Сочинение на тему субкультуры по английскому языку

7 вариантов

  1. My relation to subculture is different. Subculture is a good thing on the one hand, because the young people can go to some groups and they can communicate with the friends. These young people are similar in interests and hobbies. All of them have common topics for dialogues. As a rule, they are the musical fans. It shows their unity to think in the same way.
    Unfortunely, subculture influences on the man not from the best part, because majority of the members have some negative features. Usage of drugs, usage of alcohol, their behavior, which is out of the law in most cases, are some of them. They are Hippies, Punks, Goths, Bikers. Mods and Emoes are other, the better ones.
    It seems to me, subculture was formed for the purpose the man would express his individuality, but it is not the only way to make it. Sport, for example, is extensible consept. I want to advise all people not to enter into such groups. They should say “No!”
    I want to say: “Subculture is style of life for some people, but it`s bad style, because many young people kill themselves in most cases. So my relation to subculture is negative”.
    Моё отношение к субкультурам неординарно. С одной стороны, субкультура – хорошее занятие: молодые люди могут собираться в группы и общаться с друзьями. У этих молодых людей схожие интересы и увлечения. Все они имеют общие темы для разговора. Как правило, они музыкальные фанаты. Это объединяет их мышдение в одном направлении.
    К несчастью, субкультура влияет на человека не с лучшей стороны, потому что большинство членов субкультуры имеют некоторые негативные черты. Употребление наркотиков, употребление алкоголя, их поведение, которые в большинстве случаев выходят за рамки закона, некоторые из них. Это Хиппи, Панки, Готы, Байкеры. Моды и Эмо другие, лучше.
    Мне кажется, субкультура была сформирована с целью выражения человеком своей индивидуальности, но эо не единственный способ самовыражения. К примеру спорт – обширное понятие. Я хочу посоветовать всем людям не вступать в такие группы. Они должны сказать: “Нет!” Я хочу сказать: “Субкультура – стиль жизни для некоторых людей, но это очень плохой стиль, потому что многие молодые люди кончают жизнь самоубийством в большинстве случаев. Моё отношение к субкультуре негативное в большей части.”
    Copyright © Russian centres of City and Guilds

  2. Subculture is style of life for many young people. Most men concern themselves to one or other group. They follow style of hairdress, clothes, mentality, which are typical for different groups. The youth take drugs, alcohol and sometimes they are violent and aggressive too thanks to subculture.
    Some people think, that subculture is useful. Firstly, youth people meet with each other and hear many new things. Secondly, people take part in meetings, where they listen to music and rest. Thirdly, the men help each other, when member of group need to help.
    But other people consider, subculture and its followers are dangerous for society. Firstly, members of some groups think, that force is only decision of many arguments. Secondly, people use drugs, alcohol in order to relax. They become addict, weak-willed. Thirdly, different groups make war between each other, they make massacre, oppose to ceremonial power.
    In my opinion, subculture unite people only in within the limits of one or other group. It result in disagreements and hostility between men of different subcultures. I think, that subculture is not useful. We do not need in it, in order to meet with men. We should not imitate in style of life, mentality, because it deprives their individuality and often lead to bad.
    Для многих молодых людей субкультура – стиль жизни. Большинство из них относят себя к той или иной группе. Они придерживаются стилю в прическе, одежде, мышлении, которые типичны для различных групп. Молодежь принимает наркотики, алкоголь и иногда они склонны к насилию, агрессивны тоже благодаря субкультуре.
    Некоторые считают, что субкультура полезна. Во-первых, молодые люди общаются друг с другом и узнают много новых вещей. Во-вторых, люди принимают участие в собраниях, где они слушают музыку, отдыхают. В-третьих, люди помогают друг другу, когда член группы нуждается в помощи.
    Но другие считают, что субкультура и ее последователи опасны для общества. Во-первых, члены некоторых групп думают, что сила – единственное решение многих споров. Во-вторых, люди употребляют наркотики, алкоголь для того, чтобы расслабиться. Они становятся наркоманами, зависимыми . В-третьих, различные группы враждуют друг с другом, они устраивают погромы, выступают против официальной власти.
    По моему мнению, субкультура объединяет людей только в рамках той или иной группы. Она приводит к разногласиям и враждебности между людьми в различных группах. Мы не нуждаемся в ней, чтобы общаться с другими людьми и не должны подражать в стиле жизни, мышлении, потому что это лишает своей индивидуальности и часто приводит к плохому.
    Copyright © Russian centres of City and Guilds

  3. Today the life of many young people in Russia as well as in other countries of the world is influenced by popular culture. The young follow certain stereotypes that are imposed on them through TV, movies, and music. In their lifestyle they try to imitate the images of their idols. Other young people are sports and music fans. They follow their idols in their tours and support them. Unfortunately they are intolerant to those who don’t share their view. It’s a specific aspect of the youth subculture that can’t be ignored.
    I think that subculture is the culture of those who are dissatisfied with their place in society. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and favourite music. For example the subculture of Rastafairians was based on nostalgia for a lost world. They idealized Africa. Rastafairians were Afro-Caribbean immigrants in Britain. They began to wear distinctive clothes, camouflage jackets, large hats in the red, gold and green colours of Ethiopia and put their long, uncut hair in dreadlocks. They brought to us such types of music as ska, reggae and hip-hop. Many subcultures developed as a result of music fusion of black and white cultures.
    There are other subcultures that are not connected with music, and have a specific ideology. For example skinheads, which wore heavy boots, jeans and braces and shave their hair or cut it very short. Skinheads dreamed about the revival of the traditional working class culture. Skinheads were identified with extreme right wing views. Among other subcultures are Hippies, Punks, Mods, Rockers, Ravers and many others. Generally they were young people with low self-respect, who did poorly at school. They opposed the traditional world in which they where settled as fiasco elements.
    Subcultures are not that bad as they are thought to be. Teens want to show off. But at the same time a lot of teens think about changing the world to the best. Subcultures are for mostly for young and creative. Then, I am sure, teenagers become good citizens. Some who were punks became the main editors of famous newspapers. A subculture is a way of life. It is not a fan club, it is an attributive feature of a real life.
    Сегодня жизнь многих молодых людей в России, а также в других странах мира находится под влиянием массовой культуры. Молодые люди следуют определенным стереотипам, которые навязываются им через телевидение, кино и музыку. В своей жизни они пытаются имитировать изображения своих кумиров. Другие молодые люди увлекаются спортом и любят музыку. Они следуют за своими кумирами в туры и поддерживают их. К сожалению, они нетерпимы к тем, кто не разделяет их точку зрения. Это специфический аспект любой молодежной субкультуры, который не может быть проигнорирован.
    Я думаю, что субкультура существует для тех, кто недоволен своим местом в обществе. Различные субкультуры имеют свои собственные убеждения, системы ценностей, моду, и любимую музыку. Например, субкультура Rastafairians была основана на ностальгии по утраченному миру. Они идеализировали Африку. Rastafairians были афро-карибскими иммигрантами в Великобритании. Они стали носить отличительные одежды, камуфляжные куртки, большие эфиопские шляпы красного, золотого и зеленого цвета и заплетали свои длинные, нестриженные волосы в дреды. Они принесли нам такие виды музыки как ска, регги и хип-хоп. Многие субкультуры появились в результате слияния музыки черных и белых культур.
    Есть и другие субкультуры, которые не связаны с музыкой, и имеют специфическую идеологию. Например, скинхеды, которые носят тяжелые ботинки, джинсы, подтяжки и бреют волосы или стригут их очень коротко. Скинхеды мечтают о возрождении традиционной культуры рабочего класса. Скинхеды ассоциируются с крайне правыми взглядами. Среди прочих субкультур: хиппи, панки, моды, рокеры, рейверы и многие другие. В основном, это молодые люди с низким чувством самооценки, которые плохо учатся в школе. Они выступают против традиционного мира, в котором они живут как фиаско элементы.
    Субкультура – это не так плохо, как считают. Подростки хотят выделяться. Но в то же время многие подростки думают об изменении мира к лучшему. Субкультуры предназначены в основном для молодых и творческих. Я уверен, что подростки станут хорошими гражданами. Часто те, кто были панками становятся главными редакторами известных газет. Субкультура – это образ жизни. Это не фан-клуб, это атрибутивная черта реальной жизни.

  4. Today the life of many young people in Russia as well as in other countries of the world is influenced by popular culture. The young follow certain stereotypes that are imposed on them through TV, movies, and music. In their lifestyle they try to imitate the images of their idols. Other young people are sports and music fans. They frequent stadiums and huge concert halls. They follow their idols in their tours and support them. Unfortunately they are intolerant to those who don’t share their view. It’s a specific aspect of the youth subculture that can’t be ignored. But many young people have other interests. For some of them getting knowledge is of primary importance. They are fond of reading serious books, listening to serious music. They go to the conservatory and theatres. They are engaged in Hi-Tech through the Internet. They are fond of stories and novels written by Victor Pelevin, Boris Akunin. The novels by Strougutsky’s are best read even today, because it is science fiction, which is very popular among young people.
    I think that subculture is the culture of those who are dissatisfied with their place in society. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and favourite music. For example the subculture of Rastafairians was based on nostalgia for a lost world. They idealized Africa. Rastafairians were Afro-Caribbean immigrants in Britain. They began to wear distinctive clothes, camouflage jackets, large hats in the red, gold and green colours of Ethiopia and put their long, uncut hair in dreadlocks. They brought to us such tapes of music as ska, reggae and hip-hop. Many subcultures developed as a result of music fusion of black and white cultures. For example skinheads, which wore heavy boots, jeans and braces and shave their hair or cut it very short. Skinheads dreamed about the revival of the traditional working class culture. Skinheads were identified with extreme right wing views. There are many other subcultures such as Hippies, Punks, Mods, Rockers, Ravers and many others. Generally they were young people with low self-respect, who did poorly at school. They opposed the traditional world in which they where settled as fiasco elements.
    Subcultures are not that bad as they are thought to be. Teens want to show off. But at the same time a lot of teens think about changing the world to the best. Subcultures are for teens. Then, I am sure, teenagers become good citizens. Some who were punks became the main editors of famous newspapers. A subculture is a way of life. It is not a fan club, it is a real life for us.

  5. Today the life of many young people in Russia as well as in other countries of the world is influenced by popular culture. The young follow certain stereotypes that are imposed on them through TV, movies, and music. In their lifestyle they try to imitate the images of their idols. Other young people are sports and music fans. They frequent stadiums and huge concert halls. They follow their idols in their tours and support them. Unfortunately they are intolerant to those who don’t share their view. It’s a specific aspect of the youth subculture that can’t be ignored. But many young people have other interests. For some of them getting knowledge is of primary importance. They are fond of reading serious books, listening to serious music. They go to the conservatory and theatres. They are engaged in Hi-Tech through the Internet. They are fond of stories and novels written by Victor Pelevin, Boris Akunin. The novels by Strougutsky’s are best read even today, because it is science fiction, which is very popular among young people.
    I think that subculture is the culture of those who are dissatisfied with their place in society. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and favourite music. For example the subculture of Rastafairians was based on nostalgia for a lost word. They idealized Africa. Rastafairians were Afro-Caribbean immigrants in Britain. They began to wear distinctive clothes, camouflage jackets, large hats in the red, gold and green colours of Ethiopia and put their long, uncut hair in dreadlocks. They brought to us such tapes of music as ska, reggae and hip-hop. Many subcultures developed as a result of music fusion of black and white cultures. For example skinheads, which wore heavy boots, jeans and braces and shave their hair or cut it very short. Skinheads dreamed about the revival of the traditional working class culture. Skinheads were identified with extreme right wing views. There are many other subcultures such as Hippies, Punks, Mods, Rockers, Ravers and many others. Generally they were young people with low self-respect, who did poorly at school. They opposed the traditional world in which they where settled as fiasco elements.
    Subcultures are not that bad as they are thought to be. Teens want to show off. But at the same time a lot of teens think about changing the world to the best. Subcultures are for teens. Then, I am sure, teenagers become good citizens. Some who were punks became the main editors of famous newspapers. A subculture is a way of life. It is not a fan club, it is a real life for us.

  6. Топик Субкультура рассказывает о феномене появления молодежных субкультур (или подкультур) в нашем обществе. Субкультура может отличаться от доминирующей культуры собственной системой ценностей, языком, манерой поведения, одеждой и другими аспектами. Среди молодежных субкультур (в России также используется термин «неформалы») можно назвать следующие: хиппи, панки, готы, рокеры, рейверы, скинхеды, растаманы и др. Последователи таких движений – чаще всего, молодые люди с низкой самооценкой, те, кто потерпели фиаско в реальном мире, поэтому они создают «свою» реальность.
    Today the life of many young people in Russia as well as in other countries of the world is influenced by popular culture. The young follow certain stereotypes that are imposed on them through TV, movies, and music. In their lifestyle they try to imitate the images of their idols. Other young people are sports and music fans. They frequent stadiums and huge concert halls. They follow their idols in their tours and support them. Unfortunately they are intolerant to those who don’t share their view. It’s a specific aspect of the youth subculture that can’t be ignored. But many young people have other interests. For some of them getting knowledge is of primary importance. They are fond of reading serious books, listening to serious music. They go to the conservatory and theatres. They are engaged in Hi-Tech through the Internet. They are fond of stories and novels written by Victor Pelevin, Boris Akunin. The novels by Strougutsky’s are best read even today, because it is science fiction, which is very popular among young people.
    I think that subculture is the culture of those who are dissatisfied with their place in society. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and favourite music. For example the subculture of Rastafairians was based on nostalgia for a lost world. They idealized Africa. Rastafairians were Afro-Caribbean immigrants in Britain. They began to wear distinctive clothes, camouflage jackets, large hats in the red, gold and green colours of Ethiopia and put their long, uncut hair in dreadlocks. They brought to us such tapes of music as ska, reggae and hip-hop. Many subcultures developed as a result of music fusion of black and white cultures. For example skinheads, which wore heavy boots, jeans and braces and shave their hair or cut it very short. Skinheads dreamed about the revival of the traditional working class culture. Skinheads were identified with extreme right wing views. There are many other subcultures such as Hippies, Punks, Mods, Rockers, Ravers and many others. Generally they were young people with low self-respect, who did poorly at school. They opposed the traditional world in which they where settled as fiasco elements.
    Subcultures are not that bad as they are thought to be. Teens want to show off. But at the same time a lot of teens think about changing the world to the best. Subcultures are for teens. Then, I am sure, teenagers become good citizens. Some who were punks became the main editors of famous newspapers. A subculture is a way of life. It is not a fan club, it is a real life for us.

  7. Subculture is style of life for many young people. Most men concern themselves to one or other group. They follow style of hairdress, clothes, mentality, which are typical for different groups. The youth take drugs, alcohol and sometimes they are violent and aggressive too thanks to subculture.
    Some people think, that subculture is useful. Firstly, youth people meet with each other and hear many new things. Secondly, people take part in meetings, where they listen to music and rest. Thirdly, the men help each other, when member of group need to help.
    But other people consider, subculture and its followers are dangerous for society. Firstly, members of some groups think, that force is only decision of many arguments. Secondly, people use drugs, alcohol in order to relax. They become addict, weak-willed. Thirdly, different groups make war between each other, they make massacre, oppose to ceremonial power.
    In my opinion, subculture unite people only in within the limits of one or other group. It result in disagreements and hostility between men of different subcultures. I think, that subculture is not useful. We do not need in it, in order to meet with men. We should not imitate in style of life, mentality, because it deprives their individuality and often lead to bad.

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