Сочинение на английском на тему пушкин

17 вариантов

    PUSHKIN (1799-1837)

    Alexander Pushkin is one of the most outstanding Russians. He
    was the greatest Russian poet and writer. Pushkin devoted his
    life to writing poems.
    The young
    Alexander’s first poems appeared when he was fifteen, and by the
    time he left school he was regarded as a rival by the literary
    leaders of that time. Pushkin was the first poet who touched
    problems that were important for Russia and its people. Because
    of that he was sent to exile a few times.
    Pushkin wrote a
    lot of poems and novels. Among his famous ones are: Eugenij
    Onegin, Ruslan and Lyudmila and others. Children like to read
    his fairy tales and watch wonderful cartoons based on them. When
    I was a child I read all the fairy tales by this talented poet.
    First my grandmother read them for me, but then when I learnt to
    read, I read his tales myself.
    Most of Pushkin’s
    best works are studied at school. There is a statue to Pushkin
    in Moscow at Pushkin Square.
    Young and old
    people gather by the statue, read poems and just meet friends.
    Pushkin is respected not only in Russia, but all over the world.
    His novels and
    poems have been translated into many languages and are enjoyed
    by foreigners.
    appear [э’ргэ] появиться
    be based on sth [br-‘beizdan] основываться на чем-то
    be regarded [bm’gaidad] считаться (кем-то)
    be sent to exile [,bi:’sent(t)3 eksail] быть сосланным
    cartoon [ka:’tu:n] мультфильм
    rival [‘гагу(э)1] конкурент, соперник
    touch [tAtJ] зд. затрагивать
    1. Who was Alexander Pushkin?
    2. When did his first works appear?
    3. What problems did Pushkin touch in his poems and prose?
    4. Can you name some of his most famous works?

  2. Пушкин сейчас

    Старые формы жизни ушли в прошлое, но все написанное Пушкиным продолжает жить. Оно не требует исправлений и едва ли нуждается в комментариях. Его чувства и взгляды все еще соответствуют нашим собственным чувствам и взглядам. Пушкинские строки обнажают его великое и великодушное сердце, его симпатию и уважение к людям. Читатель не может представить его внутренний мир без него.

    Выдающиеся работы

    Самые важные работы Пушкина включают роман в стихах «Евгений Онегин», который считается первым из великих русских романов, так же как и драмы в стихах «Борис Годунов», «Полтава», «Медный всадник», «Моцарт и Сальери», «Каменный гость», «Пир во время чумы», поэмы «Руслан и Людмила», «Кавказский пленник», «Бахчисарайский фонтан» и роман «Капитанская дочка».


    Пушкин скончался 10 февраля 1837 года от ран, полученных на дуэли в Санкт-Петербурге.
    Бесплатно Топик по английскому языку: Пушкин Александр Сергеевич в наши дни

    Alexander Pushkin


    Alexander Pushkin was born on June 6, 1799 into a noble family. He occupies an outstanding place in Russian literature and culture. Every summer in June, thousands of people visit the Pskov land. They come to the village of Mikhailovskoye to the wonderful festival of poetry, to see the places where Pushkin lived and worked. It should be said that he took particular pride in his great-grandfather Hannibal, a black general who served Peter the Great.

    An early poetic gift

    Educated at the Imperial Lyceum at Tsarkoye Selo, Pushkin demonstrated an early poetic gift. But he is not only a great poet. He is also the perfect man combining brilliant talent with civil courage and moral integrity. People will always be grateful to him for each line of his works.

    Literary heritage

    Pushkin provided a literary heritage for Russians, whose native language had been considered unfit for literature before that time. He was a versatile writer of great vigor and optimism. His lyric poetry and his simple, vivid prose were invaluable models for the writers who followed him.

    Pushkin continues to live

    The old forms of life went into the past, but everything written by Pushkin continues to live. It does not need any corrections and hardly needs commentary. His feelings and his views still correspond to our own feelings and views. Pushkin’s lines show his great and generous heart, his sympathy and respect for his people. The reader cannot imagine his inner world without him.

    Most important works

    Most important Pushkin’s works include a verse novel “Eugene Onegin”, which is considered the first of the great Russian novels, as well as verse dramas «Boris Godunov», «Poltava», “The Bronze Horseman”, “Mozart and Salieri”, “The Stone Guest”, “Feast in the Time of the Plague”, poems «Ruslan and Ludmila», “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “The Fountain of Bakhchisarai”, and novel “The Captain’s Daughter”.


    Pushkin died on 10 February, 1837, from wounds that he received in a duel which he had fought in St. Petersburg.

  3. Youth
    Pushkin was admitted to the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo, where he studied for 6 years.
    At the Lyceum he wrote his first poems.
    Also at that time he published one of his poems in Moscow magazine “Vestnik Evropy”.
    While studying at the Lyceum, Pushkin became a member of “Arzamas”, a literary society.
    Beginning of his career
    After graduating from the Lyceum Pushkin became a member of another society called the Green Lamp. At the same time he made friends with the people from Decembrist communities.
    Soon after that Pushkin published his first long poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. The poem didn’t have a lot of positive feedback.
    In 1820 the poet went to the Caucasus and, then, to the Crimea with the intention of recovering from his pneumonia.
    It was in the Crimea where the idea of “Eugene Onegin” first came into his mind.
    Later on Pushkin got to know works by Byron which he was greatly impressed with.
    Mikhailovskoe was his mother’s estate where he used to spend a lot of time, escaping from the city life.
    He also was sent there for two years (1824-1826) into exile. That time proved very productive in the poet’s life.
    Private life
    In 1828 Pushkin was introduced to beautiful 16-year-old Natalya Goncharova.
    He asked in marriage twice before his proposal was finally accepted.
    Soon after the wedding the Pushkins moved from Moscow to Tsarskoye Selo. There Pushkin finished his work at novel “Eugene Onegin”.
    Last years
    In 1836 Pushkin founded his own magazine “The Contemporary” which, unfortunately, was not successful.
    After facing rumours that Georges d’Anthes was showing affection for his wife Natalya, Pushkin challenged him to a duel.
    Pushkin was injured and died 2 days later after the duel, on the 29th of January 1837.
    Pushkin is the founder of the contemporary Russian literary language.
    His poems, among which there is “Ruslan and Ludmila”, “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and “Poltava”, are well-known to everyone.
    Pushkin worked on his novel “Eugene Onegin” for more than 7 years, from 1823 to 1831.
    Pushkin was also very good as a prose writer. He is the author of “The tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin”, “Dubrovsky” and “The Captain’s daughter”.
    Every child knows fairy tales by Pushkin, such as “The tale of the priest and of his workman Balda”, “The tale of the fisherman and the fish”, “The tale of the golden cockerel” and others.
    There are several museums where everyone can learn about Pushkin’s life.
    Александр Сергеевич Пушкин был знаменитым русским поэтом и писателем-романистом.
    Пушкин родился в Москве в 1799 году.
    Летом его обычно отправляли к бабушке. Она часто отмечала его тягу к книгам.

  4. 4
    Текст добавил: ОдИнОкИй_Волк

    Сочинения по английскому языку:
    Pushkin and Our Time – Пушкин и наше время
    It would be a platitude to say that A. S. Pushkin is the greatest
    Russian poet. But I hope no one is challenging the view that he
    occupies an outstanding place in Russian literature and culture.
    Every summer in June, thousands of people visit the Pskov land.
    They come here to the village of Mikhailovskoye to the wonderful
    festival of poetry, to see the places where he lived and worked.
    Pushkin is always alive for us, he is the man we all know and
    love, the greatest of poets. Generations come and go, but Pushkin
    still remains. We are all grateful to Pushkin for each line of his
    works. Pushkin is not only a great poet for us. He is the perfect
    man combining brilliant talent with civil courage. His name is
    associated with our love for the Motherland, and the best in our
    Hundreds of new concepts, hundreds of new words have appeared in
    the language in the years that have passed since his death, but not
    a single word of his poetry has become obsolete. Everything written
    by Pushkin continues to live. It has not become something of the
    past, it does not need any corrections and hardly needs commentary.
    His feelings and his views still correspond to our own feelings and
    We admire the great world of Pushkin’s poetry as a whole, each of
    us finding some special lines for ourselves, lines showing his
    sympathy and respect for his people. The reader cannot imagine his
    inner world without him.

    Перевод текста: Pushkin and Our Time – Пушкин и наше время

    It would be a platitude to say that A. S. Pushkin is the greatest
    Russian poet. But I hope no one is challenging the view that he
    occupies an outstanding place in Russian literature and culture.
    Every summer in June, thousands of people visit the Pskov land.
    They come here to the village of Mikhailovskoye to the wonderful
    festival of poetry, to see the places where he lived and worked.
    Pushkin is always alive for us, he is the man we all know and
    love, the greatest of poets. Generations come and go, but Pushkin
    still remains. We are all grateful to Pushkin for each line of his
    works. Pushkin is not only a great poet for us. He is the perfect
    man combining brilliant talent with civil courage. His name is
    associated with our love for the Motherland, and the best in our
    Hundreds of new concepts, hundreds of new words have appeared in
    the language in the years that have passed since his death, but not
    a single word of his poetry has become obsolete. Everything written
    by Pushkin continues to live. It has not become something of the
    past, it does not need any corrections and hardly needs commentary.
    His feelings and his views still correspond to our own feelings and
    We admire the great world of Pushkin’s poetry as a whole, each of
    us finding some special lines for ourselves, lines showing his
    sympathy and respect for his people. The reader cannot imagine his
    inner world without him.
    Пушкин и наше время
    Было бы банальностью сказать, что А. С. Пушкин — самый великий
    российский поэт. Но я надеюсь, что никто не оспаривает мнение о том,
    что он занимает выдающееся место в российской литературе и культуре.
    Каждое лето в июне, тысячи людей посещают Псковскую землю. Они
    приезжают сюда в село Михайловское на замечательный фестиваль
    поэзии, посмотреть места, где он жил и работал.
    Пушкин всегда жив для нас, он — человек, которого все мы знаем и
    любим, величайший из поэтов. Поколения приходят и уходят, но Пушкин
    остается. Мы все благодарны Пушкину за каждую строчку его
    произведений. Пушкин для нас не только великий поэт. Он — прекрасный
    человек, совмещающий блестящий талант с гражданским мужеством. Его
    имя ассоциируется с нашей любовью к Родине, и всем лучшим в нашей
    Сотни новых понятий, сотни новых слов появились в языке за годы,
    которые прошли после его смерти, но ни одно слово его поэзии не
    стало устаревшим. Все написанное Пушкиным продолжает жить. Оно не
    стало чем-то из прошлого, оно не нуждается ни в каких исправлениях и
    едва ли нуждается в комментариях. Его чувства и его взгляды все еще
    соответствуют нашим собственным чувствам и представлениям.
    Мы восхищаемся великим миром поэзии Пушкина в целом, в то же
    время каждый из нас находит особые строки для себя, строки
    отображающие его симпатию и уважение к своему народу. Читатель не
    может представить свой внутренний мир без него.

  5. На английском языке. The Biography of Alexander Pushkin
    Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is considered to be one of the greatest Russian poets of all times. He was a famous writer of Romantic era. Pushkin was born in 1799 and has lived a short but bright life. Many people regard him as the founder of Russian modern literature.
    Pushkin was born in a noble family and his first poem was published when he was only 15. Although he was born in Moscow, he spent most of his youth in the village near St Petersburg, in Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. As a teenager he was already a recognized by the literary establishment of his lyceum. Some of Pushkin’s famous literary works have been numerously screened not only in Russia but also in some other countries. For example, the drama “Boris Godunov”, the novel “Eugene Onegin”, the tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, and several others. One of Pushkin’s main traits was bravery. In total he has had about 29 duels. The last one, when he was fighting with a French officer D’Anthes, who wanted to seduce his wife, brought him death. He was only 37. All in all, Pushkin managed to write more than 78 long poems, 1 novel in verse, about 20 novels and 20 fairy-tales, 8 dramas and 8 historic works, and countless articles and shorter poems. Among his most famous works we can find the tragedy “Motsart and Salyeri”, short stories “The Queen of Spades”, “Peter the Great’s Negro”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, also some famous fairy-tales, such as “The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “the Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” and many other world-famous literature works.
    Перевод на русский язык. Биография Александра Пушкина
    Александр Сергеевич Пушкин считается одним из величайших русских поэтов всех времен. Он был известным писателем романтической эпохи. Пушкин родился в 1799 году и прожил короткую, но яркую жизнь. Многие люди считают его основателем современной русской литературы. Пушкин родился в дворянской семье, и его первое стихотворение было опубликовано, когда ему было только 15. Несмотря на то, что он родился в Москве, он провел большую часть своей юности в деревне под Санкт-Петербургом, в Царскосельском Лицее. Будучи подростком, он был уже признан литературным собранием своего лицея. Некоторые из известных литературных работ Пушкина были неоднократно экранизированы не только в России, но и в некоторых других странах. Например, драма «Борис Годунов», роман «Евгений Онегин», рассказ «Руслан и Людмила», и ряд других. Одной из главных черт Пушкина была храбрость. В общей сложности у него было около 29 поединков. Последний, когда он боролся с французским офицером Дантесом, который хотел соблазнить его жену, принес ему смерть. Ему было всего 37. В общем, Пушкин успел написать более 78 больших поэм, 1 роман в стихах, около 20 романов и 20 сказок, 8 драм и 8 исторических работ, и бесчисленное множество статей и маленьких стихов. Среди его самых известных работ можно найти трагедию «Моцарт и Сальери», короткие рассказы «Пиковая дама», «Арап Петра Великого», «Капитанская дочка», а также несколько известных сказок, среди них «Сказка о попе и работнике его Балде», «Сказка о царе Салтане», «Сказка о золотом петушке», «Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке» и многие другие всемирно известные литературные произведения.

  6. МБОУ Одинцовская гимназия №14
    Выдающиеся люди России.
    Александр Сергеевич Пушкин
    Реферат на английском языке
    Выполнила : Новикова Анастасия,
    Ученица 9  «Б» класса
    Учитель: Игнатьева Ольга Александровна
    Одинцово, 2015-2016 гг.
    The Biography of Alexander Pushkin
    It would be a platitude to say that A. S. Pushkin is the greatest Russian poet. But I hope no-one is challenging the view that he occupies an outstanding place in Russian literature and culture.
    Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is considered to be one of the greatest Russian poets of all times. He was a famous writer of Romantic era. Pushkin was born in 1799 and has lived a short but bright life. Many people regard him as the founder of Russian modern literature.
    Pushkin was born in a noble family and his first poem was published when he was only 15. Although he was born in Moscow, he spent most of his youth in the village near St Petersburg, in Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. As a teenager he was already a recognized by the literary establishment of his lyceum. Some of Pushkin’s famous literary works have been numerously screened not only in Russia but also in some other countries. For example, the drama “Boris Godunov”, the novel “Eugene Onegin”, the tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, and several others. One of Pushkin’s main traits was bravery. In total he has had about 29 duels. The last one, when he was fighting with a French officer D’Anthes, who wanted to seduce his wife, brought him death. He was only 37. All in all, Pushkin managed to write more than 78 long poems, 1 novel in verse, about 20 novels and 20 fairy-tales, 8 dramas and 8 historic works, and countless articles and shorter poems. Among his most famous works we can find the tragedy “Motsart and Salyeri”, short stories “The Queen of Spades”, “Peter the Great’s Negro”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, also some famous fairy-tales, such as “The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “the Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” and many other world-famous literature works.
    Every summer in June, thousands of people visit the Odintovsky region, Zaharovo land. They come here to the wonderful festival of poetry, to see the places where he lived .
    Pushkin is always alive for us, he is the man we all know and love, the greatest of poets. Generations come and go, but Pushkin still remains. We are all grateful to Pushkin for each line of his works. Pushkin is not only a great poet for us. He is the perfect man combining brilliant talent with civil courage and moral integrity. His name is associated with our love for the Motherland, and the best in our life.
    Hundreds of new concepts, hundreds of new words have appeared in the language in the years that have passed since his death, but not a single word of his poetry has become obsolete. The old forms of life went into the past, but everything written by Pushkin continues to live. It has not become something of the past, it does not need any corrections and hardly needs commentary. His feelings and his views still correspond to our own feelings and views.
    We admire the great world of Pushkin’s poetry as a whole, each of us finding some special lines for himself, lines showing Pushkin’s great and generous heart, his sympathy and respect for his people. Whatever Pushkin’s work we see portrayal of Russian life, the Russian intellect, the Russian soul, the life of the Russian land in all epochs, the Russian people. The reader cannot imagine his inner world without him.
    На холмах Грузии
    На холмах Грузии лежит ночная мгла;
    Шумит Арагва предо мною.
    Мне грустно и легко; печаль моя светла;
    Печаль моя полна тобою,
    Тобой, одной тобой… Унынья моего
    Ничто не мучит, не тревожит,
    И сердце вновь горит и любит – оттого,
    Что не любить оно не может.
    А. С. Пушкин, 1829
    Upon the hills of Georgia lies the haze of night…
    Upon the hills of Georgia lies the haze of night…
    Below, Aragva foams… . The sadness
    That fills the void of fais is, strangely, half delight,
    ‘Tis both sweet pain and sweeter gladness.
    Because you haunt my heart, it cannot be at rest,
    And yet ’tis light, and untormented
    By morbid thoughts…. It loves…. it loves because it must,
    And, for all that, remains contented.
    (Translated by Irina Zheleznova)
    It is obvious from the first version of the poem, preserved in manuscript, that Pushkin was inspired by his recollections of the first time he went to the Caucasus in the summer of 1820 together with the family of general Rayevsky, and of his passion for M. N. Rayevskaya-Volkonskaya.
    Я вас любил…
    Я вас любил: любовь еще, быть может,
    В душе моей угасла не совсем;
    Но пусть она вас больше не тревожит;
    Я не хочу печалить вас ничем.
    Я вас любил безмолвно, безнадежно,
    То робостью, то ревностью томим;
    Я вас любил так искренно, так нежно,
    Как дай вам бог любимой быть другим.
    А. С. Пушкин, 1829
    I loved you, and that love…
    I loved you, and that love to die refusing,
    May still – who knows! Be smoldering in my breast.
    Pray, be not pained — believe me, of my choosing
    I’d never have you troubled nor yet distressed.
    I loved you mutely, hopelessly and truly,
    With shy yet fervent, tenderness aglow;
    Mine was a jealous passion and unruly….
    May Heaven grant another loves you so!
    (Translated by Irina Zheleznova)
    I Loved You…
    I loved you — and love it may yet be
    Deep in my soul. It might still smoulder there.
    But do not trouble your dear heart for me
    I would not want to make you shed a tear
    I loved you — Helplessly Hopelessly
    Timidity and longing plagued my mind
    I loved you so tenderly so truly
    God grant that you may such another find
    (Translated by Karen)
    It is not known to whom this poem was addressed.
    2. http://global.britannica.com/biography/Aleksandr-Sergeyevich-Pushkin#toc6001

  7. It would be a platitude to say that A. S. Pushkin is the greatest Russian poet. But I hope no one is challenging the view that he occupies an outstanding place in Russian literature and culture.
    Every summer in June, thousands of people visit the Pskov land. They come here to the village of Mikhailovskoye to the wonderful festival of poetry, to see the places where he lived and worked.
    Pushkin is always alive for us, he is the man we all know and love, the greatest of poets. Generations come and go, but Pushkin still remains. We are all grateful to Pushkin for each line of his works. Pushkin is not only a great poet for us. He is the perfect man combining brilliant talent with civil courage. His name is associated with our love for the Motherland, and the best in our life.
    Hundreds of new concepts, hundreds of new words have appeared in the language in the years that have passed since his death, but not a single word of his poetry has become obsolete. Everything written by Pushkin continues to live. It has not become something of the past, it does not need any corrections and hardly needs commentary. His feelings and his views still correspond to our own feelings and views.
    We admire the great world of Pushkin’s poetry as a whole, each of us finding some special lines for ourselves, lines showing his sympathy and respect for his people. The reader cannot imagine his inner world without him.

    Пушкин и наше время

    Было бы банальностью сказать, что А. С. Пушкин — самый великий российский поэт. Но я надеюсь, что никто не оспаривает мнение о том, что он занимает выдающееся место в российской литературе и культуре.
    Каждое лето в июне, тысячи людей посещают Псковскую землю. Они приезжают сюда в село Михайловское на замечательный фестиваль поэзии, посмотреть места, где он жил и работал.
    Пушкин всегда жив для нас, он — человек, которого все мы знаем и любим, величайший из поэтов. Поколения приходят и уходят, но Пушкин остается. Мы все благодарны Пушкину за каждую строчку его произведений. Пушкин для нас не только великий поэт. Он — прекрасный человек, совмещающий блестящий талант с гражданским мужеством. Его имя ассоциируется с нашей любовью к Родине, и всем лучшим в нашей жизни.
    Сотни новых понятий, сотни новых слов появились в языке за годы, которые прошли после его смерти, но ни одно слово его поэзии не стало устаревшим. Все написанное Пушкиным продолжает жить. Оно не стало чем-то из прошлого, оно не нуждается ни в каких исправлениях и едва ли нуждается в комментариях. Его чувства и его взгляды все еще соответствуют нашим собственным чувствам и представлениям.
    Мы восхищаемся великим миром поэзии Пушкина в целом, в то же время каждый из нас находит особые строки для себя, строки отображающие его симпатию и уважение к своему народу. Читатель не может представить свой внутренний мир без него.

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    Александр Пушкин-Alexander Pushkin

    Топик по английскому языку “Alexander Pushkin – Александр Пушкин”
    Alexander Pushkin is one of the most outstanding Russians. He was the greatest Russian poet and writer. Pushkin devoted his life to writing poems. The young Alexander’s first poems appeared when he was fifteen, and by the time he left school he was regarded as a rival by the literary leaders of that time. Pushkin was the first poet who touched problems that were important for Russia and its people. Because of that he was sent to exile a few times.
    Pushkin wrote a lot of poems and novels. Among his famous ones are: Eugenij Onegin, Ruslan and Lyudmila and others. Children like to read his fairy tales and watch wonderful cartoons based on them. When I was a child I read all the fairy tales by this talented poet. First my grandmother read them for me, but then when 1 learnt to read, I read his tales myself. Most of Pushkin’s best works are studied at school. There is a statue to Pushkin in Moscow at Pushkin Square Young and old people gather by the statue, read poems and just meet friends.
    Pushkin is respected not only in Russia, but all over the world. His novels and poems have been translated into many languages and arc enjoyed by foreigners.

    Перевод топика: Александр Пушкин

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  9. Svobodnenskiy educational department,
    Klimoutsevskaya secondary school
    Regional creative contest,
    Devoted to 200-hundredth anniversary of
    Tsarskosekskiy lyceum
    Creative project
    «The spirit of enlightenment»
    («Дух просвещенья»)
    Performed by Bricanov Ivan
    Form 9th
    Klimoutsevskaya School
    Tutor Girel Pelageya Maksimovna,
    The teacher of English 1st category
    “Oh, how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment can give!”
    Смуглый отрок ходил по аллеям,
    У озерных  грустил берегов,
    И столетие мы лелеем
    Еле слышный шелест шагов.
    This poem was written by delighted A.Achmatova visiting Tsarskoe Selo in 1911 on the occasion of one hundredth anniversary of the lyceum. Generations come and go, but Pushkin still remains Russian beloved poet. And now we celebrate the two hundredth jubilee of Pushkin’s school. He entered a lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo in 1811. The education offered at the lyceum shaped Pushkin’s life. The main problem I’m interested in is: “Where are the roots of Pushkin’s talent? Can modern Russia with its educational system give the world new Pushkin?”  It’s a serious question, to my mind. You only compare the themes of compositions in lyceum with our topic: “How did you spend your summer holidays?”  In the lyceum the students were offered the problems: “Why do people compare life with travelling?”, “What is the richness of our Motherland in?”, “Motherland and abroad”, “About dignity of the man’s word!” Do you feel the difference? I do. I’m 15 and I feel that I’m able and I would like to discuss such serious issues. I believe young people look at the world with fresh eyes.           Education has the power to transform a person’s life. The students in the lyceum spent a lot of time reading, debating, listening and discussing. What did they read? Fifteen-years-old Pushkin answered: “On the bookshelf near Volter there is Vergiliy, Tass and Gomer”. The students learned Latin and examined the works by Vergiliy in the original. Reading developed their feelings and emotions greatly. Later  grateful Alexander Pushkin devoted much space in his works to the school that raised him. The tutors of Pushkin were great Gavrila Derzhavin, Davidov, and Dzukovskiy. They created the spirit of enlightenment in this institution. As for our generation TV and Internet are our tutors. TV influences the way people look at the world today.
    Nevertheless we grew up with Pushkin’s poetry, starting with ‘learned cat’, which walked round and round the oak-tree, the “Tzar Saltan”, “An old man and a gold fish”.  Pushkin could always find the right words for everything, as he was so talented and worked very hard all his time. We are all grateful to Pushkin for each line of his work: his fairy-tales, poems, novels, stories. His name is associated with our love for the Motherland and the best in our life. Pushkin’s masterpieces help me to understand that honesty, friendship, love are the main things in our life. His feelings and his views are still correspond to our feelings and views. I am sure today Pushkin is as actual as never. You won’t argue that nowadays we are short of pride for our Motherland and there is lack of dignity in the life of Russian people. We admire the great world of Pushkin’s poetry. That’s why on the 19th of October the pupils of our school will gather to the wonderful festival of poetry. We will recite his poems and in these poems each of us will find some special lines for himself, lines showing Pushkin’s great and generous heart, his sympathy and respect for his people.  As for me my favorite Pushkin’s lines are:
    Dark the sky, the storm is howling,
    Whirling snow in fury wild,
    Like a forest creature growling,
    Sobbing like a little child.
    When I was a little child my grandmother read for me these magic lines as Pushkin’s nanny used to tell him folk-tales. Later he wrote wonderful poems and fairy-tales, based on her stories. And it was also the spirit of enlightening.

  10. Мой любимый писатель Пушкин.
    Александр Сергеевич Пушкин родился 26 мая 1799 года в Москве в дворянской помещичьей семье (отец его был майор в отставке) в день праздника Вознесения.
    В тот же день у императора Павла родилась внучка, в честь которой во всех церквах шли молебны и гудели колокола. Так, по случайному совпадению день рождения русского гения был ознаменован всеобщим народным ликованием. Символично и место рождения поэта г. Москва – самое сердце русской жизни, России.
    Будущего поэта крестили 8 июня в церкви Богоявления в Елохове.
    Отец Пушкина Сергей Львович и мать Надежда Осиповна, урожденная Ганнибал, были дальними родственниками. Пылкие страсти, руководившие предками как по отцовской, так и по материнской линии, оказали свое влияние и на Пушкина.
    Семья (кроме Александра, были еще дети Ольга и Лев) принадлежала к самой образованной части московского общества.
    В 12 лет, получив начатки домашнего воспитания, Александр был отвезен учиться в новое, только что открывшееся 19 октября 1811 г. учебное заведение – Царскосельский Лицей под Петербургом, место, где располагалась летняя резиденция русских царей.
    Выведенный из терпения, поэт послал голландскому посланнику барону Геккерну чрезвычайно оскорбительное письмо в расчете, что Дантес вынужден будет вызвать на дуэль Пушкина. Так и случилось. 27 января 1837 года, в 5-м часу вечера, на Черной речке в предместье Петербурга состоялась эта роковая дуэль, на которой Пушкин был смертельно ранен в живот.
    Прожив 2 дня в страшных мучениях, Пушкин скончался 29 января 1837 г. в квартире, которую он снимал в доме княгини Волконской на набережной реки Мойки.

  11. Представлено сочинение на английском языке Биография Александра Пушкина/ The Biography of Alexander Pushkin с переводом на русский язык. Бесплатное скачивание.
    Pushkin was born in a noble family and his first poem was published when he was only 15. Although he was born in Moscow, he spent most of his youth in the village near St Petersburg, in Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. As a teenager he was already a recognized by the literary establishment of his lyceum. Some of Pushkin’s famous literary works have been numerously screened not only in Russia but also in some other countries. For example, the drama “Boris Godunov”, the novel “Eugene Onegin”, the tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, and several others. One of Pushkin’s main traits was bravery. In total he has had about 29 duels. The last one, when he was fighting with a French officer D’Anthes, who wanted to seduce his wife, brought him death. He was only 37. All in all, Pushkin managed to write more than 78 long poems, 1 novel in verse, about 20 novels and 20 fairy-tales, 8 dramas and 8 historic works, and countless articles and shorter poems. Among his most famous works we can find the tragedy “Motsart and Salyeri”, short stories “The Queen of Spades”, “Peter the Great’s Negro”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, also some famous fairy-tales, such as “The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “the Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” and many other world-famous literature works.

  12. На английском языке
    Перевод на русский язык
    The Biography of Alexander Pushkin
    Биография Александра Пушкина
    Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is considered to be one of the greatest Russian poets of all times. He was a famous writer of Romantic era. Pushkin was born in 1799 and has lived a short but bright life. Many people regard him as the founder of Russian modern literature.
    Pushkin was born in a noble family and his first poem was published when he was only 15. Although he was born in Moscow, he spent most of his youth in the village near St Petersburg, in Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. As a teenager he was already a recognized by the literary establishment of his lyceum. Some of Pushkin’s famous literary works have been numerously screened not only in Russia but also in some other countries. For example, the drama “Boris Godunov”, the novel “Eugene Onegin”, the tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, and several others. One of Pushkin’s main traits was bravery. In total he has had about 29 duels. The last one, when he was fighting with a French officer D’Anthes, who wanted to seduce his wife, brought him death. He was only 37. All in all, Pushkin managed to write more than 78 long poems, 1 novel in verse, about 20 novels and 20 fairy-tales, 8 dramas and 8 historic works, and countless articles and shorter poems. Among his most famous works we can find the tragedy “Motsart and Salyeri”, short stories “The Queen of Spades”, “Peter the Great’s Negro”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, also some famous fairy-tales, such as “The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “the Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” and many other world-famous literature works.
    Александр Сергеевич Пушкин считается одним из величайших русских поэтов всех времен. Он был известным писателем романтической эпохи. Пушкин родился в 1799 году и прожил короткую, но яркую жизнь. Многие люди считают его основателем современной русской литературы. Пушкин родился в дворянской семье, и его первое стихотворение было опубликовано, когда ему было только 15. Несмотря на то, что он родился в Москве, он провел большую часть своей юности в деревне под Санкт-Петербургом, в Царскосельском Лицее. Будучи подростком, он был уже признан литературным собранием своего лицея. Некоторые из известных литературных работ Пушкина были неоднократно экранизированы не только в России, но и в некоторых других странах. Например, драма «Борис Годунов», роман «Евгений Онегин», рассказ «Руслан и Людмила», и ряд других. Одной из главных черт Пушкина была храбрость. В общей сложности у него было около 29 поединков. Последний, когда он боролся с французским офицером Дантесом, который хотел соблазнить его жену, принес ему смерть. Ему было всего 37. В общем, Пушкин успел написать более 78 больших поэм, 1 роман в стихах, около 20 романов и 20 сказок, 8 драм и 8 исторических работ, и бесчисленное множество статей и маленьких стихов. Среди его самых известных работ можно найти трагедию «Моцарт и Сальери», короткие рассказы «Пиковая дама», «Арап Петра Великого», «Капитанская дочка», а также несколько известных сказок, среди них «Сказка о попе и работнике его Балде», «Сказка о царе Салтане», «Сказка о золотом петушке», «Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке» и многие другие всемирно известные литературные произведения.
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  13. Pushkin is the most important Russian writer of all time, like Shakespeare in England or Dante in Italy. Pushkin provided the standards for Russian arts and literature in the 19th century.
    Pushkin was born in Moscow in 1799 into an upper-class family. In 1811 he entered a lyceum at Tsarskoye Selo. The education offered at the lyceum shaped Pushkin’s life.
    He graduated from the lyceum in 1817 and began to work in the foreign office in St. Petersburg.
    In 1820 the foreign office transferred Pushkin to Ekaterinoslav, and later to Odessa for writing anti-tsarist poetry. In 1824, for his letter against the tsar, he was exiled to Mikhailovskoye. In 1824, Tsar Nicholas I allowed Pushkin to return to Moscow.
    Pushkin felt in love with Natalya Goncharova, who was 16 then, and in 1830 they got married. His wife was suspected of an affair with Baron Georges d’Antes; this became the subject of gossip. Pushkin challenged d’Antes to a duel. Pushkin was wounded and died two days later.
    Pushkin was the Russia’s greatest poet. In his works he was first influenced by 18th century poets, and then by Lord Byron. Finally he developed his own style, which was realistic but classical in form.
    His earliest long poem was romantic “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (1818-1820). A series of verse tales followed “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “The Robber Brothers”, “The Fountain of Bakhchisarai”, and “The Gypsies”. They were inspired by Byron’s poetry.
    In 1823 Pushkin began writing his masterpiece “Eugene Onegin”, a novel in verse. “Eugene Onegin” became the linguistic and literary standard. It is a commentary on the life of the early 19th century Russia. It is noted for brilliant verse.
    He also wrote other long poems, including “Bronze Horseman” (1833), the finest collection of lyrics in Russian literature.
    Pushkin created also a number of masterpieces in drama and prose. “Little Tragedies” and “The Stone Guest” are among the best works in the world history of drama. Pushkin’s love to Russia’s past resulted in his historical drama, “Boris Godunov” (1825). “Tales of the Late I.P.Belkin”, “Dubrovsky”, “The Captain’s Daughter” are the most important of his prose works. Pushkin’s use of Russian influenced the great Russian writers Turgenev, Goncharov, Tolstoy.
    Pushkin’s early death shocked the country. Pushkin, called by many “the sun of Russian literature”, belongs among the foremost poets and writers of the world.

  14. My favourite writer is Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. In my opinion, he is the greatest Russian dramatist and short-story writer. I’m never tired of reading and rereading his plays and humorous stories.
    Chekhov was bom in 1860 in Taganrog. In 1879 he went to Moscow, where he studied medicine. Though he practised little as a doctor in his lifetime, he was prouder of his medical knowledge than of his writing talent.
    While in college, Chekhov wrote humorous sketches for comic papers to support his family. He collected the best ones into a volume, Motley Stories, in 1886. The book attracted the attention of the publisher of the Novoje Vfemja, Russia’s largest paper, and Chekhov was asked to contribute stories regularly.
    Chekhov, as an established writer, was able to develop a style of his own. Though he never gave up writing comic stories, he began working in a more serious vein. In 1887 Ivanov, his first play, established Chekhov as a dramatist.
    From then on, he concentrated on writing plays, as well as short stories.
    Chekhov was seriously ill. He had tuberculosis and knew what it meant. By 1892 his health was so bad that he was afraid to spend another winter in Moscow. He bought a small estate near a village Melikhovo, 50 miles from Moscow. He spent 5 years there, and those were happy years in spite of the illness. He wrote some of his best stories there, including Ward No.6, several well-known one-act comedies and two of his serious dramatic masterpieces, The Seagull and Uncle Vanya.
    The Seagull was first staged in the Alexandrinsky Theatre in Petersburg. It was a complete failure because of the dull and clumsy production. It was a cruel blow to Chekhov. However, the play was successfully performed as the first production of the Moscow Art Theatre in 1898. From then on, Chekhov was closely connected with this theatre and with its founder, K.S. Stanislavsky. In 1901 he married an Art Theatre actress, Olga Knipper, who acted in his play The Three Sisters the same year.
    Chekhov’s health went from bad to worse and he had to spend the remaining years in the Crimea and other health spas.
    The Cherry Orchard, his last play, was produced in 1904. Soon after the first night Chekhov died. He was 44.
    Chekhov had an immense influence on the 20th century drama. Besides, several generations of writers both in Russia and abroad studied and imitated Chekhov to perfect their own literary style.
    Мой любимый писатель- Антон Павлович Чехов. По-моему, он самый великий русский драматург и автор коротких рассказов. Я никогда не устаю читать и перечитывать его пьесы и юмористические рассказы.
    Чехов родился в Таганроге в 1860 году. В 1879 году он уехал в Москву, где изучал медицину. Хотя он мало практиковал как врач в своей жизни, он гордился своими медицинскими знаниями больше, чем писательским талантом.
    В университете, Чехов писал юмористические эскизы для газет, чтобы поддерживать свою семью. Он собрал лучшие в сборник “Пестрые рассказы”, в 1886 году. Книга привлекла внимание издателя Нового Времени, крупной газеты в России, и Чехову было предложено сотрудничать регулярно.
    Чехову, как признаному писателю, удалось разработать свой собственный стиль. Хотя он никогда не бросал писать юмористические рассказы, он начал работать в более серьезном ключе. В 1887 “Иванов”, первая пьеса, созданная Чеховым, ознаменовала его как драматурга.
    С тех пор он сконцентрировался на написании пьес, а также коротких рассказов.
    Чехов был серьезно болен. Он болел туберкулезом и знал, что это значит. К 1892 его здоровье было настолько плохо, что он боялся провести еще одну зиму в Москве. Он купил небольшое имение близ деревни Мелихово, в 50 милях от Москвы. Он провел там 5 лет, и это были счастливые годы, несмотря на болезнь. Он написал там несколько своих лучших рассказов , в том числе “Палата № 6”, несколько известных одноактных комедий и два серьезных драматических шедевра, “Чайка” и “Дядя Ваня”.
    “Чайка” была впервые поставлена в Александринском театре в Петербурге. Это был полный провал из-за скучной и неуклюжой постановки. Это было жестоким ударом для Чехова. Тем не менее, пьеса была успешно поставлена Московским Художественным театром в 1898 году. С тех пор, Чехов была тесно связан с этим театром, и с его основателем, К. С. Станиславским. В 1901 г. он женился на актрисе МХАТ, О. Л. Книппер, которая играла в его пьесе “Три сестры” в том же году.
    Здоровье Чехова становилось все хуже и хуже, и ему пришлось провести оставшиеся годы в Крыму и других курортах.
    “Вишневый сад “, свою последнюю пьесу он выпустил в 1904 году. Вскоре после премьеры Чехов скончался. Ему было 44.
    Чехов оказал огромное влияние на драму двадцатого века. Кроме того, несколько поколений писателей в России и за рубежом изучали его творчество и подражали ему, чтобы совершенствовать свой собственный литературный стиль.

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    Пушкин и наше время-Pushkin and Our Time

    Топик по английскому языку “Pushkin and Our Time – Пушкин и наше время”
    It would be a platitude to say that A. S. Pushkin is the greatest Russian poet. But I hope no one is challenging the view that he occupies an outstanding place in Russian literature and culture.
    Every summer in June, thousands of people visit the Pskov land. They come here to the village of Mikhailovskoye to the wonderful festival of poetry, to see the places where he lived and worked.
    Pushkin is always alive for us, he is the man we all know and love, the greatest of poets. Generations come and go, but Pushkin still remains. We are all grateful to Pushkin for each line of his works. Pushkin is not only a great poet for us. He is the perfect man combining brilliant talent with civil courage. His name is associated with our love for the Motherland, and the best in our life.
    Hundreds of new concepts, hundreds of new words have appeared in the language in the years that have passed since his death, but not a single word of his poetry has become obsolete. Everything written by Pushkin continues to live. It has not become something of the past, it does not need any corrections and hardly needs commentary. His feelings and his views still correspond to our own feelings and views.
    We admire the great world of Pushkin’s poetry as a whole, each of us finding some special lines for ourselves, lines showing his sympathy and respect for his people. The reader cannot imagine his inner world without him.

    Перевод топика: Пушкин и наше время

    Было бы банальностью сказать, что А. С. Пушкин — самый великий российский поэт. Но я надеюсь, что никто не оспаривает мнение о том, что он занимает выдающееся место в российской литературе и культуре.
    Каждое лето в июне, тысячи людей посещают Псковскую землю. Они приезжают сюда в село Михайловское на замечательный фестиваль поэзии, посмотреть места, где он жил и работал.
    Пушкин всегда жив для нас, он — человек, которого все мы знаем и любим, величайший из поэтов. Поколения приходят и уходят, но Пушкин остается. Мы все благодарны Пушкину за каждую строчку его произведений. Пушкин для нас не только великий поэт. Он — прекрасный человек, совмещающий блестящий талант с гражданским мужеством. Его имя ассоциируется с нашей любовью к Родине, и всем лучшим в нашей жизни.
    Сотни новых понятий, сотни новых слов появились в языке за годы, которые прошли после его смерти, но ни одно слово его поэзии не стало устаревшим. Все написанное Пушкиным продолжает жить. Оно не стало чем-то из прошлого, оно не нуждается ни в каких исправлениях и едва ли нуждается в комментариях. Его чувства и его взгляды все еще соответствуют нашим собственным чувствам и представлениям.
    Мы восхищаемся великим миром поэзии Пушкина в целом, в то же время каждый из нас находит особые строки для себя, строки отображающие его симпатию и уважение к своему народу. Читатель не может представить свой внутренний мир без него.



  16. Коммиентарий переводчика Александра Аничкина:
    Перевод, на мой взгляд, отличный. Хотя видно, что ни рифмы, ни размера сохранить не удается, пушкинская магическая музыка передана. Я здесь не касаюсь техники стихосложения – это отдельный разговор. Хочу только обратить внимание на подход к передаче лексики в переводе.
    Посмотрите: русский колокольчик – это совершенно невозможное для английского слово. Во-первых, уменьшительный суффикс -чик. В английском намного меньше уменьшительных суффиксов. Обычно то, что мы передаем суффиксами -[ч]ка, -ок/[ч]ек, -[ч]ик/[ч]ек, в английском передают добавлением прилагательного little. Малышка, ребенок – little one. Little bell, наполняющий звоном зимнюю усадьбу, явно не подходит – как так, сам маленький, а звон большой. Во-вторых, в колокольчике четыре слога, а в bell – один.
    Автор перевода решает задачу, изменив число на множественное и добавив сани, которых в пушкинском оригинале нет. Зато по-английски сразу возникает напоминание о рождественской песенке Jingle Bells со строчкой “what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh”. И ещё – о “Вечернем звоне” – стилизованном русском романсе, который Иван Козлов вольно перевёл с английского оригинала Томаса Мура Those Evening Bells (Air: The Bells of St.Petersburg).
    Этот же прием – изменение числа – использован во втором четверостишии. Только здесь множественное “лицейских ясных дней” передается в единственном числе: “our Lycee’s clear day”.
    Обратите также внимание, что в первой строчке перевода дважды пропущено местоимение “мой”. Сначала кажется: как же так, это ведь необходимо. Но прочитайте еще раз пушкинское – логическое ударение падает именно на “друг”, а не на “мой”. И пауза (цезура) в середине строки подчеркивает это. Переводчик опускает “my” и добивается сохранения логического ударения. То, что слова обращены конкретному другу, а не друзьям вообще, остаётся ясным из “your” в третьей строке.
    Во второй строке Чандлер добавил “morning – утро”, возможно, для сохранения размера. Откуда взялось утро? Может, Пущин приехал вечером? Да нет, мы знаем, что именно утром – из воспоминаний самого декабриста (читайте отрывок в конце этой заметки). Хотел раньше, но по дороге остановился взять шампанского. Очевидно, переводчик (он много работает с пушкинскими произведениями) знаком с этим мемуаром – вот и пригодилась деталька.
    Здесь пример высокой техники перевода – перевода поэтического. Но и в обычных переводах – прозы, документальных произведений – стоит помнить об этих приемах.

  17. Pushkin and Our Time

    It would be a
    platitude to say that A. S. Pushkin is the greatest Russian
    poet. But I hope no one is challenging the view that he occupies
    an outstanding place in Russian literature and culture.
    Every summer in
    June, thousands of people visit the Pskov land. They come here
    to the village of Mikhailovskoye to the wonderful festival of
    poetry, to see the places where he lived and worked.
    Pushkin is always
    alive for us, he is the man we all know and love, the greatest
    of poets. Generations come and go, but Pushkin still remains. We
    are all grateful to Pushkin for each line of his works. Pushkin
    is not only a great poet for us. He is the perfect man combining
    brilliant talent with civil courage. His name is associated with
    our love for the Motherland, and the best in our life.
    Hundreds of new
    concepts, hundreds of new words have appeared in the language in
    the years that have passed since his death, but not a single
    word of his poetry has become obsolete. Everything written by
    Pushkin continues to live. It has not become something of the
    past, it does not need any corrections and hardly needs
    commentary. His feelings and his views still correspond to our
    own feelings and views.
    We admire the
    great world of Pushkin’s poetry as a whole, each of us finding
    some special lines for ourselves, lines showing his sympathy and
    respect for his people. The reader cannot imagine his inner
    world without him.
    Пушкин и наше время
    Было бы банальностью сказать, что А.
    С. Пушкин — самый великий российский поэт. Но я надеюсь, что
    никто не оспаривает мнение о том, что он занимает выдающееся
    место в российской литературе и культуре.
    Каждое лето в июне, тысячи людей
    посещают Псковскую землю. Они приезжают сюда в село Михайловское
    на замечательный фестиваль поэзии, посмотреть места, где он жил
    и работал.
    Пушкин всегда жив для нас, он —
    человек, которого все мы знаем и любим, величайший из поэтов.
    Поколения приходят и уходят, но Пушкин остается. Мы все
    благодарны Пушкину за каждую строчку его произведений. Пушкин
    для нас не только великий поэт. Он — прекрасный человек,
    совмещающий блестящий талант с гражданским мужеством. Его имя
    ассоциируется с нашей любовью к Родине, и всем лучшим в нашей
    Сотни новых понятий, сотни новых
    слов появились в языке за годы, которые прошли после его смерти,
    но ни одно слово его поэзии не стало устаревшим. Все написанное
    Пушкиным продолжает жить. Оно не стало чем-то из прошлого, оно
    не нуждается ни в каких исправлениях и едва ли нуждается в
    комментариях. Его чувства и его взгляды все еще соответствуют
    нашим собственным чувствам и представлениям.
    Мы восхищаемся великим миром поэзии
    Пушкина в целом, в то же время каждый из нас находит особые
    строки для себя, строки отображающие его симпатию и уважение к
    своему народу. Читатель не может представить свой внутренний мир
    без него.

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