Сочинение на тему in the digital age museums are still important

3 варианта

  1. In the digital age museums are still important.
    1. This statement has been a topic of heated arguments for many years. There are some people, who suppose that museums in the digital age are not important. On the other hand, one can find those, who believe that museums are important in the digital age. Let us speculate who is right.
    2. From my poin of view, museums are important in the any ages, including in our too, bescause after going to museums people can see something that never seen. At the same, if people gettin a new information about medicine, history, astronomy, and much more.
    3. Howeever, there are some people, who have an opposite opinion. They strongly believe that museums not still important in the digital age. Firstly, they believe, that people can sit home and wath or find information about museums in the internet. In addition they believe that people couldn’t need to pay money, if they can see free in the internet.
    4. Nevertheless, I cannot completely agree with the opinion. Despite the fact that people can sit home and see al about museums in the internet. I still believe that going to museums in reality, better than see in the internet, because you get a lot more emotions.
    5. Taking every thing into consideration. I would like to underline that In the digital age, museums are still important is a rather controversial statement which has both pros and cons. Nonetheless it is necessary to emphasize that emotions which people get in reality much better than see museums in the internet.

  2. Вик­то­рия, пер­вый ва­ри­ант мне пред­став­ля­ет­ся бо­лее удач­ным. Про­бле­ма сно­ва не обо­зна­че­на. Са­мый оп­ти­маль­ный ва­ри­ант: од­ни ду­ма­ют, что (од­на точ­ка зре­ния)…., дру­гие счи­та­ют то-то (дру­гая точ­ка зре­ния). 2 аб­зац дол­жен со­дер­жать мне­ние ав­то­ра с 2-3 ар­гу­мен­та­ми. Я не ви­жу, ка­кое ва­ше мне­ние, вы сра­зу на­чи­на­е­те с ар­гу­мен­тов, знать ис­то­рию стра­ны – это ар­гу­мент, а не мне­ние. 4 аб­зац со­всем неудач­ный. Ес­ли вы на­пи­са­ли про Ин­тернет в 3 аб­за­це, то на­до оспа­ри­вать имен­но этот те­зис. А вы про­дол­жа­е­те при­во­дить ар­гу­мен­ты из 2 аб­за­ца, не свя­зан­ные с Ин­тер­не­том. По­про­буй­те на­пи­сать со­чи­не­ние на дру­гую те­му, учи­ты­вая все за­ме­ча­ния. И помни­те: не оши­ба­ет­ся тот, кто ни­че­го не де­ла­ет.

  3. Why people visit museums? Museums provide a unique interactive experience of getting up close to things we usually see in books, newspapers and media such as Television. Seeing the famous original Mona Lisa paint at the museum; the experience is totally different from seeing its million-printed versions sources. In fact, the perception you get of something from the second-hand resource is completely different to the one you get when you see something by your own eyes. As far as I am concerned, I think people attend museums for the several reasons, following as some of them.
    First of all, I think museums play an essential educational role for people in general and students in particular. Reading the historical or biological information in books are not an easy thing to absorb or understand. Often museums bring that hard information to life. A personal example to support this point, my husband’s brother in high school struggled from studying paleoethology; the science that studies ancient fossils and ancients lives, in books. Till, he visited the historical museum once with his friends on a school field trip. He saw the real fossils and some bones of dinosaurs with amazing exhibits which shows them the actual size and lives million years ago. After that, he became curious and enthused to learn more about them. The role of the museum as an education is evident.
    Secondly, I think museums play another crucial factor in attracting tourists to the area and can therefore be an instrumental in helping the economy concerning supplying passing trades as well as offering local people employment. For example, last year our government announced that 84% of foreigner tourists visitors schedule visiting the museum as one of the most important parts of their trip to the city.
    Least but not the last, Museums are also played a fundamental part in research programs. In general, museums provide a wealth information, resources, trained scholars and highly qualified professionals about any project that people interested. For example, my brother’s studies a lot about ancient Pyramids from the Field Museum, which includes a huge department presents some of the mummies, potteries and the exact size of constructional blocks of the pyramids. Inside that museum, he founds the answer to all of his concerns. The way they present the tombs, the tutors at that section is capable of guiding you and any one to find the answer to any question.
    In conclusion, museums play an important factor in education, economy and research.

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