Сочинение на английском языке на тему поход в лес

7 вариантов

  1. Hiking Trip

    Туристический поход

    People like travelling. It is very interesting and exciting way of spending free time. One of the most favourite ways of spending holidays is hiking trip. If you choose it as the way of spending a holiday, it can mean that you will go on an excursion or go walking.
    Люди любят путешествовать. Это очень интересный и увлекательный способ провести свободное время. Одним из самых любимых способов провести выходной является туристический поход. Если вы выберете его как способ провести выходной, это может означать, что вы отправитесь на экскурсию или прогулку.
    Hiking trip means a walking tour of short duration. As a rule, it is a particular route. Once I was on hiking trip. It was the time when I spent my holidays at the seaside. It was the Black sea, actually. My family and I spent much time on the beach, sunbathing and swimming. One day we decided to make our holidays more interesting and chose a hiking trip.
    Туристический поход означает непродолжительную пешую прогулку. Как правило, это определенный маршрут. Однажды я была в походе. Это было время, когда я проводила каникулы на берегу Черного моря. Мы с семьей много времени проводили на пляже, загорали и плавали. Однажды мы решили сделать наш отдых более интересным и решили отправиться в поход.
    It was a walking tour to the waterfall. We woke up early in the morning and called a taxi to get to the place where the trip began. When we got there, first of all, we got the recommendations for the safe trip such as to beware some animals and not to litter.
    Это была пешая прогулка к водопаду. Мы проснулись рано утром и вызвали такси, чтобы добраться до места, где начинался поход. Когда мы добрались туда, прежде всего, мы получили рекомендации по безопасному походу, такие как остерегаться некоторых животных и не мусорить.
    We set off on our way to the waterfall. The waterfall was located deep in the woods on the mountain. We did not afraid to be lost because there were direction signs. For a good while we walked through the wonderful woods with exotic trees and plants. There was a place where we could take a break in the middle of the route. Then we continued our trip and at last got to the waterfall. We liked it and took many photos there. At last we got back to the place where we began our trip. We enjoyed our hiking trip very much.
    Мы отправились к водопаду. Водопад находился глубоко в лесу на горе. Мы не боялись потеряться, потому что повсюду были указатели направления. В течение некоторого времени мы шли через прекрасный лес с экзотическими деревьями и растениями. В середине маршрута было место, где мы могли бы сделать перерыв. Затем мы продолжили наш поход и, наконец, добрались до водопада. Он нам понравился, и мы сделали много фотографий. Наконец, мы вернулись в то место, где мы начали наш поход. Нам очень понравился наш туристический поход.

  2. It was a great sunny day. Me and my family decided to go to forest, since my grandmother thinks, that being in a forest is really healthy.
    We took a shelter, food and my father took a fishing rod. Near the forest was a river, so my father could easily get food for us.
    We found a great place to stay for a while. It was a glade surrounded by trees. I really liked this place. The exception was mosquitoes. They bite too hard, everything gets itchy, which frustrates me so much.
    We made a shelter, father and mother made a fireplace and I went to that river that I told you about.
    Ive never thought it would be so amazing to be that far away from the town, somewhere at nature. My friends probably playing video games at their boring, dark houses, but me, I am having a great time with my family, which makes my life a little more happier.
    At that time when I was sitting near the river and looking at fabulous landscapes, my father came and gave me an idea to go fishing. I was so happy, me and my dad, finally go fishing! We threw our fishing rods into the river and waited. While we sat there, my father told me how he and his father were fishing, how they were going out in a forest and tell each other scary stories. How is it like to smell the odor of a forest, hear the birds singing beautiful songs, and at night even hear the howl of a wolf.
    We finished fishing and return back to mother. There she made us a tasty fish and we got to sleep.
    I may tell you right away this day was unbelievable, our grandmother was so proud of us. And yes, having a great time with your family in this trip is the best that may happen.

  3. It was a great sunny day. Me and my family decided to go to forest, since my grandmother thinks, that being in a forest is really healthy.
    We took a shelter, food and my father took a fishing rod. Near the forest was a river, so my father could easily get food for us.
    We found a great place to stay for a while. It was a glade surrounded by trees. I really liked this place. The exception was mosquitoes. They bite too hard, everything gets itchy, which frustrates me so much.
    We made a shelter, father and mother made a fireplace and I went to that river that I told you about.
    I’ve never thought it would be so amazing to be that far away from the town, somewhere at nature. My friends probably playing video games at their boring, dark houses, but me, I am having a great time with my family, which makes my life a little more happier.
    At that time when I was sitting near the river and looking at fabulous landscapes, my father came and gave me an idea to go fishing. I was so happy, me and my dad, finally go fishing! We threw our fishing rods into the river and waited. While we sat there, my father told me how he and his father were fishing, how they were going out in a forest and tell each other scary stories. How is it like to smell the odor of a forest, hear the birds singing beautiful songs, and at night even hear the howl of a wolf.
    We finished fishing and return back to mother. There she made us a tasty fish and we got to sleep.
    I may tell you right away this day was unbelievable, our grandmother was so proud of us. And yes, having a great time with your family in this trip is the best that may happen.

  4. Напишите сочинение по английскому языку, на тему “Поход в лес” Не больше 10 предложений.


    Я очень люблю походы. На мой взгляд, это отличный источник удовольствия и польза для здоровья. Поход напоминает пешеходную экскурсию или кемпинг. Это длительная прогулка в сельской местности со случайными остановками. Многие люди ходят в походы ради удовольствия или поддержки физической формы. Время от времени нужно покидать переполненные города и совершать пешие прогулки. Свежий воздух оказывает общеукрепляющее действие на нашу психику. Вид огромных деревьев и зеленых кустарников, цветущих диких цветов и бегущих речушек, пение птиц – все это уносит нас вдаль от угнетающей ежедневной рутины.
    I like hiking a lot. In my opinion, it’s a great source of pleasure and health benefit. Hiking is very similar to a walking tour or camping. It is a long walk in the countryside with occasional stops. Most people go hiking for pleasure or physical fitness. It is important from time to time to leave crowded cities and go out for a walking tour. The open air has a bracing effect on our minds. The sight of huge trees and green bushes, blooming wild flowers and running streams, the birds’ singing – it all carries us away from the depressing daily routine.
    надеюсь я помогла)

  5. 5
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  6. Я очень люблю походы. На мой взгляд, это отличный источник удовольствия и польза для здоровья. Поход напоминает пешеходную экскурсию или кемпинг. Это длительная прогулка в сельской местности со случайными остановками. Многие люди ходят в походы ради удовольствия или поддержки физической формы. Время от времени нужно покидать переполненные города и совершать пешие прогулки. Свежий воздух оказывает общеукрепляющее действие на нашу психику. Вид огромных деревьев и зеленых кустарников, цветущих диких цветов и бегущих речушек, пение птиц – все это уносит нас вдаль от угнетающей ежедневной рутины.
    I like hiking a lot. In my opinion, it’s a great source of pleasure and health benefit. Hiking is very similar to a walking tour or camping. It is a long walk in the countryside with occasional stops. Most people go hiking for pleasure or physical fitness. It is important from time to time to leave crowded cities and go out for a walking tour. The open air has a bracing effect on our minds. The sight of huge trees and green bushes, blooming wild flowers and running streams, the birds’ singing – it all carries us away from the depressing daily routine.
    надеюсь я помогла)

  7. Я очень люблю походы. На мой взгляд, это отличный источник удовольствия и польза для здоровья. Поход напоминает пешеходную экскурсию или кемпинг. Это длительная прогулка в сельской местности со случайными остановками. Многие люди ходят в походы ради удовольствия или поддержки физической формы. Время от времени нужно покидать переполненные города и совершать пешие прогулки. Свежий воздух оказывает общеукрепляющее действие на нашу психику. Вид огромных деревьев и зеленых кустарников, цветущих диких цветов и бегущих речушек, пение птиц – все это уносит нас вдаль от угнетающей ежедневной рутины.
    I like hiking a lot. In my opinion, it’s a great source of pleasure and health benefit. Hiking is very similar to a walking tour or camping. It is a long walk in the countryside with occasional stops. Most people go hiking for pleasure or physical fitness. It is important from time to time to leave crowded cities and go out for a walking tour. The open air has a bracing effect on our minds. The sight of huge trees and green bushes, blooming wild flowers and running streams, the birds’ singing – it all carries us away from the depressing daily routine.
    надеюсь я помогла)

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