Сочинение на тему мои амбиции

3 варианта

  1. My ambitions.
    Our life is a really wonderful thing! It gives us a lot of wonderful moments and makes a lot of unbelievable opportunities!
    Just think about meetings with friends and ballroom dancing, playing musical instruments and studying foreign language, driving a car and drawing funny pictures. There are so many interesting and useful activities in the world, aren’t there. As for me, I want to know about everything and master a lot of skills.
    But time flies… What should we do to succeed?! I think it’s necessary to establish a clear goal, to know what results you are going to achieve and what actions you should take for it.
    Different people set different goals. It is not surprising because we are all different as well. Every person is aiming to become better in his profession, to reach the planned things, to fulfill his devout wish. A human being is the most wonderful creature in the world. He is able to make incredible things. He needed heat and therefore he could make a fire. He wanted to fly up in the sky and that’s why he invented a plane and even a rocket after thousand years of efforts.
    A goal is a backbone of our life. It is a peak of a mountain which we are going to conquer overcoming a lot of difficulties and hurdles. It is pursuing a goal what makes a person to be organized and resolute. Our life loses its meaning without a goal.
    My life is a great sequence of goals. Some of them will be achieved in a month or even tomorrow, others – the years later perhaps.
    The most cherished wishes get a status of a dream. In this case a dream and a goal become a unity. Dreams don’t come true at once as a rule. You need work hard to achieve it!
    I have my own dream! I’d like to make a cartoon about our class. I want everybody to know what true friends we are and what an important thing is to support each other in different situations. I have worked out an unusual plot: during an exciting adventure my classmates will meet some difficulties and challenges. And of course they will overcome them as heroes! Besides, all the characters will speak English. I think this fact will make them to study better!
    I have already done a lot to achieve my dream! I have learned how to use a video camera, have studied some cartoon software. Now I take some steps in filming: I edit a screenplay because I want a plot to become more intriguing and unpredictable and study English, of course.
    I am far from my dream yet but I am not going to give up! My dream is possible to achieve and I should move towards it step by step!
    Every person should have a certain goal because it brightens our life and inspires us greatly!
    Keep dreaming! Aspire! Create! Go ahead! Believe in your dream! You should know that dreams come true! Everything depends on you only! You are a man of spirit and you will succeed!!!
    Rabadanova Natalya, the 9th form.

  2. сочинение на тему мои стремления
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  3. Ответ оставил Гость
    My ambitions
    They say it is important to have ambitions. Ambitious people achieve higher levels of education, have more prestigious jobs and higher income. I believe an ambition is a person’s desire to achieve a goal through a process that demands hard work and determination.
    I have a few ambitions in my life and I know what I should do to fulfil them. My first ambition is to become a computer programmer. I have always been good at maths and my favourite school subjects are Algebra and Computer Science. Besides, I attend our school computer club. I also know that I need to know English well, so I try to practise it every day. My second life ambition is to have a close-knit family. I love my parents and I want my own family to be like ours. The third ambition is to be happy and live my life to the fullest. I think if I do something I enjoy every day, if I do something good for someone else, I will feel happy.
    I often think about these ambitions and it helps me to get my priorities right when I get lazy and don’t feel like working.
    Мои амбиции
    Говорят, что важно иметь амбиции. Амбициозные люди получают более хорошее образование, имеют более престижную работу и более высокий доход. Я считаю, что амбиция – это стремление человека достичь цели посредством усердной работы и целеустремлённости.
    У меня есть несколько амбиций в жизни, и я знаю, что я должен сделать, чтобы их реализовать. Моя первая амбиция – стать программистом. Я всегда был силен в математике, и мои любимые школьные предметы – это алгебра и информатика. Кроме того, я посещаю наш школьный компьютерный клуб. Я также знаю, что мне нужно хорошо знать английский, поэтому я стараюсь заниматься им каждый день. Моя вторая амбиция – иметь сплоченную семью. Я люблю своих родителей и хочу, чтобы моя семья была похожа на нашу. Третья цель – быть счастливым и жить полной жизнью. Я думаю, что если я буду делать то, что мне нравится, каждый день, если я что-то сделаю для кого-то другого, я буду чувствовать себя счастливым.
    Я часто думаю об этих амбициях, и это помогает мне правильно расставить приоритеты, когда я ленюсь и не хочу работать.

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