Сочинение по английскому на тему ромео и джульетта
4 варианта
Essay in exam format
“What would happen
if Romeo and Juliet didn’t die?”
Student Name: VoroninaKseniya
Grade: 10 A
English teacher: E.F. Makoe
“Romeo and Juliet” is an eternal story of true and sacrificial love. The story is so thrilling and exciting that it leaves nobody indifferent, especially those who had ever loved and been loved. The death of the young people put an end to an old quarrel between the two families. Was their sacrifice invain? How could they stay alive?
I think they could tell their parents about their love, left them for a while and stayed in the place where Romeo had been sent into exile. If their parents really loved them they would forgive their children and stop this stupid hatred and anger.Moreover they could run away without telling adults about their marriage. They could be happy and enjoy their love in summer.
On the other hand Romeo and Juliet were young and immature and they couldn’t hide for a long time. They could becaught by the clans’ servants or the duke’s guardians.Thus, Juliet would be brought to her parents again and punished ruthlessly for her disobedience.Besides, her father would make her marry Paris and it would be the end of her love to Romeo.
From my point of view this argument isn’t true because Romeo and his sweetheart loved passionately each other and they even weren’t afraid of death, they left this world together.
Finally,I’d like to say that if you love each other you can do everything to be together. I believe that love is the greatest thing which even defeats death!
Student Name:BudaevaYulya
Grade: 11th
Teacher: E.F. Makoe
The greatest Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet” keeps on moving many people to tears. The end of the story is sad but it makes us think about eternal values: life, true love, faithfulness, nobility of soul, self sacrifice. But what would it be if the lovers hadn’t committed suicide for the sake of their love?
I personally believe that they couldn’t live without each other because their feelings were strong and they could run off and never return to Verona again. That place was dangerous for their life. Their love would give them strength to survive in a new place.
But other people think that if they hadn’t died their love would die. Experts say that love lives only three years. Thus, they could leave one another because they were too young and could fell in love with other people, especially Romeo. He loved Rosalina before he had met Juliet.
I think it’s false because Romeo and Juliet is an example of true faithfulness and sacrifice. They would be together forever like a single whole. They could enjoy their love and life having a friendly family.
To sum it up I should say that everything would be great if they stayed alive. Life is a precious thing given to us by God as a gift. And the loving couple would take it to be happy.
Student Name: DmitrievVladik
Grade: 10 A
Essay on topic: “Roles to die”
Two years ago I saw the film “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare. The starring was perfect. Romeo was played by Leonardo DiCaprio. He is my favourite actor. And Juliet was an actress who hadn’t been unknown for me before. I like the Juliet played by Olivia Hussey.
And I’ll try to tell you about this film. In the town of Verona there were two rich families, the Capulets and the Montagues. There was an old quarrel between those two families. One day Capulet made a great supper. At that supper Romeo saw Juliet and fell in love with her at once.
Juliet had the same feelings. Romeo asked Juliet to marry him. She agreed, but nobody knew about their plan. The next day Romeo and Juliet came to friar and he married them.
Some days passed and Juliet’s father told her that she was to marry a young man whose name was Paris. Juliet didn’t know what to do. But the friar helped her. He gave her medicine and told her to go home and be ready to marry Paris. But when she drinks that medicine she will sleep for forty — two hours.
Juliet did as the friar told her. Juliet’s parents thought that she was dead and put her into the family tomb. When Romeo heard that Juliet was dead he bought some poison and went to the tomb of the Capuletts. Paris was there and Romeo killed him.
Then Romeo kissed Juliet on the lips and drank his poison. At this moment Juliet woke up and saw that the young man was dead. Juliet took a dagger that was on the floor and killed herself.
This is the saddest story of love I’ve ever read and seen! But the story makes me believe in true love.
Essay on topic:
“The best teen love story I’ve ever seen”
Student Name: MakinaKsyusha
Grade: 10th
Teacher: E.F. Makoe
Recently I’ve seen the film called “Three meters above the sky”. The film is shot in the Spanish studios: Antena 3 films, Zeta Audiovisual. This film is a love story between young people – Ache (Mario Kasas) and Babi (Maria Valverde) who belong to different worlds. She is a rich girl who reflects kindness and virginity. And he is a rebellious, impulsive, instinctive, inclined to risk and danger. It is the so called story when a bad guy falls in love with a good girl and quite the reverse. It is practically impossible, but their meeting is inevitable. And in this frantic adventure, the first big and real love arises between them. The story is so impressive, amazing, true to life and full of tears that it keeps you in suspense and grabs your attention. During the film you, together with the main characters, have the same love feelings, happiness and troubles.
The film is full of beautiful music and songs with some philosophical ideas. I like it very much because it excites me and makes me sing along. You see how passionately the guy loves his girlfriend that he tries to change his mode of life. But they are so different that they can’t control their emotions and feelings. Some circumstances (Ache’s friend’s death in the race and Babi’s betrayal) make them leave each other forever. The film has a sad ending but it is life – asserting. It teaches you to believe in real love and look for it. It makes you dream of pure love feelings and hope that you will be able to overcome every trouble in your life if you love and believe.
In the story ‘An Affair to Remember’, of the late fifties, two people meet on a cruise and fall in love. They decide to meet at the Empire State building in six months when they will both be free to pursue a life together. On that day the man, Nickie waits atop the Empire State building. Terry, the woman is rushing to get there but in her haste of looking up at the building is tragically run over and becomes a paraplegic. The man thinks that she does not love him so he becomes depressed and starts painting pictures and he paints one of her. She sees this painting and buys it. Then on Christmas Eve he decides to look her up in the phone book and visits her flat. The woman pretends everything is fine and makes small chat but she is sitting on the couch with a blanket over her legs. The man suddenly realises that she is the same woman and looks for the painting and seeing it he notices her wheelchair. They both cry and embrace and the story ends.
This story shows that nothing in the world can stop true love. The loss of the use of a person’s legs, is nothing compared to true love. The tragedy of this path of true love, is heart wrenching. Audiences reach for tissues and cry their souls out. It stirs such great emotion and feeling.
In the story ‘Moulin Rouge’, it is the ‘Bohemian Revolution’ of the 1900’s. A young writer named Christian travels to Paris to search for an exciting story about love. He somehow gets mixed up with a band of performers and accompanies them to the Moulin Rouge where he meets a beautiful courtesan, Satine. Christian and Satine fall in love. A wealthy duke is also in love with Satine and uses blackmail, money and his power to separate the lovers and have Satine all to himself. What is more, Satine is dying from consumption but does not tell Christian. Zidler reasons with Satine and tells her that it is better for her to break Christian’s heart and tell him that she doesn’t love him or the duke will surely kill him. The pair are thrown into turmoil until the very end, when Satine declares to Christian that she does love him. The Duke is killed and Christian and Satine embrace. The tragedy has not ended there though, for Satine dies in Christian’s arms a few moments later. This story showed us that “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return”. This is the quote that was made famous by the movie. Despite the fact that true love’s path is not smooth, it is so valuable that a lover will do anything to hold on to it. Satine was willing to lose Christian in order to save his life because she truly loved him. Christian was willing to die or be penniless as long as he could live with his true love. True love is more valuable than money, it is a thing that people will strive for at all costs. The path of true love is not smooth but is a path well worth travelling upon.
All these stories were made great because of their tragedies. Love would not be what it is if there weren’t any bumps in the road. Love cannot and will not always be smooth because the fact is, life is not perfect and things will always happen to make life more challenging. Audiences and readers want stories about true love. They want to feel the joy and the happiness of having found a true love. We can be taken up into the character’s joyous feelings and their happy world. However, to see the beauty of love, we must appreciate the opposite of love – hate with disaster and trouble. We must see that true love is not easy to get, it is precious. If true love was easy and freely available, then onlookers would not see the beauty of it. We would not think it very special. To see the miracle of true love, we must also just as plainly see the supreme effort it took to obtain it, the opposition to it, the reason lovers’ fight for it and what it cost the lovers to have it. The path is not smooth, and must never be smooth if we are to fully appreciate what true love is.
When someone is called Romeo, we understand that it is a person whose main thing is love. The exalting love brings to heaven and at the same time darkens everything around. It is unlikely that Romeo could soberly assess and perceive the surrounding world. Both he and Juliet lived alone – love. Love was for them the air and the meaning of being. their tragic finale broke their lives, but not the love that humankind has inspired for hundreds of years.In another tragedy of Shakespeare, we find a completely different eternal image. This is a deeply tragic image of Hamlet. He understands reality and is steadfast on the good side. He is irreconcilable to evil, brave and determined, but how to be when evil is in his family ?! How to give a worthy repulse to theft, if, in order to punish the father’s killer, one should destroy the mother’s life? Hamlet deeply contemplates the nature of evil, he believes revenge is also evil. Because murder is a murder, even if you kill a scoundrel. The image of Hamlet is an image of a responsible, thinking person who realizes that the transition to decisive action in the conflict of good and evil can give rise to new evil.One can probably cite many examples of eternal images in the literature. But there is one thing in common: they all reveal eternal human feelings and aspirations, try to solve the eternal problems that torture people of any generation.
Гипермаркет знаний>>Литература>>Литература 8 класс>>Литература 8 класс: У.Шекспир. Ромео и Джульетта Сочинение к предмету Литература 8 класс Тема: Сочинение по трагедии «Ромео и Джульетта»
Уильям Шекспир в своей трагедии «Ромео и Джульетта» рассказывает об очень красивой, чистой и искренней любви, которая к великому сожалению заканчивается трагически.
«Ромео и Джульетта» – это трагедия нежных чувств молодых людей, которые столкнулись с жестоким и бесчеловечным миром. Вражда, распри и кровная месть пытаются противостоять нежной любви молодых людей, которые не могут друг без друга жить и готовы погибнуть, лишь бы быть вместе.
Герои Шекспировской трагедии очень юные, но их чувства так глубоки, что за недолгий период времени они быстро взрослеют.
До встречи с Ромео Джульетта Капулетти была послушной и любящей дочерью, для которой родители были воплощение мудрости, добра и справедливости. Пока Джульетта не полюбила Ромео, она считала всех Монтекки врагами и не задумывалась об истинных причинах вражды между их семьями. Но вместе с зародившимися чувствами к молодому человеку, у Джульетты оживает разум, и она начинает задумываться, как ей оставаться чистой перед своей совестью, быть послушной дочерью и в тоже время любить врага семьи. Ведь Джульетта так юна и еще не умеет скрывать свои чувства. Она неспособна ненавидеть Ромео только за то, что он Монтекки, ее любовь истинна и открыта.
В отличие от Джульетты, Ромео нам представляется, как юноша, проводящий время в праздном безделье, но увлеченный вздорной и неприступной красавицей Розалиндой. Не добившись взаимности от Розалинды, Ромео грустит и ищет уединения, еще не понимая, что это выдуманная страсть.
Но встреча с Джульеттой преображает юношу, он в момент перевоплощается в пылкого, безгранично влюбленного мужчину, готового на все ради любви. Их чувства нарушают все запрещения и ограниченности, введенные их семьями.
Трагедия любви двух молодых людей в том, что их чувства с самого начала были окружены враждой. Против любви Ромео и Джульетты весь мир и трагическая развязка близится к завершению.
Убив в схватке двоюродного брата возлюбленной, Ромео вынужден был покинуть город. Джульетта, выпивает сонное зелье, а Ромео узнав о «смерти» любимой, выпивает яд.
Очнувшись от сна, Джульетта узнает, что случилось непоправимое и кинжалом закалывает себя. Она погибает вслед за своим любимым, ведь никто не сможет заменить ей погибшего Ромео. А любовь без него, теряет для Джульетты всякий смысл жизни.
Юные влюбленные умирают, но не разлучаются, их любовь вечна. Их любовь заставляет задуматься Монтекки и Капулетти и навсегда прекратить вражду, длившуюся веками.
Essay in exam format
“What would happen
if Romeo and Juliet didn’t die?”
Student Name: VoroninaKseniya
Grade: 10 A
English teacher: E.F. Makoe
“Romeo and Juliet” is an eternal story of true and sacrificial love. The story is so thrilling and exciting that it leaves nobody indifferent, especially those who had ever loved and been loved. The death of the young people put an end to an old quarrel between the two families. Was their sacrifice invain? How could they stay alive?
I think they could tell their parents about their love, left them for a while and stayed in the place where Romeo had been sent into exile. If their parents really loved them they would forgive their children and stop this stupid hatred and anger.Moreover they could run away without telling adults about their marriage. They could be happy and enjoy their love in summer.
On the other hand Romeo and Juliet were young and immature and they couldn’t hide for a long time. They could becaught by the clans’ servants or the duke’s guardians.Thus, Juliet would be brought to her parents again and punished ruthlessly for her disobedience.Besides, her father would make her marry Paris and it would be the end of her love to Romeo.
From my point of view this argument isn’t true because Romeo and his sweetheart loved passionately each other and they even weren’t afraid of death, they left this world together.
Finally,I’d like to say that if you love each other you can do everything to be together. I believe that love is the greatest thing which even defeats death!
Student Name:BudaevaYulya
Grade: 11th
Teacher: E.F. Makoe
The greatest Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet” keeps on moving many people to tears. The end of the story is sad but it makes us think about eternal values: life, true love, faithfulness, nobility of soul, self sacrifice. But what would it be if the lovers hadn’t committed suicide for the sake of their love?
I personally believe that they couldn’t live without each other because their feelings were strong and they could run off and never return to Verona again. That place was dangerous for their life. Their love would give them strength to survive in a new place.
But other people think that if they hadn’t died their love would die. Experts say that love lives only three years. Thus, they could leave one another because they were too young and could fell in love with other people, especially Romeo. He loved Rosalina before he had met Juliet.
I think it’s false because Romeo and Juliet is an example of true faithfulness and sacrifice. They would be together forever like a single whole. They could enjoy their love and life having a friendly family.
To sum it up I should say that everything would be great if they stayed alive. Life is a precious thing given to us by God as a gift. And the loving couple would take it to be happy.
Student Name: DmitrievVladik
Grade: 10 A
Essay on topic: “Roles to die”
Two years ago I saw the film “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare. The starring was perfect. Romeo was played by Leonardo DiCaprio. He is my favourite actor. And Juliet was an actress who hadn’t been unknown for me before. I like the Juliet played by Olivia Hussey.
And I’ll try to tell you about this film. In the town of Verona there were two rich families, the Capulets and the Montagues. There was an old quarrel between those two families. One day Capulet made a great supper. At that supper Romeo saw Juliet and fell in love with her at once.
Juliet had the same feelings. Romeo asked Juliet to marry him. She agreed, but nobody knew about their plan. The next day Romeo and Juliet came to friar and he married them.
Some days passed and Juliet’s father told her that she was to marry a young man whose name was Paris. Juliet didn’t know what to do. But the friar helped her. He gave her medicine and told her to go home and be ready to marry Paris. But when she drinks that medicine she will sleep for forty — two hours.
Juliet did as the friar told her. Juliet’s parents thought that she was dead and put her into the family tomb. When Romeo heard that Juliet was dead he bought some poison and went to the tomb of the Capuletts. Paris was there and Romeo killed him.
Then Romeo kissed Juliet on the lips and drank his poison. At this moment Juliet woke up and saw that the young man was dead. Juliet took a dagger that was on the floor and killed herself.
This is the saddest story of love I’ve ever read and seen! But the story makes me believe in true love.
Essay on topic:
“The best teen love story I’ve ever seen”
Student Name: MakinaKsyusha
Grade: 10th
Teacher: E.F. Makoe
Recently I’ve seen the film called “Three meters above the sky”. The film is shot in the Spanish studios: Antena 3 films, Zeta Audiovisual. This film is a love story between young people – Ache (Mario Kasas) and Babi (Maria Valverde) who belong to different worlds. She is a rich girl who reflects kindness and virginity. And he is a rebellious, impulsive, instinctive, inclined to risk and danger. It is the so called story when a bad guy falls in love with a good girl and quite the reverse. It is practically impossible, but their meeting is inevitable. And in this frantic adventure, the first big and real love arises between them. The story is so impressive, amazing, true to life and full of tears that it keeps you in suspense and grabs your attention. During the film you, together with the main characters, have the same love feelings, happiness and troubles.
The film is full of beautiful music and songs with some philosophical ideas. I like it very much because it excites me and makes me sing along. You see how passionately the guy loves his girlfriend that he tries to change his mode of life. But they are so different that they can’t control their emotions and feelings. Some circumstances (Ache’s friend’s death in the race and Babi’s betrayal) make them leave each other forever. The film has a sad ending but it is life – asserting. It teaches you to believe in real love and look for it. It makes you dream of pure love feelings and hope that you will be able to overcome every trouble in your life if you love and believe.
In the story ‘An Affair to Remember’, of the late fifties, two people meet on a cruise and fall in love. They decide to meet at the Empire State building in six months when they will both be free to pursue a life together. On that day the man, Nickie waits atop the Empire State building. Terry, the woman is rushing to get there but in her haste of looking up at the building is tragically run over and becomes a paraplegic. The man thinks that she does not love him so he becomes depressed and starts painting pictures and he paints one of her. She sees this painting and buys it. Then on Christmas Eve he decides to look her up in the phone book and visits her flat. The woman pretends everything is fine and makes small chat but she is sitting on the couch with a blanket over her legs. The man suddenly realises that she is the same woman and looks for the painting and seeing it he notices her wheelchair. They both cry and embrace and the story ends.
This story shows that nothing in the world can stop true love. The loss of the use of a person’s legs, is nothing compared to true love. The tragedy of this path of true love, is heart wrenching. Audiences reach for tissues and cry their souls out. It stirs such great emotion and feeling.
In the story ‘Moulin Rouge’, it is the ‘Bohemian Revolution’ of the 1900’s. A young writer named Christian travels to Paris to search for an exciting story about love. He somehow gets mixed up with a band of performers and accompanies them to the Moulin Rouge where he meets a beautiful courtesan, Satine. Christian and Satine fall in love. A wealthy duke is also in love with Satine and uses blackmail, money and his power to separate the lovers and have Satine all to himself. What is more, Satine is dying from consumption but does not tell Christian. Zidler reasons with Satine and tells her that it is better for her to break Christian’s heart and tell him that she doesn’t love him or the duke will surely kill him. The pair are thrown into turmoil until the very end, when Satine declares to Christian that she does love him. The Duke is killed and Christian and Satine embrace. The tragedy has not ended there though, for Satine dies in Christian’s arms a few moments later. This story showed us that “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return”. This is the quote that was made famous by the movie. Despite the fact that true love’s path is not smooth, it is so valuable that a lover will do anything to hold on to it. Satine was willing to lose Christian in order to save his life because she truly loved him. Christian was willing to die or be penniless as long as he could live with his true love. True love is more valuable than money, it is a thing that people will strive for at all costs. The path of true love is not smooth but is a path well worth travelling upon.
All these stories were made great because of their tragedies. Love would not be what it is if there weren’t any bumps in the road. Love cannot and will not always be smooth because the fact is, life is not perfect and things will always happen to make life more challenging. Audiences and readers want stories about true love. They want to feel the joy and the happiness of having found a true love. We can be taken up into the character’s joyous feelings and their happy world. However, to see the beauty of love, we must appreciate the opposite of love – hate with disaster and trouble. We must see that true love is not easy to get, it is precious. If true love was easy and freely available, then onlookers would not see the beauty of it. We would not think it very special. To see the miracle of true love, we must also just as plainly see the supreme effort it took to obtain it, the opposition to it, the reason lovers’ fight for it and what it cost the lovers to have it. The path is not smooth, and must never be smooth if we are to fully appreciate what true love is.
When someone is called Romeo, we understand that it is a person whose main thing is love. The exalting love brings to heaven and at the same time darkens everything around. It is unlikely that Romeo could soberly assess and perceive the surrounding world. Both he and Juliet lived alone – love. Love was for them the air and the meaning of being. their tragic finale broke their lives, but not the love that humankind has inspired for hundreds of years.In another tragedy of Shakespeare, we find a completely different eternal image. This is a deeply tragic image of Hamlet. He understands reality and is steadfast on the good side. He is irreconcilable to evil, brave and determined, but how to be when evil is in his family ?! How to give a worthy repulse to theft, if, in order to punish the father’s killer, one should destroy the mother’s life? Hamlet deeply contemplates the nature of evil, he believes revenge is also evil. Because murder is a murder, even if you kill a scoundrel. The image of Hamlet is an image of a responsible, thinking person who realizes that the transition to decisive action in the conflict of good and evil can give rise to new evil.One can probably cite many examples of eternal images in the literature. But there is one thing in common: they all reveal eternal human feelings and aspirations, try to solve the eternal problems that torture people of any generation.
Гипермаркет знаний>>Литература>>Литература 8 класс>>Литература 8 класс: У.Шекспир. Ромео и Джульетта
Сочинение к предмету Литература 8 класс
Тема: Сочинение по трагедии «Ромео и Джульетта»
Уильям Шекспир в своей трагедии «Ромео и Джульетта» рассказывает об очень красивой, чистой и искренней любви, которая к великому сожалению заканчивается трагически.
«Ромео и Джульетта» – это трагедия нежных чувств молодых людей, которые столкнулись с жестоким и бесчеловечным миром. Вражда, распри и кровная месть пытаются противостоять нежной любви молодых людей, которые не могут друг без друга жить и готовы погибнуть, лишь бы быть вместе.
Герои Шекспировской трагедии очень юные, но их чувства так глубоки, что за недолгий период времени они быстро взрослеют.
До встречи с Ромео Джульетта Капулетти была послушной и любящей дочерью, для которой родители были воплощение мудрости, добра и справедливости. Пока Джульетта не полюбила Ромео, она считала всех Монтекки врагами и не задумывалась об истинных причинах вражды между их семьями. Но вместе с зародившимися чувствами к молодому человеку, у Джульетты оживает разум, и она начинает задумываться, как ей оставаться чистой перед своей совестью, быть послушной дочерью и в тоже время любить врага семьи. Ведь Джульетта так юна и еще не умеет скрывать свои чувства. Она неспособна ненавидеть Ромео только за то, что он Монтекки, ее любовь истинна и открыта.
В отличие от Джульетты, Ромео нам представляется, как юноша, проводящий время в праздном безделье, но увлеченный вздорной и неприступной красавицей Розалиндой. Не добившись взаимности от Розалинды, Ромео грустит и ищет уединения, еще не понимая, что это выдуманная страсть.
Но встреча с Джульеттой преображает юношу, он в момент перевоплощается в пылкого, безгранично влюбленного мужчину, готового на все ради любви. Их чувства нарушают все запрещения и ограниченности, введенные их семьями.
Трагедия любви двух молодых людей в том, что их чувства с самого начала были окружены враждой. Против любви Ромео и Джульетты весь мир и трагическая развязка близится к завершению.
Убив в схватке двоюродного брата возлюбленной, Ромео вынужден был покинуть город. Джульетта, выпивает сонное зелье, а Ромео узнав о «смерти» любимой, выпивает яд.
Очнувшись от сна, Джульетта узнает, что случилось непоправимое и кинжалом закалывает себя. Она погибает вслед за своим любимым, ведь никто не сможет заменить ей погибшего Ромео. А любовь без него, теряет для Джульетты всякий смысл жизни.
Юные влюбленные умирают, но не разлучаются, их любовь вечна. Их любовь заставляет задуматься Монтекки и Капулетти и навсегда прекратить вражду, длившуюся веками.