Сочинение на тему hobbies and pastime

13 вариантов

  1. –>
    Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. The most popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities from gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball. Both grown-ups and children are fond  of playing different computer games. This hobby is becoming more and more popular. Making things include drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people collect  something – coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books. Some collections have some value. Rich people often collect paintings, rare things and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries.
    As for me, I like to listen to music. 3 months ago my parents bought  me a compact disc  player  and  I decided to collect compact discs. I like different music, it should be good. I collect discs of my  favourite groups and singers. I carefully study the information printed on discbooklets. I try to find  everything about my favourite singers. Also I like to watch music programmes  on TV.  I want  to keep up with the news in the world of music.
    Of course, I like to spend my spare time with my friends. We talk about  all sorts of things ( politics, teachers, girls). We discuss films, books, TV  programmes. In fine weather we like to be in the open air. We find  a nice place somewhere in the forest. We make a fire, bake potatoes and have a lot  of fun. When the weather is bad, my friends come to my place. We have a good time together.
    Понравилось сочинение » Your pastime and hobby, тогда жми кнопку

  2. В топике Ваше времяпрепровождение и хобби я рассказываю, какие бывают хобби, и что жизнь становится намного интереснее, если есть настоящее увлечение. Хобби нужно выбрать по-своему вкусу: садоводство, путешествия, шахматы и другие спортивные игры, компьютерные игры, живопись или прикладные ремесла. Есть и коллекционеры – любители собирать монеты, марки, компакт-диски, игрушки, книги или даже картины, редкие вещи и другие предметы искусства. Лично я собираю компакт-диски моих любимых групп и певцов, собираю о них интересную информацию, смотрю много музыкальных программ по телевизору. Я хочу быть в курсе всех музыкальных событий. Свое свободное время я провожу с друзьями, обсуждая разные вещи. Часто мы устраиваем пикники в лесу или собираемся у меня дома, где хорошо проводим время вместе.
    Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.
    The most popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities from gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball. Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This hobby is becoming more and more popular. Making things include drawing, painting, handicrafts.
    Many people collect something – coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books. Some collections are pretty valuable. Rich people often collect paintings, rare things and other art objects. Often such private collections are gifted to museums or libraries.
    As for me, I like to listen to music. 3 months ago my parents bought me a compact disc player and I decided to collect compact discs. I like different music, it only must be good. I collect discs of my favourite groups and singers. I carefully study the information printed on disc booklets. I try to find out everything about my favourite singers. Also I like to watch music programmes on TV. I want to keep up with the news in the world of music.
    Of course, I like to spend my spare time with my friends. We talk about all sorts of things (politics, teachers, girls). We discuss films, books, TV programmes. In fine weather we like to be in the open air. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest. We make a fire, bake potatoes and have a lot of fun. When the weather is bad, my friends come to my place. We have a good time together.

  3. Категории

    Английская литература
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    Полезно знать
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    Как избавиться от ненужных книг?
    Под лупой веков
    Как улучшить зрение сухость и усвоение структурной диеты
    Как учиться эффективно?
    Международный бакалавриат
    Мир будущего. Образование. Технологии
    Обзор спортивной обуви
    Что такое экологическая медицина

    Сочинения по теме

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    A book is one of the greatest wonders of world. Why are so many people fond of reading? The world
    Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste – you are lucky
    My Hobby 2 (мое хобби)
    Устная тема по английскому языку с переводом: My HobbyMy Hobby 2Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting.
    My Hobby 2 (моє хобби)
    Усна тема по англійській мові з перекладом: My HobbyMy Hobby 2Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting.
    Мое хобби – My hobby
    Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste – you are lucky

    Рейтинг сочинений

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    Hobby is what people like doing in their free time. Most people
    choose a hobby according to their likes and dislikes.
    One of the most popular hobbies is collecting different things.
    Some people collect badges and stamps, some people collect
    bottles or flowers. There are people who collect paintings or
    I collected coins when I was a child. I have a collection of
    more than one thousand coins from all over the world. My father
    collects stamps. His grandfather started collecting them and
    then he gave his collection to my father as a birthday present.
    There are very rare stamps in the collection.
    Making things with hands is another type of hobbies. This
    includes drawing, painting, handicraft, etc. For example, my
    friend sews small plush toys. My brother makes toy planes. He
    has a big collection of them at home.
    Playing computer games has become a very popular hobby today. My
    brother is fond of computer games. On the one hand it is good
    that a person has such a hobby, but on the other hand it is not
    healthy, it can harm his eyes.
    Speaking about me, my major hobby is English. I am very good at
    it. My hobby includes reading books in English, listening to
    English radio stations and watching films in English. I also
    talk to my foreign friends and this helps me improve my
    knowledge of the language.
    I also like listening to music. I have a big collection of CDs
    with different kinds of music. I also have some favourite
    singers and I collect information about them.
    Sport is another type of hobbies. It is not a professional
    sport, mostly amateur sport. Some people play football or
    volleyball. Others prefer spending their free time watching
    sports programmes on TV. I think that doing sport is a good
    Now I want to talk about ways of spending free time. I think
    that hobbies and pastime are connected with each other because
    you do whatever you like in your free time. My friend likes
    travelling and he spends most of his free time travelling to
    small Russian towns. He has a car and every weekend he drives to
    the country to see new places. Sometimes I go with him. I think
    that this is a very good hobby. You spend much time outdoors and
    you see new places.
    Personally, I like reading and watching TV in my free time. Most
    of all I like English educational programmes, though there are
    few of them unfortunately. I think it is necessary to have a
    hobby. Your free time is not wasted.
    according [э’ко:ёщ] согласно
    coin [кот] монета
    dislikes [dis’laiks] отсутствие интереса
    handicraft [‘haendikraift] ремесло
    improve [im’prurv] улучшать
    include [m’klu:d] включать
    likes [laiks] увлечения, интерес
    outdoors [‘autdo:z] на улице
    plush toy [‘pLvftoi] плюшевая игрушка
    rare [геэ] редкий
    sew [sau] шить
    unfortunately [un’fo:tfmtli] к сожалению
    waste [weist] тратить по пусту
    weekend [‘wi:k’end] выходные
    1. What is a hobby?
    2. What is one of the most popular hobbies?
    3. Do you collect anything?
    4. What hobbies do the members of your family have?
    5. Do your friends have any hobbies?
    6. What is your hobby?
    7. How do you usually spend your pastime?

  5. – And the weather was sunny…
    – Great!
    – And we visited the museums and galleries, and the Eiffel Tower…
    – And did some shopping.
    – Yes, we did some shopping.
    – No, you did some shopping.
    – OK, OK. I did a lot of shopping.
    – Then we went to Venice, where we met some New Yorkers, and we did a lot of sightseeing with them.
    – We had a nice time together.
    – Then we went to Vienna.
    – I’ve always wanted to go to Vienna.
    – And we found a cheap hotel and what did we do there?
    – We went to the Opera. It was wonderful. So romantic. And then we went to Budapest.
    – Yeah, and Mary bought some souvenirs, while I had a steam bath. It was great.
    – Except you lost your wallet.
    – Yes, I lost my wallet, but someone found it and luckily it had the name of my hotel in it and I got it back.
    – Isn’t that great?
    – Amazing.
    – And then we flew back to Paris, and then flew home.
    – Well, welcome home!
    – Thank you.
    – Can I help you?
    – Yes, I’d like a ticket to Birmingham.
    – When do you want to travel? It’s cheaper after 9.30.
    – I’ll travel after 9.30.
    – Single or return?
    – I’ll have a single ticket, please.
    – That’s be thirty pounds exactly. How would you like to pay?
    – Do you accept credit cards?
    – I’m afraid not.
    – Well, I’ll pay cash, then. Will there be refreshments on the train.
    – Yes, there will.
    – Can I have a ticket for the car park as well?
    – Thank you.
    Translate into English:
    1. Многие люди любят путешествовать.
    2. Проводя свой отпуск в путешествиях, люди видят разные страны и континенты.
    3. Люди путешествуют, чтобы увидеть новые живописные места, познакомиться с новыми людьми, попробовать национальную еду или просто ради смены обстановки.
    4. Сельские жители предпочитают проводить время в больших городах – посещать музеи и обедать в экзотических ресторанах.
    5. Мне нужно два билета на поезд до Ливерпуля.
    6. Спальный вагон, пожалуйста. Вам билеты туда и обратно? Это будет стоить 5 рублей.
    7. В плохую погоду я предпочитаю быть на палубе, а не в каюте.
    8. Нам пришлось провести много времени в аэропорту.
    9. Мы добрались домой очень поздно.
    10. Путешественники выбирают тот или иной способ путешествия в зависимости от их преимуществ и недостатков, места назначения и своих планов.
    Read and translate the text:
    Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.
    Hobbies are divided into four large classes : doing things, making thinks, collecting things and learning things.
    The most popular of all hobby group is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to traveling and from chess to volleyball.
    Gardening is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies. It is a well-known fact that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
    Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. this is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.
    Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. President Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.
    Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, match-boxes, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.
    No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.
    Answer the questions:
    1. Tastes differ. Can you say the same about hobbies?
    2. Have you chosen a hobby according to your character and taste?
    3. Which hobby groups do you know?
    4. The most popular hobby group is doing things, isn’t it?
    5. What do you know about gardening?
    6. Do you like computer games?
    7. Are you fond of making things?
    8. Do you know any hobbies of the famous people?
    9. Have you ever collected anything?
    10. What can be collected?
    character характер
    taste вкус
    according по, согласно
    to include включать
    variety разнообразие
    activity занятие
    gardening садоводство
    grown-up взрослый
    computer games компьютерные игры
    relatively относительно, сравнительно
    drawing рисование
    painting живопись
    sculpture скульптура
    to make sculpture заниматься скульптурой
    handicraft рукоделие, ремесло
    hobbyist любитель
    saxophone саксофон
    to collect собирать
    stamp марка
    coin монета
    matchbox спичечный коробок
    record пластинка
    postcard почтовая открытка
    value ценность
    valuable ценный
    to house помещать, размещать
    in a small way понемногу
    item предмет
    a good deal много
    rare редкий
    private частный
    to take pleasure in получать удовольствие от
    opportunity возможность
    to add добавлять
    exciting увлекательный
    aspect сторона, аспект
    hobby-painter художник-любитель
    pastime время провождение
    to subdivided into подразделяться на
    to have no real value не иметь реальной ценности
    a world-famous всемирно известный
    an art object предмет искусства
    Translate into English:
    1. Хобби – это времяпровождение, которое человек выбирает по своему вкусу.
    2. Четыре класса, на которые подразделяются хобби – это делать что-то, создавать что-то, собирать что-то и узнавать что-либо новое.
    3. Люди, имеющие хобби создавать что-то, рисуют, создают скульптуру, костюмы и т.д.
    4. Коллекции могут не иметь реальной ценности.
    5. Коллекции картин, редких книг и других предметов искусства могут быть настольно ценными, что их размещают в музеях и художественных галереях.
    6. Люди получают радость, осматривая коллекции, переданные в музеи.
    7. Возможность узнавать новое – это самая увлекательная сторона хобби.

  6. Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbies
    differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and
    taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. The most
    popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities from
    gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball. Both grown-ups and children
    are fond of playing different computer games. This hobby is becoming more and
    more popular. Making things include drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people
    collect something – coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books. Some collections
    have some value. Rich people often collect paintings, rare things and other art
    objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries.
    As for me, I like to listen to music. 3 months ago my parents
    bought me a compact disc player and I decided to collect compact discs. I like
    different music, it should be good. I collect discs of my favourite groups and
    singers. I carefully study the information printed on discbooklets. I try to
    find everything about my favourite singers. Also I like to watch music
    programmes on TV. I want to keep up with the news in the world of music.
    Of course, I like to spend my spare time with my friends. We talk
    about all sorts of things ( politics, teachers, girls). We discuss films,
    books, TV programmes. In fine weather we like to be in the open air. We find a
    nice place somewhere in the forest. We make a fire, bake potatoes and have a
    lot of fun. When the weather is bad, my friends come to my place. We have a
    good time together.

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  7. A hobby is something that you enjoy doing in your free time. I think that hobbies help you not to waste your spare time doing nothing. Most people choose a hobby to their lik­ing.
    One of the most popular hobbies is collecting things. This may include collecting badges and stamps, bottles or flowers. Wealthy people collect works of art or even cars.
    As for me, I used to collect coins in my childhood. My col­lection includes more than five hundred coins from all over the world. My grandfather collects stamps. His father started the stamp collection and then my grandfather inherited it. There are very old and rare stamps in his collection.
    Making things is another type of hobbies. This includes handicraft, drawing, painting, etc. For example, one of my friends sews clothes for dolls. My brother makes toy trains. His collection is growing day by day.
    Playing computer games has become a very popular hobby both with children and adults. My cousin loves computer games. On the one hand, it is nice that a person has such a hobby, but on the other hand, it can do harm to health.
    Sport can also be a hobby. I don’t mean professional sport, but amateur sport. Some people play tennis, football or volley­ball. Others prefer watching sport programmers on TV.
    Personally, my major hobby is reading. I am very fond of detective stories and mysteries. It is very hard for me to pass by a bookshop, and I can spend hours there! I read books not only in Russian, but in English too. New e-readers are becom­ing more and more popular in Russia, but I think that there is nothing better than paper copies of books, so I don’t have an e-reader.
    Listening to music is my other hobby. I have a big collec­tion of CDs with different kinds of music both Russian and international. I also have some favourite composers and I col­lect information about them.
    There are people who don’t have hobbies, but they still have their own ways of spending free time. My friend likes travel­ling and he spends most of his free time travelling across Russia. He goes to nearby towns and cities by car and to far­away places by train or even by plane.
    As for me, I like playing computer games and watching TV in my free time. Most of all I like educational programmers, especially about technology. In general, I consider it neces­sary to have a hobby or favourite things to do, because in this case you don’t waste your time doing nothing.
    1. What is a hobby?
    2. What types of hobbies do you know?
    3. Do you have a hobby?
    4. What hobbies do your family members and friends have?
    5. What do you usually do in your free time?
    6. Is it really important to have a hobby? Why (not)?
    7. Do you know any unusual hobbies?
    8. What hobby do you consider most interesting?
    9. Have you ever collected anything’ in your life?
    10. Can learning foreign languages be a hobby? Why (not)?

  8. Хобби это то, что вам нравится делать в свободное время. Я думаю, что хобби поможет вам не тратить свое свободное время, ничего не делая. Большинство людей выбирают хобби по душе.
    Один из самых популярных хобби собирает вещи. Это может включать в себя сбор значки и марки, бутылки или цветы. Богатые люди собирают произведения искусства или даже автомобили.
    Что касается меня, я использовал, чтобы собирать монеты в детстве. Моя коллекция включает в себя более пятисот монет со всего мира. Мой дед собирает марки. Его отец начал коллекцию марок, а затем мой дед в наследство. Есть очень старые и редкие марки в своей коллекции.
    Создание вещи другой тип хобби. Это включает в себя ремесло, рисунок, живопись, и т.д. Например, один из моих друзей шьет одежду для кукол. Мой брат делает игрушечные поезда. Его коллекция растет день ото дня.
    Играя в компьютерные игры стало очень популярным хобби и с детьми и взрослыми. Мой двоюродный брат любит компьютерные игры. С одной стороны, это хорошо, что человек имеет такую ??хобби, но, с другой стороны, это может нанести вред здоровью.
    Спорт также может быть хобби. Я не имею в виду профессиональный спорт, но любительский спорт. Некоторые люди играют в теннис, футбол или волейбол. Другие предпочитают смотреть спортивные программы на ТВ.
    Лично моя главная хобби чтение. Я очень люблю детективов и загадок. Это очень трудно для меня, чтобы пройти мимо книжного магазина, и я могу часами там! Я читал книги не только на русском, но и на английском языке. Новые электронные книги становятся все более и более популярным в России, но я думаю, что нет ничего лучше, чем бумажных копий книг, так что я не
    по электронной читателя.
    Прослушивание музыки другое мое хобби. У меня есть большая коллекция компакт-дисков с различными видами музыки российских и международных. У меня также есть несколько любимых композиторов и я собираю информацию о них.
    Есть люди, которые не имеют хобби, но они по-прежнему имеют свои собственные способы провести свободное время. Мой друг любит путешествовать, и он проводит большую часть своего свободного времени, путешествуя по России. Он идет к близлежащих городов и городов на машине, а в дальние места на поезде или даже на самолете.
    Что касается меня, я люблю играть в компьютерные игры и смотреть телевизор в свободное время. Больше всего мне нравится образовательные программы, в частности, о технологии. В целом, я считаю необходимым, чтобы иметь хобби или любимые вещи, чтобы сделать, потому что в этом случае вам не нужно тратить свое время, ничего не делая.

  9. ?Топик хобби (hobby) на английском языке необходимо выучить тем, кто хочет рассказать о том, чему он посвящает свободное время. Носителям языка будет приятно не только поговорить с вами о работе и учебе, но и узнать о ваших любимых занятиях и увлечениях.
    Из топика хобби на английском вы узнаете, что любимые занятия могут быть разными: кто-то читает книги или собирает монеты, а кто-то предпочитает отдыхать активно, например, кататься на велосипеде или лыжах. У человека может быть несколько увлечений, и топик на английском языке хобби поможет вам дать представление о каждом из своих любимых занятий.
    Тема хобби на английском встречается довольно часто, так как она может помочь нам найти единомышленников, а так же благодаря любимым занятиям мы расширяем кругозор и наполняем жизнь яркими впечатлениями.
    A hobby is what people like to do in their spare time. Hobbies help us to develop intellectually, to find new friends, to relax and to forget about our problems. People choose their hobbies according to their characters and tastes. People are different, that is why they have hobbies of various kinds.
    Somebody likes to sew or embroider things, others knit or draw pictures. Many people are fond of photography. Children and some grown-ups like collecting toys, coins, statuettes, stamps and other things. Active people make their favorite sport their hobby; they attend dance classes, go ice-skating or skiing, ride horses or go swimming. Having pets can also be a hobby: some people enjoy walking with their dogs, some take their cats to cat shows, and others enjoy making funny outfits for their pets.
    A person can have more than one hobby, and as for me, I have two: I study foreign languages and ride horses. My hobbies are very important, because studying languages gives me the opportunity to understand people when I travel abroad. I like listening to songs, watching films and reading books in English.
    Every weekend I go to the stables to ride my favorite horse Garnet. I train my riding skills in the riding hall, and when the weather is fine, we go for a ride in the park. After the training, I feed my horse and take care of her.
    My hobbies are very different, the first one helps me to learn something new and the other helps me to keep fit and develops my responsibility. Both hobbies make my life interesting and exciting.
    Хобби – это то, чем люди любят заниматься в свободное время. Хобби помогают нам развиваться интеллектуально, находить новых друзей, расслабится и забыть о проблемах. Люди выбирают хобби в соответствии со своими характерами и вкусами. Люди различаются, поэтому их любимые занятия могут быть различных видов.
    Кто-то любит шить или вышивать, другие вяжут или рисуют картины. Дети и некоторые взрослые любят собирать игрушки, монеты, статуэтки, марки и другие вещи. Активные люди делают свой любимый вид спорта своим хобби: они посещают танцевальные занятия, катаются на коньках или лыжах, катаются на лошадях или плавают. Домашние любимцы тоже могут быть хобби: кто-то любит гулять с собаками в парке, некоторые водят кошек на выставки, а кто-то шьет забавные костюмчики для животных.
    У человека может быть больше, чем одно хобби, и что касается меня, у меня их два: я изучаю иностранные языки и езжу верхом. Мои хобби очень важны, так как изучение иностранных языков дает мне возможность понимать людей, когда я путешествую за границу. Я люблю слушать песни, смотреть фильмы и читать книги на английском языке.
    Каждые выходные я езжу на конюшню, чтобы покататься на моей любимой лошади Гарнет. Я отрабатываю навыки верховой езды в манеже, а когда погода хорошая, мы ездим на прогулку в парк. После тренировки я кормлю свою лошадь и ухаживаю за ней.
    Мои хобби очень разные, первое помогает мне узнать то-то новое, а другое помогает мне быть в форме и воспитывает ответственность. Оба хобби делают мою жизнь интересной и захватывающей.

  10. Your pastime and hobby.

    Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbies
    differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and
    taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. The most
    popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities from
    gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball. Both grown-ups and children
    are fond of playing different computer games. This hobby is becoming more and
    more popular. Making things include drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people
    collect something – coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books. Some collections
    have some value. Rich people often collect paintings, rare things and other art
    objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries.
    As for me, I like to listen to music. 3 months ago my parents
    bought me a compact disc player and I decided to collect compact discs. I like
    different music, it should be good. I collect discs of my favourite groups and
    singers. I carefully study the information printed on discbooklets. I try to
    find everything about my favourite singers. Also I like to watch music
    programmes on TV. I want to keep up with the news in the world of music.
    Of course, I like to spend my spare time with my friends. We talk
    about all sorts of things ( politics, teachers, girls). We discuss films,
    books, TV programmes. In fine weather we like to be in the open air. We find a
    nice place somewhere in the forest. We make a fire, bake potatoes and have a
    lot of fun. When the weather is bad, my friends come to my place. We have a
    good time together.

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  11. Hobby is what a person likes
    to do in his spare time. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby
    according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes
    more interesting. The most popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide
    variety of activities from gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball.
    Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This
    hobby is becoming more and more popular. Making things include drawing,
    painting, handicrafts. Many people collect something – coins, stamps, compact
    discs, toys, books. Some collections have some value. Rich people often collect
    paintings, rare things and other art objects. Often such private collections
    are given to museums, libraries.
    As for me, I like to listen
    to music. 3 months ago my parents bought me a compact disc player and I decided
    to collect compact discs. I like different music, it should be good. I collect
    discs of my favourite groups and singers. I carefully study the information printed
    on discbooklets. I try to find everything about my favourite singers. Also I
    like to watch music programmes on TV. I want to keep up with the news in the
    world of music.
    Of course, I like to spend
    my spare time with my friends. We talk about all sorts of things ( politics,
    teachers, girls). We discuss films, books, TV programmes. In fine weather we
    like to be in the open air. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest. We
    make a fire, bake potatoes and have a lot of fun. When the weather is bad, my
    friends come to my place. We have a good time together.

    Для подготовки данной работы были
    использованы материалы с сайта http://www.bigmir.net/

  12. Leisure or free time is a period of time spent out of work and domestic activity. It is also the period of recreational time before or after compulsory activities such as eating and sleeping, going to work or running a business, attending school and doing homework or housework. Leisure time is the time when you can forget about day-to-day stress and stressful activities and relax. These activities can be our hobby.
    Nowadays people work all day long and rarely have spare time to rest and to do something they like. But if they have it they try to spend it in the way they prefer. And there are a lot of possibilities to do it perfect. There are plenty of things to do that can help you not to feel bored. Any activity is much better than doing nothing.
    I’d like to notice that there are two main ways of spending free time: the one is to do some physical activities (often outdoors), for example, football, swimming, hockey, skiing; and another way is to enjoy something relaxing at home or in special places: reading, watching TV, knitting, engaging in hand-made. At any rate, hobby is a matter of taste, and everybody should choose it according to the personal preferences.
    As for me, I like to pass my leisure time both in active and passive way. I really enjoy reading or watching films, because it’s always interesting, helpful and helps to relax, what is especially necessary after a long tiring day. Also I am fond of active sports, swimming, skiing or riding a bike from time to time, when it is possible. Sometimes you feel you need to escape from everyday worries and to do something no thought-provoking. In many cases I can’t let me doing anything very extraordinary, so I just go walking over long distances. It really helps to release the tension and refresh the mind.
    To the point, the way how people pass their free time depends on the culture and social status. For example, American favorite leisure activity now is participating in experiences that they know aren’t real, they turn to imagination – to worlds created by others, such as books, games, movies and television. Also public researches show that the average amount of weekly free time of many people fell; while the average amount of time spent working is now up. It can be explained by the fact of extra time spent on mobile phones or computers, and infrastructure development (the problem of traffic gems in big cities). As well, preferences of people to spend their time have also changed over the past years: instead of team activities more and more people choose solo activities.
    Anyway, in the life of any person there are periods of time when he feels extremely bored. It happens because this person doesn’t know what to do with his time and can’t find anything interesting to do, or because he doesn’t like what he is doing. Well, this problem has hundreds ways of solution. The simplest is to find something interesting to do. Here are some variants of activities to choose:
    – Just tidy up;
    – Try new recipes;
    – Decide on making candles, knitting, cross snitching – in one word, create something new you can be proud of;
    – Don’t let online games dominate in your life;
    – Photography, drawing, painting, playing musical instruments are very special activities that you can do as a cure fore boredom;
    – Communicate more with other interesting people;
    – Read something exiting, encouraging, or anything that will enrich your knowledge;
    – Join a health club or gum where you will be able to feel happy and keep fit;
    – Go out with your friends;
    – Set your aims and keep a diary.
    Following these simple advices you will never have a time to think about such problem as boredom.
    As we all know, leisure time is one of the most important thing people can’t live without. It is a big part of our life, and it actually shows the character and temper of person. I can’t imagine a person who doesn’t have any hobbies and favorite activities, because it is really impossible. Our hobbies and habits make our lives, filling it up with variety of feelings and emotions. Each person chooses his own way of spending time, either active of passive, and in any case in should be a refreshment and a source of inspiration.

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