Сочинение по английскому на тему поход

7 вариантов

  1. A hiking trip is a useful and exciting way to spend a weekend. Such hikes require certain skills and abilities, especially if the route is chosen in the forest or in the mountains with an overnight stay. Physical preparation is also important, as it is necessary to walk the whole way all the way, and it’s very difficult to climb mountains. The most important thing in this kind of rest is the properly assembled equipment. Mountains and forests are wild places where various unexpected situations can be trapped, and you have to be prepared for them. If you are a beginner, it is desirable that there is a professional person who knows how to behave in such conditions and will always help in difficult times. Single tourism is not welcome, you should always go in groups.
    First of all, you need to choose practical outfits and comfortable shoes. It also requires a cap or bandana to prevent the scorching sun from baking its head, and sunglasses.
    Compulsory equipment of the tourist are: a backpack, a camping tent, special dishes, matches, a flashlight, a rope, a knife, an ax, a sleeping bag, mosquito repellent, a first-aid kit, a raincoat. In the case if you suddenly get lost, you must have a map of the terrain and a compass. Nights in the mountains and in the forest are usually very cold, so do not forget a pair of woolen socks, a warm sweater and pants.
    Collecting all the necessary things is only half the work. You need to be able to use them. To make a fire and set up a tent you need some time, so you have to advance to master these basic skills, in order not to have to spend precious minutes to study the instructions for the collection of tents. Camping food should be light, high-calorie, which is quickly prepared and takes up little space: tea, biscuits, crackers, canned food, semi-finished products. The campaign helps a person to test himself for endurance and learn about himself a lot of new things.
    Туристический поход – это полезный и увлекательный способ провести выходные. Такие походы требуют определённых навыков и умений, особенно если маршрут выбран в лес или в горы с ночевкой. Также важна физическая подготовка, так как всю дорогу нужно идти пешком, а в горы подниматься очень тяжело. Самое главное в таком виде отдыха – правильно собранное снаряжение. Горы и лес это дикие места, где могут подстерегать различные неожиданные ситуации, и к ним нужно быть готовыми. Если вы новичок, желательно чтобы присутствовал человек-профессионал, который знает как вести себя в таких условиях и всегда поможет в трудную минуту. Одиночный туризм не приветствуется, нужно всегда идти группами.
    Для начала необходимо выбрать практичную походную одежду и удобную обувь. Также требуется кепка или бандана, чтобы палящее солнце не напекло голову, и солнечные очки.
    Обязательное снаряжение туриста это: рюкзак, походная палатка, специальная посуда, спички, фонарик, веревка, нож, топор, спальник, средство от комаров, аптечка, дождевик. На случай если вы вдруг заблудитесь нужно обязательно иметь карту местности и компас. Ночи в горах и в лесу обычно очень холодные, поэтому нужно не забыть пару шерстяных носок, тёплый свитер и штаны.
    Собрать все необходимые вещи – это лишь пол дела. Нужно уметь ими пользоваться. Чтобы разжечь огонь и установить палатку понадобиться определённое время, поэтому нужно заранее овладеть этими основными навыками, чтобы не пришлось тратить драгоценные минуты на изучение инструкции по сбору палатки. Еду в поход желательно брать легкую, калорийную, которая быстро готовиться и занимает мало места: чай, печенье, сухари, консервы, полуфабрикаты. Поход помогает человеку проверить себя на выносливость и узнать о себе много нового.

  2. Напишите сочинение по английскому языку, на тему “Поход в лес” Не больше 10 предложений.


    Я очень люблю походы. На мой взгляд, это отличный источник удовольствия и польза для здоровья. Поход напоминает пешеходную экскурсию или кемпинг. Это длительная прогулка в сельской местности со случайными остановками. Многие люди ходят в походы ради удовольствия или поддержки физической формы. Время от времени нужно покидать переполненные города и совершать пешие прогулки. Свежий воздух оказывает общеукрепляющее действие на нашу психику. Вид огромных деревьев и зеленых кустарников, цветущих диких цветов и бегущих речушек, пение птиц – все это уносит нас вдаль от угнетающей ежедневной рутины.
    I like hiking a lot. In my opinion, it’s a great source of pleasure and health benefit. Hiking is very similar to a walking tour or camping. It is a long walk in the countryside with occasional stops. Most people go hiking for pleasure or physical fitness. It is important from time to time to leave crowded cities and go out for a walking tour. The open air has a bracing effect on our minds. The sight of huge trees and green bushes, blooming wild flowers and running streams, the birds’ singing – it all carries us away from the depressing daily routine.
    надеюсь я помогла)

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  4. Modern cities are full of various shops. There are clothes shops, antique shops, bookstores, beauty shops, pharmacies, gift shops, supermarkets, newspaper stands, stationery shops, etc. When I want to buy food and beverages, I go to the nearest supermarket. There is also one hypermarket not far from us, but to get there I need to take a mini-bus. To buy the rest of necessary products and household items, I go to the local mall. It’s a place where I can find all the shops I need. I can buy a new pair of shoes, a present for a friend, a new lipstick, medical supplies, a book or simply some pens and pencils there. When I want to buy some clothes and shoes I ask shop assistants for help. These qualified people are always there to give a wise advice. It has become easy to shop nowadays. I can even order all the necessary things online. It’s called online-shopping. But when it comes to clothes and shoes, I prefer to try them on at first, so online shopping is not for me. Things that I can order online include medical supplies, pizza and train tickets. Another reason, why I’d prefer to shop personally is the mere atmosphere of shopping. I like visiting the bakery round the corner and buying freshly-baked bread. I like going to the mall with my friends, because after some shopping we go to the cinema or to the cafeteria. Choosing a book or a present is almost a sacramental rite for me. I spend hours choosing such things, not because I’m indecisive, but simply because I like the atmosphere of bookstores and gift shops. I think that shops are useful and necessary in every city or town. And, for many people shopping is not just a need but a great pleasure.

  5. Впрошлые выходные мы ходили с родителями и классом в зоопарк. было просто замечательно. где-то в 10 утра мы собрались у зверинца. купили специальный корм, чтобы его обитателей. еще конечно взяли конфет, шариков и фотоаппарат – но это, конечно, уже для себя. и пройдя билетный контроль, отправились смотреть птиц. их было много, с разными окрасами, голосами и поведением. кто-то из них хищники, как ястребы и орлы, а кто-то вполне мирные и с удовольствие кушают хлеб. особенно мне запомнились розовые фламинго, которых словно облили гуашью – такие невероятные. потом были хищники за несколькими клетками. живые тигры, пантеры, медведи, рыси. дальше мы смотрели, наверное, самых общительных обитателей зоопарка – обезьян. они не только запросто общаются друг с другой и как будто потешаются над сородичами, но и смело тянут свои лапки-ручки ко всем посетителям. обезьянки хвастаются своей ловкостью и смекалкой. они такие наглые, что отобрали банан прямо из рук у моего одноклассника и тут же его слопали. смешно почти до колик. гуляя дальше по зоопарку, мы стали свидетелями викторины, где работники зоопарка задавали посетителям вопросы про животных. нам всем классом удалось ответить на наибольшее количество вопросов – и мы выиграли белого пушистого кролика, который теперь стал еще одним обитателем нашего живого уголка в школе. кролика мы назвали филькой, и теперь по очереди приносит ему лакомства из столовой и дома. еще несколько из класса катались на пони, мишку кузнецова большая бело-рыжая корова лизнула в щеку, в мне удалось погладить мягкую мордочку ламы. вот так прошел наш субботний день в зоопарке. перевод на last weekend we went with parents and class to the zoo. it was just wonderful. somewhere at 10 am we gathered at the zoo. bought a special food to pamper its inhabitants. of course, they took sweets, balls and a camera – but this, of course, already for themselves. and after passing the ticket control, they went to watch the birds. there were a lot of them, with different colors, voices and behavior. some of them are predators, like hawks and eagles, and some are quite peaceful and eat bread with pleasure. especially i remember the pink flamingos, which seemed to be doused with gouache – such incredible. then there were predators for several cells. live tigers, panthers, bears, lynxes. next we looked, probably, the most sociable inhabitants of the zoo – monkeys. they not only easily communicate with each other and seem to be amused over their relatives, but also bravely pull their paws-pens to all visitors. monkeys show off their cleverness and ingenuity. they are so arrogant that they took the banana out of the hands of my classmate and immediately got him killed. funny almost to the point of colic. walking further along the zoo, we witnessed a quiz, where zoo workers asked visitors questions about animals. the whole class managed to answer the greatest number of questions – and we won a white fluffy rabbit, which now became another inhabitant of our living corner in the school. we called the rabbit filka, and now in turn brings him delicacies from the dining room and at home. a few more guys from the class were riding a pony, mishka kuznetsova, a large white-red-haired cow licked her cheek, i managed to stroke the soft muzzle of a lama. this is how our sabbath passed at the zoo.

  6. Напишите сочинение на английском на тему поход в магазин одежды


    Modern cities are full of various shops. There are clothes shops, antique shops, bookstores, beauty shops, pharmacies, gift shops, supermarkets, newspaper stands, stationery shops, etc. When I want to buy food and beverages, I go to the nearest supermarket. There is also one hypermarket not far from us, but to get there I need to take a mini-bus. To buy the rest of necessary products and household items, I go to the local mall. It’s a place where I can find all the shops I need. I can buy a new pair of shoes, a present for a friend, a new lipstick, medical supplies, a book or simply some pens and pencils there. When I want to buy some clothes and shoes I ask shop assistants for help. These qualified people are always there to give a wise advice. It has become easy to shop nowadays. I can even order all the necessary things online. It’s called online-shopping. But when it comes to clothes and shoes, I prefer to try them on at first, so online shopping is not for me. Things that I can order online include medical supplies, pizza and train tickets. Another reason, why I’d prefer to shop personally is the mere atmosphere of shopping. I like visiting the bakery round the corner and buying freshly-baked bread. I like going to the mall with my friends, because after some shopping we go to the cinema or to the cafeteria. Choosing a book or a present is almost a sacramental rite for me. I spend hours choosing such things, not because I’m indecisive, but simply because I like the atmosphere of bookstores and gift shops. I think that shops are useful and necessary in every city or town. And, for many people shopping is not just a need but a great pleasure.

  7. Ребята помогите!Надо сочинение по английскому написать.На тему:поход в театр!!!!!


    There are not many theatres in my town, but they are all very popular with the public. I am a theatre lover, too. As for me, I prefer drama to all other theatres, but I also like opera and musical comedy. I’ll never forget my first visit to the Opera and Ballet Theatre. My friend and I wanted to see the famous ballet “Swan Lake” by Tchaikovskyi. We bought the tickets in advance and came to the theatre half an hour before the show. At 7 sharp the performance began. From the very first minute I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage. The costumes were fine. The dancing and music were thrilling. The ballet seemed to me a fairy-tale. I had never seen anything more wonderful. My friend also enjoyed every minute of it. When the curtain fell at the end of the performance, there came a storm of applause. It seemed that it would never end. The dancers received call after call. They were presented with large bouquets of flowers. We also applauded enthusiastically. The performance was a great success. Перевод: В моем городе не так много театров, но все они очень популярны среди населения. Я тоже любитель театра. Что касается меня, я предпочитаю драматический всем другим театрам, но я также люблю оперу и музыкальную комедию. Я никогда не забуду мой первый визит в Театр оперы и балета. Мой друг и я хотели посмотреть знаменитый балет Чайковского “Лебединое озеро”. Мы купили билеты заранее, и пришли в театр за полчаса до шоу. Ровно в 7 началось представление. С первой же минуты я был глубоко впечатлен всем, что видел на сцене. Костюмы были хороши. Танцы и музыка были захватывающими. Балет показался мне сказкой. Я никогда не видел ничего прекраснее. Мой друг и я наслаждались каждой минутой. Когда занавес опустился в конце спектакля, раздался взрыв аплодисментов. Казалось, что этому не будет конца. Танцоров вызывали снова и снова. Им подарили большие букеты цветов. Мы также аплодировали с энтузиазмом. Спектакль имел большой успех.
    Once their parents gathered at the theater. This visit was organized dad, he was always not indifferent to the theatre. We used to argue about who will wear, what to drive, what to take, and so on. These charges us a little exhausted. but dad told me that the theatre is his dream, in the childhood he never missed a single performance. mother was with him agreed and we went. in the foyer was dazzlingly bright and beautiful, we were surrounded by very smart men and their companions, they were all in anticipation of something unusual and smiled. In the theater I was first, and I was here all surprised. Yet it was all so wonderful. The bell rang, then another. The show began. Room was quiet and I hear the ticking of the mother’s of hours. the actors were so important and courteous, they amused the audience, spoke different replica hall and laughed. It was a Comedy. Dad was beaming with joy. Mom smiled, and sometimes looked at me. I liked the performance, this cosy and a great room, cushioned Seating, and the public. And the actors, their skills were at the highest level. When the Comedy is over, everyone rose in unison and applauded the group. The performance was a success! In the evening we still for a long time it was discussed and fell asleep just after midnight, happy and fulfilled.

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