Сочинение на тему что делает меня счастливым на английском

8 вариантов

  1. 1
    Текст добавил: СкользкийПАРКЕТ

    To my mind one of the most important things in our life is happiness.
    But what is happiness? Undoubtedly, this is one of the most disputed questions amongst people. Scientists believe that happiness arises from just material, ephemeral objects. The Oxford dictionary says that happiness is a feeling which we feel when we are relieved, satisfied and proud. The standard definition of happiness is that it is a condition of supreme well-being and good spirit. The universal meaning of happiness is accepted by everybody. Happiness actually consists of much more than most people think. It can be mysterious and elusive, sought after by many, butnot gained by all.
    For some people it means love, friendship or power, whilst for wealth.
    Others can get happiness from the simplest things such as reading a favorite book, playing on the computer, watching TV programs and enjoying other superstitious activities. Some people think we can feel happiness from the things, which are around us. For others the idea of happiness is health or money and fame. I agree to an extent that all of these factors can contribute to happiness.
    We’re constantly surrounded by things that make us happy. It goes without saying that being happy is a good thing. If everyone was unhappy the world would be a very gloomy and sad place, because everyone would be depressed.
    For me happiness is about peace, love, making your dreams come true, health and wealth of my family, my friends and I think that many people will agree with me. I personally believe that real happiness displayed in our feelings, ourenvironment and even our health. To be happy in life, you must find out who you are and appreciate what you have. I think that it is a state of soul and mind, an inexplicable feeling inside us, a moment of joy and pleasure. Happiness is priceless.
    The condition of happiness is a temporary one. It only lasts a moment.
    There are many ways to express happiness. We can show it in our words, behavior, thoughts and ideas, but mostly in SMILES.
    На мой взгляд, одним из самых важных вопросов в нашей жизни является счастье.
    Но что такое счастье? Несомненно, это один из самых спорных вопросов. Ученые считают, что счастье эфемерно. Оксфордский словарь утверждает, что счастье – это чувство, которое мы ощущаем, когда свободны, довольные и горды. Стандартным определением счастья является то, что это состояние высшего благополучия и хорошего настроения. Универсальное значение счастья принимается всеми. Счастье на самом деле это намного больше, чем думает большинство людей. Оно может быть таинственным и иллюзорным, желаемым многими, но не все его ощущают.
    Для некоторых людей это означает любовь, дружбу или власть, для кого-то это богатство.
    Некоторые чувствуют себя счастливыми от простых вещей, таких как чтение любимой книги, игра на компьютере, просмотр телевизионных программ и наслаждение от других видов деятельности. Некоторые люди думают, что мы можем чувствовать счастье от вещей, которые окружают нас. Для других представление о счастье это здоровье или деньги или слава. Я согласен с тем, что все эти факторы могут способствовать счастью.
    Мы постоянно окружены вещами, которые делают нас счастливыми. Само собой разумеется, что быть счастливым хорошо. Если бы каждый был недоволен, то мир был бы очень мрачным и печальным местом, потому что все были бы в депрессии.
    Для меня счастье это мир, любовь, когда сбываются мечты, здоровьеи благосостояние моей семьи, моих друзей и я думаю, что многие согласятся со мной. Я лично считаю, что настоящее счастье сказывается на наших чувствах, нашем окружении и даже на нашем здоровье. Чтобы быть счастливым в жизни, вы должны выяснить, кто вы есть, и ценить то, что у вас есть. Я думаю, что это состояние души и ума, необъяснимое чувство внутри нас, момент радости и удовольствия. Счастье бесценно.
    Но состояние счастья очень недолговечно. Оно длится всего мгновение.
    Есть много способов показать счастливы ли вы. Мы можем демонстрировать это нашими словами, поведением, мыслями и идеями, но в основном мы это делаем улыбаясь.
    Copyright © Russian centres of City and Guilds, 2011-2012

  2. What is the happiness? Hmmm… It’s a difficult question and I’m definitely sure that happiness can’t mean the same to all the people.
    May be for elderly people who have lived a long life it’s easier to find an answer for this question, but nevertheless I’ll try to give my own understanding of this phenomenon.
    Happiness is something that lives inside each of us, but not all the people are able to feel it. You can neither buy happiness, nor sell it; you can never win it in the lottery; the only way to be happy is to grow your happiness. Have you ever noticed that some people are always grumbling about their endless problems, dissatisfaction in life and even about the dull weather that annoys them? Such people see only dark sides in everything and it prevents them from being happy. But look at other people! At first sight they have nothing in life; they don’t have stable jobs or their own apartments, but they are really happy; they meet every day with a smile, they laugh and receive pleasure from life. Isn’t that great?
    I personally appreciate such people and I believe that happiness is to live your life, to enjoy every day of your life, to be glad to every minute and to receive with thanks everything that life offers you. And even when it gives you hardships and difficulties, it gives you strength to overcome them. Happiness means to live your life in such a way that when retired you have something to remember and to be proud of, some pleasant moments that will always evoke a smile.
    I’m sure that I’m a happy person: I have many friends, loving parents, goals in my life, etc. As one of my friends says if you are not a handicapped person you are a really lucky and happy one. And I think that is true. I try to enjoy every day of my life and be happy all the time: to smile when I wake up because of the bright sun shining directly into my window, to feel happiness somewhere deep inside playing snowballs or swimming in the sea, to feel pleasure when I see a child happily laughing or when I look at a large rainbow after a downpour. So be happy!

  3. Happiness is all about everyday, normal activities, psychologists have argued, but do we intuitively understand what strategies increase happiness or not? To find out if students knew, Tkach and Lyubomirsky (2006) asked 500 undergraduates about the strategies they used to increase their happiness.
    Below are the strategies students reported using, starting with the most frequently used, down to the least. Also, for each strategy Tkach and Lyubomirsky looked at the relationship between its use and students’ reported levels of happiness to see if those who used a particular strategy were actually happier.
    Keep in mind that this is a correlational study. That means it can only tell us that two things – like having a social life and happiness – are related, not that one definitely causes the other. That said, there are other studies which do provide evidence of causality in some categories.
    1. A social life
    Social affiliation (присоединение; прием, принятие в члены) – hanging around with friends, helping others – was the most frequently reported method of increasing happiness. It also had the strongest relationship with student’s actual happiness. No surprises here. Experiments manipulating people’s social activity have found that when increased it leads to more happiness. It’s gratifying to see that the number 1, most frequently used strategy probably does work!
    2. Acting happy
    Direct strategies like ‘acting happy’ and ‘smiling’ were the second most popular. While there is some experimental evidence to back this one up, Tkach and Lyubomirsky are cautious. I’d be cautious as well. ‘Acting happy’ might be useful as a short-term strategy but I’m not so sure about its useful in the long-term.
    3. Achieving long-term goals
    The students were pretty keen on setting themselves long-term goals for personal achievement, and then sticking to them. This was a relatively popular strategy for increasing happiness and there are also a good few studies to back up this finding. Well done to the students!
    4. Passive leisure pursuits (занятие)
    Here’s the first bad boy. Passive leisure, like watching TV or playing video games, while relatively popular, showed no connection with happiness. Experimental studies back this up finding few benefits for happiness from passive leisure activities. So, once again, it’s time to chuck out the the idiot box and the Xbox.
    5. Active leisure pursuits
    No question about this one. It’s very well established that active leisure pursuits like running or cycling increase happiness. What’s worrying is that these pursuits come lower down the list than passive leisure pursuits.
    6. Religion
    This was a relatively unpopular strategy for increasing happiness, although it is reasonably well-established that religion and being happy go together. Tkach and Lyubomirsky suggest the reason for this connection could be to do with social connectedness, having a sense of purpose in life or even reduced alcohol consumption.
    7. Partying and clubbing
    Perhaps surprisingly amongst university students this was relatively unpopular as a happiness-enhancing activity. It’s just as well since those who partied more weren’t any happier, once their extraversion was taken into account.
    8. Mental control
    This is the second bad boy. It centres around thinking bad thoughts: both contemplating them and trying to suppress them. This category was significantly associated with being unhappy. Indeed, previous research has found that both ruminating on negative thoughts and trying to suppress negative thoughts leads to unhappiness.
    A (mostly) positive message
    This last category of mental control really stands out: what on earth is it doing on a list of strategies to increase happiness? Statistically it was the strongest predictor of unhappiness. This suggests that a significant minority of people have exactly the wrong idea about what strategies increase happiness.
    Passive leisure pursuits is the other category that stands out. All the other categories in the top 6 have at least some connection with happiness. This one has none and yet there it is at number 4 in the list.
    The positive message is that generally the strategies that people use to increase their happiness do actually work. We’re relying on self-reports here, so people could well be misrepresenting what they actually do – but at least they mostly know what they’re supposed to be doing.

    Источник: http://www.spring.org.uk/2007/12/happiness-from-hanging-out.php

    Ways to happiness and spiritual well being

    It’s more important to be happy than to be right.
    You can either be happy, or unhappy. Choose happy.
    Live life with an open hand, an open mind, and an open heart.
    Compliment three people everyday.
    Watch a sunrise.
    Be the first to say “Hello.”
    Don’t waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
    Treat everyone as you want to be treated.
    Never give up on anybody; miracles happen.
    Remember someone’s name.
    Pray not for things, but for wisdom and courage.
    Be tough-minded, but tender hearted.
    Be kinder than you have to be.
    Don’t forget that a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.
    Keep your promises.
    Learn to show cheerfulness even when you don’t feel it.
    Remember that overnight success usually takes 15 years.
    Leave everything better than you found it.
    Remember that winners do what losers don’t want to do.
    When you arrive at your job in the morning, let the first thing you say brighten everyone’s day.
    Don’t rain on other people’s parades.
    Live beneath your means.
    Keep some things to yourself and don’t promote havoc by backstabbing people you love.
    Stop Rushing Past Life: Let Go!
    Alternative Happy Tips
    Whatever it is, if you really want to eat it, eat it!
    Never piss off anyone who has access to you when you are asleep.
    Never argue with a pregnant woman.

  4. What is happiness? Everybody understands the concept of “happiness” in one’s own way.
    As for me, happiness is the fact that I live, that I have got a lovely grandfather, grandmother and parents. My best friends always help and support me, they are very outgoing and responsive. Personally I can’t be in a company where someone doesn’t understand me. In my opinion, happiness is when you are in a company that understands and shares your interests in something.
    Happiness is when you realize that someone needs you, when you can fully satisfy your needs.
    Happiness is when you can be happy looking at the sun,the earth, looking at the world with healthy eyes. But more and more people are suffering from incurable illnesses, for example, cancer.
    Everybody dreams about something. Someone wants to lose weight, to live at the beach and drive a luxurous car. The person, who suffers from cancer, wants only one thing – to win his illness. It is necessary to appreciate every day of life.
    Happiness is peace at home, when parents don’t argue, love their child and do everything they can for their child to grow happily. But unfortunately there are families where a child can’t live a full life. These children need special care. Every child needs the parents’ care for his or her absolute happiness.
    For some people happiness is their material welfare. Yes, it’s partly true.
    Of course, people of different ages have different conceptions of happiness.
    A child needs parents’ care for absolute happiness.
    In adolescence the views on life and the world begin to be formed. This is the time when you are already neither a child nor an adult yet. First love, first quarrel, first troubles… A teenager needs to be understood by someone except parents, that’s why a teenager needs friendship and a family.
    For adult people happiness means a complete family, an opportunity to have a prestige job.
    And for elderly people happiness is when their grandsons and granddaughters feel well and they are also healthy.
    All in all, happiness is to live today, to enjoy every moment and to accept everything that life gives us.
    Что такое счастье? Понятие “счастье” каждый понимает по-своему.
    Для меня счастье – это то, что я живу, что у меня есть любимые дедушка, бабушка и родители. Лучшие друзья, которые всегда помогают и поддерживают меня; они очень общительные и отзывчивые. Лично я не могу быть в компании, где кто-то не понимает меня. На мой взгляд, счастье, когда ты находишься в компании, которая понимает и разделяет твои интересы о чём-либо.
    Счастье – это когда ты понимаешь, что кто-то нуждается в тебе, когда ты можешь полностью удовлетворить свои потребности.
    Счастье, когда ты можешь радоваться, глядя на солнце, землю, смотреть на мир здоровыми глазами. Но всё больше и больше людей страдают неизлечимыми болезнями, например, рак.
    Каждый о чём-то мечтает. Кто-то хочет сбросить вес, жить на пляже и водить роскошную машину. Человек, который страдает от рака, хочет только одного – победить его болезнь. Необходимо ценить каждый день жизни.
    Счастье – мир, царящий в доме, когда родители не ругаются, любят ребёнка и делают всё возможное, чтобы их ребёнок рос счастливо. Но, к несчастью, есть неблагополучные семьи, в которых ребёнок не может жить полноценной жизнью. Эти дети нуждаются в особой опеке. Каждый ребёнок нуждается в родительской заботе для его или её абсолютного счастья.
    Для некоторых людей счастье заключается в их материальном благополучии. Да, это отчасти верно.
    Конечно, у людей разных возрастов разные понятия о счастье.
    Ребёнок нуждается в родительской опеке для абсолютного счастья.
    В подростковом возрасте начинают формироваться мировоззрение, взгляды на жизнь. Это время, когда ты не ребёнок, но уже и не взрослый. Первая любовь, первые ссоры, первые проблемы… Подросток должен быть понят кем-то, кроме родителей, поэтому подросток нуждается в дружбе и семье.
    Для взрослых людей счастье означает полное семейство, возможность иметь престижную работу.
    И для пожилых людей счастье, когда их внуки и внучки чувствуют себя хорошо и также здоровы.
    В общем, счастье – жить сегодняшним днём, наслаждаясь каждым моментом и принимать всё, что даёт нам жизнь.
    Copyright © Russian centres of City and Guilds, 2011-2012

  5. What is happiness? Where we should found it? Such questions come to our mind very often. But though the answers to these questions are simple they are not so easy to find out.
    As a general rule, people looks after happiness in the world that surrounds them, but not in themselves. They suppose a happy event must pass or they must meet somebody on their life’s way and do something extraordinary to them and then this long-expected happiness will come.
    But we do not realize that on a such way we do not participate in achieving this desirable sense that is why we often rest only unhappy watchers, other word persons waiting constantly their own miracle. In my opinion that is this constant waiting of happiness that transforms automatically in a specific feeling, – “present future”. And what feels a person in this case? Discontent! Anxiety! Our expectations give no results while time passes. And these desired events stay away from us and come to the people that least of all worthy of them as it seem to us. Therefore we begin to think we did not approach to our happiness in the life and have nothing besides some moment in the past where we felt happy but did not remark it.
    On the other hand we begin to realize we should struggle for own happiness thanks to this dissatisfaction. Then we start to labour with patience and look backward over earlier mistakes leaving no any time for sorrowful reflections. Otherwise we could not avoid the most painful state of mind, – depression. While feeling distraction we should maintain our firmness in realization of all our wishes as soon as we would reachour aim, – to build a career, to become honorable, significant person. And these aims are in the future.
    But with what is filled each day of our aimless life as it seems to be at first sight? The answer is evident – with the desire to reach everything we want as soon as possible. But a paradox appears! As soon as we have reached it we do not feel these pleasant senses we expect and then we begin to desire more things or we do not desire anything and do not strain after anything in the life.
    So, what is the way to follow? Perhaps we should learn to associate happiness not as the aim of life, but as more positive identity and perception of the world that is around us.
    We are born to be happy! We should not possess anything special to feel harmony. And happiness is not a permanent compartment, but distinct moment of joy, pleasure, harmony that we can see in our everyday life if we want it.
    The majority of us are happy indeed!We should only learn to appreciate the things we already have: our loved ones, beloved persons that do very important things to us. Happiness is to be occupied with favorite deeds.
    Pay attention to small pleasant things that fill every day of our life. And then every event will enrich you with positive or negative but still life’s experience! This is a real happiness.
    Что такое счастье? Где его найти? Подобные вопросы часто приходят к нам в голову, но как бы просто не звучали они, ответ найти совсем не просто.
    Люди ищут счастье в окружающем мире, а не в себе. Они думают, что должно произойти какое-то приятное событие, или что им должен встретиться кто-то на их пути и сделать для них нечто необыкновенное, вот тогда и наступит это долгожданное счастье.
    Но мы не понимаем, что тем самым мы никак не участвуем в достижении этого заветного чувства, поэтому мы часто остаемся лишь несчастными наблюдателями,а точнее постоянными ожидающими своего чуда. По моему мнению, именно это постоянное ожидание счастья перерастает автоматически в некое специфичное состояние, – настоящее будущее. Что же при этом чувствует человек? Неудовлетворенность! Тоску! Наши ожидания не приносят со временем ничего. Эти самые долгожданные события обходят стороной, и одаривают тех людей, которые, как нам кажется, наименее всего заслуживают этого. Поэтому мы начинаем предполагать, что так и не приблизились к своему счастью в жизни. И имеем лишь считанные моменты из прошлого, когда мы чувствовали себя счастливыми, но не замечали этого.
    С другой стороны, мы можем понять, осмыслить, что нам необходимо бороться за свое счастье именно благодаря этой неудовлетворенности. Тогда мы начнем упорно трудиться и учиться на собственных ошибках, не давая себя времени на грустные размышления. Иначе не избежать самого тяжкого состояния души, – депрессии. В минуты отчаяния нужно поддерживать свою уверенность в том, что все свои желаниямы реализуем, когда достигнем своей цели: построить карьеру, стать уважаемым, значимым человеком. И эти цели – в будущем.
    Чем же заполнен каждый день нашей бесцельной на первый взгляд жизни? Желанием быстрее всего добиться, к чему стремимся … Но парадокс! Как только мы достигаем этого, нам это не приносит столь ожидаемого радостного чувства, и мы начинаем, или хотеть большего, или мы уже ничего кроме этого не желаем и ни к чему не стремимся в жизни.
    Каков же выход? Возможно, нам надо научиться относиться к счастью не как к цели, а как к более положительному самоощущению и восприятию того, что нас окружает.
    Мы рождены, чтобы быть счастливыми! Нам не нужно чем-то обладать, чтобы ощутить гармонию. И счастье – это не постоянное состояние, а как раз отдельные моменты радости, удовольствия, гармонии, которые при желании можно увидеть в своей повседневной жизни.
    Большинство из нас счастливы! Нужно лишь ценить то, что у нас уже есть: близкие, любимые люди, которые столько важного делают для нас. Счастье – это заниматься любимыми делами.
    Обращайте внимание на приятные мелочи, которыми наполнен каждый день нашей жизни. И каждое событие вас обогатит положительному или отрицательному, но все-таки опыту! Это и есть счастье.
    Copyright © Russian centres of City and Guilds

  6. Who wants to be happy? Everybody does! Can we be happy every day? No, we can`t.
    When are people happy? Different people are happy in different situations. I want to tell you when I am happy.
    I am happy when we do something interesting in the class with my friends. I am also happy when I am in the swimming club. I have many friends there too.
    I am happy when my mum, my dad and I are together. We do some interesting things. For example, we write a hand-made book about funny moments in our life. I write the text, dad draws very funny pictures and mum gives ideas. We laugh and we are happy. Then we show the book to my granny. She laughs too. But my granddad doesn`t laugh. He is very serious.
    Then, I am happy when we go to visit my great grandma in Voronezh. We go there by car every summer. On the way we play word games and take pictures. In Voronezh we go to the Don, swim and fish with my dad and my two uncles. In the evening we water the kitchen garden, gather the vegetables, make dinner and sit down in the garden at the big round family table. The family is very big: my great grandma, grandma, uncles, aunts, my cousins, my mum, dad and I. We are very happy!
    I can`t be happy alone. I can be happy only with people I love!
    This is my poem about it:
    I don`t have a big flat; I don`t have a big house.
    But I have my mum, my dad, my cat and a mouse.
    My cat is a pet; my mouse is a toy,
    I play with them and I am a happy boy!
    Кто хочет быть счастлив? Каждый! Можем мы быть счастливы каждый день? Нет. Когда люди счастливы? Разные люди счастливы в разных ситуациях. Я хочу рассказать вам, когда я счастлив.
    Я счастлив, когда мы делаем что-то интересное в классе с моими друзьями. Я также счастлив, когда я в секции плавания. Там у меня тоже много друзей.
    Я счастлив, когда папа, мама и я вместе. Мы делаем кое-что интересное. Мы пишем рукописную книгу о смешных моментах в нашей жизни. Я пишу текст, папа рисует очень смешные картинки, а мама дает идеи. Затем мы показываем эту книгу бабушке. Она смеется тоже. Но дедушка не смеется. Он очень серьезный.
    Затем я счастлив, когда мы едем навещать мою прабабушку в Воронеж. Мы ездим туда на машине каждое лето. По дороге мы играем в слова и фотографируемся. В Воронеже мы ходим на Дон, плаваем, ловим рыбу с папой и двумя дядями. Вечером мы поливаем огород, собираем овощи, готовим ужин и садимся в саду за круглым семейным столом. Семья очень большая: моя прабабушка, бабушка, дяди, тети, мои двоюродные братья и сестры, мои мама, папа и я. Мы все очень счастливы!
    Я не могу быть счастлив один. Я могу быть счастлив только с людьми, которых я люблю!
    Вот мое стихотворение об этом:
    У меня нет большой квартиры, у меня нет большого дома.
    Но у меня есть моя мама, мой папа, моя кошка и мышка.
    Моя кошка – мой любимец, моя мышка-игрушка,
    Я играю с ними, и я счастливый мальчик!
    Все люди счастливы по-разному. Я счастлив, когда делаю что-то интересное в классе, в секции плавания с моими друзьями. Я счастлив, когда мы вместе с папой и мамой делаем что-то интересное, например рукописную книгу. Я счастлив, когда мы ездим к прабабушке в Воронеж, помогаем с родственниками в огороде, плаваем, ловим рыбу, сидим за одним большим семейным столом. Я счастлив быть с людьми, которых люблю!
    Copyright © Russian centres of City and Guilds

  7. Happiness is all about everyday, normal activities, psychologists have argued, but do we intuitively understand what strategies increase happiness or not? To find out if students knew, Tkach and Lyubomirsky (2006) asked 500 undergraduates about the strategies they used to increase their happiness.Below are the strategies students reported using, starting with the most frequently used, down to the least. Also, for each strategy Tkach and Lyubomirsky looked at the relationship between its use and students’ reported levels of happiness to see if those who used a particular strategy were actually happier.Keep in mind that this is a correlational study. That means it can only tell us that two things – like having a social life and happiness – are related, not that one definitely causes the other. That said, there are other studies which do provide evidence of causality in some categories.1. A social lifeSocial affiliation (присоединение; прием, принятие в члены) – hanging around with friends, helping others – was the most frequently reported method of increasing happiness. It also had the strongest relationship with student’s actual happiness. No surprises here. Experiments manipulating people’s social activity have found that when increased it leads to more happiness. It’s gratifying to see that the number 1, most frequently used strategy probably does work!2. Acting happyDirect strategies like ‘acting happy’ and ‘smiling’ were the second most popular. While there is some experimental evidence to back this one up, Tkach and Lyubomirsky are cautious. I’d be cautious as well. ‘Acting happy’ might be useful as a short-term strategy but I’m not so sure about its useful in the long-term.3. Achieving long-term goalsThe students were pretty keen on setting themselves long-term goals for personal achievement, and then sticking to them. This was a relatively popular strategy for increasing happiness and there are also a good few studies to back up this finding. Well done to the students!4. Passive leisure pursuits (занятие)Here’s the first bad boy. Passive leisure, like watching TV or playing video games, while relatively popular, showed no connection with happiness. Experimental studies back this up finding few benefits for happiness from passive leisure activities. So, once again, it’s time to chuck out the the idiot box and the Xbox.5. Active leisure pursuitsNo question about this one. It’s very well established that active leisure pursuits like running or cycling increase happiness. What’s worrying is that these pursuits come lower down the list than passive leisure pursuits.6. ReligionThis was a relatively unpopular strategy for increasing happiness, although it is reasonably well-established that religion and being happy go together. Tkach and Lyubomirsky suggest the reason for this connection could be to do with social connectedness, having a sense of purpose in life or even reduced alcohol consumption.7. Partying and clubbingPerhaps surprisingly amongst university students this was relatively unpopular as a happiness-enhancing activity. It’s just as well since those who partied more weren’t any happier, once their extraversion was taken into account.8. Mental controlThis is the second bad boy. It centres around thinking bad thoughts: both contemplating them and trying to suppress them. This category was significantly associated with being unhappy. Indeed, previous research has found that both ruminating on negative thoughts and trying to suppress negative thoughts leads to unhappiness.A (mostly) positive messageThis last category of mental control really stands out: what on earth is it doing on a list of strategies to increase happiness? Statistically it was the strongest predictor of unhappiness. This suggests that a significant minority of people have exactly the wrong idea about what strategies increase happiness.Passive leisure pursuits is the other category that stands out. All the other categories in the top 6 have at least some connection with happiness. This one has none and yet there it is at number 4 in the list.The positive message is that generally the strategies that people use to increase their happiness do actually work. We’re relying on self-reports here, so people could well be misrepresenting what they actually do – but at least they mostly know what they’re supposed to be doing.
    Подробнее на сайте: http://study-english.info/topic-happiness.php#ixzz4aec055fc

  8. Слезы счастья
    Happy tears
    Он счастлив, что у него такой сын. (Ему повезло с сыном.)
    Не is happy in his son.
    Он очень счастлив.
    He is as happy as a king.
    Их брак был счастливым.
    Their marriage has been a very happy one.
    Я буду счастлив принять ваше приглашение.
    I’ll be happy to accept your invitation.
    Мы счастливы за вас.
    We are happy for you.
    Я буду счастлив присутствовать на этой встрече.
    I’ll be happy to attend the meeting.
    Для нее получить работу здесь — это просто счастье.
    She’ll be happy to work here.
    Они счастливы оттого, что их предложение принято.
    They are very happy that their proposal was accepted.
    A happy man
    Счастливая мысль
    A happy thought
    По счастливой случайности
    By a happy chance (by a happy coincidence)
    Жизнь, наполненная счастьем и благоденствием
    Life of happiness and prosperity
    Я был бы счастлив приехать к Вам.
    I would be happy to come.
    Счастливые часов не наблюдают.
    Happiness takes no account of time.
    Быть всем счастливыми в одинаковой (равной) степени
    be equally happy: ‘That all who are happy, are equally happy, is not true. A peasant and a philosopher may be equally satisfied, but not equally happy.’ (Samuel Johnson)
    Большое счастье
    Great happiness: ‘The greatest happiness of the great number is the foundation of morals and legislation.’ (Jeremy Bentham)
    Жизнь, наполненная счастьем
    A life of happiness: ‘A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it: it would be hell on earth.’ (George Bernard Shaw)
    Вспоминать о времени, когда ты был счастлив
    To recall a time of happiness: ‘There is no greater sorrow than to recall a time of happiness in misery.’ {Dante)
    Рецепт счастья
    A recipe for happiness: ‘A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.’ (Jane Austin. Mansfield Park)
    Пока человек не умер, его нельзя называть счастливым.
    ‘Call no man happy till he dies, he is at best but fortunate.’ (Herodotus)
    Все счастливые семьи похожи друг на друга, каждая несчастливая семья несчастна по-своему.
    ‘All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’ (L. Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)
    Мир счастливых людей
    ‘The world of the happy [is quite another than the world of the unhappy].’ (L. Wittgenstein)

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