Сочинение на тему мой любимый белорусский певец

5 вариантов

  1. My favourite singer

    Мой любимый певец

    I like music. I cannot imagine my life without it. It makes me feel good. It helps me to relax or concentrate. I am a lover of music. There are many genres, singers and groups in my playlist. I like rock-music and at the same time I admire classic music. I like listening to folk music and at the same time I like modern J-pop.
    Я люблю музыку. Я не могу представить свою жизнь без нее. Она заставляет меня чувствовать себя хорошо. Она помогает мне расслабиться или сконцентрироваться. Я меломан. В моем плейлисте есть много жанров, исполнителей и групп. Мне нравится рок-музыка, и в то же время я восхищаюсь классической музыкой. Мне нравится слушать народную музыку и в то же время мне нравится современный J-pop.
    I cannot say that I am a real fan of particular singer or group. However I can say that I really appreciate the songs of Enrique Iglesias. I really admire his music. The genres of his music are pop or Latin pop. He is a Spanish singer. His father is also a famous singer.
    Я не могу сказать, что я настоящий фанат определенного певца или группы. Однако я могу сказать, что я действительно ценю песни Энрике Иглесиаса. Я действительно восхищаюсь его музыкой. Его музыку можно отнести к жанрам поп или латинская поп-музыка. Он является испанским исполнителем. Его отец также известный певец.
    Once I was listening to the radio and I heard one song. I liked it very much. I did not know who it was. I asked my Mother. She said that it was Enrique Iglesias. She also added that his voice was special. I think it was the moment when I decided to learn more about his creative work.
    Однажды я слушала радио и услышала одну песню. Мне она очень понравилась. Я не знала, кто ее исполнял. Я спросила свою маму. Она сказала, что это Энрике Иглесиас. Она также добавила, что его голос особенный. Думаю, именно в этот момент я решила больше узнать о его творчестве.
    I always listen to his songs both when I am sad and when I am happy. There is something special in them. The music of Enrique Iglesias may be energetic or lyric, melancholic or cheerful. I admire his songs and I am always glad to know that his new song has been released.
    Я всегда слушаю его песни, и когда мне грустно и когда я счастлива. В них есть что-то особенное. Музыка Энрике Иглесиаса может быть энергичной или лиричной, меланхоличной или жизнерадостной. Я восхищаюсь его песнями, и я всегда рада узнать, что какая-либо его новая песня была выпущена.

  2. I like listening to music. My favourite singer is Dima Belan. I’ll tell you some facts about his biography. When he was only two years old, his family moved to his grandmother’s place in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny in Tatarstan. When he was six years old, his family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria where he went to school with his sister. He took part in morning performances, recited poems and sang songs.
    He graduated from Gnesins Musical College as a classical vocal performer. Bilan made his debut when he reached fourth place at the Russian/Latvian festival “New Wave” in 2002. In 2003, Bilan released his debut album titled Nochnoy Huligan (Night Hooligan) , which included covers of “Caruso” by Lucio Dalla and “Fever” by Elvis. In 2004, he released his successful single “Na beregu neba” (“At The Sky’s Shore”) which was also the title of his second album.
    In the middle of March 2006, Bilan was chosen internally by the Russian broadcaster Channel One to represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest, that year in Athens, Greece. Out of 37 participating countries, Bilan took second place with the dark pop song “Never Let You Go”, equalling one of Russia’s best ever showing at Eurovision – Alsou’s “Solo” was runner-up back in the 2000 contest.
    In 2008, Bilan once again represented Russia in the Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Believe” accompanied by Hungarian violinist Edvin Marton and Russian world champion figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. On May 24, 2008, Bilan won first place in the contest, receiving 272 points and seven 12’s. His victory’s integrity was questioned by Ukraine’s officials later in May.
    In 2008 won Dima Bilan two awards from Muz TV. First was for “Best singer” And second for “Best ringtone” what was Nevozmozhnoe vozmozno.
    Dima won also the Russian act in Europa MTV. He is now in second round.
    I’d like to say that his songs are really full of energy, they help me to relax, to be in a good mood …

  3. Здравствуйте, помогите написать сочинение предложений семь на тему моя любимая белорусская певица или певец?


    I like listening to music. My favourite singer is Dima Belan. I’ll tell you some facts about his biography. When he was only two years old, his family moved to his grandmother’s place in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny in Tatarstan. When he was six years old, his family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria where he went to school with his sister. He took part in morning performances, recited poems and sang songs.
    He graduated from Gnesins Musical College as a classical vocal performer. Bilan made his debut when he reached fourth place at the Russian/Latvian festival “New Wave” in 2002. In 2003, Bilan released his debut album titled Nochnoy Huligan (Night Hooligan), which included covers of “Caruso” by Lucio Dalla and “Fever” by Elvis. In 2004, he released his successful single “Na beregu neba” (“At The Sky’s Shore”) which was also the title of his second album.
    In the middle of March 2006, Bilan was chosen internally by the Russian broadcaster Channel One to represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest, that year in Athens, Greece. Out of 37 participating countries, Bilan took second place with the dark pop song “Never Let You Go”, equalling one of Russia’s best ever showing at Eurovision — Alsou’s “Solo” was runner-up back in the 2000 contest.
    In 2008, Bilan once again represented Russia in the Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Believe” accompanied by Hungarian violinist Edvin Marton and Russian world champion figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. On May 24, 2008, Bilan won first place in the contest, receiving 272 points and seven 12’s. His victory’s integrity was questioned by Ukraine’s officials later in May.
    In 2008 won Dima Bilan two awards from Muz TV. First was for “Best singer” And second for “Best ringtone” what was Nevozmozhnoe vozmozno.
    Dima won also the Russian act in Europa MTV.He is now in second round.
    I’d like to say that his songs are really full of energy, they help me to relax, to be in a good mood…

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