Сочинение на тему my country

2 варианта

    I want to tell you about my country. Russia is the largest
    country in the world. It covers eastern part of Europe and
    northern part of Asia. Total area of Russia is about seventeen
    million square kilometres with the population of about 145
    million people.
    The official name of Russia is the Russian Federation. The
    colours of the national flag are white, blue and red. Russia’s
    state emblem is a double headed eagle. The country is a
    parliamentary republic, which means that the President is the
    Head of the state. The main law of the country is the
    Constitution. It guarantees the rights of the citizens.
    The country is washed by twelve seas and three oceans: the
    Pacific Ocean in the east, the Arctic Ocean in the north and the
    Atlantic Ocean in the west. Russia borders on many countries:
    China, Georgia, Finland, Norway, Byelorussia, Ukraine and
    others. The landscape of Russia is varied. There are highlands
    in the east, steppes in the south, plains and forests in the
    midland, the tundra and the taiga in the north.
    There are several mountain chains in my country, too: the Urals,
    the Caucasus, the Altai and others. The largest chain is the
    Urals which separates Russia’s European part from its Asian
    Russia is rich in rivers and lakes. The Volga which flows into
    the Caspian Sea is the longest river in Russia. Lake Baikal is
    the deepest lake in the world.
    There are different types of climate on the territory of Russia.
    It is very cold in the north, even in summer. In the central
    part of the country winters are usually cold, summers are very
    warm. The climate of Siberia is continental: summers are hot and
    dry, winters are very cold and snowy. In the south of Russia the
    temperature is usually above zero all year round, even in
    Russia is an industrial country. It has a lot of mineral
    resources: coal, natural gas and iron. There are a lot of large
    factories and plants all over the country. Russia is also an
    agricultural country. Russians plant corn, fruit and vegetables.
    Russia has a very rich history. It is an ancient country with a
    lot of historic places of interest, big cultural centres and
    small towns. There are a lot of museums, theatres, cinemas,
    libraries, restaurants and clubs in big Russian cities. Such
    cities are usually noisy with heavy traffic in the streets and
    are full of smoke.
    The capital of Russia is Moscow. Moscow is one of the biggest
    cities in Europe with the population more than ten million
    people. The second largest city in Russia is St. Petersburg.
    This is a city of numerous monuments, museums and art galleries.
    The city is on the Neva River.
    Russia is a great country with a great culture. I love my
    above zero [э’Ьлу’гюгэи] выше нуля
    be washed by [bt’wDft.bai] омываться
    cover [‘клуэ] зд. занимать
    double headed eagle [‘dAb^hedid’r.gl] двуглавый орел
    heavy traffic [hevi’toefik] интенсивное движение
    iron [‘агэп] железо
    law [lo:] закон
    mountain chain [‘mauntrn’tjein] цепь гор
    noisy [‘norzi] шумный
    numerous [‘njumaras] бесчисленный
    parliamentary [,ра:1э’теп1(э)п парламентская
    republic n’pAblik] республика
    plain [plein] равнина
    population [lpr)pjulleiJ(3)n] население
    state emblem [‘steit ’embbm] эмблема государства
    steppe [step] степь
    total area [^эии’еэпэ] общая площадь
    varied [Vaend] разнообразный
    1. Where is Russia situated?
    2. What is the total area of Russia and how many people live in
    the country?
    3. What is the official name of Russia?
    4. What can you say about Russian national flag and state
    5. Is Russia a monarchy? What is the main law of the country?
    Who is the head of the Russian Federation?
    6. How many seas and oceans is Russia washed by?
    7. What is Russian landscape like?
    8. Are there rivers and lakes in Russia? Can you name the
    biggest ones?
    9. What can you say about the climate of Russia?
    10. Is Russia an industrial country? Why (not)?
    11. What places of interest are there in the country?
    12. What is the capital of Russia?

  2. Проверочные слова к слову золотой
    Из пунктов а и Б расстояние между которыми равно 100 км одновременно в одном направлении выехали грузовик и кружево Павловская скорость грузовика равна 40 километров в час а скорость кожевой повозки 20 км час на сколько километров сократится расстояние между ними через 1 час 2 часа через сколько часов грузовик может догнать грушевую повозку
    Действительно ли Траян был наилучшим правителем? Какие факты истории подтверждают эту точку зрения ? Помогите пожалуйста.
    как проверить букву о в слове бодростью
    Чувство радости жизни, ярк… летн…утра охватывает меня.
    помогите пожалуйста что означает выражение вынужденный простой
    Составьте предложения со словосочетаниями :
    послушный щенок , драгоценный металл, трудолюбивый рабочий.
    Пожалуйста,очень срочно!!!
    В каком варианте ответа указаны все слова с Ь ?
    А. измаж…те,пахуч…,училищ…,заяч…ий хвост
    Б. подреж…те, стереч…,слышиш…,дрож…
    В. обнаруж…те, тягуч…,возле дач…,мощ…ный
    Г. намаж…ся,носил..щик,заяч..е, декабр…ский
    1) А,Б 2) Б,В 3) Б,Г 4) А,В
    Установите соответствие между научными открытиями и именами учёных, которыми эти открытия принадлежат. К каждой позиций первого столбца подберите соответствующую позицию второго и запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами
    Физические открытия
    а) закон о передачи давления жидкостями и газами
    б) впервые измерил атмосферное давление
    в) получил формулу для счёта выталкиваюшей силы
    1) Архимед
    2) Броун
    3) Торричелли
    4) Ньютон
    5) Паскаль

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