Сочинение на английском на тему гарри поттер

7 вариантов

  1. Every teenager has an ideal or a person that he (she) wants to look like. All of us we are fans of popular singers, groups, actors and actresses. We want to know about them everything, sometime we copy them, check their pictures and learn the popular phrases.
    My favorite character is Harry Potter. When I was younger I didn’t want to read the book. I was curious about classical literature or some adventure stories. Later my friends invited me to the cinema. I was not busy and so that was the evening when I first met Harry Potter and his brave friends.
    He seemed to me the cute and smart boy, who had ups and downs, good friends and bad fellows. After the first episode I downloaded the second and then the third. The story in the film was not enough for me. For my birthday my parents gave me a present: all 8 books of that fantastic story.
    I can not say that I have become a Potter’s fan. He is little bit strange, but at the same time he is brave and very smart. He knows how to act, how to communicate with people and how to be a good friend. Sometime we have good and bad days, but we have to be strong and still trust people.
    I have watched this movie few times and read the books over and over again and found some new details.
    Some of my friends don’t like and don’t read books so, but my world had been changed since I met Harry.
    I still hope I will see the continuation of this story. But even if not, I will watch it again with my future children.

    Гарри Поттер

    У каждого подростка есть идеал или личность, на которую он (она) хотят быть похожими. Все мы являемся фанатами популярных певцов, групп, актеров или актрис. Мы хотим узнать о них все, иногда копируем их, проверяем их фото и зазубриваем их фразы.
    Мой любимый персонаж – Гарри Поттер. Когда я была младше, я не хотела читать книгу о Гарри. Мне нравилась классическая литература или приключенческие истории. Позже мои друзья пригласили меня в кино. Мне было нечем заняться и этим вечером я впервые познакомилась с Гарри Поттером и его смелыми друзьями.
    Он показался мне милым и умным парнем, у которого были взлеты и падения, добрые друзья и плохие приятели. После первой серии, я загрузила в интернете вторую, а потом – третью части. Но только просмотров фильма было для меня недостаточно. Поэтому на мой день рождение родители подарили мне все 8 книг этой фантастической истории.
    Не могу сказать, что я стала большим фанатом Гарри. Он показался мне немного странным, но в то же время храбрым и очень смышлёным. Он знает, как поступить, как общаться с людьми и как стать хорошим другом. Порой у нас бывают хорошие и плохие дни, но мы должны оставаться сильными и продолжать верить людям.
    Я смотрела этот фильм несколько раз, перечитывала книги снова и снова и всякий раз находила новые интересные детали. Многие мои друзья не любят и не хотят читать эту книгу, но мой мир буквально перевернулся с момента встречи с Поттером. Я все ещё надеюсь, что вскоре выйдет продолжение этой фантастической истории. А если и нет, я посмотрю фильм вновь с моими детьми в будущем.

  2. My favourite hero
    Written by Sinicyna Arina, 7class
    Harry Potter is a hero of a famous romance by Joan Roling. The story of this magician made Roling one of The Richest Women of the year 2008.
    Harry Potter is a boy, who became a magician 11 years later. He has green eyes, a black hair and a thin body. Harry has been wearing glasses since his childhood.
    Harry’s parents died in the battle with the greatest evil magician Vol-de-mort. Не became an orphan one or two years old.
    After this awful tragedy Potter lived in a house of his aunt and uncle, and their son Dadley. Harry’s relatives were cruel to him making him do all the housework.
    Harry went to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the train he met Ronald Weasley, freckled, tall, red and thin boy, who lived in a seven-story house with five brothers, parents and a little sister.
    Harry made friends with Rone and a girl Hermione by name, who was a usual girl. She weren’t a magician, but she got a letter from Hogwarts too.
    When Harry and Rone saved Hermione’s live, their friendship became stronger.
    Harry’s life in Hogwarts was not easy. Sometimes he was in danger, but remained alive, thanks to his bravery, determination and  his true friends.
    Harry perfectly plays Kviddich, a magic game on flying sweepers with four balls, looking –glasses and telescopes.  He adores his Hogwarts School.

  3. 3
    Текст добавил: РеАлЬнЫй ПаЦаН

    Harry Potter is the main character of the great novel about his adventures in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This novel was written by Joanne Rowling, who has become very famous all over the world after publishing the first book about young wizard “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”. Some years ago she made a giant fortune, because “Harry Potter” was in great appeal among youth and adults.
    Harry Potter lived with his uncle Vernon Dursley, aunt Petunia Evans and their child Dadly Dursley because his parents were dead in the accident, as the Dursleys said. But one day, when Harry was 11 years old, pretty normal Dursley’s house was attacked by Hogwarts letters, which invited Harry to enter the school of witchcraft and wizardry. Harry suddenly found out that his parents were killed by the most powerful dark wizard of the 20th century! And he is very famous in the magic world as The Boy Who Lived, because Voldemort couldn’t kill him for some unknown reason.
    Here is the description of Harry Potter: “Harry had always been small and skinny for his age. He looked even smaller and skinnier than he really was because all he had to wear were old clothes of Dudley’s and Dudley was about four times bigger than he was. Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair and bright-green eyes. He wore round glasses held together with a lot of sellotape because of all the times Dudley had punched him on the nose. The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance was a very thin scar on his forehead which was shaped like a bolt of lightning.”
    Harry was a copy of his father with black tousled hair and only his bright-green eyes was as alike as his mother’s eyes. That’s why his parents’ friends always compared him with his father.
    “Harry Potter” is a genuine masterpiece of modern literature, that’s why it is still read by children and their parents all over the world.

  4. На английском языке. Harry Potter
    Since the year Harry Potter was introduced to the world, he has become one of the most popular characters in the history of literature. He is adored by everyone I know: children, adults and even some elderly people. This orphaned boy has to live with his unpleasant relatives, because he’s lost his parents. He attends the Hogwarts School where they teach him different magical tricks. In fact, it’s a place where he studies wizardry. In total, there are seven books about the boy, all written by an incredibly gifted author – Joanne K. Rowling. In most chapters he fights the evil Voldemort, who was responsible for the death of his parents. All books were pictured on the screen and I should say that the films are as interesting as books. In fact, Harry has two best friends as stated in the story. Their names are Hermione and Ron. Some people prefer reading the books, but I liked the movies more. There are many moving moments there, such as Harry’s dance with Hermione, friends’ support in hard times, etc. Thanks to J. K. Rowling the story is impactful and catchy. I’m sure it brightened many children’s life. “Harry Potter” books were written for people of any religion, race or nationality. Perhaps, that’s why it has become the world’s best-selling series. It’s important that throughout the novel the writer brings out some vital topics, such as the choices which we make in life or the directions that we take. These choices determine the individual character of the main hero. In my opinion, watching the movies or reading the books about Harry Potter, children learn many invaluable lessons. Apart from that, the story is full of humorous moments.
    Перевод на русский язык. Гарри Поттер
    С тех пор, как Гарри Поттер был представлен миру, он стал одним из самых популярных персонажей в истории литературы. Его обожают все, кого я знаю: дети, взрослые и даже некоторые пожилые люди. Этому осиротевшему мальчику приходиться жить со своими неприятными родственниками, потому что он потерял своих родителей. Он посещает школу Хогвартс, где учат различным магическим трюкам. На самом деле, это место, где он изучает колдовство. В общей сложности, об этом мальчике вышло семь книг, написанных невероятно талантливым автором – Джоан К. Роулинг. Во многих главах он борется со злым Волдемортом, который виноват в смерти его родителей. Все книги были перенесены на экран, и я должен сказать, что фильмы получились не хуже книг. На самом деле, по рассказу у Гарри два лучших друга. Их зовут Рон и Гермиона. Некоторые люди отдают предпочтение книгам, а мне больше понравилось кино. В нем есть много душевных моментов, например, танец Гарри с Гермионой, поддержка друзей в трудные времена, и т.д. Благодаря Джоан Роулинг, рассказ получился впечатляющим и запоминающимся. Я уверен, что он озарил жизни многих детей. Книги о “Гарри Поттере” были написаны для людей любого вероисповедания, расы или национальности. Может быть, именно поэтому они стали серией самых продаваемых книг. Важно, что на протяжении всего романа писатель поднимает некоторые важные темы, такие как выбор, который мы делаем в жизни или направление, которого мы придерживаемся. Эти выборы определяют индивидуальный характер главного героя. На мой взгляд, смотря фильмы или читая книги о Гарри Поттере, дети учатся многим бесценным урокам. Помимо этого, в рассказе немало юмористичных моментов.

  5. The plot of the whole Harry Potter series is a very intricate thing with many twists and turns and mysteries. My favorite moment is the first arrival to Hogwarts. I really love the emotions of characters in this moment.
    Now I am going to write about three main characters in Harry Potter.
    Weasley is Harry Potter’s best friend and ever-present sidekick. But unlike most sidekicks, Ron isn’t a dumb or a simpleton, nor is he content to live in Harry’s shadow. Of the three friends that make up the main cast of characters, Ron is the comic relief – – not an uncommon trait for sidekicks of his ilk – – a characteristic that makes him instantly endearing. And while he lacks Harry’s natural magical talent, or Hermione’s smarts, Ron overcomes his shortcomings with faithfulness and perseverance.
    Hermione Granger
    Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley’s best girl-pal, is so much more than just a token throw-in for female readers/viewers to identify with.
    Harry PotterPerhaps it’s a given that Harry Potter himself tops our list, but it’s important to still reflect on why the character has been so universally accepted. He’s a sympathetic figure; a kid plucked from unfortunate circumstances and thrust into a magical reality. He realizes he has been gifted with great power. And then he’s pitted against the ultimate evil in the wizarding world, Lord Voldemort, who years ago killed his mother and father. Everybody loves an underdog story of good vs. evil and we’ve watched Harry grow up in this fantastic setting – – forming friendships, fighting foes, and finding love.

  6. The plot of the whole Harry Potter series is a very intricate thing with many twists and turns and mysteries. My favorite moment is the first arrival to Hogwarts. I really love the emotions of characters in this moment.
    Now I am going to write about three main characters in Harry Potter.
    Weasley is Harry Potter’s best friend and ever-present sidekick. But unlike most sidekicks, Ron isn’t a dumb or a simpleton, nor is he content to live in Harry’s shadow. Of the three friends that make up the main cast of characters, Ron is the comic relief — not an uncommon trait for sidekicks of his ilk — a characteristic that makes him instantly endearing. And while he lacks Harry’s natural magical talent, or Hermione’s smarts, Ron overcomes his shortcomings with faithfulness and perseverance.
    Hermione Granger
    Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley’s best girl-pal, is so much more than just a token throw-in for female readers/viewers to identify with.
    Harry PotterPerhaps it’s a given that Harry Potter himself tops our list, but it’s important to still reflect on why the character has been so universally accepted. He’s a sympathetic figure; a kid plucked from unfortunate circumstances and thrust into a magical reality. He realizes he has been gifted with great power. And then he’s pitted against the ultimate evil in the wizarding world, Lord Voldemort, who years ago killed his mother and father . Everybody loves an underdog story of good vs. evil and we’ve watched Harry grow up in this fantastic setting — forming friendships, fighting foes, and finding love.

  7. It is hard to believe that just four years ago, the Harry Potter series in the whole world no one never heard, except for Joanne Kathleen Rowling, writer, which he invented, and even publishers repeatedly rejected the annoyance of her manuscript. And suddenly it all changed drastically: the book of the Harry already translated into 42 languages, and their total circulation exceeded 76 million copies. Magic? Of course, even what! After all, Harry, this skinny kid with glasses with a broken shackle – a graduate of Hogwarts, the best in British schools miracle acting and magic.
    Fate of the JK Rowling, poised far, according to one critic, “from poverty to the Stars”, is also a kind of fairy tale, a version of Cinderella, endures to XXI century.
    Philologist by training, a specialist in ancient literature (the profile in terms of business prospects hopeless, what Joan soon convinced) , it has not been able to find work. Finally, she was lucky: in the mid-80 Rowling, she said, was “very bad secretary of all time.”
    In 1990, at age 26 years, the future writer went to Portugal to teach English. This work she likes: she gave lessons in the afternoon and evening, and in the morning to write the book. The account it was the third. The first two were addressed to adult readers and were, as I understand Joan, “very bad” – she threw them in the trash. New book tells of a boy who suddenly discovered that he was a wizard …

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