Сочинение на английском на тему работа

11 вариантов

  1. My weekday starts at 6.30 in the morning when my alarm-clock rings. I am not an early bird, so it takes me a couple of minutes before I get out of my bed, especially in winter. I leave home early, at 8.00 to avoid the rush-hour traffic as I start my work at 9 o’clock.
    I work in an office as a secretary for a big building corporation. It’s a Russian well-established company. I found this job 4 years ago through an employment agency.
    The office is in the centre of the city. I usually get there by bus. I spend most of the time working at the computer. My usual duties are typing documents, preparing them for our managing director, answering phone calls and arranging business appointments. I am also responsible for giving new correspondence and fresh newspapers to the managing director, sending faxes or e-mails. Sometimes I translate letters from English into Russian. I am in charge of greeting visitors and offering them tea or coffee too. It is also my duty to arrange travel and hotel accommodation for the boss’s convenient business trips.
    We have lunch at 1 o’clock and I usually go to a cafe which is situated in the next building. If I am not too busy I can have one or two short coffee-breaks during the day. I work full-time from Monday to Friday, so I am in my office until 5 p.m. At the end of every day I get new tasks and take notes for the next day from the managing director and ask him some possible questions.
    I can’t say that my job is very interesting, sometimes it’s monotonous or stressful but I like meeting a lot of new people there, learning new ideas and communicating. I think that to apply for my job one needs good communication skills, the ability to work in a team under pressure and handle difficult situations without any assistance. I understand that my job is not prestigious and I have to climb the career ladder, that is why I am the third-year student at the university now and I am going to graduate from it in two years and become an accountant.


    Мой будний день начинается в 6.30 утра, когда начинает звонить мой будильник. Я совсем не ранняя пташка, поэтому мне нужно еще пару минут, чтобы выбраться из кровати, особенно зимой. Выхожу из дома я рано, в 8 часов для того, чтобы избежать дорожных пробок в «час пик», так как начинаю работать в 9 часов.
    Я работаю в офисе секретарем в большой строительной корпорации. Это российская компания с хорошей репутацией. Нашла я эту работу 4 года назад через агентство по трудоустройству.
    Офис находится в центре города. Обычно я добираюсь туда на автобусе. Большую часть дня я провожу, работая за компьютером. В мои обычные обязанности входит печать документов, их подготовка для генерального директора, ответы на телефонные звонки и организация деловых встреч. Я также ответственна за предоставление новой корреспонденции и свежих газет своему начальнику, отсылку факсов и электронной почты. Иногда я перевожу письма с английского языка на русский. К тому же я отвечаю за встречу посетителей и предлагаю им чай или кофе. Еще я обязана заниматься организацией поездок и устройством в отеле для удобства командировок генерального директора.
    У нас начинается обед в 1 час дня, я обычно хожу в кафе, расположенное в соседнем здании. Если я не слишком занята, я могу устроить один-два коротких перерыва на кофе в течение дня. У меня полный рабочий день с понедельника по пятницу, поэтому я нахожусь в офисе до 5 часов вечера. В конце каждого дня я получаю новые задания и делаю записи на следующий день от генерального директора и задаю ему возможные вопросы.
    Не могу сказать, что моя работа очень интересная, иногда она монотонная или полна стрессов, но мне нравится знакомиться с новыми людьми, узнавать что-то новое и общаться. Думаю, что для подачи резюме на мою должность человеку нужно владеть хорошими навыками общения, способностью работать в команде под давлением и справляться со сложными ситуациями без чьей-либо помощи. Я понимаю, что моя должность не является престижной, и мне следует подниматься по служебной лестнице, поэтому сейчас я являюсь студенткой третьего курса университета, и через два года я его закончу и стану бухгалтером.

  2. A Job for Teenagers

    Работа для подростков

    Many people do not like working. Sometimes it is connected with their profession which they do not like. Sometimes people have problems with the administration or colleagues. Some people choose the work they like and do not have such problems. The reasons why people work vary. Some people just want to earn money for a living. Other people just like working.
    Многие люди не любят работать. Иногда это связано с их профессией, которая им не нравится. Иногда у людей возникают проблемы с начальством или коллегами. Некоторые люди выбирают понравившуюся работу и не имеют таких проблем. Причины, по которым люди работают, меняются. Некоторые люди просто хотят зарабатывать на жизнь. Другие просто любят работать.
    Not only adults want or have to work. Nowadays many teenagers work. The reasons why teenagers work can be similar: some of them just earn money and other teenagers just want to work. Modern teenagers, unlike our ancestors, seldom have to work to support the family. As a rule, they work to have more pocket money. However there are also those who have to pay for the study or support their families.
    Не только взрослые хотят или должны работать. В настоящее время многие подростки работают. Причины, по которым они работают, могут быть похожими: некоторые из них просто зарабатывают деньги, а другие просто хотят работать. Современные подростки, в отличие от наших предков, редко вынуждены работать, чтобы прокормить свою семью. Как правило, они работают, чтобы иметь больше карманных денег. Однако есть и те, кто должен платить за учебу или помогать своей семье.
    There are plenty of choices to earn money, for example, car washing, leafleting, working at office and so on. Car washing is one of the most popular ways to earn money among teenagers. Many classmates of mine wash cars in summer. It is hard to explain why they choose it.
    Есть много вариантов заработать деньги, например, мыть машины, раздавать листовки, работать в офисе и так далее. Мытье машин – один из самых популярных способов заработать деньги среди подростков. Многие мои одноклассники работают на автомойках летом. Трудно объяснить, почему они выбирают именно это.
    However there are some problems and risks connected with the work arrangement, honesty of the administration and payment. There are many cases when employers deceive teenagers and do not pay money. I think the government should pay much attention to these problems and support working teenagers.
    Однако есть некоторые проблемы и риски, связанные с организацией работ, честностью начальства и оплатой труда. Есть много случаев, когда работодатели обманывали подростков и не платили им. Я думаю, что правительству следует уделять больше внимания этим проблемам и поддерживать работающих подростков.

  3. It is important for any of us to find our place in this world, to live and work and feel a part of a modern and progressive society. From the very childhood our parents teach us to study at school well, to get only good notes in order to go after that to a college and become a good specialist in some area. And it is actually a right way of thinking, as our job determines our living and personal character. That is why it is so important to choose an area of activity that would fit perfectly to you.
    My perfect place of activity would be at some large industrial company, producing electrical part s for automobiles. I would work on planning how many people does a factory needs, which and how many equipments would be involved in the production process. I find this interesting to work in a big company dealing with big number of employees and having many production processes. I would like to be in the center of any problem resolving and take part in administration meetings where they discuss different problems and claims.
    Of course it would be better if I would be a leader of a department, like a technical one. I would administrate different activities of employees, engage people and take part in their personal and professional development. I think it is interesting to be leader of a certain community of people, although it supposes big responsibility and much work. A good leader must be confident in making decisions and at the same time good and loyal to people he is responsible for.  In any group of people sometimes conflicts happen and the main goal of a leader is to resolve them without hurting someone seriously. It takes time to become an experienced and wise leader, but I think I am ready to go in this direction and develop myself and prepare myself to be best leader ever.
    Смотрите: диалог: собеседование при приеме на работу
    Для каждого из нас очень важно найти свое место в мире, жить и работать и чувствовать себя частью современного и прогрессивного общества. С самого детства родители учат нас хорошо учиться в школе , получать хорошие оценки, для того чтобы стать хорошим специалистов в какой-о области. И это вообще-то хороший образ мышления, так как наша работа определяет нашу жизнь и личный характер. Поэтому это так важно выбрать подходящую область деятельности, которая идеально вам подойдет.
    Мое идеальное место работы было бы в какой-то большой промышленной компании, производящей электрические запчасти для автомобилей. Я бы работал над планированием того, сколько людей нужно фабрике, какого и сколько оборудования должно быть задействовано в производственный процесс. Я нахожу это интересным работать в большой компании, имеющей дело с множеством рабочих, вовлеченных в большое количество производственных процессов. Я бы хотел быть в центре решения проблем и принимать участие в совещаниях администрации, где обсуждаются многие проблемы и жалобы.
    Конечно, было бы лучше, если бы я был руководителем какого-то отдела, например технического. Я бы управлял разной деятельностью рабочих, нанимал бы людей, принимал участие в их личном и профессиональном росте. Я думаю, что это очень интересно быть лидером какого-то сообщества людей, хотя это предполагает большую ответственность и много труда. Хороший руководитель должен быть уверенным в принятии решений и в то же время хорошим и лояльным по отношению к людям, за которых он в ответе. В любой группе людей иногда случаются конфликты, и главная задача лидера разрешить их без того, чтобы кого-то серьезно обидеть. Чтобы стать опытным и мудрым руководителем нужно время, но я готов идти в этом направлении, развиваться и готовиться для того чтобы быть самым лучшим.

  4. My name is Maxim Sviridov. I work as a manager at the “Star tour” company. It is a Russian company which works in the business travel market. Two weeks ago I was sent by the administration of our company to London where I studied the English travel companies, their traditions, their marketing and management. Now my business trip is coming to an end and I want to share my impressions of English business world with you.
    First of all English businessmen are well known all over the world for their honesty and decency. If an Englishman gives you his word he will keep it in any case. Besides that, nothing can prevent him from refusing the once taken decision. Of course, there are some exclusions, but they are so rare that nobody should put attention on them.
    During the last two weeks my working day was approximately the same. Early in the morning I took a taxi to my hosts’ headquarters, which is situated in the City – the business heart of London. First of all I usually asked Mrs. Lapital – my secretary if there were any letters or cables for me. Then she gave me my correspondence and fresh newspapers and I followed to my office-room. There I studied all documents that had come for my name and wrote a short report about previous business day and then faxed it to my native company in Vladivostok.
    After that I went to Mr. Forsberg’s office-room to get tasks for the new day and ask some questions about their company, its history, traditions, clients, and so on. After that I usually did what Mr. Forsberg told. My usual job was meeting with potential clients, discussing their rest plans and offering the services of Mr. Forsberg’s company. I usually met 10 or 12 people a day. They were representatives of different social groups and communicating with them increased my knowledge of England, Englishmen and their psychology greatly.
    This business trip was a great chance for me and I hope I used this chance fully. Now I know a lot about Western business world, about travel business and this knowledge will help me in my future career.
    Меня зовут Максим Свиридов. Я работаю менеджером в компании “Звездный тур” . Это российская компания, которая работает на рынке туризма. Две недели назад я был послан администрации нашей компании в Лондон, где я изучал опыт английских туристических компаний, их традиции, их маркетинг и менеджмент. Теперь моя командировка подходит к концу, и я хочу поделиться своими впечатлениями об английском деловом мире с вами.
    Прежде всего английские бизнесмены известны во всем мире своей честностью и порядочностью. Если англичанин дает вам свое слово, он будет держать его в любом случае. Кроме того, ничто не может помешать ему отказаться от однажды принятого решения. Конечно, есть некоторые исключения, но они настолько редки, что никто не должен обращать на них внимание.
    За последние две недели мой рабочий день был примерно таким. Рано утром я ехал на такси в офис моих хозяев, который находится в Сити – деловом центре Лондона. Прежде всего, я обычно спрашивал миссис Лэпитэл – моего секретаря, если какие-либо письма или сообщения для меня. Тогда она давала мне мою переписку и свежие газеты, и я следовал в свой кабинет. Там я изучал все документы, которые пришли на мое имя и писал короткий отчет о предыдущем рабочем дне, а затем отсыдал его по факсу в мою родную компанию во Владивостоке.
    После этого я шел в офис г-н Форсберга, чтобы получить задачи для нового дня и задать несколько вопросов о его компании, ее истории, традициях, клиентах и так далее. После этого я обычно делал то, что г-н Форсберг сказал. Моя обычная работа – встречи с потенциальными клиентами, обсуждение их планов на отдых и предложение услуг компании г-н Форсберга. Я обычно встречался с 10 или 12 людьми в день. Они были представителями различных социальных групп и общение с ними значительно увеличило мои знания Англии, англичан и их психологии.
    Эта командировка была большим шансом для меня, и я надеюсь, что я использовал этот шанс в полной мере. Теперь я знаю много о западном мире бизнеса, о деловых поездках и эти знания помогут мне в моей будущей карьере.

  5. Work
    It is true that people work in order to receive money. But do they have other reasons to work? I strongly believe that money is not the only one goal which forces us to get a job. In my view, people also work because they need a social environment and because at work they can develop their skills and realized their wishes.
    First of all, people need to be around other people because we are social creatures. In fact, a person always belongs to a particular social group throughout his life – a kindergarten, a school, and finally, a work. A job means not only working but also interacting with others, sharing, gossiping, even making friends. Also I have some friends who would like to stay at home and depend on their spouses or relatives, they are more likely an exception not a rule. As for me, even though I like and need vacations and holidays, I am getting bored if I don’t have my work for a long time. Moreover, two of my best friends I met at work.
    Besides, work is an important tool of developing a person’s character. It gives us an opportunity to apply and develop our skills, to broad our minds and, the most important, through our job we often are able to realize our dreams. For example, I always enjoyed mathematics in school and in the university because I have an analytical mind. It was my favorite subject and I always had excellent grades. As a result, after I had graduated I chose a job in this field and started to work as an economist. I not only use my mathematical skill in my job but also I have got a chance to improve my knowledge and learn new things which is very exciting and makes me love my job. There are many other examples why people like their job. One of my friends can not imagine her life without her work because she adores animals and she works as a veterinarian. She often told me that she her work is more a hobby for her because all these cats and dogs make her very happy. Also, she can not have a pet at home because her husband has an allergy so her work makes her dream become true.
    In conclusion, even though money is an important reason why people go for work, it is not the only one. In my opinion, people also work because they need a social environment and because they need to realize themselves.

    Сочинение на английском – работа с переводом

    Work is an integral part of our life. Without work people get bored and insecure. Money is not the only reason why people work. Many professions need to be developed and justified over a period of time. For example, when teachers, doctors, artists, composers don’t work for a long time they start losing their skills. When they do work, they develop their creative abilities and establish themselves in society. To be honest for many people work means only a source of income. People work to fend for themselves and to support their families. They work long hours and endure tight schedules. It is certainly bad. When someone doesn’t like what he is doing, sooner or later he gets stressed or depressed.
    I don’t think that someone can be successful at work without taking pride in what he does. People who really enjoy their occupation seem to be always happy. They can work all day long spending hours to explore new ideas. To be out of work for a long time makes such people sad and lonesome. They lose not only mass attention and respect but also their self-esteem. Basically, unemployment for these people is devastating.
    Nowadays, it isn’t easy to find a good job. Many companies look for highly-experienced and professional staff. Thus, young specialists, who have just graduated from universities, stay without work. They lack knowledge and experience, that’s why their chances to find a proper job are low. However, they should not get upset. Instead they should try to volunteer or to participate in internship programs. This way they can gain necessary skills and experience.
    Работа является неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Без работы людям становится скучно и безнадежно. Деньги не являются единственной причиной, почему люди работают. Многие профессии должны развиваться и обосноваться с течением времени. Например, когда учителя, врачи, художники, композиторы не работают в течение длительного времени, они начинают терять свои навыки. Когда они работают, они развивают свои творческие способности и занимают свое место в обществе. Честно говоря, для многих людей работа означает только источник дохода. Люди работают, чтобы содержать себя и чтобы прокормить свои семьи. Они много работают, и терпят плотный график. Это, конечно, плохо. Если кому-то не нравится то, что он делает, рано или поздно у него начинается стресс или депрессия.
    Я не думаю, что кто-то может быть успешным на работе, если не будет гордиться тем, что делает. Люди, которым действительно нравится их занятие, кажутся всегда счастливыми. Они могут работать в течение всего дня, тратя время на исследование новых идей. Оставаясь без работы в течение долгого времени, такие люди становятся грустными и одинокими. Они теряют не только массовое внимание и уважение, но и свою самооценку. В принципе, безработица для этих людей является разрушительной.
    В настоящее время, нелегко найти хорошую работу. Многие компании ищут довольно опытных и профессиональных сотрудников. Таким образом, молодые специалисты, которые только что закончили вузы, остаются без работы. Им не хватает знаний и опыта, поэтому их шансы найти подходящую работу низки. Тем не менее, они не должны расстраиваться. Вместо этого они должны пытаться делать добровольческую работу или участвовать в программах стажировок. Таким образом, они могут получить необходимые навыки и опыт.

  6. Уровень C. Мой мир.
    My ideal work

    Any ideal job is destination and self-realization of man. This work implements his ability, satisfies the requirements, fulfills a wish and meets the rhythm of life.
    An ideal job just fits into the personal characteristics of a person. It enables a person to be in place and do the job.
    Nowadays, most people choose for a more profitable job, ignoring their interests. In pursuit of money people do an uninteresting and unfavourite job, of course, its quality suffers. It should not be so. Work should not be a routine.
    If you do what you like, you will be successful.
    This is the job of my dream.
    It leaves enough time for family, recreation, self-development and is paid adequately. This job is with the change of activity: with a certain balance of mental and physical activity, favorable to health and the environment. It stores, enhances and promotes spiritual, personal and professional growth. An ideal job allows me to communicate with people and brings social benefits. It is reliable, constant and brings the pleasure of the process and the outcome.
    My ideal work is the work which gives a pleasure.
    Идеальная работа – это предназначение и самореализация человека. Эта работа реализует его способности, удовлетворяет его потребности, исполняет его желания и соответствует его жизненному ритму.
    Идеальная работа точно вписывается в личностные особенности человека. Она дает человеку возможность быть на своем месте и делать свое дело.
    В наше время большинство людей выбирают более прибыльную работу, не учитывая своих интересов. В погоне за деньгами люди выполняют неинтересную и нелюбимую работу, естественно от этого страдает её качество. Так не должно быть. Работа не должна казаться рутиной.
    Заниматься любимым делом — залог успешной работы.
    Работа моей мечты:
    Оставляет достаточно много времени на семью, отдых, саморазвитие.Достойно оплачивается. Со сменой деятельности: с некоторым балансом умственной и физической деятельности. Благоприятна для здоровья и окружающей среды.Сохраняет личность, способствует развитию, духовному, личностному и профессиональному росту.Позволяет общаться с людьми, приносит социальную пользу.Надежна и стабильна.Нравится и приносит удовольствие от процесса и от результата.
    Идеальная работа для меня — это работа, которая доставляет удовольствие.

    Похожие статьи:

    4-й конкурс > Идеальная работа

  7. We spend great part of our lives at our jobs, so choosing a right career is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Many students finish high school and begin college without a clear idea of what they want to do in future. Part of the problem is the size of the job market itself. With so many kinds of jobs (2000) how can you tell which will interest you? Some of occupations are already overcrowded. In old industries there may be little need for new workers, while new and growing industries will offer jobs now and in the future. Therefor, it is extremely important to explore your choice of occupations from every angle, collect as much information as you can. But above all you must evaluate yourself. Find out where your interests and talents lie. Postponing a decision is an error people make. “I’ll get started tomorrow or next week, or next year,” – many people think. These people refuse to face the problem, hoping it will go away. But if you don’t take the first step now, how can you plan for the future, how can you take the right way? Such people miss many opportunities. First start with yourself, make a list of your interests, talents and abilities. Most people have a lot of these, but at the beginning they are undeveloped and may not seem outstanding. By concentrating on a few, or on one you may surprise yourself at how good you can get. The interest inventory that follows covers the major fields in which most people find careers: science, art, social service, business, sales and so on. Sometimes we say that someone we know is ‘a square peg in a round hole’. This means that person we are talking about is not suited for the job he is doing. Unfortunately, many people in the world are ‘square pegs’. But to be a ‘square peg’ is not a real problem, a real problem for millions of people is to be unemployed. Unemployment especially hits poor and working class families the hardest, not because this people are more likely to be unemployed, but because they don’t have financial resource to fall back on. Unemployment exists primarily for two reasons: first – the existence of millions of unemployed people tends to present most of those working from asking for higher wages since they can be replaced easily, second – in their search for profits, corporations are interested in finding the cheapest labor. As for our country more than 10% of our people are unemployed. There is no lack of work force in Russia, but at the resent moment the need for professional workers is increasing. Old industries are overcrowded and it is hard to get new education for people whose age is 35-40 years. The problem of unemployment is also connected with the economic crisis in our country. And I think when this crisis comes to an end the problem of unemployment will not be so urgent.

  8. Sooner or later all of us face the problem of choosing a career when we are to decide what we are going to be in future. Choosing a career is not a simple matter — in fact, it can be one of the most important in our life. You don’t need to hurry making a decision. You should examine thoroughly your abilities and character, take a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses, pay attention to your parents’ and friends’ advice and take into account your own preferences. The last point in the list is particularly important because there are many examples when people make great mistakes choosing their future profession. Sometimes they either simply follow in the footsteps of their parents or relatives or just blindly follow their advice. Your choice should be mostly based on your own opinion. Family traditions are good, but your turn of mind may be quite different. So, never base only on other people’s opinion.
    Having thought carefully about what sort of person you are, try to work out a list of your occupation requirements.
    Nowadays there is a great variety of jobs to any taste. Choosing a future career, we should consider the following things.
    • Pay. Is the size of your salary important? Generally speaking, it is important. Of course there may be various situations, but if you are going to be independent, successful and wealthy, you have to find a well-paid job. Moreover, if you are going to have a family, you should be ready to support it, to be a breadwinner. Naturally, you’d like to live in good conditions, and your children to study at good schools, and then to enter prestigious universities, to travel all around the world and so on. Now you understand why you should take money into consideration when choosing a job.
    • Further training, promotion prospects and job conditions should also be kept in mind. Just after graduating it is very difficult to find a plum job which will respond to all your preferences. It is usually a monotonous, tedious clerical job, but if you are a capable and hard-working person, you will certainly be offered an opportunity to climb the ladder.
    • Place of work. You ought to decide whether you want to work indoors (cashier, chemist, librarian, secretary, etc.) or outdoors (driver, firefighter, estate agent, etc.). Your choice may be based on your lifestyle or health condition.
    • Full-time, part-time, flexitime jobs. There is no set pattern to part-time working. It may involve a later start and earlier finish time than a full-time position, working mornings or afternoons only, fewer working days in a week for less salary. It is a perfect variant for students who want to juggle their studies and work, as well as flexitime jobs. Employees decide by themselves when to begin and end their working day.
    • Communication with different people. Meeting and dealing with people doesn’t appeal to every person. Some people are not very sociable; on the contrary, they are timid, shy and diffident. Frankly speaking, it is a great talent to have communication skills. If you think you have it, you may choose a profession involving close contacts with people, such as a doctor, a journalist, a lawyer, a guide, a teacher.
    • Business trips. You should keep in mind that some professions imply travelling all over the world, such as tour guides, scientists, actors, journalists, pilots and so on. It’s not always fun. Business trips may last a week, a month and even more. You may be sent to London for a few days, then you’ll spend only a few hours in Paris, and right after that, without any rest, you’ll have to go to Berlin. Sometimes it turns out that you don’t have even an hour for yourself just to relax and see the town you’ve come to. Such trips may be very exhausting and stressful. However, if you are young, ambitious and full of energy, you will be able not only to do your job successfully but also see the world.
    • Aspiration for creative work. If you are a creative person, it’s a must for you to find such job. It can be a job of an artist, a tailor, a designer or a stylist.
    • Jobs connected with risk. Such jobs are usually well-paid, but very dangerous. A police officer, a fireman, a bodyguard, a lifeguard — these are the names of jobs which imply risk. Those, who want a rewarding but demanding job and who are ready to devote all their lives to it, may choose this kind of work.
    Analyzing all these points will help you not to make a wrong choice.
    In case you are an aspiring, responsible, creative, optimistic, reliable person, who is ready to learn and be laborious, who is not afraid of any difficulties of the future and ready to solve any problem with a smile, the world of jobs and careers will be open to you.
    Choosing a career should not only be a matter of future prestige and wealth. Work should bring real satisfaction; otherwise your whole life will become dull and monotonous.

    Выбор профессии (2)

    Рано или поздно все мы сталкиваемся с проблемой выбора профессии, когда нужно будет решить, кем мы станем в будущем. Это очень непростой вопрос, но именно он может стать одним из важнейших в нашей жизни. Не следует торопиться, принимая это решение. Вы должны тщательнейшим образом изучить свои способности и черты характера, реально оценить сильные и слабые стороны вашей натуры, прислушаться к советам родителей и близких друзей, учитывая при этом свои собственные предпочтения. Обратите особое внимание на последний пункт из перечисленного, т. к. существует множество примеров, когда люди допускают большие ошибки при выборе будущей профессии. Иногда они либо просто идут по стопам родителей или родственников, либо слепо следуют их советам. Ваш выбор должен быть по большей части основанным на собственном мнении. Семейные традиции — это замечательно, но ваш склад ума может быть абсолютно иным. Никогда не полагайтесь только на мнение других людей.
    Тщательно разобравшись в том, что вы за человек, попробуйте составить список индивидуальных требований к рабочему месту.
    На сегодняшний день существует огромное множество рабочих мест на любой вкус. При выборе профессии нужно обратить внимание на следующие критерии:
    • Оплата труда. Важен ли размер зарплаты? Как правило, важен. Конечно, в жизни могут встречаться разные ситуации, но если вы хотите быть независимым, успешным и состоятельным, то вы просто обязаны найти хорошо оплачиваемую работу. Более того, если вы собираетесь завести семью, вы должны быть готовым содержать её. Вам, безусловно, хотелось бы жить в хороших условиях, отправить детей учиться в хорошие школы, чтобы потом они поступили в престижные университеты, путешествовать по миру и др. Теперь вы понимаете, почему так важно учитывать деньги при выборе работы.
    • Дальнейшее обучение, перспективы на повышение и рабочие условия также должны быть учтены. Сразу после выпуска из вуза сложно найти такое место работы, которое будет отвечать всем вашим предпочтениям. Чаще всего это скучная офисная работа, но если вы способный и преданный работник, у вас, несомненно, будет возможность карьерного роста.
    • Место работы. Вам следует решить, хотите ли вы работать в помещении (кассир, аптекарь, библиотекарь, секретарь) или на открытом воздухе (водитель, пожарный, агент по продаже недвижимости). Ваш выбор может зависеть от образа жизни или состояния здоровья.
    • Работа на полную ставку; работа, предполагающая неполную занятость, работа со скользящим графиком. Работа, предполагающая неполную занятость, не имеет чётко установленного графика. Рабочий день может начинаться позже либо заканчиваться раньше, в отличие от работы на полную ставку. Кроме того, можно работать только в утренние либо только в вечерние часы за меньшую заработную плату. Это идеальный вариант для студентов, которые хотят совмещать учёбу с работой, так же как и работа со скользящим графиком. Работники самостоятельно решают, когда им начинать и когда заканчивать рабочий день.
    • Общение с разными людьми. Встречаться и общаться с разными людьми нравится далеко не всем. Некоторые люди не очень общительны, а наоборот, застенчивы, скромны и не уверены в себе. Откровенно говоря, навык общения с разными людьми — это большой талант. Если вы считаете, что он у вас есть — смело можете выбирать профессию, предполагающую тесное общение с людьми, такую как врач, журналист, адвокат, гид, учитель.
    • Поездки и командировки. Вам необходимо чётко сознавать, что некоторые профессии (гиды, актёры, журналисты, пилоты и др.) подразумевают поездки по всему миру Но это не всегда весело. Некоторые командировки могут длиться неделю, месяц и даже больше. Вас могут послать на несколько дней в Лондон, затем вы проведёте всего несколько часов в Париже, а сразу после этого, без всякого отдыха, вам нужно будет ехать в Берлин. Иногда у вас нет даже часа на то, чтобы отдохнуть и осмотреть город, в который вы прибыли. Такие поездки могут быть очень изматывающими и напряжёнными. Однако если вы полны энергии и целеустремлённы, то вам, несомненно, удастся не только качественно сделать свою работу, но и увидеть мир.
    • Стремление к творчеству. Если вы творческая личность, вы обязаны найти такую работу. Это может быть работа художника, портного, дизайнера или стилиста.
    • Работа, связанная с определённым риском. Такие типы работ обычно хорошо оплачиваются, но они очень опасны. Полицейский, пожарный, телохранитель, спасатель — всё это названия профессий, связанных с риском. Те, кто готов посвятить этому всю свою жизнь, могут выбрать себе такую профессию.
    Анализ всех этих критериев поможет вам не сделать ошибки в выборе рода занятий.
    Если вы честолюбивый, ответственный, творческий, оптимистичный и надёжный человек, готовый учиться и быть усердным, не боитесь никаких сложностей в будущем и готовы решать любые проблемы с улыбкой, мир профессий и карьеры будет открыт для вас.
    Выбор профессии должен быть не только вопросом будущего престижа и благополучия. Работа должна приносить удовлетворение, иначе вся ваша жизнь станет скучной и однообразной.
    1. Have you already thought about your future career? What makes the profession chosen so attractive for you?
    2. Do your parents give you a piece of advice about your future profession?
    3. What are your parents?
    4. Have you got any traditions in your family? (connected with jobs)
    5. Try to take a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses. Which of your qualities are worth improving?
    6. What part-time jobs can students do nowadays?
    7 What occupations are popular nowadays in your country? Why?
    8. Imagine that you are a successful businessman (businesswoman). Describe your life: your living conditions, some usual activities and so on.
    9. What is the best way of preparing for your future profession?
    10. Is it easy to choose a career?
    11. Do you agree with the quotation: “It doesn’t matter what job you do. It’s how you do it”?
    choosing a career — выбор профессии
    matter — вопрос, дело
    to examine — изучать
    thoroughly — тщательно
    ability — способность
    strength — сильная сторона
    weakness — слабая сторона
    to take into account — принимать во внимание
    preference — предпочтение
    particularly — особенно
    to follow in the footsteps of — идти по стопам
    blindly — слепо
    to base on — основываться на
    opinion — мнение
    turn of mind — склад ума
    to work out — разрабатывать
    occupation requirements — требования к профессии
    variety — разнообразие
    pay — зарплата, жалованье
    salary — зарплата
    generally speaking — вообще говоря
    independent — независимый
    successful — успешный
    wealthy — состоятельный
    well-paid — хорошо оплачиваемый
    to support a family — содержать семью
    breadwinner — кормилец
    condition — условие
    to enter — поступать
    prestigious — престижный
    further training — дальнейшее обучение
    promotion prospects — перспективы на повышение
    to graduate — окончить (университет)
    plum job — «тёплое местечко» (несложная работа с хорошим заработком)
    to respond — отвечать, соответствовать
    monotonous — монотонный
    tedious — нудный, скучный, утомительный
    clerical job — офисная работа
    capable — способный
    hard-working — трудолюбивый
    to climb the ladder — делать карьеру
    firefighter — пожарный
    estate agent — агент по недвижимости
    full-time job — работа на полную ставку, предполагающая полную занятость
    part-time job — работа на полставки, предполагающая неполную занятость
    flexitime job — работа со скользящим графиком
    set — установленный, неизменный
    pattern — график, расписание
    involve — включать, содержать
    to juggle — совмещать
    employee — служащий, работник
    to appeal — привлекать, нравиться
    sociable — общительный
    on the contrary — напротив, наоборот
    timid — робкий, застенчивый
    diffident — неуверенный в себе
    frankly speaking — откровенно говоря
    communication skill — навык общения
    business trip — командировка
    to imply — подразумевать
    to turn out — оказываться
    exhausting — изнуряющий, изматывающий, утомительный
    stressful — напряжённый
    ambitious — целеустремлённый, честолюбивый
    creative — творческий
    tailor — портной
    well-paid — хорошо оплачиваемый
    bodyguard — телохранитель
    lifeguard — спасатель
    rewarding — полезный, стоящий
    demanding — требующий много усилий или времени
    to devote — посвящать
    aspiring — устремлённый, честолюбивый
    reliable — надёжный
    laborious — трудолюбивый, старательный
    to be a matter of future prestige and wealth — быть вопросом будущего престижа и благополучия

  9. There is a wide choice of different professions and I`d like to tell you about my hesitation what to choose. In my childhood I wanted to become a famous singer or actor but when I was aware of all the difficulties of these professions I decided to refuse of my dream. Then I was going to become a vet. I imagined myself treating different animals, taking care of them, feeding and walking with them in the park, but this dream hadn`t also come true.
    It goes without saying that every person must choose his profession according his natural abilities and inclinations to it. So I have decided to connect my life with a profession of a teacher because I am sure that it`s my cup of tea. On the one hand it`s a great responsibility for children, on the other hand it`s a very interesting, exciting and valuable profession in our life. Besides you won`t be able to succeed as a teacher if you don`t like children. Your success depends on a lot of things. At first you should be communicative, very organized and hardworking. You must be skilful in your profession. It is also necessary to understand pupils, give them a helping hand and be ready to solve their problems. More than that you must be polite and tactful.
    Profession of a teacher is a great profession and it is known that who doesn`t work in this sphere, won`t be able to understand all the essence of it.
    Nowadays there are thousands of different occupations but the most important role in choosing this or that one, plays a salary, of course. It is so, but to my mind, it`s impossible to work only for that purpose “earning a lot of money”.Our job must bring us satisfaction and always only pleasant emotions. So in conclusion I`d like to advise people to choose their profession carefully, taking every thing into their consideration.

  10. Work & Career

    Some people
    change their jobs every few years. Others say it is better to
    work for one company for a long period.
    Almost everybody dreams of having a good job and making a
    career. Some people prefer sticking to one company for many
    years, while others, especially young people, are constantly
    looking for something better.
    Personally, I think that if you stay with one company, you will
    have an opportunity to learn everything about it and to make a
    career. If you are devoted to your profession and work hard, you
    are likely to be promoted. What is more, you can make friends
    with your colleagues and earn your employer’s respect. So, the
    company that you work for may become your family.
    However, a lot of people have to change their jobs very often.
    If the employee thinks that his or her job is not well-paid or
    his or her career is not advancing at an acceptable pace, why
    not look for something else? Some people feel under impossible
    pressure at work. Others face situations that can lead to stress
    such as poor relationships with colleagues, an unsupportive
    boss, lack of consultation and communication, too much
    interference with their private, social or family lives, work
    that is too difficult or not demanding enough, poor working
    conditions and so on. If people feel that they will hardly
    achieve a higher position in this organization, they usually
    move to another company. In some cases employees feel that they
    have outgrown their jobs and they have a desire to find
    something more suitable to their personality and to develop in
    new directions.
    To sum up, I believe that employees should decide for themselves
    what to do to make a career. Anyway, both options have
    advantages and disadvantages.
    At present
    there is no difficulty in choosing a career. However, many
    people say that it is not so easy to find a really good job.
    Nowadays young people have a lot of opportunities to receive
    good education and to find a well-paid job. In any city there
    are a lot of firms which need qualified specialists. So young
    people have a wide choice of career options, but many of them
    think that it is difficult to find something suitable to their
    interests and expectations.
    Personally, I think that if you are clever, active and full of
    energy, you can easily find a good job. You can even stay at
    home and search the Web for vacancies. Just use e-mail, send
    your resume to several companies and wait for their offers. Then
    you can be selected for a job interview and you will be asked
    some questions about your job history, skills, interests and so
    on. If you are suitable for the post, you will be offered a job.
    If not, you can go on looking for other variants.
    However, making a positive career choice is a problem which
    worries many people. Some of them don’t know what they are good
    at. When young people graduate from a University, they need to
    find a job and most of them understand that it is not an easy
    task. Many companies, offices, firms and factories demand work
    experience and that is why they don’t want to employ people
    fresh from school. As a result, the percentage of unemployed
    youth is rather high.
    In conclusion, I would like to say that if you are lazy, you are
    not likely to find a good job. But if you do your best to
    achieve your goal, you will certainly succeed.
    Nowadays a lot
    of people work so much that they do not have time to do anything
    else. Some people say that workaholism is a key to success.
    Others are convinced that it is rather bad to be addicted to
    one’s work.
    Some people think that they will succeed only if they work a
    lot. If you are the first one in the morning and the last one to
    leave at night, if you take fewer vacation days and never take a
    sick day, you will do better than the people who don’t do that.
    But is it really good to be a workaholic?
    To my mind, workaholics often forget about work-life balance and
    suffer from the conflict between work and family. They often
    sacrifice their health and loved ones for their jobs. They are
    too much preoccupied with their careers and they have no time
    for rest, pleasure and spiritual development. As a result,
    constant fatigue, physical and moral exhaustion, monotony and
    impossible pressure at work and at home may cause stress.
    Consequently, it may result in a real breakdown of health. What
    is more, workaholism may lead to early death, often on the job.
    However, working hard is greatly valued in many countries. For
    instance, there are many people who are addicted to their work
    in the USA. They always think about their work and feel
    frustrated if they are kept from it, even during weekends and
    holidays. But I believe that workaholism is not the same as
    working hard. I think that everybody should realize that being
    healthy and happy is more important than making a career.
    To sum up, workaholism is a serious social problem Workaholics’
    obsession with work is all-occupying, which prevents them from
    maintaining healthy relationships and outside interests. So it
    is better not to overwork and to protect your health.
    According to
    some people, it is better to work abroad. Others say that they
    would prefer working in their own country.
    As nowadays travelling has become cheaper and easier, more
    and more people have the chance to work in a foreign country.
    Millions of people are now working overseas. However, others are
    convinced that it is better to work in your own country.
    On the one hand, working in a foreign country gives you a wider
    view of the world. To my mind, it gives you an opportunity to
    work on some international projects, to make friends with people
    of different nationalities, to learn more about foreign culture,
    to gain useful knowledge and experience and to learn foreign
    On the other hand, a lot of people say that it is rather bad
    when experienced specialists leave their motherland in order to
    work abroad. Our country needs good doctors, scientists,
    inventors, sportsmen, writers and so on. What is more, working
    abroad has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it is rather
    difficult to get a work permit. Secondly, settling in can also
    be a problem. Thirdly, a lot of people say they find having to
    speak a foreign language 24 hours rather exhausting. But despite
    the challenges, many people find working abroad extremely
    To conclude, I think that working in a foreign country can help
    you improve your knowledge, broaden your mind and make a career.
    If you give yourself time to settle in and discover new things,
    you will be able to realize your potential and to succeed.
    Anyway, you can always return to your mother country and work to
    improve its economy, politics or culture.
    Some young
    people say that they want their future job to be well-paid.
    Others believe that the most important thing is to love what you
    In their professional lives, many people have to choose
    between love and money — between doing a job they love that
    doesn’t have great financial rewards, or doing a job that pays
    well but doesn’t satisfy the soul.
    Personally, I think that my future profession must be
    interesting, rewarding and challenging. If it is well-paid, but
    boring, I will hardly like it. I want to find a job that will
    give me an opportunity to travel to foreign countries and to
    meet interesting people. Besides, I would like to work on some
    international projects and to learn several foreign languages.
    My profession should help me develop in new directions and suit
    my character, skills and abilities.
    However, some people don’t take into consideration their
    interests and dreams when they look for a job. They think only
    about their future salary and they are even ready to do work
    that is too boring, difficult or not demanding enough if they
    are paid a lot of money. Such people don’t care about poor
    working conditions or lack of support and communication at work.
    But to my mind, it is rather exhausting to do the work that you
    don’t like and to look forward to the end of your working day.
    You will certainly feel stressed and dissatisfied.
    To conclude, most young people lack work experience and seldom
    earn much money at the beginning of their career. However, if
    they work for one company for a long time, they are likely to be
    given several pay rises and to be promoted. Anyway, I think that
    your well-being is more important than your bank account.
    skills have become highly valued by employers. However, some
    people say that sometimes teams cannot work successfully.
    Nowadays more and more employers demand teamwork skills.
    Good collaboration by team members helps achieve goals more
    easily. However, bad collaboration leads to unsuccessful
    performance. So what are the pros and cons of teamwork?
    Personally, I think that the more people there are in a team,
    the greater productivity is. Team members can communicate,
    exchange their ideas and share their experience and skills with
    each other. If a company has a team full of creative people who
    complement one another, then achieving the goal is far more
    likely. To my mind, every team member should be able to make the
    right decision. A well considered decision will lead his or her
    team to success.
    But not everybody can work effectively in a team. Some people
    put their own needs first and do not think of the common goal.
    Others cannot acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of
    other members of the team. Quite a lot of employees try to force
    their ideas upon others, or look down on other people. They are
    reluctant to cooperate or seek advice from other members.
    Furthermore, some people cannot maintain good relationships with
    their colleagues and handle criticism and complaints
    appropriately. As a result, such individuals find it difficult
    to work with other team members and the team will not be able to
    succeed. But I strongly feel that it is very important to
    develop one’s teamwork skills because they can help employees
    make a career.
    To conclude, I believe that the success of the team depends on
    every its member. That is why every employee must do his or her
    best to help the team succeed.
    Some people
    think that to be a success you need talent; others believe that
    hard work can compensate for the lack of it.

    What is success? People define this notion in many different
    ways. Success may mean the achievement of what one wants or
    intends, a high position in society, one’s job, course or sport.
    Some people believe that success is connected with the amount of
    money they earn. But quite a lot of people don’t know what they
    need to be successful.
    To my mind, if you want to succeed, you must work hard. Even the
    most talented person will never be successful if he or she is
    lazy All successful people face a number of challenges at the
    beginning of their career. They have to overcome many
    difficulties, but they don’t give up. At last their persistence
    leads to success. Success always goes hand in hand with hard
    work and great efforts and one often faces a lot of obstacles,
    troubles, disappointment and failure on the way to success.
    However, some people think that if a person is not talented, he
    or she will hardly succeed. As a rule ordinary people have
    ordinary lives. No matter how hard they work, they can never get
    results. People who are not talented, but industrious usually
    become good workers, but they are not likely to make great
    discoveries or to invent something that can revolutionize the
    world. But I still believe that one must be hard-working,
    patient, and strong-willed if one wants to be successful.
    In conclusion, I would like to add that people are successful if
    they use all their talents and work hard in order to improve the
    world and to make it a bit better.
    Some people
    say that it is impossible to work without inspiration. Others
    say that inspiration is not essential.

    People of different professions have been looking for
    inspiration for centuries. But we still don’t know what
    inspiration is and where it can be found. Many people wonder
    whether inspiration is important in our lives and what makes us
    feel it.
    In my opinion, inspiration is part and parcel of the creative
    process. In this state we are capable of making discoveries,
    writing poems, inventing new things and making something
    unusual. Every masterpiece of art, literature, music or
    architecture has been created thanks to inspiration. This
    wonderful feeling has nothing in common with mediocrity, boredom
    or idleness. When I feel inspiration, I can work for many hours
    running and I never feel tired or bored. On the contrary, I am
    full of energy and enthusiasm.
    However, some people say that they have no inspiration. They
    consider their lives to be monotonous and say that every day is
    exactly like the previous one. Working, saving, planning,
    bringing up their children, doing household chores — these are
    the daily aspects of their lives. But I think that inspiration
    is everywhere and it lives in every soul. Sometimes looking at
    the rising sun, falling leaves or smiling children we feel the
    desire to create. Many things can inspire us and fill our head
    with new ideas and thoughts.
    To conclude, only love of their work and inspiration can make
    people create beautiful and unusual things. Inspiration is very
    important because it makes us work, think, search, create and
    express ourselves. In other words, it makes us live.
    Some people
    think that the profession of a teacher is important and noble,
    while others claim it has lost its positions and it is not as
    respected as it used to be.
    A teacher is a person who plays a very important role in
    children’s development, upbringing and education. One should
    have some particular traits of character to be a success in this
    I strongly feel that the profession of a teacher is one of the
    most important professions in the world. A teacher is always
    responsible for his or her pupils. He or she should encourage
    their inner development, protect them from any negative
    influence and watch their progress carefully. A teacher’s
    responsibility is not only to educate a child. He or she should
    also understand pupils’ feelings and dreams, share their
    problems and give good advice. A real teacher is a person who
    can inspire his pupils with interest and love for his or her
    subject. What is more, a teacher may even become as important
    for children as their parents.
    However, some people believe that nowadays teachers are not as
    respected as they used to be. Unfortunately, this noble
    profession is not well-paid and it makes some people think that
    it is not prestigious. Modern society respects money and power.
    That is why young people try to choose professions which can
    make them rich and influential. Everybody is eager to make a
    career and to become famous and successful. But good teachers do
    not strive for money or fame. Their only concern is children’s
    To conclude, we should have the greatest respect for teachers.
    They are deeply devoted to their job in spite of all problems
    and difficulties. We should be grateful to our teachers for
    their help, patience and professionalism.
    Из учебного пособия
    мир с английским языком. 150 эссе для ЕГЭ. Готовимся к ЕГЭ” Юнёва С.А. 2011г.

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    At Work: Jobs

    My name is Martha Glass. I’m thirty-nine years old and I’m a doctor. I chose the medical profession because I wanted to help people and at the same time make good money. When I was younger I wanted to become a teacher or a nurse, but I soon realized there wasn’t much money in either of those professions.
    My parents almost didn’t help me, because they didn’t want me to have a career at all. They wanted me to do what so many other girls did. They wanted me to become a secretary, marry the boss, have kids and stay at home. Well, I got married, and I had kids, but I have my career as well.
    Hi. I’m Billy. 1 left school when I was sixteen. I didn’t have any qualification. I just wanted to earn some money. I got a job in a factory. I didn’t mind being a blue-collar worker. All I wanted was enough money to take my girlfriend out on a Saturday night. But then they got robots in to do my job and I was out of work.
    I was out of work for sixteen months. It’s terrible being unemployed. The days seem so long. I finally got a job as an unskilled labourer, working for a builder. I’m twenty-five now. I suppose I should go to night classes and get some extra training so that I can earn more money as a skilled worker can.
    My name is George Rushton. I’m a businessman. I’m fifty years old and I’ve been working for the same company for twenty-five years. I think I’ve had a very successful career. I started work with the company as a poorly paid clerk. I was one of those nine-to-five white-collar office workers who spend all day with a pencil in one hand and a telephone in the other.
    I hated it. So I was transferred to sales and became one of the company’s sales representatives. I travelled all over the country selling the company’s products and became the most successful salesperson on the staff. In ten years I have been promoted to manager of the sales department. In another ten years I hope to retire with a good pension.

    На работе: профессии

    Меня зовут Марта Гласе. Мне тридцать девять лет, я врач. Я выбрала профессию медика, потому что хотела помогать людям и в то же время хорошо зарабатывать. Когда я была моложе, то хотела стать учителем или медсестрой, но вскоре поняла, что люди этих профессий много не зарабатывают.
    Мои родители мне почти не помогали, потому что вообще не хотели, чтобы я занималась карьерой. Они хотели, чтобы я поступала так же, как и многие другие девушки. Они хотели, чтобы я стала секретарем, вышла замуж за начальника, имела детей и сидела дома. Я вышла замуж, у меня появились дети, но я сделала и карьеру.
    Привет. Меня зовут Билли. Я окончил школу, когда мне было шестнадцать. У меня не было никакой квалификации. Я только хотел заработать немного денег. Я получил работу на фабрике. Я ничего не имел против того, чтобы стать рабочим, «синим воротничком». Все, что я хотел, так это иметь достаточно денег, чтобы повести куда-нибудь свою девушку в субботу вечером. Но затем появились роботы, которые выполняли мою работу, и я остался безработным.
    У меня не было работы в течение шестнадцати месяцев. Это ужасно — быть безработным. Дни кажутся такими длинными. Я наконец устроился на работу чернорабочим низкой квалификации, подсобным строителя. Сейчас мне двадцать пять. Я считаю, что мне нужно идти в вечернюю школу и получить дополнительное образование, чтобы я мог зарабатывать больше денег как квалифицированный рабочий.
    Меня зовут Джордж Руштон. Я бизнесмен. Мне пятьдесят лет, и я работаю в одной и той же компании в течение двадцати пяти лет. Думаю, что у меня была очень успешная карьера. Я начал работу в компании в качестве клерка с маленькой зарплатой. Я был одним из тех сотрудников офиса с белыми воротничками, которые работают с девяти до пяти и проводят весь день с карандашом в одной руке и телефоном в другой.
    Я возненавидел такую работу. Меня перевели в отдел продаж, и я стал одним из коммерческих представителей компании. Я путешествовал по всей стране, продавая изделия компании, и стал самым удачливым продавцом. Через десять лет меня выдвинули на должность менеджера коммерческого отдела. Еще через десять лет я надеюсь уволиться с хорошей пенсией.
    1. Do your parents have a job? What do they do?
    2. What are some good jobs to have and why?
    3. What are the worst jobs?
    4. What job would you like to have?
    5. Would you rather have an uninteresting well-paid job or an interesting but poorly paid job?
    6. Are there many unemployed people in your country? Who? Young? Old?
    7. How can they find a job?
    to choose (chose, chosen) — выбирать
    to make money — зарабатывать деньги
    nurse — медсестра
    to earn — зарабатывать
    to be out of work — быть безработным
    unemployed — безработный
    skilled — квалифицированный
    successful — удачный, успешный
    poorly paid — плохо оплачиваемый
    to transfer — перемещать
    sales — продажа
    to sell — продавать

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