Сочинение на английском языке на тему торнадо

12 вариантов

  1. A tornado is a tube of very fast going round air that touches the ground. Wind inside the tornado spins extremely fast. A tornado can have wind speeds of over 480 kilometers per hour. But most tornadoes have wind speeds less than 180 kilometers per hour. That’s why tornadoes are very dangerous. They are especially dangerous to people in cars or mobile homes. According to statistics nearly 60 people are killed by tornadoes every year. Tornadoes cause a lot of damage to anything in their path. Amazingly tornadoes can happen almost in any part of the world. In the United States, tornados have happened in every state. The centre part of the United States is informally named ‘Tornado Alley’ because of the large number of tornadoes there.
    Торнадо представляет собой трубку из очень быстро вращающегося воздуха, которая касается земли. Ветер внутри торнадо вращается очень быстро. Торнадо может иметь скорость ветра более 480 километров в час. Но большинство торнадо имеют скорость менее чем 180 километров в час. Вот почему торнадо очень опасны. Они особенно опасны для людей в автомобилях или мобильных домах. По данным статистики почти 60 человек погибает от торнадо каждый год. Торнадо наносят большой ущерб всему на своем пути. Удивительно, что торнадо может возникнуть практически в любой части мира. В США, торнадо имели место во всех штатах. Центральную части Соединенных Штатов неофициально называют ‘аллея Торнадо’ из-за большого количества там торнадо.

  2. Текст Tornadoes с переводом.


    Tornadoes are one of nature’s most violent storms, and they happen in various parts of the world. They can form at any time of the year, although many occur in the spring.
    Торнадо – это одно из самых сильных штормов, и они случаются в различных частях мира. Они могут образоваться в любое время года, хотя многие случаются весной.
    A tornado is a spinning, whirling wind. When it meets with cold air it takes the shape of a long funnel or tube, reaching down from a large cloud. It is formed when warm air near the earth’s surface rises and meets with cold air. When the weather conditions are right, this warm air starts to twist as it rises, getting faster and stronger. It is a bit like watching water disappear down the plughole in your bathtub. If this huge, twisting rope of air hits the ground, it may cause great damage. Tornadoes can reach speeds of more than 250 mph. ripping roofs from houses, uprooting trees, and tossing heavy objects like cars in the air.
    Торнадо – это вращающийся, крутящийся ветер. Когда он встречается с холодным воздухом, он принимает форму продолговатой воронки или трубки, спускающейся с большого облака. Она образуется, когда теплый воздух рядом с поверхностью земли поднимается и сталкивается с холодным воздухом. Когда погодные условия подходящие, этот теплый воздух начинает вращаться во время поднятия, убыстряясь и усиливаясь. Это похоже на то, как вода исчезает в сточном отверстии вашей ванны. Ели эта огромный крученый канат ударит по земле, то может нанести большой ущерб. Торнадо могут достигать скорости более чем 250 миль в час., срывая крыши с домов, вырывая деревья и расшвыривая тяжелые предметы, наподобие машин, в воздухе.
    In 1971, a meteorologist named Theodore Fujita developed a scale to show how strong tornadoes are. His scale goes from F0 to F5. It doesn’t calculate strength based on wind speeds but the damage a tornado causes to homes and other buildings.
    В 1971 году метеоролог Теодор Фухита разработал шкалу, чтобы показать, насколько сильными являются торнадо. Его шкала идет от F0 to F5. Она рассчитывает силу (торнадо) не на основе силы ветра, а на уроне, который торнадо причиняет жилым домам и другим зданиям.
    Источник: Spotlight, 8 класс, модуль 5 across the curriculum.

  3. Tornadoes
    What do you see in the picture?
    Why is it dangerous?
    Have you ever experienced a tornado?
    Tornadoes are storms with very strong turning winds and dark clouds. These winds are perhaps the strongest on earth. They reach speeds of 300 miles per hour. The dark clouds are shaped like a funnel – wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The winds are strongest in the center of the funnel.
    Tornadoes are especially common in the United States, but only in certain parts.
    A hot afternoon in the spring is the most likely time for a tornado. Clouds become dark. There is thunder, lightning, and rain. A cloud forms a funnel and begins to twist. The funnel moves faster and faster. Tornadoes always move in a northeastern direction. They never last longer than eight hours.
    A tornado’s path is narrow, but within that narrow path a tornado can destroy everything. It can smash buildings and rip up trees. Tornadoes can kill people as well.
    The worst tornado swept through the states of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana in 1925, killing 689 people. Modern weather equipment now makes it possible to warn people of tornadoes. But nothing can stop tornadoes from destroying everything in their path/
    Molchan Andrew
    Что ты видишь на этой изображении?
    Почему это очень опасно?
    Ты когда-нибудь переживал
    Торнадо это буря с очень сильным закручивающим ветром и грозовыми облаками. Возможно этот ветер самый сильный на земле. Торнадо развивает скорость до 300 миль в час. Темные тучи имеют очертание воронки – широкая с верху и узкая с низу. Самый сильный ветер в центре воронки.
    Торнадо особенно активны в центральной части соединенных штатов.
    Жаркий весенний день это наиболее благоприятная погода для торнадо. Облака становятся темней. Появляются дождь, гром и молнии. Облака начинает закручивать в форме воронки. Воронка начинает крутиться все быстрей и быстрей. Обычно торнадо движется в северном направлении. Торнадо может разрушить дома, вырвать деревья и даже убить людей.
    В 1925 было зарегистрировано самое ужасное торнадо, которое обрушилось на штаты: Иллинойс, Миссури и Индиана. В то время погибло 689 людей. На сегодняшний день, современное метеорологическое оборудование позволяет обнаружить торнадо, и предупреждать об опасности людей. Но ничто не может остановить торнадо и его разрушительную силу.
    Молчан Андрей

  4. На английском языке. Tornado
    There are many dangerous natural disasters in the world and tornado is one of them. It is defined as a whirling column of air or a funnel-shaped wind, formed in severe thunderstorms. Sometimes it’s called twister or cyclone and is regarded as the most violent of thunderstorms. If tornado touches the ground or body of water, it can cause lots of destruction. The main reason why tornadoes occur is the collision of warm air mass with a cool and dry mass. This leads to a powerful rotation of air, which can sometimes exceed 300 mph. The formed force of wind can lift and carry heavy things. Tornadoes can occur worldwide, but are often reported in the USA. Some states are more exposed to thunderstorms than others. Other countries that are frequently hit by tornadoes include Japan, Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, Canada. There are certain weather patterns that precede this natural disaster. For example, rain, strong winds, lightning, sometimes even hail or suspicious calmness. It depends on the region and the type of tornado. The meteorologists distinguish the following common types of tornado: waterspouts, landspouts, dust devils, steam devils, gustnados, fire whirls. The damage from tornadoes is created merely by its strong force of wind. Fortunately, most storms are mild and only a few are destructive. The record-breaking tornado by its damage and duration occurred in spring of 1925, in three states of the USA: Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. This disaster killed more than 600 people, while over 2000 were injured. To keep safe during tornadoes people should listen to weather alerts and have a pre-determined plan. They say that underground shelters or basements are a good place to hide during strong thunderstorms.
    Перевод на русский язык. Торнадо
    В мире существует много опасных стихийных бедствий и торнадо является одним из них. Это атмосферный вихрь или воронкообразный ветряной столб, образованный при сильной грозе. Иногда его называют смерч или циклон и считают самым мощным видом грозы. Когда торнадо касается земли или водоема, это вызывает много разрушений. Основная причина, по которой возникает торнадо, это столкновение теплых воздушных масс с прохладными и сухими массами. Это приводит к мощному вращению воздуха, который порой превышает 300 миль в час. Образовавшаяся сила ветра может поднимать и переносить тяжелые предметы. Торнадо встречается во всем мире, но чаще всего происходит в США. Некоторые штаты в большей степени подвержены грозе, чем другие. К другим странам, часто страдающим от торнадо, относятся Япония, Австралия, Южная Африка, Уругвай, Канада. Есть определенные погодные условия, которые предшествуют этому стихийному бедствию. Например, дождь, сильный ветер, молния, иногда даже град или подозрительное спокойствие. Это зависит от региона и типа торнадо. Метеорологи выделяют следующие распространенные виды торнадо: водяные смерчи, земляные смерчи, песчаные смерчи, паровые смерчи, порывистые вихри, огненные смерчи. Ущерб от торнадо создается лишь из-за его мощной силы ветра. К счастью, большинство бурь протекают мягко и лишь немногие из них становятся разрушительными. Рекордный торнадо по силе повреждения и длительности произошел весной 1925-го года сразу в трех штатах США: Миссури, Иллинойс и Индиана. Эта катастрофа унесла жизни более 600 человек, в то время как более 2000 получили ранения. Чтобы обезопасить себя во время торнадо, люди должны слушать погодные предупреждения и иметь заранее подготовленный план. Говорят, что подземные убежища или подвалы являются хорошим местом для укрытия во время сильных грозовых бурь.

  5. TornadoТорнадоThere are many dangerous natural disasters in the world and tornado is one of them. It is defined as a whirling column of air or a funnel-shaped wind, formed in severe thunderstorms. Sometimes it’s called twister or cyclone and is regarded as the most violent of thunderstorms. If tornado touches the ground or body of water, it can cause lots of destruction. The main reason why tornadoes occur is the collision of warm air mass with a cool and dry mass. This leads to a powerful rotation of air, which can sometimes exceed 300 mph. The formed force of wind can lift and carry heavy things. Tornadoes can occur worldwide, but are often reported in the USA. Some states are more exposed to thunderstorms than others. Other countries that are frequently hit by tornadoes include Japan, Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, Canada. There are certain weather patterns that precede this natural disaster. For example, rain, strong winds, lightning, sometimes even hail or suspicious calmness. It depends on the region and the type of tornado. The meteorologists distinguish the following common types of tornado: waterspouts, landspouts, dust devils, steam devils, gustnados, fire whirls. The damage from tornadoes is created merely by its strong force of wind. Fortunately, most storms are mild and only a few are destructive. The record-breaking tornado by its damage and duration occurred in spring of 1925, in three states of the USA: Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. This disaster killed more than 600 people, while over 2000 were injured. To keep safe during tornadoes people should listen to weather alerts and have a pre-determined plan. They say that underground shelters or basements are a good place to hide during strong thunderstorms.В мире существует много опасных стихийных бедствий и торнадо является одним из них. Это атмосферный вихрь или воронкообразный ветряной столб, образованный при сильной грозе. Иногда его называют смерч или циклон и считают самым мощным видом грозы. Когда торнадо касается земли или водоема, это вызывает много разрушений. Основная причина, по которой возникает торнадо, это столкновение теплых воздушных масс с прохладными и сухими массами. Это приводит к мощному вращению воздуха, который порой превышает 300 миль в час. Образовавшаяся сила ветра может поднимать и переносить тяжелые предметы. Торнадо встречается во всем мире, но чаще всего происходит в США. Некоторые штаты в большей степени подвержены грозе, чем другие. К другим странам, часто страдающим от торнадо, относятся Япония, Австралия, Южная Африка, Уругвай, Канада. Есть определенные погодные условия, которые предшествуют этому стихийному бедствию. Например, дождь, сильный ветер, молния, иногда даже град или подозрительное спокойствие. Это зависит от региона и типа торнадо. Метеорологи выделяют следующие распространенные виды торнадо: водяные смерчи, земляные смерчи, песчаные смерчи, паровые смерчи, порывистые вихри, огненные смерчи. Ущерб от торнадо создается лишь из-за его мощной силы ветра. К счастью, большинство бурь протекают мягко и лишь немногие из них становятся разрушительными. Рекордный торнадо по силе повреждения и длительности произошел весной 1925-го года сразу в трех штатах США: Миссури, Иллинойс и Индиана. Эта катастрофа унесла жизни более 600 человек, в то время как более 2000 получили ранения. Чтобы обезопасить себя во время торнадо, люди должны слушать погодные предупреждения и иметь заранее подготовленный план. Говорят, что подземные убежища или подвалы являются хорошим местом для укрытия во время сильных грозовых бурь.

  6. Twister, cyclone, and tornado are all names for the same kind of storm. Whatever name you use, it is powerful, frightening and can cause much damage.
    Some of the clouds in the storm grow large and from a funnel shape. The funnel is very thick and usually black. It is formed when cold air rushes quickly and spins around. As the tornado twists, storm winds push it across the land. The small end of the funnel touches down on the earth at times.
    The center of the tornado causes a lot of damage. The air pressure in the funnel is much lower than the outside pressure. This makes the tornado act like giant vacuum cleaner. It can pull trees by their roots. It can rip roofs off buildings and toss cars around. Buildings caught by the center of the funnel can explode. There may be lighting, thunder, and heavy rain also.
    People who live where tornadoes happen must be prepared. They need a place to go during the storm. Many homes have storm cellars underground where the family stays until the tornado passes.
    Almost all tornadoes happen in the United States. They happen most often during spring and early summer. Tornado watchers can give warnings about conditions that might produce a tornado, but the exact location and path of it is impossible forecast.

  7. TornadoТорнадоThere are many dangerous natural disasters in the world and tornado is one of them. It is defined as a whirling column of air or a funnel-shaped wind, formed in severe thunderstorms. Sometimes it’s called twister or cyclone and is regarded as the most violent of thunderstorms. If tornado touches the ground or body of water, it can cause lots of destruction. The main reason why tornadoes occur is the collision of warm air mass with a cool and dry mass. This leads to a powerful rotation of air, which can sometimes exceed 300 mph. The formed force of wind can lift and carry heavy things. Tornadoes can occur worldwide, but are often reported in the USA. Some states are more exposed to thunderstorms than others. Other countries that are frequently hit by tornadoes include Japan, Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, Canada. There are certain weather patterns that precede this natural disaster. For example, rain, strong winds, lightning, sometimes even hail or suspicious calmness. It depends on the region and the type of tornado. The meteorologists distinguish the following common types of tornado: waterspouts, landspouts, dust devils, steam devils, gustnados, fire whirls. The damage from tornadoes is created merely by its strong force of wind. Fortunately, most storms are mild and only a few are destructive. The record-breaking tornado by its damage and duration occurred in spring of 1925, in three states of the USA: Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. This disaster killed more than 600 people, while over 2000 were injured. To keep safe during tornadoes people should listen to weather alerts and have a pre-determined plan. They say that underground shelters or basements are a good place to hide during strong thunderstorms.В мире существует много опасных стихийных бедствий и торнадо является одним из них. Это атмосферный вихрь или воронкообразный ветряной столб, образованный при сильной грозе. Иногда его называют смерч или циклон и считают самым мощным видом грозы. Когда торнадо касается земли или водоема, это вызывает много разрушений. Основная причина, по которой возникает торнадо, это столкновение теплых воздушных масс с прохладными и сухими массами. Это приводит к мощному вращению воздуха, который порой превышает 300 миль в час. Образовавшаяся сила ветра может поднимать и переносить тяжелые предметы. Торнадо встречается во всем мире, но чаще всего происходит в США. Некоторые штаты в большей степени подвержены грозе, чем другие. К другим странам, часто страдающим от торнадо, относятся Япония, Австралия, Южная Африка, Уругвай, Канада. Есть определенные погодные условия, которые предшествуют этому стихийному бедствию. Например, дождь, сильный ветер, молния, иногда даже град или подозрительное спокойствие. Это зависит от региона и типа торнадо. Метеорологи выделяют следующие распространенные виды торнадо: водяные смерчи, земляные смерчи, песчаные смерчи, паровые смерчи, порывистые вихри, огненные смерчи. Ущерб от торнадо создается лишь из-за его мощной силы ветра. К счастью, большинство бурь протекают мягко и лишь немногие из них становятся разрушительными. Рекордный торнадо по силе повреждения и длительности произошел весной 1925-го года сразу в трех штатах США: Миссури, Иллинойс и Индиана. Эта катастрофа унесла жизни более 600 человек, в то время как более 2000 получили ранения. Чтобы обезопасить себя во время торнадо, люди должны слушать погодные предупреждения и иметь заранее подготовленный план. Говорят, что подземные убежища или подвалы являются хорошим местом для укрытия во время сильных грозовых бурь.

  8. 2018-08-23
    Help save the world from all mankind. I, Bandzhov Nazarali Holnazarovich live for the sake of Nature and the preservation of Nature and the world. I was convinced that the real defenders of Nature are very few in the whole world. The overwhelming majority of people pollute the Earth, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, mountains, forests, steppes and so on, became scary for the future of the whole world. Protect world stop mining coal, oil, gas and so on: Mining companies and mining industry have turned the whole world into a huge quarry and an underground void, this is a real hell for the whole world. Environment problems in Europe, USA, Russia, Asia, Africa, Middle East and around the world situation catastrophic: Air, water and soil it around the world is poisoned. Pollution surrounding wednesdays from mankind, around the world all diseases from oil, gas, coal, iron ore, sewage, garbage, cities, industry and transport. Global change climate around the world: Drought, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, a tsunami – all this occurs around the world. Save the planet, to admire the beauty of nature and save the world from ecological disaster. All of the causes of environmental catastrophe happens all over the world from mining oil, coal, gas, iron ore, salt, diamonds, gold, sand, soil and so on. Environmental pollution around the world poses a serious threat to all worldwide. Live Earth be in great danger. There are many things that negatively affect the Earth: mining coal, oil, gas and so on, emissions from factories and exhaust gases, deforestation, poisoning of air and water pollution, depletion of the ozone layer and catastrophically global changes of climate all over the world. Environmental pollution is one of the most acute problems of the world. monstrous the behavior of humanity is a catastrophe in the world. Tragic events around the world led to environmental disasters. World Save Nature Planet, please save Earth. Earthquakes, causes extraction of oil, gas, coal, iron ore, salt and so on. Conservationists held a series of protest actions against the extraction of oil, gas, coal and more. Residents from different parts of the world I urge all people to forever stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal . ore, oil, gas, and so on: let’s save the World from global environmental disaster. In the world of all diseases and cancer in particular related to from oil, gas, coal, landfill, sewage network and the whole industrialization and urbanization: It carries all the poisoning and destruction of the habitat of all living things in the world. Many countries in the world for the first time in many years, was severely damaged by hurricanes. Environmental disaster from urbanization and industrialization: global climate change around the world increases the risk of environmental disasters. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis – all becomes more and more intense. The protection of nature in Russia, USA and all over the world: this is something that should engage everyone. People from international environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and so on. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Tears and pain nivchem innocent — all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother — Earth, where the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference — we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v…_-pu8&sns=tw. Exxon Valdez oil spill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d…vSh8o&sns=tw. Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G…9YOC0&sns=tw. Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8…MMO9w&sns=tw. Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k…zEo4k&sns=tw. Environmental problems of the Earth! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1…6J-uE&sns=fb. Tar Sands Oil Extraction — The Dirty Truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y…vP17A&sns=tw

  9. A tornado is a tube of very fast going round air thattouches the ground. Wind inside the tornado spins extremely fast. A tornado canhave wind speeds of over 480 kilometers per hour. But most tornadoes have wind speeds less than 180 kilometers per hour. Thats whytornadoes are very dangerous. They are especially dangerous to people in carsor mobile homes. According to statistics nearly 60 people are killed bytornadoes every year. Tornadoes cause a lot of damage to anything in theirpath. Amazingly tornadoes can happen almost in any part of the world. In theUnited States, tornados have happened in every state. The centre part of theUnited States is informally namedTornado Alley because of the large number of tornadoes there.
    Торнадо представляет собой трубку из очень быстро вращающегося воздуха, которая касается земли. Ветер внутри торнадо вращается очень быстро. Торнадо может иметь скорость ветра более 480 километров в час. Но большинство торнадо имеют скорость менее чем 180 километров в час. Вот почему торнадо очень опасны. Они особенно опасны для людей в автомобилях или мобильных домах. По данным статистики почти 60 человек погибает от торнадо каждый год. Торнадо наносят большой ущерб всему на своем пути. Удивительно, что торнадо может возникнуть практически в любой части мира. В США, торнадо имели место во всех штатах. Центральную части Соединенных Штатов неофициально называют аллея Торнадо из-за большого количества там торнадо.

  10. Natural Disasters

    Природные катастрофы

    Natural disasters are very dangerous phenomena. Natural disaster may happen separately or be the consequence of another natural disaster. In most cases they kill many people and destroy places of living. Nature is very powerful so often people can do nothing to withstand it. There are a lot of types of natural disasters. They are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunami, tornadoes, droughts and so on.
    Природные катастрофы являются очень опасными явлениями. Стихийное бедствие может произойти отдельно или быть следствием другой природной катастрофы. В большинстве случаев из-за них погибают много людей и разрушаются места проживания людей. Природа могущественна, поэтому часто люди не могут ничего сделать, чтобы противостоять ей. Существует много видов стихийных бедствий. К ним относятся землетрясения, извержения вулканов, наводнения, цунами, торнадо, засухи и т.д.
    Tsunami is a very powerful disaster. It is a displacement of a large volume of water. The term “tsunami” is borrowed from the Japanese language and literally means “harbour wave”. Tsunami often happen in Japan and one of the most powerful tsunami happened in Japan in 2011. Thousands of people were killed, injured or missing.
    Цунами является очень мощным бедствием. Это смещение большого объема воды. Термин «цунами» заимствован из японского языка и в буквальном переводе означает «порт, волна». Цунами часто случаются в Японии, и одно из самых мощных цунами произошло в Японии в 2011 году, тогда тысячи людей погибли, были ранены или пропали без вести.
    Tsunami often follows earthquakes. An earthquake is one more natural disaster. It is a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust. People know about the earthquakes by shaking or displacement of the ground. Earthquakes, just as all natural disasters, can kill a lot of people and destroy buildings and roads. For example, the Great East Japan Earthquake that caused the tsunami is one of the most powerful earthquakes ever happened in the world since 1900.
    Цунами часто следует за землетрясением. Землетрясения – еще одна природная катастрофа. Это внезапное высвобождение энергии в земной коре. Люди узнают о землетрясениях из-за дрожания земли или смещения грунта. Землетрясения, как и все стихийные бедствия, могут унести жизни многих людей и разрушить здания и дороги. Например, Великое восточно-японское землетрясение, которое вызвало тогда же цунами, является одним из самых мощных землетрясений, когда-либо происходивших в мире, начиная с 1900 года.
    Fortunately, people have invented many systems which warn about coming natural disasters and they keep developing these inventions and systems. Warning systems and timely evacuation help to avoid many deaths and injuries.
    К счастью, люди изобрели множество систем, которые предупреждают о предстоящих стихийных бедствиях, и ученые продолжают развивать эти изобретения и системы. Системы предупреждения и своевременная эвакуация помогают предотвращать множество смертельных случаев.
    Автор — Ирина Селезнева

  11. Hurricanes are gigantic tropical storms that can be hundreds of kilometres wide. They bring along very strong winds and a lot of rainfall. They often cause flooding near the coasts and sea levels rise.
    Hurricanes occur in many parts of the world. In the Pacific Ocean they are called typhoons and in Australia they are willy-willies. In the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea they are called hurricanes.

    How hurricanes start

    Hurricanes are born over tropical oceans, usually during late summer and early autumn. They need two things to get them started: heat and moist air.
    During the summer the ocean surface heats up and warm moist air starts to rise. Cool air sinks down to replace it. This creates an area of low pressure.
    The rotation of the earth creates winds around the centre of such a low pressure area. In the northern hemisphere the air moves counterclockwise, in the southern part clockwise. Such a system is called a cyclone.
    When warm air rises it cools and creates clouds. Soon, thunderstorms form and it starts to rain.
    All hurricanes begin as cyclones but not all cyclones become storms or hurricanes. Some die out a few days after they start. They don’t have enough energy to become a hurricane. When winds are stronger than 119km an hour a storm officially becomes a hurricane.

    Structure of a hurricane

    The centre of a hurricane is called the eye, a calm area with little rainfall. It is about 30 to 50km wide. Inside the eye the sea can rise up to one metre because the air moves up.
    The eyewall is around the eye. This is an area of thunderstorms, rain and the strongest winds—up to 300km an hour.
    Then come long bands of rain clouds that are curved towards the centre of the hurricane.

    How hurricanes move

    In the northern hemisphere hurricanes normally move in a westward direction and then they turn north and northeast. Their path takes them away from the warm tropical water of the equator. When hurricanes move over colder water or over land they lose a lot of their energy. They slow down and as time goes on, they disperse. In the southern hemisphere their path leads them to the south and southeast.

    Hurricane names

    When a tropical storm forms over the Caribbean Sea it gets a name. Every year the first storm of the season is given a name that starts with the letter A, the second storm gets a name starting with B and so on.
    Years ago only women’s names were used for tropical storms. Today male and female names alternate – for example, the first storm is named Alexandra, the second one Billy, then Catherine etc.
    Each year new names are used so that you can connect a storm to a certain year.

    Hurricane categories

    Category 1
    Winds cause only small damage to houses and building.
    Category 2
    Storms can tear away roofs, damage doors and windows. Boats often break away from docks.
    Category 3
    Winds can destroy mobile homes. Areas lower than 1.5 metres above sea level may be flooded.
    Category 4
    Areas lower than 3m above sea level are flooded. Coastal areas (up to 10km) are evacuated.
    Category 5
    more than 249km/h
    These are the most powerful hurricanes. Places within 15km of the coast are evacuated.

    Hurricane damage

    Hurricanes can cause a lot of damage. They bring along strong winds and heavy rainfall. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast and destroyed New Orleans. Many people died and hundreds of thousands had to leave the city. When a hurricane reaches land the winds can knock down small buildings, tear off roofs of houses and uproot trees. Waves produce floods around the coast. The surface water can rise up to 5 metres. This is called a storm surge.

    Preparing for a hurricane

    Hurricanes are causing more and more damage throughout the Gulf Region, mainly because the population is constantly growing.
    When a hurricane is sighted, television and radio stations may broadcast a hurricane watch. This means that a hurricane may hit the area in the following 36 hours. If the weather gets worse there is a hurricane warning, which means that a hurricane is expected in the area in the following 24 hours.
    Many things can be done to protect yourself and your property during a hurricane:
    Keep emergency supplies of food and water.
    Keep a battery-powered radio ready in case the power goes out. Listen to the instructions you get.
    Keep the gas tank of your car full, in case you have to leave quickly.
    Protect your house by nailing plywood over the windows and doors. Tie down loose objects.
    Find out which roads are best to take you away from the storm.
    Leave your house as soon as you are ordered to evacuate.

    Hurricane Katrina

    On Monday, August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina hit the American coast near New Orleans. The storm had formed over the Caribbean Sea almost a week earlier. As it moved on towards the American coastline it grew more and more powerful. It became a Category 5 hurricane and the fourth largest storm that has ever been recorded in the Atlantic Ocean. Winds reached speeds of over 340km an hour. Although the centre of the hurricane did not pass directly over New Orleans most of the city was flooded by the storm.
    New Orleans is located in a really dangerous area. It lies above the Gulf of Mexico where many storms and hurricanes pass through. The Mississippi River also runs through the middle of the city. Because most of New Orleans lies below sea level, high banks of earth, called levees, were built around the city to protect it from flooding. Thousands of pumps have been installed to drain the water away.
    Katrina brought along heavy rainfall and parts of the levee broke. About 80% of the city was flooded. Shortly before the storm hit New Orleans about 20,000 people were able to escape to the Superdome, one of the town’s largest stadiums.
    Most of the city’s population was evacuated, but about one hundred thousand had to stay behind, mostly poor people and blacks who had no cars and couldn’t get out. They were trapped in the floods for days without power and water.
    In the days after the disaster chaos spread throughout New Orleans. People broke into shops and stole things they needed, like food and water. Violence increased and gun shots could be heard throughout the city. Many people were trapped on rooftops for days before they got any help.
    The government and the city authorities were not very well prepared for such a disaster. There were no plans for getting people out of the city. President Bush waited for four days before he visited the region. Thousands of people died in one of the biggest catastrophes in American history.

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