Сочинение на тему баскетбол на английском языке

9 вариантов

  1. So my favorite sport is basketball. I enjoy other sports, but it is basketball without which I cannot simply live. I play, and, of course, I catch a game when I can. Basketball develops best athletic and psychological skills, reaction, speed, coordination, and ability to play in a team. Basketball is not only my favorite sport. It is my favorite game and hobby. I have been going in for basketball for 7 years. I really love this game. Our town has a local basketball team. I play for it. We have won six championships. In this season we are also playing for the victory, and now we are the first. We won the Moscow Region Championship last season, and we are going to retry our result. Many people like to watch basketball matches. I also like to watch basketball games on TV and in the Internet. My favorite basketball team is Los Angeles Lakers. There are some best players of the NBA in this team such as Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard. But there are many other good teams in Europe such as the CSKA, Barcelona, and others. So, you see, basketball is an international game.
    In conclusion, I would like to stress that basketball is a very interesting game. There are many people playing basketball around the world. Go in for sport, keep fit!
    В настоящее время спорт очень важен в нашей жизни. Многие люди занимаются спортом. И все они выбирают некоторые виды спорта для себя. Что касается меня, я занимаюсь баскетболом. Это очень интересная игра, и я хотел бы рассказать вам о ней.
    Мой любимый вид спорта — баскетбол. Мне нравятся и другие виды спорта, но без баскетбола я просто не смогу прожить. Я играю, и, конечно же, я заражаюсь игрой, когда я могу. Баскетбол развивает лучшие спортивные и психологические навыки: реакцию, скорость, координацию и умение играть в команде. Баскетбол — это не только мой любимый вид спорта. Это моя любимая игра и хобби. Я занимаюсь баскетболом в течение 7 лет. Я очень люблю эту игру. Наш город имеет свою баскетбольную команду. Я играю за неё. Мы выиграли шесть чемпионатов. В этом сезоне мы также играем на победу, и сейчас мы первые. Мы выиграли чемпионат Московской области в прошлом сезоне, и мы собираемся повторить наш результат. Многие люди любят смотреть баскетбольные матчи. Я также люблю смотреть баскетбол по телевизору и в Интернете. Моя любимая баскетбольная команда это Лос-Анджелес Лейкерс. В этой команде есть лучшие игроки НБА, такие как Коби Брайант и Дуайт Ховард. Но есть много других хороших команд в Европе, такие как ЦСКА, Барселона, и другие. Итак, вы видите, баскетбол международная игра .
    В заключение я хотел бы подчеркнуть, что баскетбол очень интересная игра. Есть много людей, играют в баскетбол во всем мире. Занимайтесь спортом, поддерживать себя в форме!

  2. The History of Basketball

    I am going to
    tell you about one of the most popular games. It is basketball.
    The game of
    basketball has evolved a great deal throughout the years.
    Basketball was invented on December 21,1891. The inventor of the
    game was a Canadian clergyman, James Naismith.
    The game of
    basketball was fashioned from fragments of other games, seeking
    to eliminate flaws of rugby, soccer.
    Basketball was
    first played in the United States. In fact, the first game was
    played at one training school, now called Springfield College.
    Basketball is a
    simple game. The equipment used in the game is also very simple.
    In addition to the field itself, all that is needed for a game
    is a ball. The very first ball that was used was a soccer ball
    until 1894 when an actual «basketball» was invented. The
    basketball ball was slightly smaller, about 30 inches in
    diameter. The first baskets that were used, were two peach
    baskets hung from the balcony of the gymnasium.
    In 1893, the
    backboard was invented. The first backboard was constructed out
    of wire mesh, then wood and now it is made out of glass so the
    backboard does not interfere with the viewing of the game.
    Around that time, there was no name for this game.
    By 1906, the
    peach baskets were replaced by metal baskets with holes in the
    bottom. This was better than in the early days, when a ladder
    was used to climb and fetch the ball out of the basket. Finally,
    in 1913 a hoop with a net was invented. In my opinion, the
    invention of the hoop and net was a major step in the developing
    of the game of basketball. Due to the free falling ball, the
    game’s tempo increased, which allowed the game of basketball to
    develop even more.
    In 1921, one man
    named the game «basketball» and it has been called basketball
    ever since.
    In the very
    beginning Naismith introduced thirteen original rules for the
    game of basketball, in which 12 out of the 13 original rules
    were still used up to 1934. The only rule, which changed, was
    that a player was now allowed to dribble a basketball. The rule
    of dribbling the basketball was first used in 1896 at a
    basketball game at Yale University. With the introduction of the
    13 original rules, Naismith created four fundamental principals,
    which stayed in the game from 1891to 1937. These four
    fundamental principals stated, players with the ball must not
    make progress, the goal is above the head of the players,
    roughness is eliminated and a player may not receive the ball by
    use of contact.
    Through the years
    of 1891 to the 1940’s there were many rule changes as well as
    addition of rules to the game of basketball. By 1898, basketball
    leagues were starting to form in the United States. In 1898,
    professional basketball was being played. The league was called
    the National Basketball League (NBL). The National Basketball
    League was made up of four teams like New York, Philadelphia,
    Brooklyn and New Jersey.
    By 1932
    basketball was officially gaining international status with the
    founding of the International Amateur Basketball Federation in
    Geneva, Switzerland. In 1946, the Basketball Association of
    America was formed but it did not go far well because it was
    competing against the National Basketball League. But in 1949,
    the Basketball Association of America and the National
    Basketball League joined together.
    They changed
    their name to the National Basketball Association (NBA).
    Throughout the formation of the league there were many rules
    that were added to the game of basketball In 1930’s, Kenny
    Sailor invented the jump shot. Also in the 1940’s, Bob Kurland
    used block- shots. In 1952 the foul lane was widened and the
    three-second rule was put into affect, so centres could not
    station themselves in front of the basket all the time. During
    the 1950’s the National Basketball Association was on the rise.
    During the 1970’s and 198G’s the expansion of the NBA had gone
    wild. In the mid 1980’s and early 1990’s Michael Jordan, who was
    one of the greatest players in NBA history, dominated the game
    and took it to a wholly new level.
    At this time,
    basketball was increasing in popularity. Nowadays it is played
    by 176 nations.
    История баскетбола

    Я собираюсь рассказать вам об одной
    очень популярной игре. Это — баскетбол.
    Игра баскетбол развивалась в течение
    многих лет. Баскетбол был изобретен 21 декабря 1891 года.
    Изобретателем игры был канадский священнослужитель Джеймс
    Игра баскетбол была создана из
    фрагментов других игр, с целью устранения недостатков регби,
    Впервые в баскетбол сыграли в
    Соединенных Штатах в одной из спортивных школ, которая теперь
    называется Спрингфилдский колледж.
    Баскетбол — это простая игра.
    Снаряжение, используемое в баскетболе, также очень простое. В
    дополнение к самому полю все, что необходимо для игры, — это
    мяч. До 1894 года, когда и был изобретен баскетбольный мяч, в
    игре использовался футбольный мяч. Баскетбольный мяч был немного
    меньше, приблизительно 30 дюймов в диаметре. Первые корзины,
    которые использовались в то время, были размером с две корзины
    из под персиков, которые подвешивались на балкон гимнастического
    В1893 году был изобретен
    баскетбольный щит. Первый баскетбольный щит был построен из
    проволочной сетки,
    позже — из дерева, а теперь он сделан из стекла, так что его
    задняя часть не мешает смотреть игру. В то время для этой игры
    не было никакого названия.
    К 1906 году корзины из под персиков
    были заменены металлическими корзинами с отверстиями в
    основании. Это улучшило игру, тогда как раньше приходилось
    использовать лестницу, чтобы подняться и вынуть мяч из корзины.
    Наконец, в 1913 году был изобретен обруч с сеткой. По моему
    мнению, изобретение обруча и сетки было решающим шагом в
    развитии игры баскетбол. Из-за свободного выпадения мяча темп
    игры увеличился, что позволило баскетболу развиваться еще
    В 1921
    году один человек назвал игру «баскетболом», и с тех пор игра
    стала называться баскетболом.
    В самом начале Нейсмит ввел 13
    базовых правил для игры в баскетбол, двенадцать из которых так и
    использовались вплоть до 1934 года. Единственное правило,
    которое изменилось, состояло в том, что теперь игроку
    позволялось вести баскетбольный мяч. Правило ведения
    баскетбольного мяча впервые было использовано в 1896 году в
    Йельском университете. С введением 13 первоначальных правил,
    Нейсмит создал четыре фундаментальных принципа игры, которые
    использовались в игре с 1891 по 1937 год. Эти четыре
    фундаментальных принципа гласили, что игроки, остановившиеся с
    мячом, не должны двигаться дальше; цель находится выше голов
    игроков; грубость не применима и игрок не может получить мяч при
    помощи силового контакта.
    С 1891 года до сороковых годов
    двадцатого столетия было сделано множество изменений в правилах,
    в игру были введены дополнительные правила. К 1898 году в
    Соединенных Штатах начали формироваться баскетбольные лиги.
    В1898 начали играть в профессиональный баскетбол. Лига получила
    название Национальной лиги баскетбола (NBL). Национальная лига
    баскетбола состояла из четырех команд: команды Нью-Йорка,
    Филадельфии, Бруклина и Нью-Джерси.
    К1932 году, с основанием
    Международной любительской федерации баскетбола в Женеве,
    Швейцария; баскетбол официально получил международный статус.
    В1946 году была сформирована Американская ассоциация баскетбола,
    но из этого ничего хорошего не получилось, потому что она
    составляла конкуренцию Национальной лиге баскетбола. Но в 1949
    году Американская ассоциация баскетбола и Национальная лига
    баскетбола объединились.
    Они сменили свое название на
    Национальную ассоциацию баскетбола (NBA). За все время
    становления баскетбола в игру было добавлено много новых правил»
    В 1930-х годах Кении Сей лор изобрел бросок в прыжке; В 1940-х
    Боб Курланд использовал блок-шоты. В1952 году была расширена
    штрафная зона и введено правило трехсекундной зоны, так что
    центровые не могли находиться перед корзиной продолжительное
    время. В течение 1950-х годов Национальная ассоциация баскетбола
    процветала. В течение 1970-х и 1980-х расширение NBA стало
    неимоверно стремительным. В середине 1980-х и в начале 1990-х
    Майкл Джордан стал одним из величайших игроков в истории NBA,
    непревзойденным королем игры и поднял игру до совершенно другого
    В это время популярность баскетбола
    росла. В настоящее время в баскетбол играют 176 наций.
    1. When was the
    game of basketball invented?
    2. Where was the first game of basketball played?
    3. What was the first basketball ball?
    4. When was an actual «basketball» ball invented?
    5. When were basketball hoop and net invented?
    6. How many original rules were there in the game of basketball
    when it was invented?
    7. When was the first professional basketball match played?
    8. When did the game of basketball officially gain its
    international status?
    9. How and when did the National Basketball Association appear?
    10. Who invented the jump shot?
    11. When was the three-point line introduced?
    to evolve — эволюционировать,
    to invent — изобретать, создавать, придумывать
    clergyman— священник
    to fashion — зд. создавать, сформировать
    to eliminate — устранять, исключать
    flaw — перен. изъян, недостаток
    rugby — регби (тж. Rugby football)
    soccer — футбол (по правилам Национальной ассоциации футболистов
    basket — корзина
    slightly — мало, незначительно, несущественно, немного, слегка
    inch — дюйм ( = 2,5 см)
    peach — персик
    to hang (past, hung, p.p. hung) — вешать, подвешивать
    bottom — низ, нижняя часть
    ladder — лестница
    to climb — взбираться, влезать
    to fetch — достать
    hoop — кольцо, обод
    net — сеть, сетка
    to develop — развивать
    due to — благодаря
    tempo — ритм, темп
    to increase — возрастать, увёличивать(ся); расти
    backboard — баскетбольный щит
    wire mesh — проволочная сетка
    to interfere — служить препятствием, мешать,
    to dribble — вести мяч
    roughness — грубость
    to gain — получать, приобретать; добиваться
    amateur — любитель
    Geneva — город Женева
    Switzerland — Швейцария
    to compete — соревноваться
    to join — присоединиться, объединиться
    jump shot — бросок мяча в прыжке
    block- shot — блок-шот
    foul lane — штрафная зона
    to put into affect — зд. ввести в действие, задействовать
    rise — повышение, подъем
    expansion — распространение, экспансия; рост, развитие

  3. I like sport. It plays a great role in my activities. Most of all I like to play basketball. I am the best player and often take part in different sport competitions. Sometimes we win them but sometimes we lose. Basketball is a team game. It is played in any season because you play this game is indoors game. It is played in a gym. But sometimes you can see streetball — basketball in an open air. There are two baskets in this exciting game and only one orange ball.  Players must throw the ball to the basket and get to it to score a goal. There are two teams with only five players. Many people keen in sport because it makes us more healthy and help us to be fit.  During you play any sport game you are active and it helps you to burn many calories. Basketball is an active game. It makes people be strong, healthy and energetic. It is a game for everybody even for disabled people. To my mind any sport is risky and dangerous. Basketball is risky too because every minute you can break your arm or leg or get another problem with your health. I like playing basketball most of all. And I am a basketball fan too. I enjoy watching matches on TV and at the gym. I have been to the gym. It was the greatest game I have ever seen.
    Я люблю спорт. Он играет большую роль в моей деятельности. Больше всего я люблю играть в баскетбол. Я очень хороший игрок и часто принимаю участие в различных спортивных соревнованиях. Иногда мы выигрываем, но иногда проигрываем. Баскетбол это командная игра. В нее играют в любое время года, потому что играют в эту игру в закрытом помещении. В нее играют в спортивном зале. Но иногда вы можете видеть стритбол — баскетбол на открытом воздухе. Есть две корзины в этой захватывающей игре  и только один оранжевый мяч. Игроки должны бросать мяч в корзину и попасть в нее, чтобы забить гол. В игре две команды всего с пятью игроками.
    Многие люди занимаются спортом, потому что он делает нас здоровыми и помогает быть в хорошей форме. В то время, когда вы играете в любые спортивные игры вы активны, и это помогает вам сжигать больше калорий. Баскетбол — активная игра. Она заставляет людей быть сильными, здоровыми и энергичными. Это игра для всех, даже для людей с ограниченными возможностями.
    На мой взгляд, любой вид спорта рискованный и опасный. Баскетбол  тоже, потому что каждую минуту вы можете сломать руку или ногу или получить другую проблему с вашим здоровьем.
    Мне нравится играть в баскетбол больше всего. И я также фанат баскетбола. Мне очень нравится смотреть матчи по телевизору и в спортзале. Я был на матче в спотрзале два раза. Это было здорово.

  4. составить 5 предложений с производным предлогом
    помогите задачу по биологии решить. “при скрещивании гетерозиготных красноплодных томатов с желтоплодными получены 352 растения имеющие красные плоды, остальные жёлтые. Найти сколько имели жёлтые?”
    На 80 км пути велосипедист тратит на 2 ч больше, чем мотоциклист, так как его скорость на 20 км/ч меньше.Найдите скорость велосипедиста.   (черех “пусть х..”)
    Разберите предложение по теме Сложные предложения с различтыми видами связи(Сложное,с разными видами сочин. и подчин. связи или бессоюзной состоит из 2 частей)типо того 1)Я с трепетом ждал ответа Грушницкого, холодная злось овладела мной при мысли, что если б не случай, то я мог бы сделаться посмешищем этих дураков. 2)Ночью я почувствовал боль в ноге, и, когда встал утром, она оказалась сильно распухшей. 3)Занавес поднялся, и, как только публика увидела своего любимца, театр задрожал от рукоплесканий и восторженных криков. 4) И когда он вернулся в избу, то его лицо, волосы и одежда были мокры, точно они насквозь пропитались едким болотным туманом.
    Помогите пожалуйста! Вот что нам задали по окр.миру: Учимся решать жизненые задачи Задача 1.Разрешение конфликтной ситуации. Ситуация:тебя обижают. Твоя роль:школьник,которого обижает группа ребят (старше возрастом,из другого двора и т.д.) Описание ситуации:представь,что тебе не даёт прохода группа ребят,дразнят,дают обидные прозвища,угрожают,хотя ничего плохого ты им не делал. Результат:для выхода из ситуации нужно разработать план:что ты должен сказать и как поступить,чтобы нападки прекратились,к кому из друзей и с какой просьбой обратиться,у кого из взрослых попросить помощи и совета.
    для дроби 2/3 запишите равную ей дробь со знаменателем: А) 30 Б) 12 в) 24 г)102
    помогите пожайлуста решить задачу! при закладке сада ученики третьего класса посадили 96 саженцев . а второклассники – 78, каждый третеклассник посадил по 3 саженца , а каждый второклассник – по 2 ,сколько всего учеников этих двух классов работали на посадке саженца?
    1 задача. стоимость товара увиличалась с 200 тыс.руб до 230 тыс.руб.На сколько процентов(%) увеличилась стоимость товара?   2. Когда выпустили 360 приборов то он выполнил 120% месячной нормы.Какова месичная норма?
    Указать части речи. Олределить род имен существительных: Подчеркнуть буквы,написание которых нужно проверять: Широкие,привольные родимые края…… Березка белоствольная, Любимица моя, Стоит,как свечка белая,Глядит она вокруг: Ей рожь кивает спелая, Ей кланяется луг.
    Почему война России с Германией 1941-1945 годов названа Великой Отечественной?

  5. Introduction

    Basketball is an extremely popular all around the world. The object is to put a ball through a hoop, or basket, and thus score more points than the opposing team. Teams comprise of ten players, with a maximum of five on court at any one time. Substitutions are unlimited during the course of the game. Although basketball can be played outdoors, it was invented to serve as an exciting indoor exercise for the winter months in a northern climate. It quickly became a spectator sport, however, and now attracts large audiences to gymnasiums and arenas, especially in the United States, South America, and Europe.
    The sport is played on the amateur level by schools, colleges, other groups, and, since 1936 by national teams in the Olympic Games. It also is played by professional athletes, notably in the United States and Europe.
    The foremost American championships contended for are those of the National Basketball Association (NBA) for professionals, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) for colleges. Britain has National Associations for each country and the English Basketball Association (EBBA) runs amateur national competitions, the National Basketball League (NBL) is run by Basketball League Ltd for professionals. International competion is organised by the Federation of International Basketball (FIBA).

    The Early Days.

    It all started with two peach baskets in a YMCA in Massachusetts.
    In 1891 James A Naismith (1861-1939), a leader of the Springfield YMCA, was thinking about ways of providing exercise for the young men in his care. As a physical education instructor he taught gymnastics, however he was looking for something new. He had the idea of nailing peach baskets onto the balconies as goals, at either end of the gymnasium and throwing a soccer ball into it from below.
    So a National and International game was born.
    In 1892 he published the first booklet containing the basic rules, almost unchanged today (although expanded upon considerably!). These rules were adopted by the YMCA and the Amateur Athletic Union.
    Word spread quickly amongst YMCA’s in the Eastern United States about this new game. It took off so rapidly that the first intercollegiate game was played in 1897, and the first professional league in the following year. The Eastern Intercollegiate League was formed shortly afterwards, in 1902. Women also took up the game before 1900.
    The growing popularity of basketball resulted in improvements in equipment and skills. The metal hoop was introduced in 1893, and backboards in 1895. The soccer ball was replaced by the first basketball. As playing skills also became more sophisticated, the game attracted more and more spectators.
    Until the late 1930s, scores were low, sometimes in single digits. After each score, opposing centers (one of the five positions, the others being two guards and two forwards) lined up in the middle of the court and jumped for the ball. Then the team that got the ball would pass or dribble until a player was about 3 m (10 ft) from the basket before trying a shot. The slow pace did not inhibit the growth of the game, however. By the 1920s, basketball was being played all over the United States, and tournaments were being conducted in high school and college gymnasiums. Most states held high school championships for boys.

    The Rise of the Modern Game

    Several events in the 1930s spurred the growth of the game as a spectator sport and at the same time made basketball more exciting for the players. The first of these came in the 1932-33 season (basketball seasons tend to run from Autumn through to Spring) rules designed to speed up play were adopted. It became mandatory, under penalty of losing possession, to move the ball past midcourt in less than ten seconds. In addition, no player was permitted to remain within the foul lanes for more than three seconds. Then in 1934 a New York sportswriter, Ned Irish, persuaded the promoters at New York’s Madison Square Garden, a large arena, to schedule doubleheaders between college teams. These events proved successful, and similar promotions followed in other cities. Before long, colleges began building their own arenas for basketball.
    Another significant advance occurred in 1936, when a Stanford University team traveled from California to a Madison Square Garden promotion to challenge the eastern powers in the “cradle of basketball.” Opponents and fans were stunned by the Stanford style of shooting–one-handed while jumping, which contrasted to the prevalent method of taking two-handed shots while standing still. One Stanford player, Hank Luisetti, was so adept at the “jump shot” that he could outscore an entire opposing team. The new style gained universal acceptance, and basketball scores rose remarkably.
    In the 1937-38 season the center jump following each field goal was eliminated. At the end of the next season, Madison Square Garden brought in college teams from around the nation for the National Invitation Tournament (NIT), a postseason playoff that was adopted (1939) on a wider scale by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Although the NIT is still held annually, the NCAA tournament serves as the official intercollegiate championship.
    The University of Kentucky (coached, 1930-72, by Adolph Rupp), St. John’s (in New York), the University of North Carolina, Western Kentucky, Kansas University, and Indiana University have been among the leading college basketball teams for years. From 1964 to 1975 the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), coached by John Wooden and led by the centers Lew Alcindor and Bill Walton, dominated the intercollegiate play-offs, winning the title an unprecedented 10 times in 12 years. The 1,250 college teams in the United States now draw about 30 million spectators per season.
    Although women have played the game since the 1890s, and even though a few states (Iowa, for instance) have shown great participatory and spectator interest in secondary-school women’s basketball for some decades, significant growth and serious recognition of women’s basketball in the United States and elsewhere did not occur until the 1970s. Almost all U.S. states now hold girls’ high school tournaments, and basketball is the fastest-growing women’s intercollegiate sport.

    Professional Basketball

    From 1898 on, many attempts were made to establish professional basketball as a spectator sport-but success did not come until 1946. The best of the early efforts was made by the Harlem Globetrotters, an all-black team that toured first only the United States and then internationally to play local professional or semi-professional teams. The Globetrotters, founded in 1926, were not affiliated with a league. Their style was and is often showy because, at least into the early 1950s, they could dominate all opponents.
    In 1946 serious professional basketball had acquired a following among American sports fans, who wanted to see the former collegians in action. That year the Basketball Association of America, with teams from the United States and one from Toronto, began competing in large arenas in the major cities. Another professional league, the National Basketball League, was already in existence, with many franchises in medium-sized midwestern cities. The two leagues merged in 1949 as the National Basketball Association (NBA) and pared away the weaker franchises.

    Modern Times

    With the signing of the country’s best collegians through what was called a player draft, the NBA could display both talent and balance. The NBA’s greatest spurt of growth occurred in the 1960s and ’70s. Although the Boston Celtics, led by Bill Russel, Bob Cousy, and John Havlicek and coached by Red Auerbach, won 11 of 13 NBA titles beginning in 1957, fans also closely followed such stars as Philadelphia’s Wilt Chamberlain, Cincinnati’s Oscar Robertson, and Los Angeles’s Jerry West and Elgin Baylor. The NBA of the 1970s and 1980s exhibited a welcome balance of power: from 1970 until 1988 no team won consecutive NBA titles, though the New York Knicks (with Willis Reed, Walt Frazier, and Bill Bradley) won twice; the Boston Celtics, 5 times (3 with Larry Bird); and the Los Angeles Lakers, 6 times (5 with Magic Johnson).
    In the 1970s the NBA expanded from 9 teams to 22. Some of the new franchises were acquired when the American Basketball Association (1968-76) merged with the NBA. Also, a Dallas franchise was added in 1980; Charlotte, Carolina, and Miami, in 1988; and Minnesota and Orlando, in 1989.
    During the late 1970s and early 1980s several women’s professional leagues were begun; all of them failed financially. Women in the USA are currently under the WNBA.
    The NBA today enjoys a massive worldwide following, and European basketball is fast emerging. to challenge the domination of the Americans. Watch this space…!

  6. I am going to tell you about one of the most popular games. It is basketball.
    The game of basketball has evolved a great deal throughout the years. Basketball was invented on December 21,1891. The inventor of the game was a Canadian clergyman, James Naismith.
    The game of basketball was fashioned from fragments of other games, seeking to eliminate flaws of rugby, soccer.
    Basketball was first played in the United States. In fact, the first game was played at one training school, now called Springfield College.
    Basketball is a simple game. The equipment used in the game is also very simple. In addition to the field itself, all that is needed for a game is a ball. The very first ball that was used was a soccer ball until 1894 when an actual «basketball» was invented. The basketball ball was slightly smaller, about 30 inches in diameter. The first baskets that were used, were two peach baskets hung from the balcony of the gymnasium.
    In 1893, the backboard was invented. The first backboard was constructed out of wire mesh, then wood and now it is made out of glass so the backboard does not interfere with the viewing of the game. Around that time, there was no name for this game.
    By 1906, the peach baskets were replaced by metal baskets with holes in the bottom. This was better than in the early days, when a ladder was used to climb and fetch the ball out of the basket. Finally, in 1913 a hoop with a net was invented. In my opinion, the invention of the hoop and net was a major step in the developing of the game of basketball. Due to the free falling ball, the game’s tempo increased, which allowed the game of basketball to develop even more.
    In 1921, one man named the game «basketball» and it has been called basketball ever since.
    In the very beginning Naismith introduced thirteen original rules for the game of basketball, in which 12 out of the 13 original rules were still used up to 1934. The only rule, which changed, was that a player was now allowed to dribble a basketball. The rule of dribbling the basketball was first used in 1896 at a basketball game at Yale University. With the introduction of the 13 original rules, Naismith created four fundamental principals, which stayed in the game from 1891to 1937. These four fundamental principals stated, players with the ball must not make progress, the goal is above the head of the players, roughness is eliminated and a player may not receive the ball by use of contact.
    Through the years of 1891 to the 1940’s there were many rule changes as well as addition of rules to the game of basketball. By 1898, basketball leagues were starting to form in the United States. In 1898, professional basketball was being played. The league was called the National Basketball League (NBL). The National Basketball League was made up of four teams like New York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn and New Jersey.
    By 1932 basketball was officially gaining international status with the founding of the International Amateur Basketball Federation in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1946, the Basketball Association of America was formed but it did not go far well because it was competing against the National Basketball League. But in 1949, the Basketball Association of America and the National Basketball League joined together.
    They changed their name to the National Basketball Association (NBA). Throughout the formation of the league there were many rules that were added to the game of basketball In 1930’s, Kenny Sailor invented the jump shot. Also in the 1940’s, Bob Kurland used block- shots. In 1952 the foul lane was widened and the three-second rule was put into affect, so centres could not station themselves in front of the basket all the time. During the 1950’s the National Basketball Association was on the rise. During the 1970’s and 198G’s the expansion of the NBA had gone wild. In the mid 1980’s and early 1990’s Michael Jordan, who was one of the greatest players in NBA history, dominated the game and took it to a wholly new level.
    At this time, basketball was increasing in popularity. Nowadays it is played by 176 nations.
    История баскетбола
    Я собираюсь рассказать вам об одной очень популярной игре. Это — баскетбол.
    Игра баскетбол развивалась в течение многих лет. Баскетбол был изобретен 21 декабря 1891 года. Изобретателем игры был канадский священнослужитель Джеймс Найсмит.
    Игра баскетбол была создана из фрагментов других игр, с целью устранения недостатков регби, футбола.
    Впервые в баскетбол сыграли в Соединенных Штатах в одной из спортивных школ, которая теперь называется Спрингфилдский колледж.
    Баскетбол — это простая игра. Снаряжение, используемое в баскетболе, также очень простое. В дополнение к самому полю все, что необходимо для игры, — это мяч. До 1894 года, когда и был изобретен баскетбольный мяч, в игре использовался футбольный мяч. Баскетбольный мяч был немного меньше, приблизительно 30 дюймов в диаметре. Первые корзины, которые использовались в то время, были размером с две корзины из под персиков, которые подвешивались на балкон гимнастического зала.
    В1893 году был изобретен баскетбольный щит. Первый баскетбольный щит был построен из проволочной сетки,
    позже — из дерева, а теперь он сделан из стекла, так что его задняя часть не мешает смотреть игру. В то время для этой игры не было никакого названия.
    К 1906 году корзины из под персиков были заменены металлическими корзинами с отверстиями в основании. Это улучшило игру, тогда как раньше приходилось использовать лестницу, чтобы подняться и вынуть мяч из корзины. Наконец, в 1913 году был изобретен обруч с сеткой. По моему мнению, изобретение обруча и сетки было решающим шагом в развитии игры баскетбол. Из-за свободного выпадения мяча темп игры увеличился, что позволило баскетболу развиваться еще быстрее.
    В 1921 году один человек назвал игру «баскетболом», и с тех пор игра стала называться баскетболом.
    В самом начале Нейсмит ввел 13 базовых правил для игры в баскетбол, двенадцать из которых так и использовались вплоть до 1934 года. Единственное правило, которое изменилось, состояло в том, что теперь игроку позволялось вести баскетбольный мяч. Правило ведения баскетбольного мяча впервые было использовано в 1896 году в Йельском университете. С вв

  7. 7
    Текст добавил: МОдЕрАтОр_ДлЯ зНаКомСтВ

    Basketball is an extremely popular all around the world. The object is to put a ball through a hoop, or basket, and thus score more points than the opposing team. Teams comprise of ten players, with a maximum of five on court at any one time. Substitutions are unlimited during the course of the game.
    Although basketball can be played outdoors, it was invented to serve as an exciting indoor exercise for the winter months in a northern climate. It quickly became a spectator sport, however, and now attracts large audiences to gymnasiums and arenas, especially in the United States, South America, and Europe.
    The sport is played on the amateur level by schools, colleges, other groups, and, since 1936 by national teams in the Olympic Games. It also is played by professional athletes, notably in the United States and Europe. The foremost American championships contended for are those of the National Basketball Association (NBA) for professionals, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) for colleges. Britain has National Associations for each country and the English Basketball Association (EBBA) runs amateur national competitions, the National Basketball League (NBL) is run by Basketball League Ltd for professionals. International competion is organised by the Federation of International Basketball (FIBA). It all started with two peach baskets in a YMCA in Massachusetts.
    In 1891 James Naismith (1861-1939), a leader of the Springfield YMCA, was thinking about ways of providing exercise for the young men in his care. As a physical education instructor he taught gymnastics, however he was looking for something new. He had the idea of nailing peach baskets onto the balconies as goals, at either end of the gymnasium and throwing a soccer ball into it from below. So a National and International game was born.
    In 1892 James Naismith published the first booklet containing the basic rules, almost unchanged today (although expanded upon considerably). These rules were adopted by the YMCA and the Amateur Athletic Union. Word spread quickly amongst YMCA’s in the Eastern United States about this new game. It took off so rapidly that the first intercollegiate game was played in 1897, and the first professional league in the following year.
    The Eastern Intercollegiate League was formed shortly afterwards, in 1902. Women also took up the game before 1900. The growing popularity of basketball resulted in improvements in equipment and skills. The metal hoop was introduced in 1893, and backboards in 1895. The soccer ball was replaced by the first basketball. As playing skills also became more sophisticated, the game attracted more and more spectators.
    Until the late 1930s, scores were low, sometimes in single digits. After each score, opposing centers (one of the five positions, the others being two guards and two forwards) lined up in the middle of the court and jumped for the ball. Then the team that got the ball would pass or dribble until a player was about 3 m (10 ft) from the basket before trying a shot.
    The slow pace did not inhibit the growth of the game, however. By the 1920s, basketball was being played all over the United States, and tournaments were being conducted in high school and college gymnasiums. Most states held high school championships for boys.
    Several events in the 1930s spurred the growth of the game as a spectator sport and at the same time made basketball more exciting for the players. The first of these came in the 1932-33 season (basketball seasons tend to run from Autumn through to Spring) rules designed to speed up play were adopted. It became mandatory, under penalty of losing possession, to move the ball past midcourt in less than ten seconds. In addition, no player was permitted to remain within the foul lanes for more than three seconds.
    Then in 1934 a New York sportswriter, Ned Irish, persuaded the promoters at New York’s Madison Square Garden, a large arena, to schedule doubleheaders between college teams. These events proved successful, and similar promotions followed in other cities. Before long, colleges began building their own arenas for basketball.
    Another significant advance occurred in 1936, when a Stanford University team traveled from California to a Madison Square Garden promotion to challenge the eastern powers in the “cradle of basketball”. Opponents and fans were stunned by the Stanford style of shooting – one-handed while jumping, which contrasted to the prevalent method of taking two-handed shots while standing still. One Stanford player, Hank Luisetti, was so adept at the “jump shot” that he could outscore an entire opposing team. The new style gained universal acceptance, and basketball scores rose remarkably.
    In the 1937-38 season the center jump following each field goal was eliminated. At the end of the next season, Madison Square Garden brought in college teams from around the nation for the National Invitation Tournament (NIT), a postseason playoff that was adopted (1939) on a wider scale by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Although the NIT is still held annually, the NCAA tournament serves as the official intercollegiate championship.
    The University of Kentucky (coached, 1930-72, by Adolph Rupp), St. John’s (in New York), the University of North Carolina, Western Kentucky, Kansas University, and Indiana University have been among the leading college basketball teams for years. From 1964 to 1975 the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), coached by John Wooden and led by the centers Lew Alcindor and Bill Walton, dominated the intercollegiate play-offs, winning the title an unprecedented 10 times in 12 years.
    The 1,250 college teams in the United States now draw about 30 million spectators per season. Although women have played the game since the 1890s, and even though a few states (Iowa, for instance) have shown great participatory and spectator interest in secondary-school women’s basketball for some decades, significant growth and serious recognition of women’s basketball in the United States and elsewhere did not occur until the 1970s.
    Almost all U.S. states now hold girls’ high school tournaments, and basketball is the fastest-growing women’s intercollegiate sport. From 1898 on, many attempts were made to establish professional basketball as a spectator sport – but success did not come until 1946. The best of the early efforts was made by the Harlem Globetrotters, an all-black team that toured first only the United States and then internationally to play local professional or semi-professional teams. The Globetrotters, founded in 1926, were not affiliated with a league. Their style was and is often showy because, at least into the early 1950s, they could dominate all opponents.
    In 1946 serious professional basketball had acquired a following among American sports fans, who wanted to see the former collegians in action. That year the Basketball Association of America, with teams from the United States and one from Toronto, began competing in large arenas in the major cities. Another professional league, the National Basketball League, was already in existence, with many franchises in medium-sized midwestern cities. The two leagues merged in 1949 as the National Basketball Association (NBA) and pared away the weaker franchises.
    With the signing of the country’s best collegians through what was called a player draft, the NBA could display both talent and balance. The NBA’s greatest spurt of growth occurred in the 1960s and ’70s. Although the Boston Celtics, led by Bill Russel, Bob Cousy, and John Havlicek and coached by Red Auerbach, won 11 of 13 NBA titles beginning in 1957, fans also closely followed such stars as Philadelphia’s Wilt Chamberlain, Cincinnati’s Oscar Robertson, and Los Angeles’s Jerry West and Elgin Baylor.
    The NBA of the 1970s and 1980s exhibited a welcome balance of power: from 1970 until 1988 no team won consecutive NBA titles, though the New York Knicks (with Willis Reed, Walt Frazier, and Bill Bradley) won twice; the Boston Celtics, 5 times (3 with Larry Bird); and the Los Angeles Lakers, 6 times (5 with Magic Johnson). In the 1970s the NBA expanded from 9 teams to 22. Some of the new franchises were acquired when the American Basketball Association (1968-76) merged with the NBA. Also, a Dallas franchise was added in 1980; Charlotte, Carolina, and Miami, in 1988; and Minnesota and Orlando, in 1989.
    During the late 1970s and early 1980s several women’s professional leagues were begun; all of them failed financially. Women in the USA are currently under the WNBA. The NBA today enjoys a massive worldwide following, and European basketball is fast emerging to challenge the domination of the Americans.

  8. Письмо другу о любимом виде спорта – баскетбол

    Dear Jeremy,
    Thanks for your letter. Sorry, I didn’t answer at once. I’ve been really busy recently because tomorrow it is a very impotent day for me – we’re having our school basketball competition.
    As you can see, I ‘m fond of basketball. Our team is famous in my school. We always participate in competitions and we often win. As for my school, I try to study well and I always do my home-work. Sometimes I’m very tired but I understand that I must do my best because my future depends on my school achievements. That’s why I do my homework and after that I go to the gym.
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Best wishes,
    [ перевод на русский язык ]
    Дорогой Джереми,
    Спасибо за твое письмо. К сожалению, я не сразу ответил. Я был очень занят в последнее время, потому что завтра очень важный день для меня – мы с нашей командой баскетбола участвуем в соревнованиях.
    Как ты наверное понял, я люблю баскетбол. Наша команда известна в моей школе. Мы всегда участвуем в соревнованиях, и мы часто выигрываем. Что касается обычной школы, то я стараюсь хорошо учиться, и я всегда делаю свою домашнюю работу. Иногда я очень устаю, но я понимаю, что я должен сделать все возможное, потому что мое будущее зависит от моих достижений в школе. Вот почему я делаю домашнее задание и после этого иду в тренажерный зал.
    В надежде получить от тебя скорый ответ.
    С наилучшими пожеланиями.

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    История баскетбола-The History of Basketball

    Топик по английскому языку “The History of Basketball – История баскетбола”
    I am going to tell you about one of the most popular games. It is basketball. The game of basketball has evolved a great deal throughout the years. Basketball was invented on December 21,1891. The inventor of the game was a Canadian clergyman, James Naismith.
    The game of basketball was fashioned from fragments of other games, seeking to eliminate flaws of rugby, soccer.
    Basketball was first played in the United States. In fact, the first game was played at one training school, now called Springfield College.
    Basketball is a simple game. The equipment used in the game is also very simple. In addition to the field itself, all that is needed for a game is a ball.
    The very first ball that was used was a soccer ball until 1894 when an actual «basketball» was invented. The basketball ball was slightly smaller, about 30 inches in diameter. The first baskets that were used, were two peach baskets hung from the balcony of the gymnasium.
    In 1893, the backboard was invented. The first backboard was constructed out of wire mesh, then wood and now it is made out of glass so the backboard does not interfere with the viewing of the game. Around that time, there was no name for this game.
    By 1906, the peach baskets were replaced by metal baskets with holes in the bottom. This was better than in the early days, when a ladder was used to climb and fetch the ball out of the basket. Finally, in 1913 a hoop with a net was invented.
    In my opinion, the invention of the hoop and net was a major step in the developing of the game of basketball. Due to the free falling ball, the game’s tempo increased, which allowed the game of basketball to develop even more.
    In 1921, one man named the game «basketball» and it has been called basketball ever since. In the very beginning Naismith introduced thirteen original rules for the game of basketball, in which 12 out of the 13 original rules were still used up to 1934. The only rule, which changed, was that a player was now allowed to dribble a basketball.
    The rule of dribbling the basketball was first used in 1896 at a basketball game at Yale University. With the introduction of the 13 original rules, Naismith created four fundamental principals, which stayed in the game from 1891to 1937.
    These four fundamental principals stated, players with the ball must not make progress, the goal is above the head of the players, roughness is eliminated and a player may not receive the ball by use of contact.
    Through the years of 1891 to the 1940’s there were many rule changes as well as addition of rules to the game of basketball. By 1898, basketball leagues were starting to form in the United States.
    In 1898, professional basketball was being played. The league was called the National Basketball League (NBL). The National Basketball League was made up of four teams like New York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn and New Jersey.
    By 1932 basketball was officially gaining international status with the founding of the International Amateur Basketball Federation in Geneva, Switzerland.
    In 1946, the Basketball Association of America was formed but it did not go far well because it was competing against the National Basketball League. But in 1949, the Basketball Association of America and the National Basketball League joined together.
    They changed their name to the National Basketball Association (NBA). Throughout the formation of the league there were many rules that were added to the game of basketball In 1930’s, Kenny Sailor invented the jump shot.
    Also in the 1940’s, Bob Kurland used block- shots. In 1952 the foul lane was widened and the three-second rule was put into affect, so centres could not station themselves in front of the basket all the time.
    During the 1950’s the National Basketball Association was on the rise. During the 1970’s and 198G’s the expansion of the NBA had gone wild. In the mid 1980’s and early 1990’s Michael Jordan, who was one of the greatest players in NBA history, dominated the game and took it to a wholly new level.
    At this time, basketball was increasing in popularity. Nowadays it is played by 176 nations.

    Перевод топика: История баскетбола

    Я собираюсь рассказать вам об одной очень популярной игре. Это — баскетбол. Игра баскетбол развивалась в течение многих лет. Баскетбол был изобретен 21 декабря 1891 года. Изобретателем игры был канадский священнослужитель Джеймс Найсмит.
    Игра баскетбол была создана из фрагментов других игр, с целью устранения недостатков регби, футбола. Впервые в баскетбол сыграли в Соединенных Штатах в одной из спортивных школ, которая теперь называется Спрингфилдский колледж.
    Баскетбол — это простая игра. Снаряжение, используемое в баскетболе, также очень простое. В дополнение к самому полю все, что необходимо для игры, — это мяч. До 1894 года, когда и был изобретен баскетбольный мяч, в игре использовался футбольный мяч.
    Баскетбольный мяч был немного меньше, приблизительно 30 дюймов в диаметре. Первые корзины, которые использовались в то время, были размером с две корзины из под персиков, которые подвешивались на балкон гимнастического зала.
    В1893 году был изобретен баскетбольный щит. Первый баскетбольный щит был построен из проволочной сетки, позже — из дерева, а теперь он сделан из стекла, так что его задняя часть не мешает смотреть игру. В то время для этой игры не было никакого названия.
    К 1906 году корзины из под персиков были заменены металлическими корзинами с отверстиями в основании. Это улучшило игру, тогда как раньше приходилось использовать лестницу, чтобы подняться и вынуть мяч из корзины. Наконец, в 1913 году был изобретен обруч с сеткой.
    По моему мнению, изобретение обруча и сетки было решающим шагом в развитии игры баскетбол. Из-за свободного выпадения мяча темп игры увеличился, что позволило баскетболу развиваться еще быстрее.
    В 1921 году один человек назвал игру «баскетболом», и с тех пор игра стала называться баскетболом. В самом начале Нейсмит ввел 13 базовых правил для игры в баскетбол, двенадцать из которых так и использовались вплоть до 1934 года.
    Единственное правило, которое изменилось, состояло в том, что теперь игроку позволялось вести баскетбольный мяч. Правило ведения баскетбольного мяча впервые было использовано в 1896 году в Йельском университете.
    С введением 13 первоначальных правил, Нейсмит создал четыре фундаментальных принципа игры, которые использовались в игре с 1891 по 1937 год. Эти четыре фундаментальных принципа гласили, что игроки, остановившиеся с мячом, не должны двигаться дальше; цель находится выше голов игроков; грубость не применима и игрок не может получить мяч при помощи силового контакта.
    С 1891 года до сороковых годов двадцатого столетия было сделано множество изменений в правилах, в игру были введены дополнительные правила. К 1898 году в Соединенных Штатах начали формироваться баскетбольные лиги. В1898 начали играть в профессиональный баскетбол.
    Лига получила название Национальной лиги баскетбола (NBL). Национальная лига баскетбола состояла из четырех команд: команды Нью-Йорка, Филадельфии, Бруклина и Нью-Джерси.
    К1932 году, с основанием Международной любительской федерации баскетбола в Женеве, Швейцария; баскетбол официально получил международный статус.
    В1946 году была сформирована Американская ассоциация баскетбола, но из этого ничего хорошего не получилось, потому что она составляла конкуренцию Национальной лиге баскетбола. Но в 1949 году Американская ассоциация баскетбола и Национальная лига баскетбола объединились.
    Они сменили свое название на Национальную ассоциацию баскетбола (NBA). За все время становления баскетбола в игру было добавлено много новых правил» В 1930-х годах Кении Сей лор изобрел бросок в прыжке; В 1940-х Боб Курланд использовал блок-шоты.
    В1952 году была расширена штрафная зона и введено правило трехсекундной зоны, так что центровые не могли находиться перед корзиной продолжительное время. В течение 1950-х годов Национальная ассоциация баскетбола процветала.
    В течение 1970-х и 1980-х расширение NBA стало неимоверно стремительным. В середине 1980-х и в начале 1990-х Майкл Джордан стал одним из величайших игроков в истории NBA, непревзойденным королем игры и поднял игру до совершенно другого уровня. В это время популярность баскетбола росла. В настоящее время в баскетбол играют 176 наций.



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