Сочинение на английском на тему политика

7 вариантов

  1. 1
    Текст добавил: МедведЗаснул

    What is politics? Throughout history, people have participated in politics on many different levels. They may have participated through a direct democracy, in which they directly governed, or they may have participated through a representative democracy, in which they participated by electing representatives. As citizens’, people have participated in politics to attain the things they needed or wanted, the valued things. Participation in politics has been the way that people have a voice and change the things that directly affect their lives. Throughout the course of history, politics has been the competition of ideas; they decide who gets what, when, where and how.
    Politics is the means for attaining valued things. Although, valued things are different in every society, the means of securing those things has never changed. The competition for power, authority and influence will always be the backbone of politics. Applying power, authority and influence to the valued things that support the public good, will produce the quality of life a society desires. In the present day, citizens in the United States demand certain valued things such as welfare, education, safe streets and healthcare. Through politics, citizens can apply their power in many different ways to get the things they want. Power is the ability to get someone to do something they may or may not want to do. Through the use of or the application of coercion, persuasion, manipulation and negotiation, power is used to influence the system.
    It would seem as if valued things, such as safe streets and healthcare, would already be established in a society such as ours. Using safe streets as an example, it is hard to believe a person would not support safe streets. But the discussion about safe streets is not exactly whether we want them or not. The disagreement on this topic, and most political topics, is how much should be spent fiscally on achieving and maintaining safe streets. The question of how much money should be spent on what and where is usually decided by whomever or whatever has applied the most power, influence and authority.
    How active or inactive should the government be in getting valued things? Politics must be used as the means of answering this question. Politics should be used to attain the things that the society needs most and should represent all of the people equally. In America today, there is a general, underlying equality that has been offered to everyone. Our framers instilled democratic values into our system, and politics must consistently strive to lower the rate of inequality. The importance of equality in our system should considered of the same importance as our freedom. For we can not call ourselves free people if our neighbor is of lower significance. Over the course of history, the fair representation of the people and their needs have been over-shadowed. Things such as re-elective actions, in which the representative of the people makes a certain decision based on getting re-elected and other things, such as the governments disregard of certain people with low economic status are corrupting our political system. Our system, our people and our country will survive certain setbacks such as these because politics is the way we live together.
    Politics is the fight for power, authority and influence. Through discourse, debate, and the knowledge of the public good, politics decides who gets what, when, where and how.

  2. I think that it’s good to be engaged in politics. The main thing is that it benefits people. But I’m not sure that all politicians are working for good. Some use their status for their own benefit; some work for profit. I understand that not all politicians are bad. There are also good people who try to improve people’s quality of life, work to make people comfortable and comfortable, create the necessary conditions. I’m more interested in politicians who work for the good of people. And politicians who receive only profit, benefits for themselves, irritate me. They just in vain “sit out their place.” They are looking for only the best way to get at least some benefit for themselves.
    I believe that we will have many more honest and responsible politicians.
    Я думаю,что заниматься политикой неплохо. Главное,чтобы она приносила пользу людям. Но я не уверена,что все политики работают для пользы. Некоторые используют свой статус для своей пользы,выгоды; некоторые работают ради прибыли. Я понимаю,что не все политики плохие. Есть и хорошие, которые стараются улучшить качество жизни людей, работают для того, чтобы людям было удобно и комфортно, создают необходимые условия. Я больше интересуюсь политиками, которые работают для блага людей. А политики,которые получают только прибыль,выгоды для себя,меня раздражают. Они только зря “просиживают своё место”. Ищут только самый лучший способ получить хоть какую-то для себя выгоду.
    Я верю, что у нас станет намного больше честных и ответственных политиков.

  3. на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

    Political System of Russia

    Политическая система России

    Russia requires rational administration because of many factors: huge territory, multinational population, federative structure, etc. It was necessary to consider them during the creation of a new state after the collapse of the USSR. Therefore, nowadays the country has a well-organized political system.
    Россия требует рационального управления из-за многих факторов: огромной территории, многонационального населения, федеративного устройства и т.д. Их было необходимо учесть в ходе создания нового государства после распада СССР. Поэтому в наши дни страна имеет хорошо организованную политическую систему.
    The political system of Russia is based on the Constitution adopted in 1993. According to the Constitution, Russia is a democratic republic formed by equal subjects, a secular state where all the human rights are respected. Laws cannot contradict the Constitution. The same document confirms the division of the power into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. Local public authorities are autonomy but subordinated to federal ones.
    Политическая система России основана на Конституции, принятой в 1993 г. Согласно Конституции, Россия – демократическая республика, формируемая равноправными субъектами, светское государство, где уважаются все права человека. Законы не могут противоречить Конституции. Тот же документ утверждает разделение власти на три ветви: законодательную, исполнительную и судебную. Местные органы власти автономны, но подчинены федеральным.
    The Federal Assembly including the Federation Council and the State Duma performs legislative power. The Federation Council consists of representatives of the state’s subjects (two persons from each region) and protects regional interests. Deputies of the State Duma are elected for five years by the direct voting and by the most supported political parties. Bills must pass through debates in the Federal Assembly and the President’s approval to become laws.
    Федеральное собрание, включающее Совет Федерации и Государственную думу, осуществляет законодательную власть. Совет Федерации состоит из представителей субъектов государства (два человека от каждого региона) и защищает региональные интересы. Депутаты Государственной думы избираются на пять лет прямым голосованием и политическими партиями, получившими наибольшую поддержку. Чтобы стать законами, законопроекты должны пройти через дебаты в Федеральном собрании и одобрение Президента.
    The head of the state and of executive power is the President elected for six years. He commands armed forces, appoints the Chairman of the Government, presents the country in the global political arena, etc. Other members of the Government are Ministers of internal and foreign affairs, industry and trade, health, etc.
    Глава государства и исполнительной власти – Президент, избираемый на шесть лет. Он командует вооружёнными силами, назначает Председателя Правительства, представляет страну на глобальной политической арене и т.д. Другие члены Правительства – министры внутренних и иностранных дел, промышленности и торговли, здравоохранения и др.
    The highest instances of the judicial power are the Constitutional Court responsible for observance of legality in accordance with the Constitution and Supreme Court examining economic, administrative, criminal cases.
    Высшими инстанциями судебной власти являются Конституционный Суд, ответственный за соблюдение законности в соответствии с Конституцией, и Верховный Суд, рассматривающий административные, экономические, уголовные дела.

  4. In the life of a man born not on Olympusauthorities do not have the possibility of doing politics , but onlytalk about it that makes a man a toypower in the hands of money-grubbing , and even worse,toy -driven , the reasoning of the authorities ,of which knows very far away, at the same timehe needs to work hard to ensure theirexistence.In this discussion of politics is not alwayswork to the detriment of that person.If the argument leads to the conclusionand what benefits do I get from all of thesepsiholgicheskih Games arguments about palitike -it’s good.Easten only look at things can bringfavor of the person is not powerful.The imposition of a policy review ispurpose to throw people hope , just like theand religion , thanks to which people continue toworking hard .the point is thatunderstanding of what makes usfacilitates correctbenchmarks , which should be done in person eachfor himself, and not what party holds,whether it’s some kind of party political system ,or an individual politician nursing policyor hoping for it .
    В жизни человека, родившегося не на олимпевласти нет возможности делать политику, а толькоговорить о ней, что делает такого человека игрушкойв руках стяжательной власти, и что еще хуже,игрушкой управляемой, рассуждающей о власти,о которой знает очень издалека, при этом ему нужно трудно работать чтоб обеспечить своесуществование.При этом рассуждения о политике не всегдаработают во вред такого человека.Если рассуждения приводят к мысли,а какую пользу получу я от всех этихпсихолгических игр рассуждения о палитике-то это на пользу.Только истенный взгляд на вещи может принести пользу человеку не имущему.Вынесение же части политики на обозрение несетцель подкинуть народу надежду, точно так же каки религия, благодоря которой народ продолжаетупорно трудится.смысл в том чтопонимание чего делают с намидает возможность правильныхориентиров-чего надо делать лично каждомудля себя ,а не какой стороны держатся ,будь это какая-то партия, политический строй,или отдельный политик -кормящийся политикой,либо надеющийся на это.

  5. Здесь собрана коллекция топиков и сочинений по английскому языку (коротких тематических рассказов). Все топики сгруппированы по соответствующим темам.

    Топики, сочинения по темам:

    Моя жизнь
    Сочинения личного характера, рассказы о себе, своей семье, времяпрепровождении, каникулах, хобби, лучших друзьях. Все топики в этом разделе так или иначе касаются непосредственно личности рассказчика.
    В этом разделе собраны рассказы на темы прочитанных книг, общем значении литературы и чтения в жизни человека. Здесь есть сочинения по таким темам как “Моя любимая книга”, “Книги в моей жизни” и др.
    География: города и страны мира
    Данный раздел полностью посвящен описанию географических объектов, городов, стран, континентов. Здесь содержится информация об особенностях их политического устройства, истории развития, экономике и культуре.
    Топики по темам изучения английского языка, особенностях образования в той или иной стране, обучения в школах и университетах. Все сочинения в этом разделе посвящены образовательной тематике.
    Планета Земля: климат и окружающая среда
    Проблемы экологии, загрязнение климата, влияние жизнедеятельности человека на окружающую среду – топики на эти и другие похожие темы собраны в данном разделе.
    Здесь собраны рассказы на английском языке о биографиях великих людей, их научных открытиях и изобретениях, о том, как их творчество повлияло на будущее человечества.
    Искусство: живопись, музыка, поэзия
    Сочинения и топики на английском языке о культуре, искусстве, живописи, музыке и кинематографе. Здесь также собраны рассказы об известных музеях и выставочных галереях в нашей стране и за рубежом.
    Праздники и традиции
    Рассказы о том, какие существуют праздники и как они проходят в различных странах мира. Особенности национальных традиций и культур.
    Профессии и карьера
    Сочинения на английском о выборе профессии и карьеры. Здесь собраны топики по таким темам как “Моя будущая профессия”, “Трудоустройство” и др.
    В этом разделе содержатся тексты о средствам массовой информации: телевидении, газетах, радио, интернет. Обсуждаются вопросы цензуры, профессиональной этики, преимуществ и недостатков СМИ.
    Общество и его проблемы
    Собраны сочинения по основным проблемам современного общества: нравственность, правонарушения, вредные привычки, вопросы семьи, права и обязанности, проблемы переходного возраста.
    Топики по научным темам: великие изобретения, освоение космоса, описания планет, компьютерные технологии и др.
    Подборка сочинений спортивной тематики. Описания видов спорта, спортивных мероприятий, развития спорта в различных странах мира, влияние спорта на нашу жизнь.
    Здесь собраны топики на английском языке, не вошедшие в другие разделы.

  6. Education is the most valuable thing for a teenager
    Some people believe that teenagers should study all the time because it is one of the most important things for them at their age. Others tend to think that education is not such a valuable aspect of teenagers’ life as it may seem. In this essay I am going to detail my own view on this issue.
    Volunteering is essential for teenagers
    Many modern teenagers are involved in volunteering, and their involvement appears to be controversial. Some people appreciate teenagers’ participation in social projects while others would prefer teenagers to pay more attention to themselves. In this essay I am going to detail my position on this issue.
    Studying knows no holidays
    Some people believe that studying is a continuous proccess while others tend to think that there is no necessity to spend every hour of your life on acquiring knowledge and developing skills. In this essay I am going to express myself on this issue.
    An early choice of a career path is the key to success
    All people want to be successful in life and they expect their career to give them all the good things of life. The question is when it is better to make a career choice. Some people believe that career decisions should be made at an early age, while others are sure that one should take some time and think it out.
    Fast food is the food of the future
    It is difficult to imagine our life without fast food. It is gradually forcing out the traditional cuisine, and many people are sure that fast food will dominate in the future.
    New information technologies cannot make one smarter
    As a matter of fact, we live in the age of information technologies, varying in complexity, size, and purpose. Personal computers, computer nets, laptops, smartphones are great inventions used by people every day. The question is whether these gadgets make mankind smarter.
    Studying online is better than going to a regular class
    The modern world is experiencing great changes in almost every sphere of life including education. Nowadays, young people have a variety of educational systems. Online classes are becoming more and more popular.
    Exams motivate students to study harder
    If you go to school or university, you are faced with a number of exams. Basically, these exams are supposed to test your knowledge and skills. Also, they may motivate you to study harder.
    Sport is the best way to reduce stress
    Our life is full of stress. Many people live under the press of economic, social and other problems. These people find different ways to get rid of stress, and one of them is sport.
    Chinese will replace English as an international language
    At any age there are languages that dominate all over the world. These languages are spoken and understood by the majority of people. Nowadays, English enjoys the most popularity, yet Chinese seems to have better perspectives.
    Fast food outlets should be closed
    Fast food is a flourishing modern industry conquering the whole world. It is not top-secret that this kind of food is far from being healthy. It causes serious diseases like obesity, cancer, diabetes, and, for that matter, many people want fast food outlets to be closed everywhere.
    Honesty is the best policy
    From an early age we have been taught to be honest with people around us. Our parents and teachers always make us tell the truth and disapprove of a lie. Yet many of us consider honesty not to be the best policy.
    Family is the most important thing in life
    People put much value upon different things, for example, money, freedom, friends, etc. But it is often stated that family has to be on top of all things.
    It is difficult to understand jokes from other countries
    Everybody likes to laugh that is why he/she often watches comedies and humorous shows, reads funny stories. Some people consume all this content no matter where it comes from, others ignore foreign humour because they find it difficult to understand.
    Money cannot make one happy
    Everyone wants to be rich and happy. Some people see the direct connection between money and happiness, others consider them to be two different things.
    The best way to lose weight is following a diet
    There are many ways to loose weight, and following a diet is one of the most popular ones. But is being on a diet the best strategy to grow thin?
    It is better to read a book than to watch its film version
    Nowadays, more and more people neglect books and prefer watching their film versions. The question is whether it is a positive tendency or not.
    Clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour
    We cannot imagine our life without clothes, the main function of which is protective. Clothes protect us from cold and hot weather, from rain and snow and from other negative effects of the environment. Also, clothes are considered to influence people’s behaviour.
    A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it
    Nowadays, learning foregn languages is becoming more and more popular. Thus language teachers are in great demand everywhere. Many people, who are fluent in languages but are not educational specialists, are tempted to tackle the teaching.
    Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills
    New technologies are developing at high speed these days, and their development is unstoppable. One of the most influential technologies is the Internet penetrating into every aspect of people’s life and endangering their real-life social skills.
    It is better to be a leader of a group than to be a simple member
    All members of our society can be divided into two categories – leaders and ordinary members. Their functions, levels of responsibility and rewards are different. While leaders usually have high standards of living, ordinary people do with limited amenities of life.
    Children should be able to choose which subjects to learn at school
    At school children are supposed to learn many subjects. Most of them are compulsory, that is why boys and girls often make a stand against them and say they want to choose subjects on their own.
    It is better to learn distantly than to go to traditional school
    Technological progress has caused an argument about education. The thing is that some people believe that distant learning is better, and other people stick to the point that going to school is the only way to get good education.
    Some people think that extreme sports help to build character
    Nowadays more and more people go in for extreme sports like skateboarding, base jumping, parachute jumping, mountaineering and others. They believe that extreme sports help to build character.
    Good books are those books that all people like and understand
    Nowadays there is a great variety of literary writings varying in genre, volume, conceptual meaning, and so on. Some of them are recognized as good and worth reading without fail. But the question is how people manage to grade books and select good ones.
    Virtual travelling is better than the real thing
    Nowadays the virtual world is gradually becoming an essential part of our life. On the Internet, there are a lot of photos and video presentations of different countries and cities so that you do not need to go and see them with your own eyes.
    Life is becoming more and more dangerous
    Life is not fixed, and our living conditions are constantly changing. The question is whether they are changing for the better or the worse.
    Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad
    If you want to be a successful person, you have to get a good education abroad or in this country. What option is the best?
    Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear
    Public libraries are supposed to store paper books and lend them to everyone who wants to borrow them. But modern technologies allow you to get a book you need without going to libraries.
    In any occupation discipline is more important than talent
    Everyone wants to be successful in his or her occupation. The question is what the person needs more – discipline or talent.
    Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad
    If you want to be a successful person, you have to get a good education abroad or in this country. What option is the best?
    Only people who earn a lot of money can be successful
    All people in the world want to be successful. Most of them are convinced that success means much money.
    Every city and every town should have a zoo
    It is always fun to visit a zoo. Both children and grown-ups like to watch different animals: mammals, reptiles and others. The problem is that not every city and every town has a zoo.
    Fast food kills national culinary traditions
    Fast food is a fast-growing industry including thousands of restaurants and cafes throughout the country. It may seem that fast food is killing national culinary traditions.
    Some people think that you can have only one true friend
    Friendship is one of the greatest phenomena of people’s life. The true friend is always ready to help and support us in any situation. Is it possible to have many true friends?
    Some people think that young people should follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a profession
    Choosing a profession is a great problem because its solution affects almost every aspects of a person’s future life. To be on the safe side, many young people follow in their parents’ footsteps. Are they right or not?
    Some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money
    Learning foreign languages is becoming more and more popular nowadays. A number of language schools and teachers is constantly growing up. But there are some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money.
    A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer
    The computer is one of the greatest inventions of all times. It helps us to work, relax, and study. Computer technologies are widely used in education by both teachers and pupils. It is believed that computers help them to be more effective.
    Does love at first sight really exist? Is it a charming romantic fiction or a reality?
    Love is a nice feeling that is the reason of durable family ties. If two persons love each other they are much more likely to reach mutual understanding and overcome difficulties of life.
    The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. Still, it is considered to be dangerous to many people.
    Nowadays, almost every home has access to the Internet. We use the Internet for various purposes: gaining necessary information, taking part in communities, and even making money.
    More and more people are choosing to live in cities. But some people take up residence in the country.
    Nowadays, there’s a tendency for active young people to leave rural areas for towns and cities. That is the reason why the population of the villages is thinning down now.
    Some people prefer to have big families, but the others come to nothing more than only one child
    Family is a basic constituent of any nation. The well-being of the nation depends on the well-being of each family. A lot of factors make a family happy, and children are among of them. But how many children does a family need to be perfectly happy?
    Well-developed industry ensures the well-being of the whole country and its citizens. But industrial growth is often followed by aggravation of environmental problems.
    Industrial development plays a large role in prosperity of any country. I doubt whether the country could do without leading industries, such as: heavy and light industry, power engineering, extractive industry, heavy engineering, chemical industry, etc.
    As is well known, going in for sport is extremely health-giving. However, many professional athletes suffer from diseases caused by intense exercises.
    Nice shape, great stamina, bulging muscles are the dreams of most people. These dreams may come true thanks to sport.
    Fast food is perhaps the quickest way to satisfy your hunger. But according to many experts, fast food can cause serious illnesses: obesity, gastritis, indigestion, pancreatitis, etc.
    You can hardly find a person who never heard about global fast food chains, such as McDonald’s, Subways, Burger King and so on. Nowadays, fast food industry is one of the most flourishing businesses all over the world.
    Not anyone who knows a foreign language can be an interpreter
    Nowadays, being an interpreter is one of the most prestigious occupations. A lot of young people dream of becoming an interpreter, that’s why they study foreign languages very actively. Many of them achieve a good level of competence.
    School leavers should take a gap year before entering university
    Many high school students take a gap year before entering university. This is a year in which they usually travel abroad and see the world to broaden their horizons. However, some people believe it’s better for them to go straight to university.
    Team sports help people develop a stronger character than individual sports do
    There are many benefits to playing both team and individual sports. Apart from getting some exercise and improving your physical abilities, you can learn about your strengths and weakness and feel great about your accomplishments on the track or field. However, some people believe that team sports help develop a person’s character better.
    People have become too dependent on technology
    These days, people use technology to do many things. They use computers at work, mobile phones for communication, and television to watch programmes. These devices are useful, but have people become too dependent on them?
    Governments should limit the size of sugary drink containers in order to improve public health
    Whenever you visit a supermarket, there is always a huge selection of soft drinks. These drinks are popular because they’re full of sugar, which makes them taste great. It’s become a problem for some people who have gained weight from drinking them. So, should governments limit the size of the containers these drinks are sold in?
    People shouldn’t be allowed to work from home because it’s less productive than being in the office
    More and more people are working from home rather than in an office. It has become easier to work at home because your work can be done on a computer and emailed into the office. But is this good for productivity?
    The production and sale of genetically-modified food should be banned
    In an effort to improve our food supply, scientists have discovered ways to genetically modify food so that it grows faster and is less susceptible to disease. But should the production and sale of genetically-modified food be banned?
    Filmgoers should rely on reviews when choosing a film to see
    Going to the cinema is a popular pastime that nearly everyone loves doing. It seems that every week, a dozen new films are released, and filmgoers are curious about which ones are worth seeing. Should filmgoers rely on reviews when choosing a film to see?
    Pushing children to achieve robs them of their childhood
    Our world has become very competitive, and many parents want to do their best to prepare their children for success in life. Do parents push their children too hard when they’re young, taking away a happy childhood in the process?
    Just as teachers assess their students, so students should assess their teachers
    It is a teacher’s job to assess students’ performance in class. They must mark students’ work and give them feedback on their progress. Should students also be allowed to assess their teachers on their performance?
    It’s always best to wear a business suit when you have an interview for a job
    Getting a job takes a lot of effort, as you have to prepare yourself to answer a lot of questions about your skills and your history. You also have to look your best at the interview. Should you always wear a business suit to an interview?


    • Getting married and having children is the key to one’s happiness.
    • The generation gap will always exist.
    • Vegetarianism is the only way of healthy eating.
    • Cloning people will break the normal life.
    • Feng Shui makes people more successful.
    • In 100 years, all the countries will be at peace.
    • New technologies will make crime impossible.
    • It is insane to live in a densely packed block of flats.
    • Man should come back to nature and enjoy healthy pleasures of rural life.
    • For the younger generation there is nothing in seclusion of a countryside.
    • Joys of life in the country could be fully appreciated only by local people.
    • It is necessary to build blocks of flats nowadays.
    • Films can tell us a lot about the country where they were made.
    • It is strange that some movie stars earn millions of dollars a year.
    • Watching violence in movies is bad for children.
    • Technology has made the cinema a better thing.
    • There is no future without the Internet.
    • The growth of the Hollywood film industry has replaced quality with quantity.
    • Cosmetic surgery can improve the quality of life.
    • International sport is war without shooting.
    • Telepathetic communication would lead to constant conflicts.
    • President of a country is the most important person.
    • Education opens the doors to happiness and success.
    • University students should pay for their education.
    • Earning money is more important than getting a good education.
    • Your work is your identity.
    • Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.
    • Fashion is a pure commerce.
    • Marriage should be banned before a certain age.
    • New technologies boost unemployment.

  7. The modern world is becoming smaller all the time. Every day distances between different countries seem less. For this reason it’s becoming more and more important to know different languages, especially English.
    One billion people speak English today. That’s about 20% of the world’s population. 400 million people speak English as their first language. For the other 600 million people it’s either a second language or a foreign language.
    English is the first language in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. It is one of the official languages in Canada, the Irish Republic and the Republic of South Africa.
    As a second language English is spoken in more than 60 countries. It is used by the government, businessmen and universities.
    English is the language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sport and pop music. 80% of all information in the world’s computers is in English. 75% of the world’s letters and faxes are in English. 60% of all international telephone calls are made in English. More than 60% of all scientific journals are written in English.
    To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Learning a language is not an easy thing. It’s a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But it’s a must.
    English is taught throughout the world and a lot of people speak it quite well. In our country English is very popular: it is studied at schools (sometimes even at nursery schools), colleges and universities.
    Everyone will speak English soon — I’m sure of it. We all need to understand each other. To do that we need an international language, and that’s English.

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