Сочинение на тему моя дача на английском

3 варианта

  1. Let me introduce myself. My name is Alina and I am 14 years old. I live in one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world, in Moscow. My parents and doctors, and they want to see me as a doctor in the future. We live in a three-room apartment on the outskirts of the city. My school is a short walk from our house, but my parents are taking the subway to work every day, except weekends and holidays. We have a beautiful country house in the suburbs. This is the area that surrounds Moscow. We usually conduct the output at this point. If we go by car, it takes us about two hours to get there. We all love the natural environment in the area. It’s just wonderful. Our country house is located near the lake and forest. In the fall, my parents often pick mushrooms and berries in the forest. I prefer summer weather. When it is warm enough, I swim in the lake, my friends who are also there for the weekend. Talking about the structure of our house, I should point out that this is a two-story brick building with lots of windows and front door. There are three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. There is a kitchen, dining room and living room downstairs. You can see the vast expanses of land behind the house. My parents are growing fruits and vegetables there. Every year, we have our own crop of potatoes, cabbage, apples and pears. When someone’s birthday, my father is doing barbecue, and we invite our friends and neighbors over. What I particularly like in our country house and the area where it is located, is a quiet atmosphere. There is no noise, no city traffic jam. This is one of the quietest and most beautiful places in the Moscow region.

  2. Let me introduce myself. My name is Alina and I am 14 years old. I live in one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world, in Moscow. My parents and doctors, and they want to see me as a doctor in the future. We live in a three-room apartment on the outskirts of the city. My school is a short walk from our house, but my parents are taking the subway to work every day, except weekends and holidays. We have a beautiful country house in the suburbs. This is the area that surrounds Moscow. We usually conduct the output at this point. If we go by car, it takes us about two hours to get there. We all love the natural environment in the area. It’s just wonderful. Our country house is located near the lake and forest. In the fall, my parents often pick mushrooms and berries in the forest. I prefer summer weather. When it is warm enough, I swim in the lake, my friends who are also there for the weekend. Talking about the structure of our house, I should point out that this is a two-story brick building with lots of windows and front door. There are three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. There is a kitchen, dining room and living room downstairs. You can see the vast expanses of land behind the house. My parents are growing fruits and vegetables there. Every year, we have our own crop of potatoes, cabbage, apples and pears. When someone’s birthday, my father is doing barbecue, and we invite our friends and neighbors over. What I particularly like in our country house and the area where it is located, is a quiet atmosphere. There is no noise, no city traffic jam. This is one of the quietest and most beautiful places in the Moscow region.

  3. Some of these sentences have mistakes. Correct them. Remember how articles with nouns in the function of apposition are used.
    1. The Dutch painter Rembrandt is considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time.
    2. The colonel Sanders developed the recipe for the fried chicken sold by Kentucky Fried Chicken.
    3. The president of France is going to speak to the parliament.
    4. He became the king after the death of his father.
    5. The President Franklin Roosevelt is the only American president to have served more than two terms.
    6. She got a job as personal secretary to the company chairman.
    7. He was elected the chairman of the education committee. 8. Head is busy at the moment. Could you call back a little later? 9. Johnson was made the President’s budget director.
    10. My dentist is called Doctor Steel.
    11. Jonathan Swift, who wrote Gulliver’s Travels, was the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral in Dublin.
    12. That was a terrible meal; I’m going to complain to the manager.
    Сравнив строение семян однодольных и двудольных растений,укажи отличия (семена ф??соли и пшеницы).
    2-Дольных растений.
    1-Дольных растений
    Сочинение на тему моё любимое место в оренбурге на английском
    Незнайка написал на одной карточке единицу, на двух — двойку, на трёх — тройку, на четырёх —
    на пяти — пятёрку, на шести — шестёрку и на семи карточках — семёрку. Из полученных 28 карточек он
    составил 14 двузначных чисел, которые перемножил. Результат он забыл, но потом рассказывал всем, что
    этот результат оканчивался то ли на 2010, то ли на 2012, то ли на 2016. На какие же четыре цифры
    оканчивался Незнайкин результат, если он не ошибся в подсчётах? (Все шестёрки Незнайка использовал как
    шестёрки, а не как девятки.)
    ?арулы, ?рекет, салма?ты с?здерінен 1 алып ??гіме ??ра. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!
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    Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в фоpму Past Continuous.
    While I ___________ (to copy) the exercise, my friends __________ (to describe) a picture.
    When we came in, the children __________ (to clean) their desks.
    We met her at the bus stop. She ___________ (to wait) for the bus.
    Some of the children ________ (to ski) while other children ___________ (to skate). Everybody __________ (to have) a lot of fun.
    When we came the family ________ (to get) everything ready for Christmas. Bob and Helen _________ (to decorate) the Christmas tree.
    The girls _________ (to feed) the birds in the garden while the boys _______ (to make) a bird-house.
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    Переведите с казахского на русский! Нужен точный перевод даю 50 баллов!!!
    ?аза? хал?ы асты ?те жо?ары ба?ала?ан ?рі ?астерлей білген. Ел-ж?рт жадында «ас-адамны? ар?ауы» деге ?а?ида ?алыптас?ан. Халы? асты ??рметтеу мен ба?алауды? жолын да, ж?н-жосы?ын да, оны д?мді етіп ?зірлеуді? ретін білген.
    ?аза? ел мен елді татуластыруды да, ?лкендерді ??рметтеуді де, ?здеріні? мырзалы?,?негелі ?асиеттерін білдіруді де ке? дастар?ан ар?ылы, я?ни ас, ?она?асы ар?ылы к?рсеткен.
    Жомарт ?рі ашы? ?олдыхал?ымызды? ізгі д?ст?рінде ?йге келген кісіге д?м татырмай жібермейтіні –?те жа?сы ??рып. ?аза? д?м татыруды досты?ты?,татулы?ты?,бірлікті? сара жолы деп т?сінген. Халы? ??ымында аста кепиет, ?асиет, ??дірет, кие бар деп т?сіндірілген
    /Какую из дробей 5/24, 7/12, 5/8, 5/6, 1/3 можно подставить вместо х чтобы было верно неравен??тво 23/48 меньше х меньше 37/48

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