Сочинение на тему about myself and my family

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  1. Разговорная тема About Myself and My Family отличный пример тем, которые помогут Вам подготовиться к устному собеседованию или экзамену, так как выучив данную тему, вы, на самом деле, будете готовы ответить и на вопросы о себе и своих увлечениях, и на вопросы о составе своей семьи.
    Тема вовсе не сложная и соответствует уровню Pre-Intermediate. Topic About Myself and My Family предлагается с переводом.
    Уровень: Pre-Intermediate
    Будет полезна ученикам  7 — 9 классов.
    Ищите более сложный topic About Myself? Есть и такой! Посмотрите здесь.

    About Myself and My Family.

    Allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Anton, I was born in Bryansk on the 20th of April 1993. My hobbies and interests vary greatly.  I enjoy spending time and relaxing with my true close friends as much as gardening. Volleyball and cooking, keeping in good physical shape and reading, studying and dreaming are all very interesting to me.  The most thrilling and never boring of all for me is English.  My dream is to understand any single word and even the most difficult expressions from English movies or English- speaking people. And I really do my best to make this dream come true.
    My family is large by modern standards: Mom, Dad, my little sister and I. My mother is in her early 40es. I must say she looks young for her age.  I like her deep brown eyes, her soft voice and the way she smiles. My mother is patient and warm-hearted.
    I admire my father for his strong character. There are moments in the life when one feels lost and nothing is left but a deep sigh. I’m happy that I can cast all my troubles and concerns to my Mom and Dad. They understand and can easily comfort me. It is my parents who give me a good and right example to follow.  I feel safe: the little world within my family is perfect.
    The things I hope to achieve in life: to have a very successful career, a healthy and interesting life, to build the country home of my dreams and to find someone perfect in life to share all that great things with.
    А теперь перевод!

    О себе и своей семье

    Позвольте мне представиться.  Меня зовут Антон, я родился в Брянске 20 апреля 1993 года. Мои увлечения очень разнообразны.  Мне нравится проводить время, отдыхая с верными близкими друзьями, не меньше, чем заниматься садоводством.  Волейбол, кулинария, поддержание себя в форме и чтение, учеба и мечты — все мне интересно. Но самое интересное и никогда не скучное занятие — это английский язык. Я мечтаю понимать все слова и даже самые сложные выражения в английских фильмах и разговоре англичан. И я, действительно, делаю все, что могу, чтобы эта мечта сбылась.
    Моя семья, с современной точки зрения, большая: мама, отец, моя младшая сестра и я. Моей маме чуть больше сорока. Я должен сказать, что она выглядит намного моложе ее возраста. Мне нравятся ее бездонные карие глаза, мягкий голос и улыбка.  Моя мама уравновешенная и добросердечная.
    Я восхищаюсь моим отцом за его сильный характер.  В жизни каждого бывают моменты, когда чувствуешь себя потерянным, и ничего не остается, как только тяжело вздохнуть. Я рад, что могу обратиться со всеми своими проблемами к родителям. Они понимают меня и помогают мне.  Это они дают мне хороший правильный пример для подражания. Я чувствую себя защищенным; маленький мирок внутри моей семьи прекрасен. В жизни я хочу достигнуть следующего: успешной карьеры, здоровья, построить загородный дом моей мечты и найти кого-то прекрасного, кто разделил бы со мной все это.
    I hope you find this conversational topic About Myself and My Family very useful.
    Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

  2. 2
    Текст добавил: милашка скарими глазками

    My family

    Моя семья

    The family is an important part of everyone`s life. My family members are the people who always support me and are ready to help in every situation. There are five members in my family: my mother, father, elder sister, younger brother and me.
    Семья — это важная часть жизни каждого. Члены моей семьи – это люди, которые всегда поддерживают меня и готовы помочь в любой ситуации. В моей семье пять человек: мама, отец, старшая сестра, младший брат и я.
    My father`s name is Igor. He is thirty-nine years old and works as an accountant in a big international company. He spends a lot of time at work and is really exhausted when he comes back home in the evening. My mother`s name is Mary. She is thirty-six. My mother used to work in a small pharmaceutical company. However, nowadays she is a housewife. She keeps the house clean, cooks for the whole family and takes care of my little brother Peter. He is only two years old. Peter is a very cute and clever child. I enjoy playing with him. It is really funny. My elder sister, Ann, is sixteen years old. Most part of my day I spend with my sister because we study together. Every morning I go to school with her. Sometimes Ann helps me with my homework. When we have spare time we normally go for a walk together.
    Моего отца зовут Игорь. Ему тридцать девять лет, и он работает бухгалтером в крупной международной компании. Он проводит много времени на работе и вечерами возвращается домой уставшим. Мою маму зовут Мария. Ей тридцать шесть. Моя мать работала в небольшой фармацевтической компании. Однако в настоящее время она является домохозяйкой. Она держит дом в чистоте, готовит для всей семьи и заботиться о моем младшем брате Пете. Ему всего два годика. Петя очень милый и умный ребенок. Мне нравится играть с ним. Это очень забавно. Моей старшей сестре, Ане, шестнадцать лет. Большую часть дня я провожу со своей сестрой, потому что мы вместе учимся. Каждое утро я хожу в школу с ней. Иногда Аня помогает мне с домашним заданием. Когда у нас есть свободное время, мы обычно гуляем вместе.
    In my family, there are some traditions. Every Saturday we spend the whole day together. We go for a walk in a park or to the cinema. From time to time we visit some exhibitions. On Sundays, we tend to visit my grandparents and have dinner together. I really appreciate the fact that my family is so friendly.
    В моей семье есть несколько традиций. Каждую субботу мы проводим весь день вместе. Мы гуляем в парке или идем в кино. Время от времени мы посещаем выставки. По воскресеньям мы, как правило, навещаем бабушку с дедушкой и ужинаем вместе. Я очень ценю тот факт, что моя семья очень дружная.

  3. Страница №2 >
    Каждый из нас может рассказать о себе либо всё, либо только то, что он считает нужным знать людям, с которыми он общается. Все мы личности, и у каждого из нас есть свои увлечения и маленькие секреты.
    Изучая раздел Топиков и Сочинений на тему “О себе” каждый из вас сможет грамотно написать собственную биографию на английском языке, да и просто рассказать о своей жизни и о жизни своих близких своим англо-говорящим друзьям.
    К сочинениям прилагаются переводы для лучшего понимания текста, и запоминания оборотов письменной речи. Также в конце сочинений прилагаются дополнительные вопросы и словарь неизвестных слов, рекомендованых к изучению.
    1.  About My Family – Моя семья
    2.  About Myself – О себе (1)
    3.  About Myself – О себе (2)
    4.  About Myself – О себе (3)
    5.  About Myself – О себе (4)
    6.  About Myself – О себе (5)
    7.  About Myself – О себе (6)
    8.  At School – В школе
    9.  At the Library. My School Library – В библиотеке. Моя школьная библиотека (1)
    10.  At the Library. My School Library – В библиотеке. Моя школьная библиотека (2)
    11.  Books – Книги
    12.  Books in Our Life – Книги в нашей жизни
    13.  Choosing a Career – Выбор профессии
    14.  Choosing an Occupation – Выбор профессии (1)
    15.  Choosing an Occupation – Выбор профессии (2)
    16.  Choosing an Occupation – Выбор профессии (3)
    17.  English Has no Equals! – Английский не имеет равных!
    18.  English is the Language of Communication – Английский язык — язык общения
    19.  Family Life – Семейная жизнь
    20.  Family problems – Семейные проблемы
    21.  Foreign Languages in Our Life – Иностранные языки в нашей жизни
    22.  Hobbies – Хобби (1)
    23.  Hobbies – Хобби (2)
    24.  Holidays – Каникулы
    25.  House of My Dream – Дом моей мечты
    26.  How do I Learn English – Как я изучаю английский язык
    27.  I Want to be a Businessman – Я хочу быть бизнесменом
    28.  I Want to be a Doctor – Я хочу быть врачом
    29.  I Want to be a Journalist – Я хочу быть журналистом
    30.  I Want to be a Programmer – Я хочу быть программистом
    31.  I Want to be an Interpreter – Я хочу быть переводчиком
    32.  Introducing Myself – О себе
    33.  My Daily Programme – Мой распорядок дняLeisure Time. Hobbies
    34.  Music in Our Life – Музыка в нашей жизни
    35.  My Best Friend – Мой лучший друг
    36.  My Birthday – Мой день рождения (1)
    37.  My Birthday – Мой день рождения (2)
    38.  My Birthday – Мой день рождения (3)
    Страница №2 >

  4. 4
    Текст добавил: КаЛаБок_ПаВеСиЛсЯ

    Let me introduce myself. I am Alina Ivanova. I am seventeen years old. I was born on May 14, 1987 in Moscow, so I have been living in Moscow since my childhood. I descend (1) from the family of teachers. There are five of us. I am a pupil of the eleventh form of a secondary school. I’m a school-leaver (2) this year and that’s why it is very important for me to make the right choice (3) of profession. I want to enter the Foreign Languages Department of the Pedagogical University. My parents and teachers at school advise me to become a teacher firstly to continue our family occupation (4), secondly because I have always given my preference (5) to the humanities (6), especially English.
    It is my favorite subject at school and I do well in it without any effort. I do not only do my best at school, I take a preparatory course (7) at the Pedagogical University.
    I like all the subjects taught at the preparatory course but most of all I like the subjects of my future specialty.
    When I’m free I enjoy doing different things with my friends and alone. I am fond of reading interesting books. Among my favorite writers are Charles Dickens and Mark Twain. I like sport very much. I go in for basketball and always take part in sports competitions at our school.
    Now let me introduce (8) my family. We are a family of five. I think we are a large and friendly family.
    I’d like to start with my parents. I have got a father and a mother. Their names are Sergey Dmytrovych and Ekateryna Petrovna. My parents have been married for twenty-five years. This year we are celebrating their silver wedding (9). They have much in common, but they have dif¬ferent interests, hobbies, points of view on sports and music. For example, my father is fond of sports and my mother doesn’t go in for sport at all. She is a great home-sitter. She keeps house and takes care of her family. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands.
    But my parents have the same opinion about the education and upbringing (10) of their children. They are good specialists as well. Both of them are teachers.
    My father is a director of a secondary school. He likes his profession greatly though I understand that it is a difficult job. He is always busy and he works overtime (11) very often.
    My mother is a teacher of English. After graduating from the Pedagogical Institute she began working at school. She knows her subject perfectly and tries to develop in her pupils the desire to know the foreign language as well as their native one, to be cultured persons. My mother is a nice woman with brown hair and green eyes. She is forty-three but looks much younger. She is always elegant and smart. We usually help our mother about the house.
    Now I’m going to tell you a couple of words (12) about other members of our family.
    Besides me, my parents have got one more child. She is my sister. Her name is Natalya. She is older than I. She is twenty-two. She is married and has a family of her own. She is a postgraduate (13) of Moscow State Linguistic Uni¬versity. She is a very slim and pretty woman.
    Her husband is a scientist. They have got a son, my nephew (14). All of us like him greatly, he is only two years old, a lovely boy with golden hair and blue eyes and a spirit (15) that is always bright and happy.
    We also have many relatives. My aunts, uncles and cousins live far from us, in different cities of Russia. On holidays they come to visit us and we have a very good time together.
    So we are a happy family and are getting on all right.
    Позвольте мне представиться. Меня зовут Алина Иванова. Мне семнадцать лет. Я родилась 14 мая 1987 г. в Москве, так что я живу в Москве с детства. Я из семьи учителей, нас в семье пятеро. Я ученица одиннадцатого класса средней школы. Я выпускница в этом году, и поэтому для меня очень важно сделать правильный выбор профессии. Я хочу поступить на факультет иностранных языков педагогического университета. Мои родители и учителя в школе советуют мне стать учительницей, чтобы, во-первых, продолжать наше семейное дело, во-вторых, через то, что я всегда отдавала предпочтение гуманитарным наукам, особенно английскому языку.
    Это мой любимый предмет в школе, и он мне дается без каких-либо усилий. Я не только стараюсь как можно лучше учиться в школе, я занимаюсь на подготовительных курсах в педагогическом университете.
    Мне нравятся все предметы, которые преподают на подготовительных курсах, но больше всего я интересуюсь предметом моей будущей специальности.
    Когда у меня есть свободное время, мне нравится заниматься разными делами, как вместе с моими друзьями, так и самой. Я люблю читать интересные книги. Моими любимыми авторами являются Чарльз Диккенс и Марк Твен. Мне очень нравится спорт. Я занимаюсь баскетболом и всегда участвую в спортивных соревнованиях нашей школы.
    Теперь позвольте мне рассказать о моей семье. Нас пятеро. Я считаю, что мы большая и дружная семья.
    Я хотела бы начать с моих родителей. У меня есть отец и мать их зовут Сергей Дмитриевич и Екатерина Петровна. Мои родители женаты уже двадцать пять лет. В этом году мы празднуем их серебряную свадьбу. У них много общего, но они имеют разные интересы, увлечения, точки зрения относительно спорта и музыки. Например, мой отец любит спорт, а моя мать не занимается спортом вообще. Она любит проводить время дома. Она хозяйничает и заботится о семье. Она замечательная кухарка и любит рукоделие.
    Мои родители имеют общий взгляд на образование и воспитание детей. Они сами являются хорошими специалистами. Они оба учителя.
    Мой отец – директор средней школы. Ему очень нравится его профессия, однако я понимаю, что это тяжелая работа. Он всегда занят и очень часто работает во внеурочное время.
    Моя мать – учительница английского языка. После окончания педагогического института она начала работать в школе. Она прекрасно знает свой предмет и пытается развивать в своих учениках желание знать иностранный язык так, как свой родной, чтобы быть образованными людьми. Моя мать красивая женщина с волнистыми волосами и зелеными глазами. Ей сорок три года, но она значительно моложе на вид. Она всегда элегантная и привлекательная. Мы, конечно, помогаем нашей маме по хозяйству.
    Теперь я хочу рассказать о других членов нашей семьи.
    Кроме меня, мои родители имеют еще ребенка. Это моя сестра. Ее зовут Наталья. Она старше меня. Ей двадцать два года. Она замужем и имеет собственную семью. Она аспирантка Московского государственного лингвистического университета. Она очень стройная и красивая женщина.
    Ее муж – ученый. У них есть сын, мой племянник. Все его очень любят. Ему только два года. Он очаровательный мальчик с золотыми волосами и голубыми глазами, всегда веселый и в хорошем настроении.
    У нас много родственников. Мои тети, дяди и двоюродные братья живут далеко от нас, в разных городах России. На праздники они приезжают посетить нас, и мы хорошо проводим время вместе.
    Итак, мы счастливая семья и у нас все в порядке.
    1. descend [d?’send] — происходить
    2. school-leaver — выпускница
    3. right choice — правильный выбор
    4. occupation — профессия
    5. preference [‘pref(?)r(?)n(t)s] — предпочтение
    6. humanities [hj??man?ti] — гуманитарные науки
    7. preparatory course — подготовительные курсы
    8. introduce [??ntr?’dju?s] — представлять
    9. silver wedding — серебряная свадьба
    10. upbringing — воспитание
    11. work overtime — сверхурочная работа
    12. a couple of words [‘k?pl] — несколько слов
    13. postgraduate [?p?ust’gr??u?t] — аспирантка
    14. nephew [‘nefju?] — племянник
    15. spirit — дух
    1. When and where were you born?
    2. Is your family large?
    3. What are your duties about the house?
    4. Do you go in for sport regularly?
    5. What do you like to do when you stay home alone?
    6. Have you got any relatives in the country?

  5. Имя, возраст, место жительства.
    Let me introduce myself. Му name is John Smith. I’m 12 years old. I’m from the USA. I live in New York.
    I’m tall and slim. I have big blue eyes and brown hair.
    Семья (состав, возраст, род деятельности).
    I have a big family. I live with my mother, farther, and two sisters. Their names are Ann and Joan. They are 5 years old and they are twins. My mom is a teacher and my farther is a dentist.
    Род деятельности (учеба, работа, любимые предметы, планы).
    I study at school number 2014. I am in the 6th grade now. My favourite subjects at school are Math and Physics. After school I plan to enter the Technical University. I want to be an engeneer in the future.
    Хобби, увлечения.
    I’m fond of swimming and chess. I go to the swimming pool twice a week and take part in competitions. I also love reading books and watching TV. My favourive writer is Joanne Rowling, the author of Harry Potter. As for TV, I watch sitcoms and news programs.
    Личные качества, ценности.
    I’m trying to be kind and polite. I always help my mother to  look after my sisters. For me it’s very important to be a good boy in all situations.
    Ниже вы найдете еще примеры рассказов «About Myself» в зависимости от возраста рассказчика.

    About Myself для ученика начальной школы

    My name is Valentin. I was born on the 15th of May 2010, so I’m 7 years old. I’m from Russia, I live in Moscow. I come from a small family. There are three of us: a mother, a farther and me. I go to school. I am in the second form. I am good at Painting and Math. In my free time I usually read books and go to the gym. I have a lot of friends. In future I want to be a designer.
    Меня зовут Валентин. Я родился 15 мая 2010 года, поэтому мне 7 лет. Я из России, я живу в Москве. Я родом из маленькой семьи. Нас в семье трое: мама, папа и я. Я хожу в школу. Я учусь во втором классе. Я хорошо успеваю по ИЗО и математике. В свободное время я обычно читаю книги и хожу в спортзал. У меня много друзей. В будущем я хочу стать дизайнером.

    About Myself для ученика старших классов

    Let me introduce myself. My name is Anna Kaufman. I am sixteen. I am a student of the Rostov Secondary School. At the moment I am in the tenth grade.
    I am easy-going, cheerful and responsive. I love my family and friends and I am always eager to help them and divide their joy and sorrows. I adore outdoor activities, picnics, rafting and travelling. I like to sit by the fire with my friends and enjoy the natural beauty of the world. Besides, I am a very versatile person.
    I am fond of fashion, photography, music, English and painting. In my free time I can spend hours out in the open air. On my way to school I always listen to my favorite songs on my iPod. Twice a week I go to the gym where I practice yoga and ballet. I also like to play volleyball and basketball with my friends.
    As to my appearance, I am quite tall and slim with big blue eyes and plump lips. My hair is curly and brown. I have lightly tanned skin. My friends find me rather attractive.
    My family is not large. My parents have one more child, besides me. Thus I have got an older sister. Her name is Mary. She is in her late twenties. She works in a bank as a chief accountant. She is married and has a wonderful daughter named Alice.
    I have the best parents in the world. Both of them are understanding, kind and patient. They always support me and give me sound advice. My
    mother is very beautiful and elegant and always inspires me. My dad is a surgeon. Every day he saves lives of many people. I am happy to have such a friendly family. On our weekends we often go to the country and stay with my grandparents. I help my grandma with gardening or go fishing with my granddad. My grandparents are retired but work part-time as teachers at school.  I appreciate every minute of my life spent in the circle of my family.
    Позвольте мне представить себя. Меня зовут Анна Кауфман. Мне шестнадцать. Я ученица Ростовской средней школы. На данный момент я нахожусь в десятом классе.
    Я беззаботная, жизнерадостная и отзывчивая. Я люблю свою семью и друзей, и я всегда готова помочь им и разделить их радости и печали. Я обожаю активный отдых, пикники, рафтинг и путешествия. Мне нравится сидеть у костра вместе со своими друзьями и наслаждаться природной красотой мира. Кроме того, я очень разносторонний человек.
    Я увлекаюсь модой, фотографией, музыкой, английским языком и живописью. В свободное время я могу проводить часы на свежем воздухе. По дороге в школу я всегда слушаю мои любимые песни на своем iPod. Два раза в неделю я хожу в спортзал, где я занимаюсь йогой и балетом. Я также люблю играть в волейбол и баскетбол с друзьями.
    Что касается моей внешности, я довольно высокая и стройная с большими голубыми глазами и пухлыми губами. Мои волосы курчавые и коричневые. У меня слегка загорелая кожа. Мои друзья считают меня довольно привлекательной.
    Моя семья невелика. У моих родителей есть еще один ребенок, кроме меня. Таким образом, у меня есть старшая сестра. Ее зовут Мэри. Ей около тридцати. Она работает в банке главным бухгалтером. Она замужем и имеет прекрасную дочь по имени Алиса.
    У меня лучшие родители в мире. Они оба очень понимающие, добрые и терпеливые. Они всегда поддерживают меня и дают мне хорошие совети. Моя мама очень красивая и элегантная и всегда вдохновляет меня. Мой отец — хирург. Каждый день он спасает жизни многих людей. Я рада, что у меня такая дружная семья. В выходные мы часто ездим в деревню и остаемся у моих бабушки и дедушки. Я помогаю бабушке с садоводством и люблю рыбачить с дедушкой. Мои дедушки и бабушки — пенсионеры, но работают неполный рабочий день  учителями в школе. Я ценю каждую минуту моей жизни, проведенную в кругу моей семьи.

    About Myself для студента ВУЗа/техникума

    Let me introduce myself! My name is Peter Golubev. I come from Novosibirsk, the city in the east of Russia. Next winter I will be 20.
    I know that telling a lot of nice words about yourself is not modest but I am a kind and easy-going young man. My friends say that I am quite handsome and cheerful. They also consider me to be a reliable and sincere friend. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a slender man, neither tall nor short. My hair is brown and wavy. My eyes are green.
    Now let me tell you a little about my family. It takes an important part in my life. I have a lot of relatives and we are close to each other. I live at home with my parents. My mother is a dressmaker and my father is a chief cook in a restaurant. My elder brother is 25 and he is married. He and his wife went to work in Germany last year.
    As for my interests I spend my free time studying English, swimming, riding a bike, hiking in the countryside and surfing the Internet. I also devote 2 or 3 evenings a week to the gym. Sport is my passion! I am not interested in watching TV, I remember about this device only once a year – on New Year’s Eve.
    I am not married but I am in a relationship with a nice girl whose name is Dasha. We’ve been dating for 2 years already. We love cooking food, watching movies and playing tennis together. We are also fond of listening to English rock music.
    I am a third year student of Moscow Aviation Institute at the faculty of aircraft engineering. I am enjoying the course a lot. My weekdays are usually busy with studies and I must work hard to become a good aviation engineer after I graduate. I want to be a well-educated person, to develop myself and become the best son for my parents.
    Позвольте представиться! Меня зовут Петр Голубев. Я родом из Новосибирска, города на востоке России. Следующей зимой мне будет 20 лет.
    Я знаю, что говорить много приятных слов о себе не скромно, но я добрый и спокойный молодой человек. Мои друзья говорят, что я довольно красивый и веселый. Они также считают меня надежным и искренним другом. Когда я смотрю на себя в зеркало, я вижу стройного мужчину, ни высокого, ни низкого. Мои волосы коричневые и волнистые. Мои глаза зеленые.
    Теперь позвольте мне рассказать вам немного о моей семье. Она играет важную роль в моей жизни. У меня много родственников, и мы близки друг к другу. Я живу дома с родителями. Моя мать — портниха, а мой отец — шеф-повар в ресторане. Моему старшему брату 25 лет, и он женат. В прошлом году он и его жена переехали работать в Германию.
    Что касается моих интересов, я провожу свободное время, изучая английский, занимаясь плаванием, катанием на велосипеде, поездками в деревню и серфингом в Интернете. Я также хожу 2 или 3 раза в неделю в спортзал. Спорт — моя страсть! Мне не интересно смотреть телевизор, я вспоминаю об этом устройстве только раз в год — в новогоднюю ночь.
    Я не женат, но встречаюсь с хорошей девушкой по имени Даша уже 2 года. Мы любим готовить еду, смотреть фильмы и играть в теннис вместе. Мы также любим слушать английскую рок-музыку.
    Я студент третьего курса Московского авиационного института факультета авиастроения. Мне очень нравится курс. Мои будни, как правило, заняты исследованиями, и я должен много работать, чтобы стать хорошим инженером авиации после окончания учебы. Я хочу быть образованным человеком, развиваться и стать лучшим сыном для своих родителей.

    About Myself для взрослого человека

    Let me introduce myself. Hello, my name is Anna Fedorova. I am twenty-eight and I live in Moscow in my own flat.
    I graduated from Moscow State University, the faculty of journalism. So my job is bound to it. I work as public relations specialist at “Learnathome”. In this position I am responsible for keeping in touch with mass media, such as television and radio channels as well as written media – newspapers and magazines. Apart from work, I am involved in a charity organization “Nochlezhka” which helps homeless people get food and shelter every day.
    As for my hobbies, I enjoy skating in winter and roller-blading in all the other seasons. It is a good way both to relax and to keep fit.
    I love having a good time with my family in such a way. It consists of my parents, my husband and my son. My parents are retirees, my son goes to school and he is in the 1st year. My husband is the head of human resources department at “Learnathome.ru”. Being involved in family, professional and charity life requires from me such personal qualities as ambitiousness, energy, leadership and communicative skills. They help me cope with all the tasks in my daily life.
    Позвольте мне представиться. Привет, меня зовут Анна Федорова. Мне двадцать восемь, и я живу в Москве в своей квартире.
    Я окончила МГУ, факультет журналистики. Поэтому моя работа связана с этим. Я работаю специалистом по связям с общественностью в «Learnathome». На этом посту я отвечаю за поддержание контактов со средствами массовой информации, такими как телевидение и радиоканалы, а также письменными СМИ — газетами и журналами. Помимо работы, я участвую в благотворительной организации «Ночлежка», которая помогает бездомным получать еду и жилье каждый день.
    Что касается моих увлечений, я люблю кататься на коньках зимой и на роликах во все другие сезоны. Это хороший способ расслабиться и поддерживать себя в форме.
    Мне нравится так проводить время с моей семьей. Он состоит из моих родителей, моего мужа и моего сына. Мои родители — пенсионеры, мой сын ходит в школу в первый класс. Мой муж является начальником отдела кадров на «Learnathome.ru». Участие в семейной, профессиональной и благотворительной жизни требует от меня таких личных качеств, как амбициозность, энергия, лидерство и коммуникативных навыков. Они помогают мне справляться со всеми задачами в моей повседневной жизни.
    Также на YouTube очень много обучающих видео о том, как рассказать о себе. Например, вот это:

  6. Мой брат

    Что же касается моего брата, то можно сказать, что он мой лучший друг. Он на три года младше меня, поэтому у нас много общего. Он учится в средней школе. Он общительный и остроумный. Он также дружелюбный. Я не припомню, чтобы мы с ним ссорились. Мы оба играем в теннис три раза в неделю, поэтому проводим вместе много времени.


    В общем и целом, у нас очень дружная семья. Мы всегда помогаем друг другу. У нас также много родственников, и мы любим собираться все вместе.
    Скачать Топик по английскому языку: Рассказ о моей семье

    My family

    Describing my family

    My full name is Ann Smith and I want to tell you a few words about my family. It’s not very big, just a typical one: father, mother and my younger brother and me. I have also got two pets: a puppy and a parrot. If only you could imagine how funny they are!

    My mother

    My mother is 42. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair and grey eyes. I think she looks her best. She works as an interpreter in a large foreign company. Sometimes she has to go abroad and we all miss her a lot, but when she is back everybody is in seventh heaven. It’s not easy to keep the house in order without my mom. Although she is very hard-working and committed person she never puts her family aside. She is a kind and clever woman.

    My father

    My father is 45. He is a manager. He is well-read and very interesting to talk to. I like spending long winter evenings discussing different up-to-date problems with him. He is also handy with many things. It’s not a problem for him to fix something in the house. In his spare time he teaches me to drive a car.

    My brother

    Regarding my brother, I may say that he is my best friend. He is three years younger, so we have a lot in common. He is a pupil at a secondary school. He can be described as a sociable and witty person. He is also friendly. I can’t ever remember arguing with him. We both play tennis three times a week, so we spend much time together.


    All in all, I have a very united family. We always help each other. Besides, we’ve got a lot of relatives and we all appreciate getting together on various occasions.

  7. Кто-то сказал: «Самое главное в мире – это семья и любовь». Я думаю, что многие люди согласны с этим утверждением.
    Моя семья состоит из четырех человек: мой прекрасный отец, мать, старший брат и я, конечно.
    Моего отца зовут Владимир. Он работал заместителем управляющего в горнодобывающей компании, до того как вышел на пенсию. Сейчас ему 62 года и он заботится о моей матери и нашей семье. Кстати, после выхода на пенсию он начал готовить действительно отличные блюда, это его любимое хобби.
    Мою маму зовут Ольга. Она является ИТ-менеджером в казначействе. Работает с компьютерами настолько долго, сколько я могу вспомнить. Думаю, ей нравится возиться с ними и вносить некоторые изменения в программное обеспечение. Ей 58 лет, но она все еще выглядит так, как будто ей 48 лет. Невероятно!
    Мои родители добры, но довольно строги в воспитании своих детей и внуков. Они всегда дают мне и моему брату хорошие советы о том, как жить, и делятся своим жизненным опытом.
    Мой старший брат работает адвокатом. Его зовут Денис. Сейчас он живет со своей семьей в другой стране, и я ужасно скучаю по нашим посиделкам. Он довольно красивый мужчина с темно-каштановыми волосами, которые только начали седеть. Слава Богу, моя невестка не ревнивая женщина. Он искренний и надежный. Я могу положиться на него в любой сложной ситуации. Также он гордый отец 2-летней девочки. Ее зовут Элизабет, и она ведет себя как настоящая королева. Всегда требует внимания своих родителей и любит немного командовать.
    Могу сказать, что мы очень дружная семья. Мои родители понимают нас с первого взгляда, и мы помогаем друг другу без лишних слов.
    Похожие сочинения
    Топик About myself
    Топик My best friend
    Топик My future career
    Популярные сочинения
    Топик My working day
    Топик Shopping
    Топик Russia

  8. Family
    Text 1
    My Family
    Let me introduce myself. My name is Alexander, Alec for short. My full name is Alexander Sergeyevich Orlov. Orlov is my surname. Alexander is my first name and Sergeyevich is my patronymic. I am not yet nineteen. At the moment I am a first-year student at the University.
    My parents have two more children besides me. Thus I have got an elder brother and a younger sister. My sister Helen is just out of school. She is seventeen. She is a pretty girl with brown hair and soft dark-brown eyes. Her dream is to become a pianist.
    My brother, whose name is Michael, is eight years my senior. He is twenty seven already. He is a builder. He is married and has a family of his own. They are four in the family. He has a wife and two children – a son and a daughter. They are twins. They are lovely little children with golden hair and dark-blue eyes. They are always full of joy and gaiety. His wife’s name is Nina. She is a surgeon by profession. They are not in Saint Petersburg. They are in the Far East.
    My parents are not old at all. Father is fifty, and Mother is three years junior. My grandparents are already pensioners but they are still full of life and energy. They have a house in the country. Aunt Mary is with them.
    She is a pleasant-looking woman of about forty. Uncle Nick, her husband, is a librarian. He is a clever man but a little unpractical. Aunt Mary, on the other hand, is very practical and full of common sense.
    They have a son. He is my cousin. Peter is nineteen. He is a fine fellow. He is at the University and is studying to be a chemist. He is a clever, hard working student, a first class footballer, and a good runner. He is strong, quiet and thoughtful like his father.
    Answer these questions:
    1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What does your sister look like?4. Does your brother have his own family? 5. What is his brother’s wife by profession? 6. Who has a house in the country? 7. What is Uncle Nick? 8. Is Peter a fine fellow? 9. Why do you think he is a fine fellow? 10. Who does Peter take after?
    Text 2
    About Myself and My Family
    Let me introduce myself. I’m Igor Rostov. Igor is my first name. Rostov is my surname. I’m fourteen years old. I was born on the 10th of December in Moscow.
    I’m a pupil. I go to school. I’m in the 9th form. I’d like to be a computer programmer. I’m good at Maths and Physics. They are my favourite subjects.
    I’m rather tall and slim. My hair is fair. I’ve got blue eyes. I like to joke and to laugh. I think I’ve got a sense of humor. I go in for sports. I play football. Our team takes part in different football competitions.
    I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. There are five of us: my mother, my father, my brother, my sister and me.
    First of all some words about my parents. My parents have been married for twenty-four years. My father is fifty years old. He is an engineer. His name is Boris. He works in the office of a shipbuilding company. He is very experienced. My father is always busy. He likes his job very much. My father is a tall man with fair hair and green eyes. He can make different things with his own hands. We’ve got a car and my father always repairs our car himself. My father is fond of swimming. When he has some free time we go to the swimming-pool together.
    My mother’s name is Sveta. She is forty-five but she looks much younger. She is slim. My mother has big blue eyes and brown hair. She is a doctor. She works in a hospital and likes her profession very much. My mother keeps house and takes care of us. She is very good at cooking. She often cooks something tasty for us. We try to help her about the house.
    I’m lucky to have an elder brother. My brother Oleg is about twenty-three. He is married and has a family of his own. Oleg is a businessman and his wife Helen is a teacher of English. They have a small daughter who is two year old. Oleg is my best friend. I can always turn to him with my troubles.
    My younger sister Olya is only five years old. Olya goes to the kindergarten. She is very funny. I like to spend my free time teaching her something. Sometimes I take Olya to the Zoo.
    My grandparents are retired. They don’t live with us but I think them to be members of our family. They often come to see us. My grandparents like gardening. They spend a lot of time in the country. They grow vegetables and fruit.
    I love my family very much. We always help each other. Everyone in my family is my best friend.
    Answer these questions:
    1. What’s your name? What’s your surname? 2. How old are you? 3. When and where were you born? 4. Are you a pupil? 5. What form are you in? 6. What do you want to be? 7. What is your favourite subject? 8. Are you tall or short? 9. What hair have you got? 10. What colour are your eyes? 11. Do you like to joke? 12. Have got a sense of humor? 13. What is your favourite sport? 14. Is your family large? How many are you in the family? 15. Have got any sisters or brothers? How old are they? 16. What are your parents? Where do they work? 17. How long have your parents been married? 18. What is your father’s name? How old is he? 19. Is your father tall? Has he got a hobby? What is it? 20. What is your mother’s name? How old is she? 21. Can you describe your mother? 22. Who keeps your house? 23. What are your grandparents? 24. Does your family have a country house? 25. You love your family, don’t you?
    Text 3
    Meet the Clarks
    The Clarks live in a semi-detached house with a garden in London. They are four in the family: the father, Mr. Clark, the mother, Mrs. Clark, and their two children.
    Mr. Clark is a tutor. He works at London University. He teachers English and American Literature. He is a quiet man, rather shy, but strict his students, a good listener, not much of a talker. He is in his early forties, a little above medium height, with regular features and fair hair slightly grey at the temples. He has hazel eyes.
    Charles Clark is fond of music. He plays the piano very well. He is also fond of books. He knows French, German and reads, writes these languages very well.
    His wife Mary is two years younger than her husband, tall and slim, with a lovely face and large grey eyes. She has beautiful brown hair. She makes up very little. Mary works in a service industry for three days a week. She quite likes her job as it gets her out of the house. She meets people and it is close to the children’s school. Charlie is proud of his wife, as she is kind and gentle and cooks perfectly.
    Their daughter Kitty is a pretty little girl with dark blue eyes and chestnut hair. She takes after her mother. She is eight years old and goes to primary school in London. She is fond of books. Her favourite book is «Alice in Wonderland».
    Her brother Bobby is a dark-haired boy of fifteen. He is not like his sister. He is a tall strong boy broad at the shoulders and thin at the waist. He is good at natural sciences and he is going to enter the University. He likes to play chess, tennis, football. He is the best footballer among his friends.
    The Clarks are a friendly family. Their most popular evening entertainment is watching television or video. Sometimes they visit friends, go to the cinema or a restaurant. Their most popular hobby is gardening.
    Answer these questions:
    Where do the Clarks live? 2. How many are there in their family? 3. What is Mr. Clark? 4. Why is Charlie proud of his wife? 5. Who does Kitty take after? 6. What is her favourite book? 7. What is Bobby going to do after finishing school? 8. What does he like to play? 9. Are the Clarks a friendly family? 10. What is their popular hobby?
    Text 4
    Miss Clara Flight
    Miss Clara Flight is a pretty girl with a good figure and an interesting face. She is always well dressed. Miss Flight is a secretary in an office in London. She is a good shorthand typist and a hard-working girl. Clara is fond of pop-music and films. She is a regular cinema-goer and she would like to be a film star.
    Mr. Geoffrey Baxter is a manager of a big London travel agency. Mr. Horace Hawk and Miss Clara Flight are employees of the firm. Miss Flight is Mr. Baxter’s secretary. Mr. Hawk’s advertisements are of no use in business, because they are too melancholy. Mr. Hawk’s life is not easy. It is the life of a genius forced to work in an office.
    Mr. Baxter has a fiancee. Her name is Alice Elliot. She is a University student. She is an undergraduate at Cambridge University. Her subject is sociology. Alice has a very interesting and original personality and she is a brilliant talker. She can talk about anything and everything. She can dance all the modern dances. She can make friends and influence people without much difficulty.
    Mr. Baxter is very proud of his fiancee but he is a little worried. He cannot talk with ease about anything interesting; he cannot dance the modern dances. Besides he is not very musical. What can he do? Who can help Mr. Baxter?
    Answer these questions:
    1. What is Miss Flight? 2. What is she by profession? 3. What is her hobby? 4. What is Mr. Baxter’s fiancee’s name? 5. Is she a student? 6. What subject does she study? 7. Why is Mr. Baxter very proud of his fiancee? 8. Can Mr. Baxter dance the modern dances? 9. Is he musical?
    Text 5
    The Greys
    There are six people in his family: Mr. John Grey, his wife Helen, John’s parents Jim and Margaret and their children Robert and Lucy. John is 36 years old. So is Helen. Their birthdays are late in September. They always have them at home. Jim Grey is 65. His wife Margaret is 17 years younger. She is Jim’s second wife. Susan, John’s mother, died when he was 5. Robert and Lucy are schoolchildren. Robert is 12. He is three years older than his sister. They are baptized like their parents and grandparents. They all were married in church. Jim Grey is a retired aircraft officer of the US air force. He has been a very experienced pilot of transport aviation for many years. Then he finished the US air force academy and became a top ranking commanding officer.
    His wife Margaret is a former school cooking teacher. After finishing her teacher’s college she worked at a small elementary school teaching music to 7-8 year old children. At 25 she married a 37-years-old very handsome and gay military pilot who soon perished in an air crash. Margaret became a widow with a two years old son. She saw Jim Grey for the first time at the restaurant where she had her birthday party. Jim was among her guests, very joyful and bright. They got acquainted while dancing.
    John didn’t want to take after his father in professions. He became a skillful lawyer working with Tomson’s firm. His salary is rather high. It is enough for the family’s good living standard.
    Helen is at work only 3 days a week. She earns less money but she has more time for her family. Helen is a computer engineer by education. She is good at sewing, painting, cooking. She is not fond of staying in the kitchen for long hours. She usually cooks on holidays when the Greys receive guests, coming to their small town from other US places.
    Margaret, John’s step-mother, can cook well. She has to cook almost every day. She is up and about since early morning. Jim, her husband, is always busy in their country house and kitchen garden taking care of their sheep, cows, pigs, hens, ducks and growing vegetables. Jim is a good farmer.
    Answer these questions:
    1. How many people are there in the Greys family? 2. Were they all married in church? 3. What is Jim Grey? 4. Was he a very experienced pilot? 5. Where did Margaret meet Jim for the first time? 6. What is Helen by profession? 7. What is she good at? 8. Who can cook well? 9. Where is Jim busy? 10. Is Jim a good farmer?
    Text 1
    Studies at University
    I finished school last year and started University. Now I am a University student.
    The academic year begins in September and ends in June. It has two terms. Each term ends with credit tests and examinations. Students have 2 examination periods a year: in January and in June. After examination periods students have holidays. The University course lasts 5 years.
    During the academic year students do various subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History, Computing, Economics, Foreign Languages, Technology, Art, Psychology and others. It depends on the faculty they are in. Students have classes, lectures, seminars, laboratory works, and practical classes at the workshops. They also have classes of physical education. Students are very busy and have a lot of work to do. So they work hard during the academic year.
    As for me I’ll finish University in five years. I would like to become a good specialist. I am going to be a teacher and teach pupils at school. The profession of a teacher is very noble but, to tell you the truth, it is not well-paid.
    Answer these questions:
    1. What is the text about? 2. How long does the University course last? 3. How many terms has the University? 4. The University trains good specialists, doesn’t it? 5. Are students very busy during the academic year? 6. Do they work hard? 7. What subjects do they do? 8. What do they have after exams? 9. What does each term end with?
    Text 2
    My Working Day
    My working day begins early. I always get up at 7 o’clock. Before I leave for the Institute I have a lot of things to do. First of all I do my morning exercises. When doing them I usually open the window and switch on the radio. I like to do my morning exercises to music. Then I go to the bathroom where I wash, clean my teeth and dress. At a quarter to eight I am ready to have breakfast. While having breakfast I often listen to the latest news on the radio or look through the newspapers.
    It doesn’t take me long to have breakfast. At a quarter past eight I leave home for the Institute. As I live far from the Institute I go there by bus or by metro. It usually takes me half an hour to get there. I seldom walk to the Institute in the morning because I have no time and I am afraid to be late for classes.
    I am never late. I always come to the Institute in time. Between classes we have short breaks. At 12.20 we have a long break for dinner. I usually have dinner in the dining room of our Institute which is always full of people at this time.
    As a rule we have three lectures or seminars a day. Classes are over at twenty minutes to four. If I don t have a meeting, I go home. Sometimes I stay at the Institute if I have some social work to do. There is a Students’ Scientific Society at our Institute. I am a member of this Society. Once a month I attend its meetings. I am also a member of the English circle which meets on Tuesdays.
    Sometimes I stay at the Institute because I need a book or an article which I only can get in the reading room. Before and after classes in the reading room there are always a great many students who read different books and articles, work at their reports or do their homework.
    After classes I usually walk home. I like to walk after a busy working day. When I come home I have dinner and a short rest. Then I prepare my lessons. It usually takes me about three hours. In the evening I have supper and watch TV. Sometimes if I have time, I go to the cinema. I usually go to bed at 11 o’clock.
    Answer these questions:
    1. Is John a student? 2. When does his working day begin? 3. What does he do in the morning? 4. When does he have breakfast? 5. What does he do during breakfast? 6. How long does it take him to have breakfast? 7. He lives near the Institute, doesn’t he? 8. How does he get to the Institute? 9. Does he walk to the Institute in the morning? Why? 10. Is he often late for classes? 11. When does he usually have dinner? 12. How many lectures does he usually have a day? 13. What does he do after classes? 14. Does he prepare for his lessons after he comes home? 15. How does he spend his evening? 16. When does he go to bed?
    Text 3
    A Student’s Day
    My working day begins early as a rule. On weekdays I usually get up at a quarter past 7. I make my bed and go to the bathroom where I wash my hands and face, clean my teeth and comb my hair. It doesn’t take me long to dress.
    Then I take my dog for a walk in the park. Less than half an hour later I return home to have breakfast. My mother usually cooks the meals for our family. I seldom do morning exercises as I am often short of time in the morning. I have to hurry to the University because I hate being late for classes.
    I leave home at 10 minutes to eight and it takes me not more than ten minutes to get to University on foot. That’s why I almost always come in time. Our classes begin at a quarter past eight. As a rule we have 5 or 6 lessons a day. When the classes are over I go back home. Sometimes I have to stay in the reading-hall to read for my homework or do some social work. I like to take a walk together with my friends after my study. On my way home I often go shopping if my mother asks me to.
    When I return home from the University I take my dog for a run at once, have a short rest and then we have dinner which my mother has prepared. After dinner I often help my mother to wash the dishes and to clean up the rooms if it is necessary. After that I begin doing my homework. It never takes me more than two hours to get everything ready.
    I seldom have much time to spare but when I have some I like to read an interesting book, or to watch an interesting programme on TV, or to go to the movies with my friends to see a new film. If my father is not very busy we sometimes play chess. I never stay up late. Before going to bed I read a little and get ready for the following working day. I usually go to bed at about 11 p.m.
    Answer these questions:
    1. When does your working day begin? 2. Who usually cooks your breakfast? 3. Do you do your morning exercises? 4. When do you leave home? 5. How many lessons do you usually have a day? 6. Why do you have to stay after classes? 7. What do you do after dinner? 8. Do you have much time to spare? 9. When do you go to bed?
    Text 4
    My Daily Routine
    On week-days the alarm-clock wakes me up and my working day begins. It is seven o’clock. If it is spring or summer I jump out of bed, run to the window and open it wide to let the morning air in. The bright sun and the singing of birds set me into a cheerful working mood. In winter I am not so quick to leave my bed, and I bury my head under the pillows pretending not to hear the alarm clock. But all the same, it is time to get up and I start getting ready for my work.
    I make up my bed and go to the bathroom where I turn on the hot and cold taps. While the water is running into the bath, I clean (brush) my teeth. Then I turn off the taps and have my bath. Sometimes I have a shower. If I am not short of time, I tidy up the room. I am through with it in 10 minutes. While I am having breakfast, I switch on the radio and listen to the news. Breakfast, as doctors say, must be the most substantial meal of the day. But I have neither time nor inclination to cook it, so I just have a cup of coffee and some sandwiches.
    I leave the house at 10 minutes to 8, and as I live quite near the station I like to walk there in any weather. My train to town leaves at 8.10 I arrive in town at a quarter to 9.
    My working day starts at 9 sharp, I work till half past 12 and then I go out for dinner to a canteen which is just round the corner. It does not take me long to have my meal. I return to work at half past 1 and work till 6. During my working hours I haven’t a spare moment to think of my University classes. I am a student at the Evening Department of the University.
    We have classes four times a week, and on other days I often spend my evenings in the reading-room of our library preparing my homework. It’s not easy to work and study at the same time, but I feel great satisfaction when I think of the future.
    Sometimes friends come to my place and we play chess; sometimes we go to the pictures or the theatre, but not very often. In summer I like to get out more; so in the evenings I go to the tennis court for a few sets of tennis, or take out my bike for a run in the country.
    Answer these questions:
    1. When does your working day start? 2. What do you do in the morning? 3. When do you usually leave the house? 4. When do you have dinner? 5. Are you a student? 6. How many classes do you have a week? 7. How do you spend your evenings? 8. Where do you go with your friends? 9. What do you do in summer?
    Holidays and Travelling
    Text 1
    Part 1
    Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It’s always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.
    Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.
    Most travelers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them – the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, plains, waterfalls, forests, different kinds of trees, flowers and plants, animals and birds. Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had.
    People travel by train, by plane, by boat and by car.
    All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations.
    If we are fond of travelling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes.
    Answer these questions:
    1. Are you fond of travelling? 2. Why do people travel? 3. Why do people take a camera with them? What do they usually photograph? 4. What do we see and learn while travelling? 5. Do you agree that travelling broadens our minds? 6. How do different people spend their holidays? 7. What means of travel do you know?
    Text 2
    Part 2
    People began to travel ages ago. The first travelers were explorers who wanted to discover new lands and to find wealth. Their journeys were very dangerous. Nowadays travelling is not as dangerous and much more convenient.
    Millions of people all over the world travel every day. You can choose the means of transport you like – plane, train, ship, bicycle or you can go hiking.
    Of course, travelling by plane is the fastest way of travelling, but it is also the most expensive one. We all agree that the future belongs to the air transport because it’s more comfortable and more convenient than other ways of travelling. There are a lot of advantages of travelling by air. There is none of the dust of a train or a car journey.
    Besides, flying is a thrilling thing. Although planes do not take us to small remote places, but only planes take us to other continents. If you are hungry you can have a meal. A stewardess serves snacks and drinks. Besides from the comfortable seat in a plane you can have a splendid view of the beautiful cloudy sky. But many people say that there are a lot of disadvantages of travelling by air. Planes make them nervous. And they are quite right because flying is not a good experience if you are air-sick. Besides, nowadays we have a lot of air-crashers. As you know, flying depends on the weather conditions. If the weather is cloudy airliners cannot fly. And travelling by air can cost a lot.
    Travelling by train is one of the most popular means of travelling. Trains go slower than planes but you can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Travelling by train is cheaper. Modern trains are very comfortable and you can enjoy a splendid view of the countryside. If you are hungry you can have a meal in the dining-car.
    Travelling by sea is usually called a voyage or a cruise. On board large ships people can visit foreign countries and see their own country.
    Travelling by bus is one of the cheapest means of travelling. Modern buses have comfortable seats, video and phone. You can have hot tea or coffee, drinks and snacks there. You can have a trip not far from your home or visit foreign countries.
    Many people prefer travelling by car. They don’t have to buy tickets. They don’t have to carry heavy luggage. They can stop wherever they wish and spend as much time as they like at any place.
    But some people like to travel on foot or by bike. It isn’t the most comfortable means of travelling, but it is the cheapest.
    I think travelling is the best way to spend your holidays. When we travel we can see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home.
    Answer these questions:
    1. When did people begin to travel? 2. Who were the first travelers? 3. It was very dangerous to travel ages ago, wasn’t it? What about nowadays? 4. Do you like to travel? 5. What means of travelling do you know? 6. What is your favourite way of travelling? 7. What is the fastest way of travelling? 8. Some people say that the future belongs to the air transport, don’t they? 9. What are the advantages of travelling by air? 10. What are the disadvantages of travelling by air? 11. Why do many people often choose to travel by train? 12. What is the most comfortable and expensive means of travelling? 13. What is one of the cheapest means of travelling? 14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by bus? 15. Why do many people prefer travelling by car? 16. Have you ever travelled on foot or by bike?
    Text 3
    My Last Summer Holidays
    I always look forward to my summer holidays. In my opinion, there’s nothing like the Russian countryside. We’ve got a small country house in a very picturesque place not far from Zagorsk. There’s a river and a lake there. My friends and I often go swimming and boating there. I’m also fond of lying in the sun.
    There’s a lot of fish in the lake, so I sometimes go fishing. I like to sit in silence for a while waiting for a fish to get caught and listening to the birds singing in the trees. When I happen to catch a fish I set it free at once, because I do fishing just for pleasure.
    When it’s very hot I usually go to the forest. The air is cool there. I like to walk in the shade of trees and pick mushrooms and berries. I’ve got a dog called Jack. He becomes so happy when I take him with me to the forest. Jack likes to run after butterflies or dragonflies.
    But last summer my parents decided to go to some other place for a change. They made up their minds to go to the Crimea. I think it was the greatest mistake they had ever made. This, in a nutshell, is what happened.
    To begin with, it was very difficult to find a place to stay. We rented a room in a house a long way from the sea. It was the only place we managed to get. It took us about half an hour to get to the beach. But it didn’t matter, as it turned out a few days later. Suddenly our happy sunny days were over. It started to rain. It occasionally cleared up for a while but then the rain went on again. All we could do was to spend all our time in the cinema or in a cafe. It was impossible to leave because we had made reservations beforehand and we had to spend another week there.
    I had never seen so many films in my life. By the end of the week I got very tired of the cinema and I could only lie on the bed reading books or staring at the ceiling.
    At last the happy day of our departure came. You can’t imagine how astonished we were. The sun began to shine early in the morning. It seemed to me that it was laughing at us.
    After that holiday we decided to spend every summer in the country.
    Answer these questions:
    1. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays? 2. Do you always look forward to your summer holidays? 3. What do you usually do in summer? 4. Do you like to go swimming (boating)? 5. Are you fond of lying in the sun? 6. What do you usually do in hot weather? 7. Are you fond of fishing? 8. What do you enjoy doing in the evenings? 9. Have you ever been to the Crimea? 10. Where did you spend your last summer holidays?
    Text 4
    Summer Holidays
    The English are quite right when they say: “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. I’m sure all students like summer holidays best of all, because they are the longest. During these holidays we can go to the country to walk in the woods, pick berries and mushrooms or go to the seaside to swim and to lie in the sun.
    I’d like to tell you about my last summer holidays. First we went to the country. My elder sister and I spent two months there, June and July. There is nothing like our village. It is situated not far from the city. It took our family about an hour to get there by car. Our family has got a small country house there. Our grandparents live in the village and sometimes they come to the city. There is a large river there. We often went boating and swimming in the river. The weather was always fine, and we liked to be outdoors. Every day there was something that was fun to do. We went for long walks to the woods, picked flowers, gathered mushrooms and berries. We watered the plants in the garden, took care of the domestic animals and helped our grandmother about the house.
    My sister is fond of lying in the sun. The weather was often hot, so she became sunburnt spending much time on the beach.
    We had a nice time in the country. Then August came and our family went to the seaside. Several years we dreamt of spending some weeks at the seaside. We decided to go to Sochi. We got there by plane. It was fantastic! Our parents rented a room in a house not far from the sea. It took us about ten minutes to get to the beach. The weather was wonderful! We spent a lot of time at the seaside swimming in the sea, playing volleyball on the beach and lying in the hot sun. The water in the sea was always warm.
    I think spending holidays at the seaside is a great rest.
    We returned to the city at the end of August, because our parents had to go to work and my sister and I had to go to school. And now I am looking forward to my next summer holidays.
    Answer these questions:
    1. Did you go to the country last summer? 2. How did you get to your village? 3. With whom did you go there? 4. Where is your village situated? 5. How long did it take your family to get there? 6. Has your family got a country house? 7. Is it small or big? 8. Is there a river, a lake or a pond there? 9. Did you go boating or swimming last summer holidays? 10. What was the weather like last summer? Was the weather usually cold or warm? 11. Did you spend much time outdoors? 12. Did you go to the forest? 13. How often did you go to the forest to gather mushrooms? 14. How did you help your grandmother about the house? 15. Do you like to go to the seaside? 16. How did you get there? 17. Did you stay at a hotel or rent a room in a house? 18. How did you spend time on the beach? 19. When did you return to the city?
    Great Britain

    Text 1

  9. Перевод:
    Позвольте представиться, меня зовут Ольга Петрова. Я родилась 19 февраля 1994 года в городе Курск в России. Мне шестнадцать лет. Я ученица. Учусь в 11м классе.
    Наша семья большая. Это мама, папа, мой маленький братик и я. Брата зовут Антон. Ему 11. Антон приятный и смешной.
    Мои родители молодые. Моя мама красивая женщина. Ей 39. Она имеет две высших образования. Она работает экономистом. Моя мама любит читать книги и журналы, и она знает много интересных вещей. Она всегда помогает мне с моими проблемами.
    Моему отцу 41. Он журналист. Он любит свою работу очень сильно. Мой отец тоже хорошо готовит. Он всегда делает новые блюда, и они очень вкусные.
    Вечером все члены нашей семьи любят смотреть телевизор. Иногда мы идем в театр или на концерт. Наша семья дружная. Мы привязаны друг к другу и у всех друг с другом хорошее отношение.
    Я хорошо учусь. Мои любимые предметы в школе английский, русский, литература и другие. Я хочу выучить испанский и французский тоже.
    Иметь друзей очень важно. Моего друга зовут Оксана. Она живет не далеко от меня. Сейчас нелегко встретить истинного и верного друга. Я рада, что у меня есть Оксана. Я доверяю ей и я уверена, что могу на нее положится в любом ситуации. Она тот человек, к которому я могу обратиться за помощью и советом в самые трудные минуты в моей жизни, и которому я могу рассказать обо всех своих проблемах. Она никогда не думает о людях плохо. Я скучаю по ней, когда мы не видим друг друга в течение длительного времени. Я думаю, что наша дружба позволяет мне чувствовать себя уверенно, уважать чувства и мнения других людей. Лично я считаю, что дружба является большой силой.
    Есть много интересных и захватывающих вещей, которыми можно занять свое свободное время. У каждого человека есть свои интересы и увлечения такие как чтение книг, просмотр телевизора, занятия спортом. У меня много увлечений. Это кулинария, танцы, пение, и английский язык. Также я люблю читать книги. Мои любимые книги жанров приключения и ужастики, любовные истории. Когда я читаю книги, я наслаждаюсь процессом. Моим основным хобби является английский. Я думаю, что каждому необходимо иметь хобби.
    Всем нравится музыка. Некоторые люди любят классическую музыку, другие любят популярную музыку. Что касается меня, я люблю все виды музыки. Я меломан. В некоторых видах музыки можно обнаружить счастье, в некоторых даже печаль. Какая-то музыка серьезная, а другая может заставить людей смеяться.
    Моя семья любит праздники. Обычно мы отмечаем каждый праздник за столом и дарим подарки родственникам, друзьям.
    Я люблю Новый год очень сильно. Моя мама и я обычно украшаем новогоднюю елку с красочными стеклянными шариками и игрушками. Я также готовлю новогодний ужин, специальный салат. В эту ночь мы устраиваем настоящий праздник.
    Мой другой любимый праздник – мой день рождения, который в феврале. В этот день я нахожусь в центре внимания. Мои родители и друзья дарят мне подарки, и я, как правило, устраиваю вечеринку. Я приглашаю своих друзей, и мы весело проводим время вместе. Я очень люблю праздники и торжества.
    В раннем детстве многие дети не понимают, как ответить на вопрос «кем ты хочешь стать, когда вырастешь». Они говорят о многих интересных и захватывающих профессиях, наиболее популярные из которых летчик, космонавт, бизнесмен.
    С годами их мнение меняется. Я знаю много интересных и полезных профессий, но больше всего мне нравится профессия переводчика. Почему ? Потому что я люблю английский язык. Необходимо изучать иностранные языки. Именно поэтому ученики изучают в школе иностранные языки. Каждый знает свой собственный язык, но полезно знать и иностранные языки. Я хочу читать книги на языке оригинала.
    Я люблю путешествовать, но трудно посетить страны, когда вы не знаете языка, на котором там говорят. Если я буду знать язык страны, которую собираюсь посетить, то мне будет легко. Если я хочу что-то спросить, я могу сделать это на английском языке. Существуют международные лагери дружбы в мире. Если вы говорите на иностранных языках, это будет легко для вас посетить такие лагеря и говорить с людьми оттуда. Я думаю, что английский язык будет моей будущей карьерой, потому что я чувствую себя в нем уверенно.
    Подбери себе репетитора онлайн!

  10. Когда ученик получает задание написать рассказ о себе, то первым делом он отправляется на просторы интернета, где ищет подходящее сочинение. Заменяя имена и факты, можно запросто слепить рассказ, но это будет рассказ не о вас, а о другом человеке. Этот рассказ быстро забудется и в следующий раз, когда вам нужно будет рассказывать о себе, придется составлять историю снова. Тема About Myself нужна везде: на школьных и университетских экзаменах, на собеседовании, при знакомстве с новыми людьми, поэтому сомнений в ее важности быть не может.
    У многих возникает такой вопрос: О чем рассказывать? Обо всем понемножку: о том, откуда вы, о вашей семье, о том, где вы учитесь или учились, о том, где вы работаете или кем вы хотите стать, какие у вас планы на будущее. Можно рассказать о своем характере, увлечениях и предпочтениях, талантах, занятиях. В общем, как учили нас в школе, говорить пока учитель не остановит.
    При подготовке рассказа вам не помешало бы знать, сколько времени у вас будет, чтобы представиться. Если это урок или экзамен, обычно дается рекомендуемый объем рассказа. В повседневном же общении, конечно, никто не будет выслушивать весь ваш рассказ из 30 предложений на 15 минут. Собеседник будет задавать вопросы, которые его интересуют и вашими ответами будут части составленного рассказа. А ситуация, в которой вы рассказываете о себе, может сложиться где угодно и когда угодно.
    Поэтому мы рассмотрим, как составлять несложный рассказ о себе для экзамена или занятия. Мы предложим вам различные варианты, ваше дело только выбрать, что из предложенного будет уместно для вашего рассказа о себе.
    Начиная рассказ о себе (да и любой рассказ), необходимо иметь четкий план того, о чем вы будете говорить. Например, план вашего рассказа такой:
    1. Общая информация. ( General information about myself)
    2. Место, где я живу. ( The place where I live )
    3. Моя семья. ( My family )
    4. Мое образование. ( My education )
    5. Моя работа. ( My job )
    6. Мои хобби и интересы. ( My hobbies and interests )
    7. Мой характер. ( My character )
    8. Мои планы на будущее. ( My plans for the future )
    Начинают тему обычно со слов:

  11. My name is Denis. My surname is Ivanov. I live in Russia, in Astrakhan. Astrakhan is very old, but it`s a beautiful city. There is the Kremlin in our town. In the Kremlin there are seven towers, it has the pentagon form. In the old times all city was in the territory of the Kremlin, and around the river Volga. The river Volga is very beautiful, a lot of fish in it. I like to fish. Sometimes my family and I go fishing.
    My family is my mum, my father and my brother. My brother is 4 years. His name is Dima. He is very cheerful and noisy. I have a grandmother, a grandfather and a great-grandmother. I like to visit them. My great-grandmother was at the Second World War. She hasa lot of medals. She is very kind and fair. She bakes tasty pies. I have got a cat. It`s name is Gerda. Gerda likes to sleep. She is fluffy and can purring.
    My birthday is on October, 31st. I am 10 years. This year I had a birthday party at the caf?. There we ate pizza, and then played. We had a beautiful birthday cake. Ten candles burned on the cake. My friends presented me many gifts: books, games. My birthday party was cheerful and funny.
    I study in Lyceum number two. I like to study there very much. In our Lyceum teachers are kind and good, and in my class I have many friends.
    I like to read books. My favorite books are: “Harry Potter`s” and “Stalker”. I like to play the computer. On Saturdays and Sundays my family and I go to the cinema or walk, and in summer in parks and on beaches. We spend weekends well.
    In summer I usually visit many interesting places. This summer I was in the city of Pyatigorsk. We went on excursions, were in the Museum of Butterflies and drank mineral water. We went on excursion to Kabardino-Balkaria by the bus. I visited Elbrus, the highest mountain. It was fine, but cold. It`s very interesting to see snow in summer. We were on Blue Lake. Water was blue and pure there. Then we visited a Thermal Lake. Th e lake had warm water. It` s medical.
    Even this summer I went to the sanatorium in the city of Gelendzhik. It`s near the Black sea. I had a rest and was treated. We went to swim in the sea every day. It`s very beautiful there – the warm sea and the bright sun.

  12. Uncle, cousin, grandmother, mother, grandfather, sister, mother-in-law, niece, nephew, parent, husband, grandparent, daughter, children, kid, toddler, father, daughter,  son, stepmother, grandfather, bachelor, widow, relative, widower, bridegroom, girlfriend, fiance, wife, fiancee, brother. Male
    Read and translate the text 1.
    About myself and my family
    Let me introduce myself. I’m Natasha Petrova. Natasha is my first name. Petrova is my surname. I’m sixteen years old. I was born on the 10th of December in 1994 in St. Peterburg.
    I’m rather tall and slim. My hair is fair. I’ve got blue eyes. I like to joke and to laugh. I think I’ve got a sense of humour. I go in for sports. I do gymnastics. I take part in different gymnastic competitions.
    Last year I finished school number 9. We had many well-educated teachers at our school. I was a good student and did well in all subjects. My favourite subjects were Maths, English and Physics. Now I’m a first year student of the college of Information Technologies and Services.
    I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. There are five of us: my mother, my father, my brother, my sister and me. First of all some words about my parents. My parents have been married for twenty five years. My father is forty-nine  years old. He is an engineer. His name is Denis. He works in the office of an aircraft company. He is very experienced. My father is always busy. He likes his job very much. My father is a tall man with dark hair and brown eyes. He can make different things with his own hands. We’ve got a car and my father always repairs our car himself. My father is fond of swimming pool together.
    My mother’s name is Elena. She is forty-eight but she looks much younger. She is slim. My mother has big hazel eyes and brown hair. She is a doctor. She works in a hospital and likes her profession very much. My mother keeps house and takes care of us. She is very good at cooking. She often cooks something tasty for us. We try to help her about the house.
    I’m lucky to have an elder brother. My brother Fyodor is about twenty-three. He is married and has a family of his own. My brother is a businessman and his wife Ann is a teacher of  English. They have a small daughter who is two years old. Fyodor is my best friend. I can always turn to him with my troubles.
    My younger sister Olya is only five years old. Olya goes to the kindergarten. She is very funny. I like to spend my free time teaching her something. Sometimes I take Olya to the Zoo.
    My grandparents are retired. They don’t live with us but I think them to be members of our family. They often come to see us. My grandparents like gardening. They spend a lot of time in the country. They grow vegetables and fruit.
    I love my family very much. We always help each other. Everyone in my family is my best friend.
    Topical   vocabulary
    introduce – представлять, знакомить
    surname – фамилия
    to be born – быть рожденным
    computer programmer – программист
    to be good at – быть способным к
    rather – добровольно, пожалуй
    slim – стройный
    dark hair – темные волосы
    to joke – шутить
    to laugh – смеяться
    sense of humour – чувство юмора
    to go in for smth. – заниматься чем-либо
    to take part – принимать участие
    to marry – жениться
    experience – опыт
    busy – занятой
    to repair – чинить, исправлять
    to be fond of smth. – увлекаться чем-либо
    free – свободный
    to take care of smb. – заботиться о ком-либо
    tasty – вкусный
    to turn to – обратиться к кому-либо
    trouble – беспокойство, проблема, волнения
    kindergarten – детский сад
    to be retired – быть на пенсии
    gardening – возделывать, возводить (сад)

    Transcribe and pronounce correctly.

    introduce, rather, experience, gardening, trouble, marry, sister, parent, brother, uncle, aunt, house, hobby, tidy, retire, garden, turn, tasty, work, engineer, country, favourite, large, word.

    Answer the questions. Then write the topic «About myself and my family».
    What’s your name? What’s your surname? How old are you?
    When and where were you born?
    What hair have you got?
    What colour are your eyes?
    Is your family large? How many are you in the family?
    Have you got any sisters or brothers?
    What are your parents? Where do they work? Do they like their jobs?
    Can you tell us some words about your father? Is he tall? What is his hair like? What eyes has he got? Has he got a hobby? What is it?
    What is your mother’s name? How old is she? Can you describe your mother?
    Who helps your mother about the house?
    What are your grandparents?
    Do they live with your family?

    Read and translate the text 2

    My family

    We are an average Russian family. There are four of us: my mother, my father, my brother and me.
    I am Kostya Ivanov. Kostya is my first name and Ivanov is my surname. I am sixteen. I’ve got a grandmother  and grandfather.  They do not live with us, but I feel them members of our family. They often come to see us. My grandmother was a teacher of music. Now she is retired. My grandfather was an engineer and he knows all about radio set and likes to repair old ones. He can fix almost everything: a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a fridge and what not. He’s got a few shelves where he keeps everything he needs. On the table there is always a radio in pieces.
    My father is forty-four years old. He is an engineer. He works in the office of an engineering company. He is always busy. He has very little free time. He likes his job and there are chances of promotions. He is very experienced. He is not very old. His hair is fair. He has got grey eyes and very kind round face. His forehead is high, his manners are very quiet and pleasant.
    My mother is a teacher of Russian literature. She works at a college. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is fourty-four but she looks much younger. She is slim.
    My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of us. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands. She sews perfectly. She can do everything out nothing. She is very practical. My father and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy up.
    My brother Alex is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet. Three years ago he dreamt of being a cosmonaut.
    I want to become a student. I’d like to be a computer programmer. I think I take after my father. I’m tall, fair-haired and even-tempered. I always try to be in a good mood.
    At weekends we usually go the countryside to ski in winter and to walk in the forest in summer. But most of all I like family feasts. We’ve got a lot of relatives. My aunts, uncles and cousins live in different parts of Khabarovsk. On holidays they come often come to our place. We have a very good time together. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well.
    Topical vocabulary
    to be in good mood
    to fix
    in piece
    to retire
    t o be clever with her hands
    to be good at cooking
    to take care
    to take after
    to tidy
    to get on well
    to be deeply attached
    быть в хорошем настроении
    разобранный на части
    тихий, спокойный
    уйти на пенсию
    умелые руки
    хорошо готовить
    быть похожим
    приводить в порядок
    быть в хороших отношениях
    быть сильно признательным
    Read and learn by heart the dialogue.
    Ann:        Peter, tell me about your family.
    Peter:        OK.
    Ann:                What’s your father? What’s his job?
    Peter:                He is an architect.
    Ann:        And your mother? Is she a housewife?
    Peter:        No, she isn’t. She is a journalist.
    Ann:        Do they live in Moscow?
    Peter:        No, they live in St. Peterburg now.
    Ann:        Oh! And you say you have a brother. What’s his name?
    Peter:        He is Peter.
    Ann:        Is he a student?
    Peter:        Yes, he is from St. Petersburg University.
    Ann:                Really? A good student?
    Peter:                Yes, he’s a good student.
    Ann:        What’s his speciality?
    Peter:        Law. He’s a future lawyer.
    Ann:        Married?
    Peter:        No, he isn’t married. But he has a girl friend.
    Ann:        Who is she?
    Peter:        I don’t know. It’s secret.
    Give English equivalents
    быть в хорошем настроении, уйти на пенсию, чувство юмора,  принимать участие, заботиться, уравновешенный, приводить в порядок, свободное время, семейные праздники, ездить за город, увлекаться чем-либо, быть занятым, родственники.

    Translate into English

    Мой брат очень способный к иностранным языкам.
    У моего отца хорошее чувство юмора.
    Моя дочь хорошо успевает в школе.
    Мой брат преподаватель.
    Она такая же красивая, как и ее мать.
    Это очень легкая задача.

    Read and translate the text 3

    British family life
    The English are a nation of stay-at-home. “There is no place like home,” they say. And when the man is not working he is at home in the company of his wife and children and busies himself with the affairs of the home. “The Englishman’s home is his castle,” is a saying known all over the world. And it is true.
    A “typical” British family used to consist of mother, father and two children, but in recent years there have been many changes in family life. Some of these have been caused by new laws and others are the result of changes in society. For example, since the law made it easier to get a divorce, the number of divorces has increased. In fact one marriage in every three now ends in divorce. This means that there are a lot of one-parent families. Society is now more tolerant than it used to be of unmarried people, unmarried couples and single parents.
    Another change has been caused by the fact that people are living longer nowadays, and many old people live alone following the death of their partners. As a result of these changes in the pattern of people’s lives, there are many households which consist of only one person or one person and children.
    You might think that marriage and the family are not so popular as they once were. However, the majority of divorced people marry again, and they sometimes take responsibility for a second family.
    Members of a family – grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins – keep in touch, but they see less of each other than they used to. This is because people often move away from their town to work, and so the family becomes scattered. Christmas is the traditional season for reunions. Although the family group is smaller nowadays than it used to be, relatives often travel many miles in order to spend the holiday together.
    In general, each generation is keep to become independent of parents in establishing its own family unit, and this fact can lead to social as well as geographical differences within the larger family group.
    Relationships within the family are different now. Parents treat their children more as equals than they used to, and children have more freedom to make their own decisions. The father is more involved with bringing up children, often because the mother goes out to work. Increased leisure facilities and more money mean that there are greater opportunities outside the home. Although the family holiday is still an important part of family life (usually taken in August, and often abroad) many children have holidays away from their parents, often with a school party or other organized group.
    Who looks after the older generation? There are about 10 million old-age pensioners in Britain, of whom about 750,000 cannot live entirely independently. The government gives financial help in the form of a pension but in the future it will be more and more difficult for the nation economy to support the increasing number of elderly. At the present time, more than half of all old people are looked after at home. Many others live in Old Peoples’ Homes, which may be private or state owned.
    Make compound nouns and translate them.
    Example: French, a man – Frenchman – француз
    a school, a girl; a chair, a man; a house, a wife; a sea, a man; a class, mate; a post, man; an air, a craft;  a tape, a recorder; news, paper; a birth, a day; a bed, a room; a rail away.
    Make up questions from the following words.
    large, a, have, a, or, family, small, you.
    are, in, family, the, how, you, many.
    name, what, mother’s, your, is.
    mother, how, is, your, old.
    brother, than, you, are, your, younger.
    do, in, you, who, take, character, after.
    you, who, like, do, look.
    appearance, is, what, father’s, your.
    your, what, brother’s, is, character.
    you, do, where, live.

    Give the opposite of the adjectives below

    Example: careful – careless

    helpful –

     cheerful –

    lucky –

    fair –

    friendly –

    sincere –

    tolerant –

    patient –
    reasonable –
    resolute –

    hard-working –
    quiet –
    cruel –
    strong –
    scruffy –
    broad-mended –
    strong-willed –
    good-mannered –
    polite –

  13. I am in the eighth grade. I like to read historical novels and listen to pop music. My elder brother is a school-leaver, he is seventeen years old. This year he is going to enter the Academy of Music. He plays the piano and guitar very well.
    My younger sister’s name is Kate. She is five years old, she goes to the kindergarten, likes to draw and dance. I like to spend my free time with her.
    My mother’s name is Elena. She is a teacher of the English language. She works at school and likes her profession very much. She is forty years old and she looks very good.
    My father’s name is Vladimir. He is forty-five years old. He is a surgeon. He is a very responsible and hardworking person. He works a lot and he is busy all the time. We are proud of him, because every day he saves lives of people.
    We always go to the village to our grandparents during summer holidays. There is a lake there and we swim in it. We also play badminton, go fishing and in the evening we get together, drink tea, talk and laugh.
    My family is very friendly and united. I love it and I am proud of it.
    Меня зовут Борис. Мне четырнадцать лет. Я хочу рассказать вам о моей семье.
    В нашей семье пять человек. У меня есть папа, мама, старший брат и младшая сестра. В первую очередь, я хочу рассказать о себе.

  14. Перевод:
    Я думаю, каждый человек всегда мечтает о месте, где он может говорить о своих проблемах, общаться с близкими друзьями, где он может чувствовать себя счастливым и спокойным. Для меня это моя семья и мой дом. Это лучшее место в мире, и мой самые дорогие люди живут здесь.
    Моя семья не большая: нас 4. У меня есть отец, мать и брат. Мы все живем вместе в новой квартире. Моему отцу 45. Он высокий и хорошо сложенный мужчина с короткими черными волосами и серыми глазами. Он тихий и трудолюбивый. Действительно, он кормилец семьи. Папа умело обращается со многими вещами. Его хобби чинить все дома. Моя мать очень привлекательна. Она – жизнь и душа семьи. Она приятная женщина сорока лет с красивыми каштановыми волосами и темно-карими глазами. Она является высоким идеалом для меня.
    Мои родители были женаты в течение 20 лет, у них есть много общего, в повседневной жизни папа непрактичен и нуждается в матери, чтобы ухаживать за ним. Родители имеют разные взгляды на музыку, книги, фильмы. Например, мой отец любит фильмы ужасов. Мой отец является поклонником футбола, а мама не любит спорт. Но они пытаются иметь схожее мнение об образовании и воспитании своих детей. Моему брату всего в 11. Он ходит в школу. Он забаный и любопытный. Он постоянно задает много вопросов, часто нелепые. Но это всего лишь мгновение – я не могу представить свою жизнь без нашего маленького монстра. Мы все чувствуем себя счастливыми, когда мы вместе.По вечерам мы часто встречаемся на кухне за чашкой чая, болтая, смеясь и обсуждая события дня. Те вечера являются лучшими из всех. Но иногда у меня проблемы с моими родителями. Они не любят одежду, которую я ношу, музыка, которую я слушаю и друзей, которых я привожу домой. Нелегко быть подростком.
    Летом я проведываю мою бабушку. Я люблю ее, когда я был ребенком, она рассказывала мне сказки и истории о ее жизни. Мои родители трудолюбивы. Они совмещают работу с домашним хозяйством. Мама управляет нашим домашним хозяйством очень хорошо. Мы все привыкли помогать ей по хозяйству. Наши родственники и друзья любят приходить к нам. Мои родители очень гостеприимны, каждый чувствует себя как дома в своей квартире.

  15. 15
    Текст добавил: Дима Колесников


    I am Max Kovaliov. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. I have got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, and a grandmother. There are six of us in the family.
    First of all, some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of history. She works in a college. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is forty-five but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim.
    My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty-seven. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time, I play the guitar and we sing together. My father knows all about new TV sets and likes to repair old ones. He is also handy with many things. When he was little, he liked to take everything to pieces. My grandmother told me a story that once father tried to repair” their kitchen clock. He managed to put all the wheels and screws back again — but the clock did not work. They had to give it to a repairman. But that happened a long time ago. Now he can fix almost everything: a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a fridge and what not. He’s got a few shelves where he keeps everything he needs. On his table there is always a TV set in pieces.
    My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films and sports. For example, my father likes horror films and my mother likes “soap operas”. My father is fond of tennis and my mother doesn’t go in for sports. But my parents have the same opinion about my education and upbringing.
    My parents are hard working people. My mother keeps the house and takes care of all of us. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands. She is very practical. My father and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy up our flat.
    My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting.
    My sister Helen is twenty-four. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as an accountant for a joint venture company. Her husband is a scientist. They have got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery school.
    My brother Sergey is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet. Three months ago he dreamed of being a cosmonaut.
    I want to enter the university. I’d like to learn foreign languages. I think I take after my father. I’m tall, fair-которую ты будешь иметь зовут and even-tempered. I always try to be in a good mood.
    We have got a lot of relatives. We are deeply attached to one another and we get on very well.
    good-looking — миловидий
    slim — стройный
    experienced [иks ‘pi?ri?nst] — опытный, квалифицированный
    broad-shouldered [br?:d ‘??uld?d] — широкоплечий
    to be handy [‘h?nd?] with smth. — уметь делать что-то
    to have much in common [‘kom?n] — иметь много общего
    view [vju:] on smth. — взгляд на что-то
    to be fond of smb., smth. — любить кого-то, восхищаться чем-то
    to go in for smth. — заниматься чем-нибудь
    upbringing [‘?p,br?ni?] — воспитание
    she is good at cooking [‘kuk??] — она хорошо готовит
    she is clever [‘klev?] with her hands у нее умелые руки
    to run the house — вести хозяйство
    joint venture [d???nt’vent??] company — совместное предприятие
    to take after [te?k ‘aft?] — быть похожим, прибегнуть в кого-то из родителей
    fair-которую ты будешь иметь зовут [f?? h??d] — светловолосый
    even-tempered [‘i:v(?)n ‘temp?d] — уравновешенный
    to be in a good mood [mu:d] — быть в хорошем настроении
    to be deeply attached [?’t?tjt] to smb. — быть глубоко преданным кому-то
    to get on well — быть в хороших отношениях, ладить друг с другом
    1. What is your first name ? What is your surname ?
    2. How old are you ?
    3. When is your birthday?
    4. Is your family large? How many are you in the family?
    5. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
    6. What are your parents? Where do they work?
    7. How long have your parents been married?
    8. Do they have much in common ?
    9. Do you spend a lot of time with your family?
    10. What sort of things do you do together?
    11. Do you go out with your parents?
    12. Who runs the house in your family?
    13. What are your household duties?
    14. What is your father’s hobby?
    15. Can you describe your mother?
    Про меня и мою семью
    Я — Макс Ковалев. Мне семнадцать лет. Я хочу рассказать вам немного о своей семье. Моя семья большая. У меня есть мама, папа, сестра, брат и бабушка. В семье нас шестеро.
    Прежде всего несколько слов о моих родителях. Моя мама — учительница истории. Она работает в колледже. Ей нравится ее профессия. Она миловидная женщина с каштановыми волосами. Ей сорок пять, но она выглядит гораздо моложе. Она высокая и стройная.
    Мой папа — программист. Он очень опытный специалист. Он широкоплечий, высокий человек со светлыми волосами и серыми глазами. Ему сорок семь. Мой отец часто поет и когда мы дома и у нас есть свободное время, я играю на гитаре и мы вместе поем. Мой папа знает все о новых телевизорах и любит чинить старые. Он также умеет делать много вещей. Когда он был маленьким, ему нравилось все разбирать на части. Моя бабушка рассказала мне историю, как однажды папа попытался «починить» их кухонный часы. Он сумел поставить все колесики и винтики обратно, но часы не работал. им пришлось отдать его часовому мастеру. Но это случилось давно. Теперь он может исправить почти все: пылесос, стиральную машину, холодильник и тому подобное. У него есть несколько полок, где он держит все, что ему нужно. На столе всегда стоит разобранный на части телевизор.
    Мои родители женаты уже 26 лет. У них много общего, но разные взгляды на музыку, книги, фильмы и спорт. Например, мой отец любит фильмы ужасов, а мама — «мыльные оперы». Мой папа увлекается теннисом, а мама не занимается спортом. Но относительно моего образования и воспитания мнения моих родителей совпадают.
    Мои родители — трудолюбивые люди. Мама занимается домом и заботится о всех нас. Она прекрасно готовит, и у нее умелые руки. Она очень практична. Я и мой папа стараемся помогать ей в домашней работе. Я мою посуду, хожу в магазины и убираю квартиру.
    Моя бабушка — пенсионерка. Она живет с нами и помогает вести хозяйство. Она любит плести.
    Моей сестре Елене 24 года. Она замужем, и у нее своя семья. Она работает бухгалтером на совместном предприятии. Ее муж — ученый. У них близнецы: дочь и сын. Они ходят в детский сад.
    Моему брату Сергею 11 лет. Он школьник. Он хочет стать врачом, но еще не полностью в этом уверен. Три месяца назад он мечтал стать космонавтом.
    Я хочу поступить В университет. Я бы хотел изучать иностранные языки. Думаю, что удался в папу. Я высокий, светловолосый и уравновешенный. Я всегда стараюсь быть в хорошем настроении.
    У нас много родственников. Мы глубоко привязаны друг к другу и прекрасно ладим между собой.

  16. to be born – родиться
    Perm Territory – Пермский край
    a first-year student –студент-первокурсник
    to spend childhood – провести детство
    to enter a secondary institute – поступить в среднюю школу
    to graduate from – закончить (учебное заведение)
    to study at – учиться в …
    housewife – домохозяйка
    appearance – внешность
    slim – стройный
    a husband – муж
    a son – сын
    a daughter – дочь
    to live – жить
    Part –time Department – заочное отделение
    to become – становиться
    to be going to – собираться, намереваться
    Hello, friends. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Olga. My surname or last name is Trunova. I was born on the 22nd of June in Barda, Perm Krai. In 1976 I entered a secondary school and in 1986 I graduated from it. Now I am a first-year studentat the Part-time Department of Perm Institute of the Federal Penal Service. In six years I am going to become a lawyer.
    Now let me describe my appearance. I am tall and slimand have fair hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. I think I am just good-looking. I like sports and music. I am fond of modern music and dancing. I dance a lot and I hope I am good at it. I also love swimming.
    I would like to tell you about my family. There are five people in our family. My father’s name is Vladimir Stepanovich. He is a mathematicianby education and businessman by profession. My mother’s name is Tatiana Petrovna. She is a housewife. She has much work about the house because I have a younger sister. She is a pupil. My sister Natasha is in the fifth form. My grandmother mother lives with us. She is very kindand helps us a lot.
    Our family is very friendly, we have many friends. In summer many relatives come to visit us.
    I am very interested in learning English because I think that the knowledge of foreign languages helps in everyday life and career.
    As you see, my biography isn’t very long yet.
    Ответьте на вопросы:
    1. What is your name?
    2. How old are you?
    3. What do you do?
    4. When and where were you born?
    5. Where did you spend your childhood?
    6. When did you enter a secondary school? And when did you graduate from it?
    7. What did you do after institute?
    8. Did you serve in the army?
    9. Are you married?
    10. Where do you work?
    11. Where do you live?
    12. Are you married or single?
    13. Have you got a family?
    14. What does your family consist of?
    15. What is your husband’s (wife, son, daughter
    ) name?
    16.How old is he (she)?
    17.What does your husband (wife, son, daughter) do?
    18.Where do you and your family live?
    19.Have you got any relatives?
    Расскажите о своей биографии, используя опорную схему:
    Let me introduce myself.
    My name is …
    I am … years old.
    I was born in …
    I spent … in …
    I entered … and I graduated from it in …
    After institute I …
    I … in the army.
    I am (not) married.
    I got married in …
    I have … a husband
    a wife
    a son
    a daughter
    I live in …
    I work as … at …
    I study at …
    I am going to …
    Тема 1.2. Высшее образование

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