During the working week, I have to wake up at seven o`clock because I have to go to school. It is very difficult for me to wake up so early. I take a shower, put on my school uniform and drink a cup of coffee with a couple of sandwiches. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time to have breakfast properly.
В течение рабочей недели, мне приходится просыпаться в семь часов, потому что мне надо идти в школу. Для меня очень трудно просыпаться так рано. Я принимаю душ, надеваю школьную форму и выпиваю чашку кофе с парой бутербродов. К сожалению, у меня не хватает времени, чтобы полноценно позавтракать.
Most part of my day I spend at school. I normally have a lunch at the school canteen. Three times a week I go to the dance studio after the school. When I come back home I do my homework and then I have spare time and can do everything I want. I go for a walk with my friends, play some computer games or read something. I usually go to bed at 23 o`clock.
Большую часть дня я провожу в школе. Обычно я обедаю в школьной столовой. Три раза в неделю я хожу в танцевальную студию после школы. Когда я возвращаюсь домой, я делаю уроки, потом у меня есть свободное время, и можно делать все, что я хочу. Я хожу гулять с моими друзьями, играю в компьютерные игры или читаю что-то. Обычно я ложусь спать в 23 часа.
Weekends I normally spend with my family. I enjoy an opportunity to sleep longer on the weekends. On Saturdays, my parents and I do a big cleaning. After that, we go somewhere together. It can be a cinema, a museum or a park. On Sundays, I have English class. I would like to improve my English that is why I have some extra lessons with my teacher. After that, I tend to visit my grandparents. They live not far from us. I understand how important it is for them to spend more time with us.
On the whole, my days are always full of different events and I really enjoy it.
Выходные я обычно провожу со своей семьей. Мне нравится возможность подольше поспать на выходных. По субботам мы с родителями делаем большую уборку. После этого мы идем куда-то вместе. Это может быть кинотеатр, музей или парк. По воскресеньям у меня урок английского языка. Я хотел бы улучшить мой английский, поэтому я занимаюсь дополнительно со своим учителем. После этого, я обычно навещаю бабушку с дедушкой. Они живут недалеко от нас. Я понимаю, как важно для них, проводить больше времени с нами.
В целом, мои дни всегда полны различных событий, и мне это очень нравится.
My Favourite Day of the Week
Мой любимый день недели
My favorite day of the week is Saturday. First of all, it is a weekend and I have an opportunity to sleep longer. After the working week, I feel really exhausted and Saturday is a day when I can relax. The further reason to love Saturday is the fact that my mother cooks pancakes for the breakfast. This is my favorite dish. Unfortunately, during the working week, I do not have enough time to eat properly because I have to hurry up so as not to be late for school.
Мой любимый день недели — суббота. Во-первых, это выходной день, и у меня есть возможность поспать подольше. После рабочей недели, я чувствую себя очень уставшим, а суббота — это день, когда я могу расслабиться. Еще одна причина, почему я люблю субботу -это то, что мама готовит блинчики на завтрак. Это мое любимое блюдо. К сожалению, в течение рабочей недели, у меня не хватает времени, чтобы нормально кушать, потому что я должна поторопиться, чтобы не опоздать в школу.
After the breakfast, my parents and I normally go somewhere. Very often we go for a walk in the park not far from our home. In summer I can ride a bike there or do roller skating. In winter we normally go skiing there. From time to time I go to the cinema or visit different museums either with my family or with my friends. I tend to do my homework and on Sundays, that`s why on Saturday I have enough spare time not only to spend it with my family but also to meet with my friends. Moreover, on Saturdays, I tend to visit my grandparents and have a dinner with them. My granny cooks very deliciously. After dinner, I play chess with my grandfather. Sometimes we play some desktop games together.
После завтрака, мы с родителями обычно идем куда-нибудь. Очень часто мы идем на прогулку в парк, расположенный недалеко от нашего дома. Летом я могу кататься там на велосипеде или роликовых коньках. Зимой мы обычно катаемся там на лыжах. Время от времени я хожу в кино или посещая различные музеи с семьей или с моими друзьями. Я обычно делаю свое домашнее задание по воскресеньям, поэтому в субботу у меня достаточно свободного времени не только, чтобы провести его с семьей, но и для того чтобы встретиться с друзьями. Кроме того, по субботам, я стараюсь навестить бабушку с дедушкой и поужинать с ними. Моя бабушка готовит очень вкусно. После ужина, я играю в шахматы с дедушкой. Иногда мы играем вместе в настольные игры.
Saturday is the best day of the week for me. I do not have to go to school and do my homework, I can do everything I like and that`s great!
Суббота — лучший день недели для меня. Мне не надо ходить в школу и делать домашнее задание, я могу заниматься тем, что мне нравится, и это здорово!
Present Indefinite or Present Continuous 1. Tom usually (play) football but today he (play) tennis.2. What language they (speak) in Holland? What language he (speak) now? 3. The professor (speak) five foreign languages.Right now he (speak) Dutch. 4. My friend always (tell) me thetruth, but I see that she (tell) a lie now. 5. I usually (drive) tomy work. Be careful! You (drive) too fast. 6. She, as a rule, (wear) smart hats. But today she (wear) a funny-looking one.7. I (do) a lot of work every day. Don’t worry! I (know) whatI (do). 8. Every Sunday he (watch) birds in the forest. Be quiet,the photographer (watch) that bird. He (want) to take a picture.9. You (eat) fruit every day? What’s the name of the fruit you (eat) with such pleasure? 10. She (adore) French perfume butI can’t guess what perfume she (wear) tonight. 11. She’ (not un-derstand) what the teacher (explain) now. 12. She (say) she (love) him very much now. 13. I (not recognize) the manwho (give) a talk. 14. You usually (not drink) coffee at thistime? What is that you (drink) now? 15. I (hear) Nick (want) to know where you (live) now. 16. I (feel) he (have) a lot of problems with his elder son at the moment. 17. I generally (feel) well in summer but right now I (feel) miserable. 18. Paul (feel) that his uncle John (notice) all his faults. 19. Frieda (hate) itwhen it (rain) outdoors. 20. We (think) they (try) to make upquarrel. 21. The pop-concert (take) place on Saturday. Theystill (sell) the tickets. 22. What platform the train for Sochi (leave)? — According to the time-table it always (start) fromplatform two. 23. The night-show (open) at 10,30 this evening.24. It’s a national holiday today. The bank (work)? 25. Nelly,why you (hurry) so much? — My plane (leave) at 7,45.
I guess everyone has the best day or the best days in my life. Yes, yes, yes! In my life, this is the day. My very first best day – the day I was born. Outside the window, there was a spring in full swing: blooming gardens, green with grass, the birds were singing. I am at this time basking in the abdomen mom, to my heart. I could hear my father’s guitar, he felt a gentle touch of fingers to his mother when she tried to calm me razbuyanevshegosya, stroking her belly … And then came my turn: at nine thirty-five, when the city woke up at first light, I was born. I have no words to describe how happy I was. I – “God-given”! I was born! And flowed everyday routine. I grew up, went to kindergarten, to school. Yes, yes, yes! School years – the most wonderful years samie better days! But one day, her parents divorced. Whether it was the best day for me? Yes, and it was the best day: out of arguments and recriminations, parents were friends … At the weekend I’m meeting with my father, I spend time with him in the woods, fishing in the country. I was friends with his new family. My mother married a second time and be happy. I’m happy with them … When I was even happier? When I first fell in love! Yes, and it was also the best day of my life! I met her in the crowd, snatched vzgyad her blue eyes, and was smitten. Spot. I realized I was in love … We walked together, went to concerts, went on nature, and I was so happy at the time … You ask, and as of now, there is now the best day? But he is always there when you live with a loved one next to you when your true friends when you just woke up and, stretching himself, saying: “Zdravstuy, a new day, I woke up and I’m happy
My day
Мой день
During the working week, I have to wake up at seven o`clock because I have to go to school. It is very difficult for me to wake up so early. I take a shower, put on my school uniform and drink a cup of coffee with a couple of sandwiches. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time to have breakfast properly.
В течение рабочей недели, мне приходится просыпаться в семь часов, потому что мне надо идти в школу. Для меня очень трудно просыпаться так рано. Я принимаю душ, надеваю школьную форму и выпиваю чашку кофе с парой бутербродов. К сожалению, у меня не хватает времени, чтобы полноценно позавтракать.
Most part of my day I spend at school. I normally have a lunch at the school canteen. Three times a week I go to the dance studio after the school. When I come back home I do my homework and then I have spare time and can do everything I want. I go for a walk with my friends, play some computer games or read something. I usually go to bed at 23 o`clock.
Большую часть дня я провожу в школе. Обычно я обедаю в школьной столовой. Три раза в неделю я хожу в танцевальную студию после школы. Когда я возвращаюсь домой, я делаю уроки, потом у меня есть свободное время, и можно делать все, что я хочу. Я хожу гулять с моими друзьями, играю в компьютерные игры или читаю что-то. Обычно я ложусь спать в 23 часа.
Weekends I normally spend with my family. I enjoy an opportunity to sleep longer on the weekends. On Saturdays, my parents and I do a big cleaning. After that, we go somewhere together. It can be a cinema, a museum or a park. On Sundays, I have English class. I would like to improve my English that is why I have some extra lessons with my teacher. After that, I tend to visit my grandparents. They live not far from us. I understand how important it is for them to spend more time with us.
On the whole, my days are always full of different events and I really enjoy it.
Выходные я обычно провожу со своей семьей. Мне нравится возможность подольше поспать на выходных. По субботам мы с родителями делаем большую уборку. После этого мы идем куда-то вместе. Это может быть кинотеатр, музей или парк. По воскресеньям у меня урок английского языка. Я хотел бы улучшить мой английский, поэтому я занимаюсь дополнительно со своим учителем. После этого, я обычно навещаю бабушку с дедушкой. Они живут недалеко от нас. Я понимаю, как важно для них, проводить больше времени с нами.
В целом, мои дни всегда полны различных событий, и мне это очень нравится.
My Favourite Day of the Week
Мой любимый день недели
My favorite day of the week is Saturday. First of all, it is a weekend and I have an opportunity to sleep longer. After the working week, I feel really exhausted and Saturday is a day when I can relax. The further reason to love Saturday is the fact that my mother cooks pancakes for the breakfast. This is my favorite dish. Unfortunately, during the working week, I do not have enough time to eat properly because I have to hurry up so as not to be late for school.
Мой любимый день недели — суббота. Во-первых, это выходной день, и у меня есть возможность поспать подольше. После рабочей недели, я чувствую себя очень уставшим, а суббота — это день, когда я могу расслабиться. Еще одна причина, почему я люблю субботу -это то, что мама готовит блинчики на завтрак. Это мое любимое блюдо. К сожалению, в течение рабочей недели, у меня не хватает времени, чтобы нормально кушать, потому что я должна поторопиться, чтобы не опоздать в школу.
After the breakfast, my parents and I normally go somewhere. Very often we go for a walk in the park not far from our home. In summer I can ride a bike there or do roller skating. In winter we normally go skiing there. From time to time I go to the cinema or visit different museums either with my family or with my friends. I tend to do my homework and on Sundays, that`s why on Saturday I have enough spare time not only to spend it with my family but also to meet with my friends. Moreover, on Saturdays, I tend to visit my grandparents and have a dinner with them. My granny cooks very deliciously. After dinner, I play chess with my grandfather. Sometimes we play some desktop games together.
После завтрака, мы с родителями обычно идем куда-нибудь. Очень часто мы идем на прогулку в парк, расположенный недалеко от нашего дома. Летом я могу кататься там на велосипеде или роликовых коньках. Зимой мы обычно катаемся там на лыжах. Время от времени я хожу в кино или посещая различные музеи с семьей или с моими друзьями. Я обычно делаю свое домашнее задание по воскресеньям, поэтому в субботу у меня достаточно свободного времени не только, чтобы провести его с семьей, но и для того чтобы встретиться с друзьями. Кроме того, по субботам, я стараюсь навестить бабушку с дедушкой и поужинать с ними. Моя бабушка готовит очень вкусно. После ужина, я играю в шахматы с дедушкой. Иногда мы играем вместе в настольные игры.
Saturday is the best day of the week for me. I do not have to go to school and do my homework, I can do everything I like and that`s great!
Суббота — лучший день недели для меня. Мне не надо ходить в школу и делать домашнее задание, я могу заниматься тем, что мне нравится, и это здорово!
Present Indefinite or Present Continuous 1. Tom usually (play) football but today he (play) tennis.2. What language they (speak) in Holland? What language he (speak) now? 3. The professor (speak) five foreign languages.Right now he (speak) Dutch. 4. My friend always (tell) me thetruth, but I see that she (tell) a lie now. 5. I usually (drive) tomy work. Be careful! You (drive) too fast. 6. She, as a rule, (wear) smart hats. But today she (wear) a funny-looking one.7. I (do) a lot of work every day. Don’t worry! I (know) whatI (do). 8. Every Sunday he (watch) birds in the forest. Be quiet,the photographer (watch) that bird. He (want) to take a picture.9. You (eat) fruit every day? What’s the name of the fruit you (eat) with such pleasure? 10. She (adore) French perfume butI can’t guess what perfume she (wear) tonight. 11. She’ (not un-derstand) what the teacher (explain) now. 12. She (say) she (love) him very much now. 13. I (not recognize) the manwho (give) a talk. 14. You usually (not drink) coffee at thistime? What is that you (drink) now? 15. I (hear) Nick (want) to know where you (live) now. 16. I (feel) he (have) a lot of problems with his elder son at the moment. 17. I generally (feel) well in summer but right now I (feel) miserable. 18. Paul (feel) that his uncle John (notice) all his faults. 19. Frieda (hate) itwhen it (rain) outdoors. 20. We (think) they (try) to make upquarrel. 21. The pop-concert (take) place on Saturday. Theystill (sell) the tickets. 22. What platform the train for Sochi (leave)? — According to the time-table it always (start) fromplatform two. 23. The night-show (open) at 10,30 this evening.24. It’s a national holiday today. The bank (work)? 25. Nelly,why you (hurry) so much? — My plane (leave) at 7,45.
I guess everyone has the best day or the best days in my life. Yes, yes, yes! In my life, this is the day. My very first best day – the day I was born. Outside the window, there was a spring in full swing: blooming gardens, green with grass, the birds were singing. I am at this time basking in the abdomen mom, to my heart. I could hear my father’s guitar, he felt a gentle touch of fingers to his mother when she tried to calm me razbuyanevshegosya, stroking her belly … And then came my turn: at nine thirty-five, when the city woke up at first light, I was born. I have no words to describe how happy I was. I – “God-given”! I was born! And flowed everyday routine. I grew up, went to kindergarten, to school. Yes, yes, yes! School years – the most wonderful years samie better days! But one day, her parents divorced. Whether it was the best day for me? Yes, and it was the best day: out of arguments and recriminations, parents were friends … At the weekend I’m meeting with my father, I spend time with him in the woods, fishing in the country. I was friends with his new family. My mother married a second time and be happy. I’m happy with them … When I was even happier? When I first fell in love! Yes, and it was also the best day of my life! I met her in the crowd, snatched vzgyad her blue eyes, and was smitten. Spot. I realized I was in love … We walked together, went to concerts, went on nature, and I was so happy at the time … You ask, and as of now, there is now the best day? But he is always there when you live with a loved one next to you when your true friends when you just woke up and, stretching himself, saying: “Zdravstuy, a new day, I woke up and I’m happy