Сочинение на тему мое отношение к чтению на английском

8 вариантов

  1. 1
    Текст добавил: Дружная Весёлая Семья

    Firstly, books are very popular with people because they provide different information. We can read about people, important events of our history, and many other interesting things. There are many educational books on various subjects. We use textbooks at schools, higher educational institutions, and courses. Secondly, books are very important for self-expression. Many people write stories, novels, poems… Some books are not always very popular, but sometimes we need to read easy literature to relax from our serious and everyday thoughts. Thirdly, nowadays the mist popular way to get information is the Internet. But we can also get books from it too. We can read online or download books, and we do not need to carry heavy books with us. Moreover, books teach us to be kind, honest, and understanding. These qualities are very important for everybody. If you want to understand people around you, to be a good moral person, you should read books and think about their examples of characters’ behavior.
    Despite a great number of advantages, a lot of people don’t like reading. It’s very bad because they cannot become well educated. They don’t know many facts, useful stories… They don’t read even school literature. I think that, if they want to be good specialists, to have a well-paid job, they ought to read many books about their specialty.
    So reading is very important in our life. Read books and love their characters!
    Неважно, сколько раз люди говорили о роли чтения, я бы тоже хотела выразить свою точку зрения. Я абсолютно уверена, что чтение очень важно в нашей жизни. Мы действительно не можем представить наш мир без книг, текстов и слов. Почему?
    Во-первых, книги очень популярны среди людей, потому что обеспечивают нас различной информацией. Мы можем читать о людях, важных событиях нашей истории и многих других интересных вещах. Существует много образовательных книг по разным предметам. Мы используем учебники в школах, в высших учебных заведениях, на курсах. Во-вторых, книги очень важны для самовыражения. Многие люди пишут истории, романы, стихи… Некоторые книги не всегда популярны, но иногда нам нужно почитать легкую литературу, чтобы отдохнуть от наших серьезных ежедневных мыслей. В-третьих, в наши дни самым популярным способом получения информации является Интернет. Но мы также можем брать оттуда книги. Мы можем читать онлайн или скачивать книги, и нам не приходится таскать тяжелые книги с собой. Более того, книги учат нас быть добрыми, честными и понимающими. Эти качества необходимы для каждого. Если ты хочешь понимать людей, окружающих тебя, быть высокоморальным человеком, тебе следует читать книги и думать над примерами характеров героев.
    Несмотря на огромное количество плюсов, многие люди не любят читать. Это очень плохо, потому что они не могут стать хорошо образованными. Они не знают многие факты, полезные истории… Они не читают даже школьную литературу. Я думаю, если они хотят стать хорошими специалистами, иметь высоко оплачиваемую работу, им следует читать много книг по их специальности.
    Таким образом, чтение очень важно в нашей жизни. Читайте книги и любите их персонажей!

  2. на английском языке с переводом на русский язык



    People create works of art to express their thoughts and feelings, to systematize the knowledge about the world, and to touch the beauty. Literature, as the verbal art, reflect these intentions with the greatest obviousness. This ancient art was developing along with the society for centuries. Authors wrote stories and tales, poems and novels, reconsidered folk legends and heroic epos, but, unfortunately, a very small percentage of the population could read their texts: the majority was illiterate. The emergence of free and accessible education changed the situation, and since the 19th century, reading has become a natural part of life.
    Люди создают произведения искусства, чтобы выразить свои мысли и чувства, упорядочить знания о мире и прикоснуться к красоте. Литература, как словесное искусство, отражает эти намерения с наибольшей очевидностью. Это древнее искусство веками развивалось параллельно с обществом. Авторы писали рассказы и сказки, стихотворения и романы, переосмысляли народные легенды и героический эпос, но, к сожалению, очень маленький процент населения мог читать их тексты: большинство было неграмотным. Появление бесплатного и свободного образования изменило ситуацию, и с XIX
    века чтение стало естественной частью жизни.
    Reading remains popular among people of all the ages and social classes, because it helps to relax, to forget about everyday problems for a while and to think about something more significant – the sense of life or one’s own personality. The possibility to analyze serious issues in a “game” invented by a writer, in a fictional world, attracts everyone. Reading is not only pleasant, but also useful activity: we enjoy the story, empathize with characters and, at the same time, learn to understand the others and ourselves.
    Чтение остаётся популярным среди людей всех возрастов и социальных классов, потому что помогает расслабиться, ненадолго забыть о бытовых проблемах и подумать о чём-то более значимом – о смысле жизни или о собственной личности. Возможность анализировать серьёзные вопросы в «игре», изобретённой автором, в вымышленном мире, привлекает каждого. Чтение – не только приятное, но и полезное занятие: мы наслаждаемся сюжетом, сопереживаем персонажам и в то же время учимся понимать других и самих себя.
    Nowadays, due to the wide range of books, everyone can choose what he or she prefers: classical literature (for example, I adore Shakespeare’s tragedies and Dostoevsky’s novels) or the modern one, a historical novel or science fiction, a love story or the memoirs of a famous person. However, people have little time for reading, which is very sad. In my opinion, the cinema and the Internet are not able to replace the depth of literature.
    В наши дни, благодаря широкому ассортименту книг, любой может выбрать то, что предпочитает: классическую литературу (например, я обожаю трагедии Шекспира и романы Достоевского) или современную, исторический роман или научную фантастику, любовный роман или мемуары знаменитости. Однако у людей мало времени на чтение, что очень печально. На мой взгляд, кино и Интернет не способны заменить глубину литературы.

  3. Reading plays a very important part in my life. I have several interests and hobbies and reading is one of them. In my opinion, people should read books because they educate and enriches the intellect. Books can also shape a person’s character and his moral values. Apart from that, reading is simply fun. It entertains us and gives lots of pleasure. For example, when I read an interesting book, I completely dissolve in it. I travel to distant places together with main characters. If the book is super-interesting, I can read it again and again. Thanks to reading, I have learn to express my thoughts and feelings more clearly. I think that reading a book at spare time is a wonderful activity. Besides, books are rather handy. They are easy to carry, so I always take a book or two when I travel. I especially like reading on a bus or train. This way time flies like a streak of lightning. People are fond of reading different kinds of books. My favourite genre is a novel. I also enjoy reading the works of famous Russian and foreign authors, which are now considered to be classics. For example, according to our school program we had to read “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev and “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky. I truly enjoyed both of them. Another good novel was “War and Peace” by Tolstoy. Our teacher showed us a movie based on this novel because the book itself is really huge and contains several volumes. I should admit that the movie was also brilliant. In conclusion, I’d like to add that people who take pleasure in reading should attend libraries. There are so many interesting books in the world but we can’t buy all of them. That’s why there are many public libraries in our country

  4. На английском языке. The Role Of Reading In My Life
    Reading plays a very important role in most people’s lives. It educates them, enriches their intellect. As for me, I have been always fond of reading. Since the very childhood I asked my parents to buy more books for me. I could read when I turned six or seven, which is rather early compared to other children. The first books that I read were fairy-tales. As I was raised in a bilingual family I could read in two languages. At the age of eight I started learning English and my list of books became even wider. When I was a junior, I preferred reading fantasy books. Some of them were absolutely hilarious, but still I could read them for hours even at night time when my parents didn’t see. My grandmother used to tell me that reading in the dark can be dangerous for my eyes, but I had a bright flashlight, which I switched only under my blanket. When I became a teenager, all I could read was educational literature, as I was going to pass serious exams. Along with that, I enjoyed attending our school reading club, where we studied classic literature. At that time I read all the books which I found in the library, written by Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Hemingway, O’Henry, Shakespeare, Byron and other famous literati. I have a friend who doesn’t like reading. She always asks me why I like reading so much. The answer to this question is quite simple. I just find that reading books people can find themselves in different countries, places and lands.
    Перевод на русский язык. Роль чтения в моей жизни
    Чтение играет очень важную роль в жизни большинства людей. Оно воспитывает, обогащает интеллект. Что касается меня, я всегда любила читать. С самого детства я просила своих родителей покупать мне больше книг. Я умела читать, когда мне исполнилось шесть или семь лет, что довольно рано по сравнению с другими детьми. Первые книги, которые я читала, это сказки. Так как я росла в билингвальной семье, то могла читать сразу на двух языках. В возрасте восьми лет я начала изучать английский, после чего мой список книг стал еще шире. Когда я была в младшей школе, то предпочитала читать фантастику. Некоторые из них были нереально смешными, но все же я могла читать их по несколько часов, даже в ночное время, когда мои родители не видели. Моя бабушка говорила, что чтение в темноте может быть вредным для глаз, но у меня был яркий фонарик, который я включала только под одеялом. Когда я стала постарше, то читала в основном образовательную литературу, для того чтобы сдать серьезные экзамены. Вместе с тем мне нравилось посещать наш школьный читательский клуб, где мы изучали классическую литературу. В то время я прочитала все книги, которые нашла в библиотеке, написанные Пушкиным, Лермонтовым, Толстым, Тургеневым, Хемингуэйем, О’Генри, Шекспиром, Байроном и другими известными литераторами. У меня есть подруга, которая не любит читать. Она всегда спрашивает меня, отчего я так люблю читать. Ответ на этот вопрос достаточно прост. Я просто считаю, что читая книги, люди могут мысленно перемещаться в другие страны и места.

  5. There is a quote that I’d like to share with you, guys, ”A book is a dream that you hold in your hand”. – Neil Gaiman
    Books are wonderful! They accompany us during all our life. When you read you enrich your mind and broaden your knowledge. People who read books are intelligent. Books are also an entertainment. You and the characters of the book you are reading can find yourselves in different countries and have a lot of adventures. Just imagine — new characters, scenes, lives, events! It’s like real life in miniature!
    A book can be a faithful friend and a teacher. Reading a book you open new horizons for yourself. A book can form our values and characters. It gives us an opportunity to imagine the future and to look into the past. One can learn a lot by reading books. And I am sure that the time spent on a good book is never wasted. Too bad people started to read less. But it, of course, depends on the author greatly as well, on his or her talent.
    Books are of great help in any education. With the help of the Internet, we can find and read online almost any book or literary piece on the Internet. And I find it quite convenient because it saves a lot of time. But I’m sure that no matter how convenient it is to get a book online, there is still no bigger pleasure than reading a printed one.
    I’m fond of reading different genres like historical novels, detectives or science fiction, tales and legends. In my small library at home, I have some printed books which are important to me. Books like Alice in Wonderland, Lord of the Rings, Life of Alexander the Great and others. I like to re-read them from time to time, sometimes I make some notes on their pages and just smell the scent of childhood and magic.
    Never forget that books are worth reading.

    Сочинение на тему Книги

    Я бы хотела поделиться с вами цитатой, друзья: «Книга — это сон, который вы держите в руке». – Нейл Гейман
    Книги — это замечательно! Они сопровождают нас на протяжении всей нашей жизни. Когда вы читаете, вы обогащаете свой ум и расширяете знания. Книги — это развлечение. Вы и персонажи читаемой книги можете побывать в разных странах и испытать множество приключений. Просто представьте — новые персонажи, сцены, жизни, события! Это как настоящая жизнь в миниатюре!
    Книга может быть верным другом и учителем. Читая книгу, вы открываете для себя новые горизонты. Она может сформировать наши ценности и характеры. Она дает нам возможность представить будущее и заглянуть в прошлое. Можно многому научиться, читая книги. И я уверена, что время, потраченное на хорошую книгу, никогда не пропадает даром. Очень жаль, что люди стали меньше читать.
    Книги помогают в любом образовании. С помощью Интернета мы можем найти и прочитать онлайн практически любую книгу или литературный фрагмент. И я нахожу этот способ довольно удобным, так как это экономит много времени. Но я уверена, что независимо от того, насколько удобно достать книгу в Интернете, до сих пор нет большего удовольствия, чем чтение печатной книги.
    Мне очень нравится читать разные жанры: исторические романы, детективы, научную фантастику, сказки и легенды. У меня есть несколько печатных книг в моей небольшой домашней библиотеке, которые важны для меня. Книги, как Алиса в стране чудес, Властелин колец, Жизнь Александра Великого и другие. Мне нравится перечитывать их время от времени. Иногда я делаю пометки на страницах и просто вдыхаю запах детства и волшебства.
    Никогда не забывайте, что книги стоят того, чтобы их читали.
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  6. Nowadays, when many sources of information and types of entertainment have appeared (TV and video films, cinema, the Internet), many people do not think reading is necessary. They believe that people who read are ‘nerds’, ‘geeks’, or ‘bookworms’. I believe this is not true, reading is very important as it can shape one’s personality. Firstly, reading can improve your imagination and emotions. It can carry you to different places, worlds and times. Picking up a book is like picking up a world that is waiting to be explored. Whether fiction or fact, books can take you away with them, engulf you and make you a part of their environment. They can make you cry or laugh, the more pages you read, the harder it is to shut the book. Within the pages lie stories untold, places never visited and new people to meet. Secondly, reading is educational: it alleviates ignorance, improves a person’s vocabulary and knowledge without the person even knowing it. Every book holds vast amounts of knowledge; reading forms the core of traditional education. Lastly, reading can shape your character. Following the plot of the book we read, sympathizing with or hating its characters, we follow the author’s idea of life. We absorb it, think it over, and often make it part of our own philosophy.
    Your reading preferences are numerous, aren’t they?
    My reading preferences are various. People have been writing novels, short stories, verse and essays for many centuries, and you can find a lot of brilliant writers and excellent books in many genres of literature. For me, it is not the genre of the book that matters, but the talent and emotion the author has put into it. I equally enjoy ‘serious’ classical prose and poetry and some ‘easier’ reading like 20th century detectives, fantasies and memoirs. The choice of a book to read depends on my mood and the amount of free time I have. Sometimes I read a book for the ideas and knowledge it contains; sometimes for the plot and entertainment.
    When I am not pressed for time, I prefer classical literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. To my mind, it was the “golden age’ in the history of literature when masterpieces were created- Full of philosophy, deeply psychological and thought-provoking, classical novels, short stories, plays and verse form the treasury of the world literature.
    Of course, I have a number of favourite writers and poets. To name only a few, they are Pushkin, Gogol, Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Kuprin, Bulgakov in Russia, and Hemingway, Faulkner, Dreiser, Fowles, and, really, many, many others.
    Translate the following sentences into English.
    1. В наше время появилось много источников информации и способов развлечения, но чтение все еще остается очень важным, так как оно может развить ваше воображение и чувства, оно имеет образовательную ценность и может сформировать ваш характер.
    2. Чтение составляет основу традиционного образования, каждая книга содержит значительный объем знаний, может захватить вас и сделать вас частью своей среды.
    3. В рамках любого жанра литературы можно найти массу блестящих писателей — в классической прозе и поэзии, фэнтази и мемуарах, детективах и многих других.
    4. Некоторые люди читают книги ради идей и знаний, содержащихся в них, другие — ради сюжета и развлечения.
    5. Классические романы, рассказы, пьесы и стихи XIX века составляют сокровищницу мировой литературы, они глубоко психологичны и заставляют задуматься.
    6. Мои предпочтения в выборе книг разнообразны.
    1. Nowadays many sources of information and types of entertainment appeared, but reading is still very important as it can improve your imagination and emotions, it is educational, and can shape your char¬acter.
    2. Reading forms the core of traditional education, every book contains a vast amount of knowledge, it can engulf you and make you a part of its environment.
    3. There are a lot of brilliant writers in any genre of literature — classical prose and poetry, fantasies and memoirs, detectives and many others.
    4. Some people read books for the ideas and knowledge they contain, some read them for the plot and entertainment.
    5. 19th century classical novels, short stories, plays and verse form the treasury of the world literature and are deeply psychological and thought-provoking.
    6. My reading preferences are various.
    Из пособия “ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы” Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) – Part one. English examination topics. Forms 9/11.

  7. Reading plays a very important role in the life of people. It educates a person, enriches his intellect. Books help to mould a person’s character, from his moral values. Besides, books bring pleasure and delight. It’s a wonderful way of spending spare time. Sometimes we read the same book again and again.
    Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly. The book is faithful and understanding friend. It can be put aside and taken up again at any moment. There are books which have been our favorites since childhood.
    People are fond of reading different kinds of books. Some people enjoy reading detective stories, adventure stories, novels, biographies, other prefer classics. Fairy tales are enjoyed and read by children, books about adventures and journeys are enjoyed by those who are fond of travelling. Legends and myths are read by those who are fond of history. Some people developed much time to reading books and reading becomes their free time occupation, their passion.
    Throughout the centuries books had an enormous influence on the minds and hearts of people. Books bind together ages, personalities. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different countries and ages. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings.
    The book is the surest way to bring nations together. It helps people achieve understanding, trust, cooperation and friendship. Books awaken the young reader’s imagination. They develop literary taste, arouse interest and curiosity, the reader’s laugher as well as his tears. They teach the readers to be truthful, friendly, honest decisive, conscientious, frank, firm, fair and serious.
    Libraries play an important part in the cultural development of people. People like reading, they have a desire learn they seek a knowledge. Books sat this desire. There are a lot of books in our country, in our flats. But it is difficult to buy all the books which we want to read. That is why we get books in public libraries.
    Books shouldn’t be read only by pleasure. Reading books helps us in our education. We can fond all kinds of books in the libraries. Books offer romance history adventure, autobiographers science fiction and humor in the form of short stories and novels, poetry, prose and plays as well as reference books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries and so on.
    In some libraries we can find books in many foreign languages. When a reader comes to a library for the first time he feels in library card and the librarian helps to chose something to read. The reader is allowed to borrow books for a certain number of days. The catalogues help the reader to find the books and not damage them in any way. Readers come to the reading rooms to study and prepare materials for their reports or for their scientific work.

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