общаться с двоюродным братом, который проходит практику в другой стране, или бывшими одноклассниками, с которыми мы не можем найти время, чтобы встретиться в будничной жизни… И самое главное все это мы можем сделать, не выходя из дома! Тем не менее, эффект производимый социальными сетями на человека беспокоит ученых со всего мира все больше и больше.
Результаты научных исследований являются довольно неутешительными. Давайте попробуем разобраться, что хорошее и что плохое таят в себе социальные сети. Что касается меня, я считаю, что социальные сети представляют большую опасность для современного общества.
Позвольте мне представить свои аргументы. Во-первых, люди имеют определенную зависимость от социальных сетей. Они должны постоянно проверять: увеличился ли их рейтинг, кто оценил фотографии и добавил в качестве своего нового виртуального друга. Во-вторых, люди отвыкли от живого общения и более приспособились к виртуальному. Они выражают свои эмоции через «смайлы». А что самое страшное, так это то, что они позволяют себе слишком большую свободу и не несут никакой ответственности за свои слова. В-третьих, люди просиживая за экранами девайсов много часов и общаясь в режиме “онлайн” могли бы с гораздо большей пользой провести потраченные в пустую часы. Они могли бы пойти погулять на улицу, подышать свежим воздухом, а не ухудшать свое зрение перед монитором компьютера; могли бы заняться спортом, а ведь не так уж и сложно завести новое знакомство, совершая пробежку по парку…
Но другие люди имеют свое мнение по поводу затрагиваемой проблемы. Они считают, что социальные сети полезны и даже необходимы для некоторых слоев общества. Благодаря им, люди-инвалиды имеют возможность общаться и выражать свою позицию. В реальной жизни они, к сожалению, лишены такой свободы действий. Они не могут встретиться с кем-то в парке или обменяться номерами телефонов с одним из фанатов музыкальной группы, встретившись на их концерте, так как это могут здоровые люди. Для большинства таких людей общение в социальных сетях является единственным способом не остаться одному в этом мире, иметь собеседников и единомышленников, даже по интернету, не смотря на разделяющие их сотни километров.
Я не могу не согласиться с этой точкой зрения, но если речь идет о здоровых людях, которые запутываются в несуществующих образах и теряются среди вымышленных друзей, то их непременно надо спасать…
В заключение я хотела бы подчеркнуть, что социальные сети действительно занимают важное место в жизни большинства современных людей, но вопрос в том: сколько раз в день человек общается виртуально и не заменяет ли это ему реальное общение? Если вы прочитали и ответили на эти вопросы «да», то вам не о чем беспокоиться, но если иначе … Лично я советую вам: отключитесь от всех чатов, по крайней мере, на несколько часов, и выйдите на прогулку… Это будет здорово! Послушайте пение птиц, почувствуйте весну!
In recent years social media has become deeply integrated in our everyday lives. The concept of social media itself includes several categories: blogs, live journals, forums, chats, dating sites and, of course, social networking sites or SNS. Essentially, they all are platforms for people’s remote communication, i.e. exchange of different types of information: text messages, music, photo and video content. The most popular with the young people are social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vkontakte and so on. On the one hand, a social network is a very convenient tool for a quick message exchange, searching for old friends and making new acquaintances, keeping important information and discussing pressing issues in groups, right in the comfort of one’s home. On the other hand, psychologists and psychiatrists of the world ring alarm bells: social networking addiction too often becomes the cause of serious mental and nervous disorders, such as depression, social isolation, autism, and even suicide attempts of teenagers and young people. To my mind, social networking sites can be both useful and dangerous depending on who and how uses them. And I want to try to analyze their advantages and disadvantages.
In today’s world, social networks are among the most popular enterprises. The plateau of users on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Myspace, to name a few, ranges in the millions. Nowadays, every advertisement, company and event has a Facebook page. However why are social networks so widespread and widely used?
As we live in an era where technology is at its peak and is in constant development, things like reading books on the internet, shopping online and communication with contacts around the globe, which were impossible a hundred years ago, are now part of everyday life. The most vital part of today’s world is speed – the speed of acquiring information. The appeal of social networks lies firstly in their accessibility – the registration on most of the popular social networks is free of charge. Accessibility and ease of use is what makes sites such as Facebook and Myspace appealing. Secondly social networks create the possibility to connect with friends, acquaintances or even strangers across the world, which is vital in the modern world. While during the pre-internet era communication required countless amounts of time, energy and money then today it is only a click away. In addition social networks allow people to monitor the social developments of their ‘friend list’. Finally, in addition to fulfilling the task of a social network, sites such as Facebook, provide entertainment for their users. Take for instance the Facebook applications, which feature all kinds of quizzes and games for the users.
However like in most cases social networks have also a negative side and it is important to ask whether the benefits of social networking outweigh the dangers of it. One of the problems associated with social network services is that during the process of registration, users are asked to fill in mandatory fields requiring personal information. By providing social network services with personal information including full name, address, schools, and hobbies, users also enable anyone to access it, which could impose various risks. For instance the provided personal information could be stolen from the service provider and used for wrong purposes. Another possibility is that the companies providing the social network service may themselves use the provided personal information.
Another problem associated with social networks is the social profile of a person – the image of themselves that they present to others. The internet offers various freedoms and thus often users upload photos of themselves, post messages and so on but do not consider the consequences. Once something is on the internet, it stays there forever. Or as it can be said that on the internet, namely on social networking sites you can never be certain of who is “listening”.
As social networking websites have obtained such popularity, many employers as well as educational establishments monitor/check the image of a possible candidate in order to study their personality and suitability before acceptance. Therefore every user should be aware of their image on social networking sites as they may affect his or her future prospects.
Furthermore accessibility of personal information on the Worldwide Web may attract internet predators and stalkers. In a U.S. National Institute of Justice stalking statistics report stated that 8.1 percent of surveyed women and 2.2 percent of surveyed men reported being stalked. An overall 10.3% of people have reported being stalked online . According to statistics from W.H.O.A. (Working to Halt On-line Abuse) 19.5% of cyber stalking cases escalate to offline stalking , which could be dangerous to the victim’s life.
Therefore it is important to acknowledge both the positive and negative sides of social networks and make use of the benefits while at the same time bearing in mind the consequences.
В современном мире социальные сети являются одними из самых популярных явлений. Количество пользователей социальных сетей, например, Facebook, Twitter и MySpace, достигает миллиардa. В настоящее время у каждой рекламы, компании или события имеется страница в Facebook. Однако, почему социальные сети настолько распространены и популярны?
Мы живем во время активного развития Интернет-технологий. Например, такие для нас привычные действия, как чтение книг в Интернете, интернет-магазины и общение сo всем мирoм, которые были невозможны сто лет назад, теперь являются частью повседневной жизни. Наиболее важной частью современного мира является скорость, точнее, cкорость приобритения информации.Быстрому получению информации и общению способствуют социальные сети. Привлекательность социальных сетей заключается прежде всего в их доступности. Pегистрация на большинствe сайтов самых популярных социальных сетей бесплатнa. Во-первых, именно доступность и простота в использовании делают социальные сети Facebook и Myspace привлекательными. Во-вторых, социальныe сети создают возможность для общения с друзьями, знакомыми или даже незнакомыми людьми по всему миру, что является жизненно важным в современном мире. До возникновения Интернета, общение требовалo бесчисленного количество времени, энергии и денег. Cегодня такое общение требует лишь одного щелчкa мышки и выхода в Интернет.
Однако, как и во всём, у социальных сетей имеются не только положительные, но и отрицательные стороны. В чём же преимущества социальных сетей? Что перевешиваeт: их опасности или польза? Одна из проблем связана с социальными услугами, точнее, то, что в процессе регистрации пользователей просят заполнить обязательные поля требующиe обнародования личнoй информации. Когда ползователи предоставляют сетям социальных услуг личную информацию, включая полное имя, адрес и хобби, они позволяют любому человеку получить доступ к личным данным. Это может быть связано с различными pисками. Например, хакеры могут украсть личную информацию у поставщика услуг и использовать её в неблаговидных целях. Другой возможной проблемой является то, что компании, предоставляющие социальные услуги могут сами использовать личную информацию пользователей.
Дополнительная проблема, связанная с социальными сетями, это социальный статус человека, то есть, внешний образ, который пользователи представляют другим. Интернет – это свободное пространство и предоставляет пользователям различные возможности, например, загрузку фотографий, отправление сообщений и прочее. Но, пользователи не думают о последствиях. Все выложено в Интернет и остаётся там доступным надолго. Можно сказать, что в Интернете, особенно, на сайтах социальных сетей, Вы никогда не можете быть уверены в конфиденциальности информации.
Из-за необыкновенной популярности сайтов социальных сетей многие работодатели и учебные заведения проверяют социальный образ возможного кандидата в целях изучения их личности и профпригодности. Каждый пользователь должен осознавать демонстрируемый социальный образ на сайтах социальных сетей, так как он может повлиять на будущее при трудоустройстве или поступлении в вуз.
Кроме того, доступ к личной информации во всемирной сети Интернета может привлечь интернет- хищников и сталкеров. В докладе Национального института юстиции США о преследованиях говорится, что 8,1 процента опрошенных женщин и 2,2 процента опрошенных мужчин сообщили, что их преследовали с помощью социальных сетей. В общем 10,3% людей сообщили, что их преследуют в Интернете. По статистике W.H.O.A. 19,5% случаев виртуальных преследований перерастают в реальные преследования вне Интернета, что может быть опасным для жизни.
Вот почему важно признать как достоинства, так и недостатки социальных сетей. Это поможет использовать преимущества социальных сетей и обезопасить пользователей социальных сетей.
Copyright © Russian centres of City and Guilds
We don`t imagine our lives without Internet. We can find all necessary information there. We use popular services and sources every day. One of the most popular sources is social nets. A social network is a very useful invention of the 21st century. Nowadays millions of people use social networks. It is an Internet site that gives us a chance to support various contacts, keep friendly relationships with classmates, acquaintances. More functional social nets allow watching photos and video films, to listen to music and so on. There is a possibility to enter different interesting groups. There exist social nets connecting people according to a general interest, for example, computer games players are combined into a social net.
People got used to surfing on the Internet because it is quick and very easy to discover any wish. You don`t need to think of suggestions and ideas. At least what you need is to be able to type correctly. I think social networks help disabled and lonely people very much. They can create an account and start communicating with other identical partners. Most of social networks are used by people to meet friends with similar interests and hobbies. Very often close – minded persons find each other on the Internet. Although people live far away from one another any network can unite them. However why are social networks so widespread and widely used? As we live in an era where technology is at its peak and is in constant development, things like reading books on the internet, shopping online and communication with contacts around the globe, which were impossible a hundred years ago, are now part of everyday life. The most vital part of today’s world is speed – the speed of acquiring information.
The appeal of social networks lies firstly in their accessibility – the registration on most of the popular social networks is free of charge. Accessibility and ease of use is what makes sites such as Facebook and MySpace appealing. Secondly social networks create the possibility to connect with friends, acquaintances or even strangers across the world, which is vital in the modern world. While during the pre-internet era communication required countless amounts of time, energy and money then today it is only a click away. In addition social networks allow people to monitor the social developments of their ‘friend list’. Finally, in addition to fulfilling the task of a social network, sites such as Facebook, provide entertainment for their users. Take for instance the Facebook applications, which feature all kinds of quizzes and games for the users. And so numbers of users of Facebook are millions.
Writing and receiving correspondence with the help of post is a long process. It takes time and money. More over a letter can be lost. But e-mail can`t be lost and doesn`t take much time. A social network is a very useful invention of the 21st century. Thanks to modern technologies people can not only write different kinds of letters to their partners all over the world, but talk and see them by means of a web camera. But on the other hand, social networks are a great trouble. They made people forget traditional heart-to-heart talk. Sometimes you can`t see the eyes of your partners and feel their emotions. Besides, social networks are full of aggressive, cruel, violent and dangerous videos for children.
Many uncertain persons try to raise their self-confidence using social networks.
Nowadays there are different ways of interpersonal communication. We communicate to each other by means of personal meetings (direct way of communication) as well as using Internet resources. They are e-mail letters, online chatting in ICQ, social networking sites (SNS). Which ways of interpersonal communication are the best in the 21 century? Why SNS often become the cause of conflicts between parents and their children?
Teens prefer SNS to personal meetings today. First, we save time communicating in online… Second, Skype, for example, lets us communicate with those ones who live in remote cities. Third, we save money. These are reasons in favour of VKontakte and Skype. They’re chosen more often by my classmates for exchanging information with their relatives and friends, for sending virtual gifts. Plus, we needn’t go somewhere to discuss something. Moreover, when my parents are in business trips, we communicate through Skype. We don’t miss each other!
In contrast to all advantages, communication in SNS forces out «face to face» communication. SNS are not censored at all. It may influence badly on teen’s psychology. Besides, social networks are addictive. Furthermore, spending too much time using SNS leads to conflicts between teens and their parents.
Unfortunately, nowadays we sometimes face interpersonal conflicts. For instance, parents and their children share neither their interests nor their way of thinking. To my mind, we should be afraid of not conflicts but inability and unwillingness to solve them. I believe everybody should respect wishes of others. Everyone should be tolerant to another people’s tastes and choice. People can choose the ways of communicating.
Милинис Алисия
7 «а» класс
школа №94
ул. Даргомыжского, 22а (Ленинский район)
учитель: Смирнова Ирина Рафаиловна, 89159308904
My Social Network: family and friends.
We live in a changeable world. Nowadays we have a big diversity of modern devices. For examle, computer, which provides an access to the Internet. The Internet is convinient for search information. Also there are many social networks. What impact has social network on our life?
In my opinion, the social network negative influence. Firstly, people can lose a contact with a real life. They get used to be in cyberspace where they are not real and hiding behind the mask. Consequently, people cannot make friends in reality. Secondly, it addictive and now many children have this addictive. People check their mail every day, update their profile photo too often so others people evaluated their appearance. People’s oponions become importand for them and they realy sad, when his photo is not liked. As a result, it is no matter how they look in real life and what they do. The only what excites them is their “second” life.
On the other hand, some people believe that social network is very useful and have positive impact. They say that people can find other people who share their interests there and that is more easy that in reality. Besides, they confirm that it is good for some people because it is hard fore them make friends and comunicate face to face. So, she people can be more opened in soial network. I strongly desagree with their points of view because if people are sociable they able find friends without help of the Internert. But shy people should learn to communicate in real life. If they continue sitting in social network and do nothing for success, their shyness will be with them infinitely.
Dispite others people’s opinion I still believe that social network cannot substitute real-life communication and I think that is incredible to communicate face to face.
Время выполнения 45 минут. 258 слов
Everyone knows that the Internet has become very important in our life, and now we can’t imagine our life without visiting our pages in social networks at least once a week. On the one hand, it is good because we can chat with a cousin that runs practice in another country, or former classmates with whom we can’t find time to meet…
And all it we can do without leaving home. However, the effect of social networks on the person worries scientists from around the world more and more. The results of their scientific research are quite disappointing. Let’s try to understand what is good and what is bad concerning social networks. As for me, I think that social networks are a great danger for modern society.
Let me introduce my arguments. Firstly, people have a certain dependence on online social networks. They need to constantly check: whether they have increased their rating, who has rated their photos, and who has added as his new virtual friend. Secondly, people wean off live communication and get more adapted to the virtual one. They express their emotions through “smiles”, and that is the most terrible, they allow themselves too much greater freedom and irresponsibility for their words. Thirdly, people sitting in front of screens or using their devices to talk “online” waste much time which could be spent with much use. They could go out with their friends, walk in fresh air, and not spoil their eyesight in front of computer monitors. They might work, and, in fact, it isn’t so difficult to start a new acquaintance jogging in the park …
But other people have their own opinion on this problem. They believe that social networks are useful and even necessary for some segments of society. People with disabilities have an opportunity to communicate with other people and express their points of view while in real life they are deprived of the freedom of action. They can’t meet with someone in the park or share phones with the same fan of the music group met at their concert as healthy people do. For most of these people communicating in a social network is the only way not be alone in this world, have buddies and associates, even in the Internet and hundreds of miles away.
I can’t completely disagree with this point of view, but when it comes to healthy people, who is caught in non-existent images and lost amongst the fictional friends? They certainly need to be rescued …
In conclusion, I would like to stress that social networks really occupy an important place in the life of most modern people, but the question is: how many times a day does a person communicate virtually and doesn’t it replace real communication? If you read and respond to these questions with “yes”, then you have nothing to worry about, but if otherwise… I personally advise you: disconnect from all chats at least for a couple of hours and go for a walk… It will be great! Listen to birds singing, feel the spring!
Our life is a neverending circle of using different informative sources.
We don`t imagine our lives without Internet. We can find all necessary information there. We use popular services and sources every day. One of the most popular source is social nets.
What is a social net?
It is an Internet site, that gives us a chance to support various contacts, keep friendly relationships with classmates, aquentances. More functional social nets allow to watch photos and videofilms, to listen to music and so on. There is a possibility to enter different interesting groups. There exist social nets connecting people according to a general interest, for example, computer games players are combained into a social net.
Social nets have many advantages and disadvantages.
We can recover relations with the people, we have alredy forgotten. My father was glad when he began to communicate with his army mates, he hadn`t seen for many years before. My brother is keep on using the social nets to learn his partners` business, to organize encounters.
But on the other hand, the nets limit us in surrounding space. We stop to see real people, to feel real time, to realise the reality as it is. We prefer to change real communication into virtual one. We check up our e-mails every minute, recollect about friends` birthdays only when we see the mark on the screen. Even little children are fond of printing. They like it more than writing or reading. Nonsense! I belive in our modern world, full of high technologies, we should always beindividuals inside the net.
Сейчас мы не представляем свою жизнь без интернета. В нем находим всю нужную нам информацию. Мы каждый день пользуемся популярными сервисами и ресурсами. Одними из популярнейших ресурсов являются социальные сети.
Что же такое социальные сети?
Это сайты сети интернет, которые позволяют поддерживать общение, сохранять связь с бывшими одноклассниками, знакомыми. Более функциональные социальные сети позволяют смотреть фотографии, слушать музыку, смотреть фильмы и видео. Также можно вступать в различные группы. Существуют социальные сети по общим интересам, например, социальные сети игроков в компьютерные игры.
Приход социальных сетей в нашу жизнь имеет как положительные, так и отрицательные стороны. Положительные: мы можем возобновить старое знакомство, завести новых друзей, найти своих армейских товарищей, можем узнавать о состоянии своих партнеров по бизнесу, сами организовывать различные встречи. Отрицательные: мы становимся одержимы социальной сетью (постоянно проверяем электронную почту), вспоминаем о днях рождения только тогда, когда выскакивает напоминание. Теперь мы предпочитаем написать, а не позвонить и рассказать о своих проблемах.
Я думаю, что в нашем мире высоких технологий социальные сети имеют большое значение.
Copyright © Russian centres of City and Guilds